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  • Yes it is an anime with a lot of cars in it BUT don't get fooled by that (especially if you are a person who doesn't care much about cars, drives Vauxhall or likes) and give this anime a try. If you watched Death Note, Shingeki no Kyojin, Psycho Pass, Silver Spoon and other anime like them you will probably like Initial D. Only connection with before mentioned anime is originality, and that should be enough to give it a try.

    Initial D has funny, interesting and original storyline with specific soundtrack that will change your perspective on cars, and make you wanna own some of the cars that are shown in the series. Also series are full of interesting trivia. Most valuable thing about Initial D is that petrol-heads will love it, but it is not exclusive for them, so they can share and watch it with non petrol-heads friends :D

    Negative side, part of the animation that is in "3D"

    p.s. Just in case you are in dilemma: don't watch English dubbed version, watch original in Japanese language
  • What an amazing Anime, Great characters, great story, great voice talents and completely unique animation blending 2D and 3D elements; it's really neat. "Initial D : First stage" is everything that a first season should be, it introduces all the main characters, you watch the main character Takumi develop as the season progresses. the racing is obviously a highlight, using the aforementioned 3D animation, the fast paced movement, the heavy hum of the engines, the pulsing euro-beats in the back ground, IT'S TO DIE FOR! This is one great Anime, whether or not you like cars or even Anime in general, it's worth it just for the story and the memes. but nothing is perfect, so It's still getting 9 out of 10 stars.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    IMO This anime had great potential, but imo it needs a graphics / art overhaul. Comparing this anime to some of the old animes like DBZ or Naruto which continued to improve their art overtime, you can see it. Whereas Initial D's art becomes stale as I felt the artist got lazy and decided not to improve on the overall graphic quality of the manga / anime. The original is a good standard to set, but comparing it to today's anime / art, it's just not appealing and won't cut it.

    Story Telling: 7/10

    The story telling is amazing. The plot pace moves along well when it comes the main character and his car racing days. The character develops very quickly when it comes to the art of racing with his innate talent for it. However when it comes to expressing how the the character feels, I feel like he's matured very slowly in learning how to express himself.

    One of the biggest issues I have with this manga/anime and multiple mangas/anime are when romance is introduced. The story focuses more heavily on action, but drops the romance in very suddenly and left hanging from time to time. I feel like there is a lack of balance and development in that area. I feel like there are 2 options when it comes to the romance department and that's to either go in-depth and not half-ass it, or to entirely not even put it in there. It's basically like Naruto where Hinata tells Naruto she loves him out of nowhere, and then many chapters or episodes later, not even mention it.

    I consider Initial D to have great potential to be a well known classic like Spirited Away, Totoro, or Kotachi no koe with balanced elements of storytelling, soundtracks, and animation.

    TLDR: Romance department is seriously lacking, character development on how he expresses himself can immensely improve.

    Soundtrack: 10/10

    I really can't complain much about the soundtrack. I think it's amazing and fits the theme of the anime well, it compliments the story, but the art doesn't do it as much justice as it could have.

    Art: 5/10

    My issue is that the art becomes stale. There are no improvements and quality stream hasn't improved much despite being a huge fan of the manga. I feel like a movie or anime is like a puzzle. You need all the right pieces of the puzzle for it to fit together. If the art continued to improve overtime, I'd be very happy for it to do the soundtrack and storytelling justice. I just felt like the artist got lazy and did not bother while being stubborn with its style.

    If you're selling this anime to the older generation, it's considered a classic. I understand where they're coming from as I was born in the 90's as well going for game design and CG programming. If I were to advertise this anime to the audiences of newer generations, it won't be as appealing compared to the likes of Sword Art Online (1st Half of Season 1) or Fate Stay: Unlimited Blade Works where the art, music, and storytelling is stunning.

