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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The concept of 'immaturity' is one that is often seen in various aspects of Japanese culture, with 'kawaii' mascots for everything, the nature of relationships and extensive use of high school imagery in popular culture. One area of Japanese culture where you'll regularly find all three of these examples is in manga and anime.

    'Cromartie High School' is a new millennium manga-turned-anime that unashamedly presents itself as a parody of typical high school manga/anime, embracing the hyperbolic delinquent nature of its characters and scenarios; and in doing so takes an ironic look at the immature nature of many series.

    Takashi Kamiyama is a new student at Cromartie High School, a fact that he states at the start of each episode of the anime. A seemingly ordinary and weedy student, it is strange that he has transferred to the all boys' school of delinquent fighters that is Cromartie. The other students also notice this fact and foolishly believe that this new student is the toughest kid in the school, as why else would he transfer there?! What follows is a serialised string of repetitive jokes and scenarios across twenty-six mini episodes, as the students of Cromartie and their rival schools come to terms with reality.

    All the characters in Cromartie are sixteen years of age, not that their appearance would suggest it. When each first appears on screen each episode, their name and age is shown, as if to remind you that these are just teenagers. Their older, 'tough guy' looks suggest serious and violent story lines, however, all story lines are magnificently infantile. The parody is clear: with so much manga and anime using juvenile characters to tackle overwhelmingly serious situations, here seemingly mature and violent types deal with the trivial, mundane and immature.

    These are 'teenagers' dealing with everyday, trivial dilemmas, that aren't exactly life-threatening, despite how the characters may describe them. This role reversal from typical manga and anime add a surrealist comedy element and paradoxically make it a more mature viewing experience.

    These dilemmas include resident tough guy Yutaka Takenouchi finding himself in various scenarios where his travel sickness is exposed; rival school leader Noboru Yamanouchi fretting over finding the perfect joke to send into radio shows to be read out; and the delightfully obscure episode where Hayashida hears Mechazawa humming a tune, but can't recall which song it is from, leading to an endless struggle for the entire school to name that tune.

    The character Mechazawa himself is a further example of the surreal comedy: a robot, but no one wants to say it out loud, and so everyone just gets on with this obscurity. The class also includes a silent Freddie Mercury and a gorilla. There are also references to various music and films throughout as well, the manga and DVD covers parodying various famous images, namely those of Queen.

    Stylistically, the anime is quite budget. There is very little in the way of actual animation; the characters often speaking in front of blank backgrounds and repetitive shots used. The short length of episodes also suggest a limited budget. All this makes it feel like watching a manga, with the focus very much on content over style, further suggesting Cromartie as a more mature manga/anime.

    The truth is there is a lot of underlying immaturity in manga and anime, and the humour of 'Cromartie High School' is very much immature in nature. Though here it is done ironically, parodying the serious scenarios the school children of other series face. With Cromartie, immaturity is something to be embraced.
  • This anime certainly is a one-of-a-kind in the world of comedy, a really witty comedy anime involving high school delinquents.

    There's no certain story nor the narration is linear, but the series revolves around the main character Takashi Kamiyama who joined a high school named Cromartie High School which is a den for the Tokyo delinquents. Kamiyama who's a decent guy adapts to be in the atmosphere of the delinquents by actually being himself. The series is about the routine of the delinquents in Cromartie High school which involves many bizarre characters. Cromartie has many rival schools with whom they fight a lot like a real gangsta novel, which is too hilarious and well put.

    The direction is good and the timing of the delivery of the lines is just perfect, the production is on a low budget, the voice acting is very good and every character was just too funny. Each episode is about 12 min long, it is a parody series all in all. I really loved the comedy aspect of the series as one character puts out, the comedy is entirely made on situations and the perspectives of the characters, not on the premature adult jokes. The anime is flat-out funny, recommended to the comedy-loving peeps.
  • First of all, for as many anime parody series as there are in existence, nothing even comes CLOSE to the wackiness factor of Cromartie High School. Absolutely nothing. For those anime fans with no sense of humor whatsoever, avoid this show like the plague, because it's very likely that you just won't appreciate it. You have been warned.

    If you do have a healthy sense of humor, though, read on.

