• Severe
  • Very brief flashes of dead animal related gore in an 18th-century marketplace.
  • A woman is hanged. She is seen with a noose around her neck and then she drops offscreen.
  • Several children unsuccessfully try to smother an infant.
  • A woman beats several children.
  • A woman's throat is slit in the distance, then her bloody face is seen in closeup.
  • A person tries to boil a dead cat.
  • Several innocent people are shot accidentally in a montage. No blood.
  • The main character kills several young women. The first one is by accidental strangulation and is an unintentional murder similar to Of Mice and Men (1992) Lenny's killing a young beautiful lady. The following killings are deliberately committed but are not shown in graphic detail.
  • A group of homeless people pile up around a man and rip him apart until there's nothing left. There are just one or two brief flashes of blood and gore, but this scene still is potentially disturbing.