    If Initial D is looking to become a known classic, I really feel like a reboot would really do the anime justice if the romance is taken out or rewritten and also better character development. Art is outdated and won't appeal to newer audiences. It's been almost 2 decades. Even Detective Conan, which is a year older, looks a lot better visually.
  • "Initial D: First Stage," which first aired in Japan in 1998, is a consistently exciting and compelling anime series based on Shuichi Shigeno's popular manga (comic book) about downhill mountain road racing in Japan's Gunma Prefecture. The protagonist is high school boy Takumi who, unbeknownst to his classmates and buddies at the gas station where he works, has been honing his downhill driving skills for the past five years by speeding up and down Mt. Akina making early morning deliveries for his father's tofu shop. When Takumi just matter-of-factly beats an area road racing star on an impromptu downhill race, he finds himself thrust, somewhat reluctantly, into the world of "touge" (mountain) racing and the various teams from neighboring mountains. His close buddies, Iketani and Itsuki, who are tied to the local Akina Speed Stars, are stunned to learn of Takumi's secret skills and are somewhat infuriated by his nonchalant attitude. Takumi's single father, once a downhill champ himself, has made a point of nurturing this attitude by guiding his son, not by example or instruction, but by letting him find his own way.

    Once the secret is out, as quick as you can say, "Draw!," Takumi finds himself challenged by an increasingly sophisticated group of rivals and also finds himself attracting the attentions of Natsuki, a girl at school who has secretly been involved in a bit of "subsidized dating" with an older man. Much attention in this series is paid to the characters, their development, and their sometimes turbulent interaction with each other. We care for these kids because, quite simply, they're believable human beings.

    The look of the series draws closely on that of the manga with somewhat simple, almost cartoonish (but surprisingly effective) design for the characters, created in 2-D animation, contrasting noticeably with the technically detailed look of the cars and races, which are recreated with 3-D CGI for the anime. While the integration of 2-D and 3-D is somewhat awkward in the early episodes, it improves greatly as the series progresses. The character design gets better also, with more detailed, expressive facial features becoming quite evident by the fifth volume in the series (eps. 16-18).

    The races are edited and designed with great skill and thought. These sequences are genuinely exciting even to those of us who never followed any kind of auto racing outside of "Speed Racer" and action movie car chases. And, besides, the technical aspects of this form of racing, particularly the all-important practice of "drifting," are adequately spelled out for novices--to the point where the series might even be called educational.

    The music track deserves singling out for its lively collection of pulsating, catchy songs in the "Eurobeat" style popular in Japan (a mix of rock, hip hop, and techno). The songs come into play in the opening and closing credit sequences and during the racing sequences (where they work perfectly). The instrumental tracks during the quieter scenes are expertly done as well. (Warning: the English dubbed tracks on the U.S. DVD releases have completely new music soundtracks. Stick with the "Classic" version option.)

    As anime series go, at least for fans in the U.S., this one is quite unlike any other this reviewer has come across in the U.S. (after a decade of reviewing anime) and has proved to be among the most rewarding. This review covers the first season (First Stage), which was followed by a second series (Second Stage), a movie (Third Stage), and yet a third series (Fourth Stage). There are also video games based on the series. Let's hope it all continues.
  • Vladboi24 August 2020
    If you like jdm cars and anime then this is the perfect anime for you
  • I started this series years ago with my brothers and I mean all of them. My oldest brother would come by the house every time a new DVD would be available. We all started this show like right when it hit the American market. So glad we did!! I remember waiting in sun coast videos waiting for my pre order when these dropped.

    The story is great, at the character are interesting and the story evolves. Any anime fan should give this a chance if you haven't yet. It is definitely worth a watch and you will rewatch it so many times as well.
  • ketankulkarniv31 August 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    Rage your "D" ream! There are inconsistencies in the animations of the characters but regardless the show is a classic & not giving it the stars it deserves would be wrong. I definitely learned a few things from this show & although I'm not a huge automobile enthusiast, I still enjoyed the show. One of the few animes that I actually enjoyed.
  • This show takes place in a more rural area which has a very popular street racing culture. This isn't an ordinary bunch of guys who like cars, these guys very knowledgeable when it comes to cars and racing. YOU KNOW the directors or some people who made the show has lived that Street Racing lifestyle because it is depicted dead on. It is a little old but the fundamentals and ideas are all the same and you'll learn a thing or two.