    Take one serious high-grades high-schooler from out of the respectable school system and throw him into a school full of delinquents, robots, gorillas and aged rock stars. And that doesn't even scratch the surface of what you're about to get yourself into. Cromartie High School is quite possibly the funniest show, never mind the fact that it's anime, that I've seen since Monty Python's Flying Circus. Clocking in at an average of ten minutes per episode, this would be a perfect fit for the Adult Swim block on Cartoon Network, but alas, you'll only find it on the very exclusive Anime Network (how many cities carry the actual network? Two!?) and their On-Demand service. As far as I know, there are three (soon to be four) DVDs on sale from ADV Films, each carrying an average of eight episodes per disc. But I'm straying from the point...

    The point I'm trying to make is that this show is flat-out hilarious. Imagine if you will: A punk sporting a mohawk with a mind of its own. A smart-mouthed robot that looks like an over-sized coffee can. A blonde-haired student whose mom you'll swear is a guy. An intelligent giant gorilla. An enigmatic Mexican-style masked wrestler. A scary-looking bear of a man whose only weakness is motion sickness. And to top it all off...Freddie Mercury. That's right, the guy from Queen, all the way down to the mustache, suspenders, bare chest and killer theme music. It's all about the ten-minute adventures they go on, often with disastrous results. Intrigued yet? To be honest, I didn't know what to think when I first started watching this show. I did, however, find myself laughing uncontrollably during around the 3-minute mark, and it kept up the pace for the full 10. Any anime that opens up with a disclaimer has to be good, or maybe that's just my opinion. I get so happy to see it On-Demand when the new episodes come on that I start to hum along with the theme song. Seriously, after watching 3 episodes I started to laugh at key points in the show's opening song/montage/what-have-you. It's just that infectious.

    The show itself takes its visual style from old Shonen anime and manga from the 80's, with high school gangs fighting for turf and respect. Everyone looks older and more mature than they really are, and there are more than a few instances that you'll be reminded that all of the characters are supposedly 16 year-olds. It takes repeated potshots at the very pillars of time-honored anime stylings, such as using limited frames of animation for movement or very static backgrounds with an explosion-of-light-like effect to punctuate a character's serious sounding line. After those pillars give, the mighty structure crumbles into rubble, leaving only dust and rocks. Most parody series would build it back up in it's own whacked-out image, but Cromartie just pees all over the remains, laughing all the while. And you'll be laughing right along with them, guaranteed.
  • Had no clue what was going to happen before I saw it aside from the description on the box. This is not everyone's cup of tea but I enjoyed it immensely. Think of "Space Ghost: Coast to Coast" mixed up with "Fooly Coolly". The whole production is very cheap, not as cheap as the average Adult Swim offering but cheap enough. The characters actually complain about it! Lots of strange animation. Lots of Japanese humor that you'll need to research the extras to understand. The characters are drawn as if there are in their 20s and 30s so captions constantly remind us that they are really 16 years old. Each episode lasts about 10 minutes and essentially nothing happens.

    One episode revolves around the gang trying to get to a street fight by cab. The main action is that the toughest guy is secretly car sick and ashamed to admit it. It's very funny for the ten minutes.

    Very, very recommended.
  • J_Frank_Parnell18 December 2021
    Cromartie is an aburdist, short-form comedy (roughly 10min episodes) which parodies of the Japanese 'Juvenile Delinquent' genre, that was extremely popular in Japan, in the 80s and 90s- in anime and manga, as well as live-action TV and gloriously cheesy, cheap b-movies.

    If you ARE a fan of the JD genre (stuff like Sukeban Deko, Yu Yu Hakusho, Baki the Grappler, Initial D, GTO, or even Stardust Crusaders-era Jojo) you should enjoy this series, but you don't really have to know the genre, to appreciate the glorious, played-completely-straight absurdism of Cromartie.

    It's hard to describe Cromartie; Other reviewers have mentioned britsh comedies like Monty Python, and although Cromartie has some huge differences, being a satire, set in High School for delinquent teenage boys, the overall style and quality IS comparable (which isn't a comparison I'd make lightly. Monty Python are some big shoes to fill). The Mighty Boosh and The Young Ones also have similar appeal.

