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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The 'Madigan' films had a short run of six episodes on TV in the early '70's, resurrecting - literally - a character who was killed in the 1968 Don Siegel film of the same name. If anyone at NBC is listening, I for one would be interested in a DVD release. Richard Widmark was always a dependable actor and I remember these films with some affection, particularly this entry as it was set in my own country.

    My memory of the plot is hazy, but I do remember Madigan hiding his gun in the overcoat of a rather dim UK police sergeant (played by George Cole), then firing it from the pocket to dispatch the villains. The sergeant is immediately demoted (UK police being unarmed except in very exceptional circumstances, which is why they don't get to shoot black people) and put on traffic duty. The result is a huge traffic jam which Madigan sorts out at the end, acting like a New York traffic cop - I remember wishing our bobbies could be so flamboyant.

    I now live in Portugal and another episode was 'The Lisbon Beat', so it would be great to be able to see my new city as it was 40 years ago.
  • In the short-lived TV series, "Madigan", oddly three of the six episodes were set in Europe and only three were set in Madigan's beat, New York City. First, in this episode, Madigan goes to London and then in the next two, he heads to Portugal and Venice.

    As I watched the show, it STRONGLY reminded me of the late John Wayne film, "Brannigan". In "Brannigan", a tough-guy American cop is in London looking to take out an American gang leader and he's accompanied by a member of Scotland yard. In "Madigan" (which even rhymes with "Brannigan"), a tough-guy American cop is in London looking to take out an American gang leader and he's accompanied by a member of Scotland Yard!!

    When the story begins, Madigan (Richard Widmark) has arrived in the UK to get a wanted man and Scotland Yard seems very willing to least initially. But when the wanted man is murdered, the police think Madigan should go home...but, of course, Madigan doesn't! He stays to figure out why the man was killed and by whom...and he assumes it's by the dead man's boss, a notorious American gangster.

    While this is a very enjoyable episode, it's not exactly realistic. After all, I cannot believe such a hard-nosed and 'American' cop being allowed to use the tactics Madigan used throughout the show. Still, as I just's enjoyable. Worth seeing...if a bit hard to believe.