    After watching this show and already being into cars (I own a DSM Eclipse but drives a DC5 Base model) I can't even get behind the wheel of my car at night without wanting to get into a street race. This show has also fueled my love of old street racing cars like the FC3S and others.

  • It's the story of a high school student, Takumi Fujiwara who works as a delivery boy in his father's Tofu Shop. Every morning he makes his deliveries, in his father's Ae86 ( Toyota Corolla ) passing through Mt. Akina's full of hairpins track. In the process of making his deliveries, he becomes a skilled driver and Mt. Akina his turf. Those who see him call him the ghost of Akina. When racers from other regions make an expedition to Mt. Akina, they come to know about this ghost. The Racers start to challenge Takumi and how he deals with each challenge and in the process becomes a legend is what Initial D is about.

    Visuals/Graphics: 10/10

    Apart from the races it's just like what you'd expect an anime to be. The races have been done in 3D which really adds to the thrill. With each and every season the graphics have gotten better, stage Four being the best.

    Story: 9/10

    The story is simply about the journey of Takumi from an ordinary High school kid to a legendary street racer and how he meets other racers who help him achieve it in the process.

    Screenplay: 9/10

    There are a few flashbacks but apart from that the anime proceeds in one direction only. Nothing unnecessary has been done, making it an easy to watch experience.

    Initial D is a must watch, even if you're not an anime freak. You don't have to be ! It's much better than the Fast 'n Furious movie series, where they pull off stunts defying the laws of physics. This anime actually bothers to explain how the machines are working. Trust me, if you watch this you wouldn't be disappointed. The best thing is it has also been dubbed in English so you won't have to stress reading subtitles.

    Overall: It's a 10/10. Watch it !
  • I like the series ever since I was a freshman at college. Students involved in anime stuff brought different series every week to my college's student center, and one evening I was studying for some exam until I heard some J-pop music; then I peeked at the big screen there and saw some anime figures and then a super-realistic image of a 1983 Toyota Corolla GTS liftback. I thought to myself: What is this thing about? Then I saw further into the series and saw drifting cars. But the most outstanding thing was that the cars appeared photo-realistic, when I then realizes they were relying on 3D graphics to simulate the cars. That's what got me into Initial D. I attempted to rent it at my nearest Blockbuster but found it always missing (or rented out), so I never got a chance to rent it on my own until I went to Dallas TX on some coop practice and subscribed to Netflix. Then I really got my chance to rent Initial D.

    But then I discovered an awful thing: The English dub by Tokyopop got rid of the series' Eurobeat-style music by m.o.v.e and instead inserted its own local crappy hip-hop by some unknown DJ Milky with no known album on the market. Solution: Whenever you start playing any episode, set it to Japanese audio to listen to m.o.v.e's awesome opening; then when the opening's over, switch back to English if you want to listen to the dialogs without having to read subtitles. Then when the episode's over and the credits are about to start rolling, switch again to Japanese to listen to m.o.v.e (eps 1-13) or Galla (14-26), then back to English to listen the next ep's preview, then repeat the same cycle for the next episode(s).
  • This movie doesn't have an amazing story, or characters. In fact it doesn't have anything but aesthetics. It sounds, looks, and feels like an amazing and fun show to watch. Despite giving it a 6/10, I would still recommend everyone to watch at least 10-20 episodes of this show.
  • It's a bit strange being a car freak and NOT having seen much of Initial D until recently. Still, I already knew quite a lot of it, thanks to the manga issues I scrounged up. Really amazing what one can achieve with my old car. That's right, I've been a lucky sod who drove a "Hachi-Roku". The car was a Red and Black Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86, badged as Corolla GT-S. I acquired it in Belgium. Actually, I was looking fer the Sedan version, which was quite common there. But I just HAD to try out that little souped up hatchback and I was won over immediately. As I live in a region with a lot of twisty backroads and hills, (alas, no mountain pass here :( ) I had a lot of fun with it for a few years. Then a friend came over with a tape he bought (yes we're talking nineties here folks) "Isn't that your car?" he said, while showing me a vicious race between a Honda Civic (beg ya pardon, an EG6) and Takumi's AE86. The CGI action, the races, the music by M.o.v.e. All excellent! "Then how could you be so stupid and FORGET ALL ABOUT IT!?" Itsuki would ask in his overacting voice. I really don't know that. But after I coïncidentially saw the reasonable Chinese live-adaptation, I decided ter go look for it again. As with Zipang, one of my other favorite Manga/Anime's, I got lucky: I found First, Second and Extra Stage in Japanese language with English subs and that fantastic Eurobeat soundtrack. I'm still looking for the rest, which is a bit harder, because I'm trying to avoid all the dub overs with those slipshod hip-hop-songs DJ Milkyway (or something' like it ) cooked up. It might be a bit older now, but First Stage is still a lot better then all the F&F movies together.