    It can be very hard to pull off this kind of absurdist comedy, without lapsing into forced, painful-to-watch, "lol so random" cringe. But Cromartie does it beautifully.

    I've seen literally hundreds of anime series' (sad, I know), much of it goddam terrible, especially comedies, which can be hard to translate, across cultures- But Cromartie is in my all-time top 10, and has as much re-watch value as classsics like Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, or Evangelion.

    Different people like different humour, but Cromartie is a solid 10/10, in my book (and I score shows pretty harshly)

    Also, Cromartie has arguably THE greatest opening theme music, in all of anime... (well, on par with Bebop's... and Eva's.... and Space Battleship Yamato's... and Science Ninja Team Gatchaman...)
  • This show is so goddamn funny and clever that it saddens me that more people haven't seen it. I would highly recommend watching it because its really good. The only reason why you shouldn't watch it is if you are somehow not a fan of comedy.

    Visuals - This show has what would technically be considered bad animation. Instead of actually walking across the screen or face each other when talking, characters slide and bounce across the screen and character models are enlarged to show who is talking. Though this may seem somewhat lazy in something else, here it just adds to the comedy. Think about it, if the producers of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" could have afforded a real horse for the movie, imagine how many brilliant jokes would've been lost. The bizarre backgrounds and jerky movements just add to the show's hilarity. Ignoring the "poor" animation, the character designs and sets themselves are all actually pretty good. Everyone from the human characters to the gorilla to the robot has an interesting and unique character designs. Like I said, the places where the people are bouncing across the screen in hilarious mockeries of walk-and-talks are well-drawn.

    Sounds - I don't speak Japanese, but the voice acting on this show is pretty good. All the voice actors have distinct and funny voices that appropriately fit their characters. The soundtrack is also very good. Probably the best thing in the audio department regarding this show is the sound effects. When things are moving in an unnatural way (like one dude's sentient hair) there are sound effects to accompany each movement. Whenever there is a mother vehicle or explosion, the sound used is somebody verbally imitating an explosion or engine. Most of those scenes are played to be extra melodramatic, making it all the more funny when you hear some voice actor going "vroom vroom" in sync with the motorcycle revving.

    Plot - This show doesn't have much in the way of an ongoing plot. Most episodes will feature self-contained events. A lot of these events will be something very mundane and relatable like trying to figure out the name of a song stuck in your head or being stuck in a cab with a driver who has no clue what he's doing, and hilarity always ensues.

    Characters - Despite not having much of a plot, most of the characters are developed at some point. They all have mostly consistent personalities that subtly change over time. There's even a whole episode devoted to telling the life of the gorilla.

    Humor - Ignoring what I've already said about what makes this show funny, there is a lot of other stuff it does. The writers who wrote this are pretty much experts on comedy. Jokes never outstay their welcome, and scenes only last as long as they need to. Once they are out of material for a setting, the story quickly changes to a new location with new characters. Running jokes are only brought up when there is something to be done with the material. The overall structure of this show is a bit bizarre as the writers are more focused on making you laugh than telling a story, and it really works.
  • piyushvashist-5672223 April 2020
    If i had to watch only one anime series over and over again this is that animated series
  • Very funny. I recommended this show for any robot lover, and any one looking for a good laugh. every episode has a quest for victory with a funny twist. this show has been a classic for the last few years. I thought any episode about Mechazawa were the greatest episodes of any show I have ever seen until I G4 pulled it of the next & aired the dumb "Beast Wars" Show. any episode is better than the last. If you missed an episode it isn't a big deal every episode is almost a stand alone story. In my personal opinion this is the greatest show I have ever seen or will ever see.

    This show even part of my rival chart on this review: Good-Bad (* Winner)

    The Cramp Twins-Chalkzone*

    Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island-CatDog(tied Score)

    Viva Pinata*-Beast Wars

    Gym Parter's a Monkey-Lil Bush*

    Chop Socky Chooks-Tak & The Power of Juju*

    Catscratch-Squirrel Boy*

    Bro'Town*-Shuriken School

    & finally

    Cromartie High School-Bleach*

    Cromartie is a true classic
  • I didnt laugh at the jokes because i felt they were too forceful and honestly even with the amount of "wow" references they used, it still didn't work for me. In fact, Gintama is way better than it in my personal opinon....