    Oh, and what did I do with my "Hachi-Roku?" After 5 years of service it was traded for a black front-wheel driven Corolla AE92 GTS, which also was a lot of fun, but I'll always have fond memories of that little red and black hatchback. Even now, while I drive a MINI Cooper.
  • The show is poorly animated and most of it's budget looked like it was spent only on the CG. I have seen better animation in Hentai that was released earlier than this show. I only enjoy the show for the memes and the music from Eurobeat. The only two things that make the show worth watching. Making fun of this show is fun because all of the memes that originated from this show. Basically the entire show is Shifting Gears and Drifting. The only good quotable line has to be "The setup point is in the next five consecutive hairpin curves!" I have personally made poorly created fan art to represent the poor quality in this anime. Would recommend to others.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In the Anime, 17 year old Takumi Fujiwara has to race against 6 opponents. Akina is where it happens. I started watching the anime in 9th grade. 2 episodes a month. 26 episodes. I like The story, the epic races, the incredibly well made arcade games (which I have one of them on the PSP), the use of eurobeat, etc. Most eurobeat (including Seventies) is not tied to Initial D, if you didn't know. But this is the BEST ANIME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • It's feels just like the Fast and the Furious movies, it's an Anime Fast and the Furious, and Initial D compared to the Fast and the Furious, it's fun for All Ages.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Initial D(1998 - 2014), an anime TV series about street racing, originated from the manga from the same title, is about a boy named Takumi Fujiwara who initially was an everyday tofu delivery driver for his father. He finds himself on unexpected turns(pun intended) and journey to become the best street racer after being introduced to the world of underground racing through his early morning deliveries.

    The series consisted of six main seasons (called "stages") of Takumi's journeys, and each stage has their own core storyline. For the first stage, it's about how Takumi became a street racer while also showing his life as a high school boy, the second stage focuses more on the races, his racing skill improvements, and some intense drama. The third stage takes a unique approach, from being a TV series season to a movie. This stage is the stage that determines Takumi's future to the world of racing. The fourth, fifth and the final stage are about finding the purpose behind the Takumi's team, and eventually ending the series. For the first few stages, the animation and 3D models for cars are not as good, understandably being produced in the nineties. Despite that, the races still feel exciting and heart-grabbing every time. But the changes in art style throughout the stages may throw some people off. Some of the characters got their looks changed from the first stage into the second stage, for example Takahashi Keisuke, a friendly rival of Takumi. But one of the most praised elements of the series has got to be the soundtrack. Since the first stage, Initial D's Eurobeat has delivered a more thrilling experience to the races. Eurobeat is characterized by its rapid tempos and catchy rhythms, and acts as the perfect counterpart to the races that take place on the mountains. The engine sounds and background noises are well-made as well. The silent night in the mountains with some animal noises, broken by the roar of car engines screaming. And these engine sounds were particularly impressive because of their accuracy that closely resembles the cars used in the show. The anime isn't all about cars and racing either, in five main stages, we get to see Takumi bonding with other characters whether they be former rivals or friends. Despite his shy personality, he got a lot of friends because of his humbleness and skills. There were also romances and heartbreaks in the series, which creates stronger character backgrounds and passion behind the wheel.

    In conclusion, Initial D is one of, if not, the best racing anime there ever is and ever will. Initial D is not just about mindless racing. It's about the passion to cars, friendship, heartbreaks, fails, successes and being the best. The Eurobeat soundtrack enhances the thrill in every race. Along with the nostalgic, retro art in the early stages, to the sharp, crisp, and beautiful animation in the last stages. It's a great anime for watchers who want good stories, but even greater for the gearheads.
  • jasoncrespo-5627629 October 2023
    Every episode kept me on edge, the way the show presented situations and how the main character Takumi took on every challenge was pure hype. Now a lot of the episodes were just setting up the races and raising the stakes. Sometimes they felt really long and boring, sometimes they were enjoyable. The races were always enjoyable to watch because of it though so no regrets.

    In a way you could say the show is predictable but even then it's more so about the emotions of the characters when they're about to race or as they're racing.

    I liked the selection of cars, all of the characters' personalities, everything was pretty cool in my opinion. And you can't forget about the EUROBEAT, the whole reason why I even knew about this show was through the EUROBEAT. The way the music is implemented is perfect. They did a good job with that.
  • I know it was the late 90s and the early days of CGI but my god, it just looked literally terrible . The cars looked like hot wheels toys on drugs rather then them looking like real 90s cars! I would've continued on watching more of the anime without hesitation, if the animation wasn't so distasteful and blinding enough. Instead of watching the whole anime, I played all of its pumped up music on YouTube and had them on full blast! Man they were effing lit, I LOVE listening to them!

    I want to give a shoutout to the great Bongo Cat meme for playing "Deja Vu" and made me watch this classic anime! Even if I'm not fan of it, I'm glad to give it a try regardless!
  • It displays quite a few of the aspects that make anime in general bad.

    Essentially it's the same as most other action animes of the 80's or 90's. This time it's about a high school student who's good at driving cars and uses that skill to win street races.

    Why does anime bore me? In short, because it's a collection of tropes. I guess they have to crank them out so fast that they can't develop original plot devices:

    1) The Secret Kung Fu Master Monk Trope: I think this trope originated in Kung Fu movies or perhaps the cinema of some other Asian country. It was brought to the US by the Karate Kid (1984) if I'm not mistaken (wax on, wax off!).

    In short, someone becomes very good at some skill by doing seemingly unrelated drills in a quirky way. In the case of Initial D, the guy delivers tofu in his father's car and isn't supposed to let a cup of water spill. It's unrealistic, but what bothers me about it is that it's become a cliché. Pass.

    2. The Dragonball Z Trope: The plot is the same formulaic pattern that started perhaps with Fist of the North Star but was populated by Dragonball Z.

    Viz: Bad-mannered/evil and skilled antagonist is built up to be really great and infamous, then the invincible protagonist goes against him. Invincible protagonist at first looks like he's going to lose but easily wins at the last second.

    EVERY... TIME.

    How many times can you milk this cycle before people start catching on?

    3. Stereotypical characters: The main character is the stereotypical anime hero. He's nonchallant and humble but great things keep falling into his lap. Of course he's too cool to care. He's also invincible in racing. Where's the drama? You always know he's going to win and exactly how.

    The only thing that saves this anime from being unwatchable tripe is that the romance scenes. The protagonist's romantic interest is in an interesting situation with an older man. Also seeing the romantic missteps of the main character's awkward friends who come close to getting girlfriends but them fumble the ball hard is pretty entertaining.

    Ohh, wait, and one more point for the music. I've known the music so long that I forgot this franchise single-handedly revived Eurobeat/Italo Disco. Yeah, it was worth making for the music, if nothing else. Eurobeat is one of the greatest musical genres of all time.

    Honourable Mentions: Cowboy Bebop (1998) - a marginally less trite anime because the characters usually end up getting disappointed at the end of the episode. Still not as fresh or great as the creators (and most viewers) think though.