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  • Killzone was a game that many people were sorta back and forth about i didn't really hear about it until i heard about the trailer to its sequel so I'm guessing it got more popular from that.Killzone was a solid game the graphics were great really great and characters were detailed.Story wise though it wasn't as good as it could've been the characters weren't really developed that much and the story wasn't really flushed out i hope they fix that with the second Killzone.Gameplay was particularly good the firefights were fun there was a wide amount of weapons and they were fun to play with a few of them had cool second fire functions the controls were easy to learn and use also.People spased because there was no jump button but that was a stupid thing to complain about.Multiplayer was alright and good fun to play with friends.Soundwise it was alright not amazing but the sounds helped immerse you into the game play like all other games.Its not the best shooter but the best the ps2 has so this game is better than average.
  • very good but i don't think it warrants an "as good as halo 2" comment. i mean i haven't played halo 2 but i have played the first one and i enjoyed that a lot more than killzone. I'm not by any way degrading killzone in the slightest .... .... .... i just think that maybe it could have done with a little more to the characters movement and capability with guns. I do agree that the enemies were quite dull in the fact that they only said a few lines but I'm sure Sean pertwee made up for that...and the way your woman teammate always and in such a VERY English/new Zealand accent says....."Hellghast!" about 5 seconds after u have killed the hellghast enemy. its not really much use is it to be honest, so i thought this game deserved an 8/10 rating. definitely worth buying if you find it cheap anywhere. . . . despite all the little technical hitches along the way. i saw a demo of killzone on the ps3 that they were showing at the E3 show and it looks amazing. although it turned out just to be some fmv of what the designers wanted the game to look like. but nonetheless. if it did look like it did on the video then I'm sure that we will be in for one hell of a good ride with killzone on the ps3. Happy Gaming Guys 'n' Gals
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's just a really generic sci-fi war shooter. And a very average one too. Everything about it is generic and average. The shooting, the environments, the enemies, the story, the characters. Would still rather play this than Halo, though. This "Halo killer" didn't kill Halo for me, because it was already dead to me.
  • Killzone is one of the best games i have ever played for the ps2. The movements in this game are real looking but there was one problem with the movements, you cant jump. The weapons are cool except for the sniper rifle which is hard to aim but the helghast gun is really powerful. I was surprised with how great the graphics were in this game ever though it was for the ps2. The really stupid part about the game is that it takes about 5 head shots just to kill one of the helghast and all they really say is " Kill Him" or "attack". otherwise this is one of the greatest games for the ps2. This game is about equal to halo 2. I would definitely recommend this game its awesome!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Killzone is one of the best first person shooters to arrive on the PS 2. Killzone's story is about a break away group of humans who colonize a planet they call Helghan. Now known as the Helghast after generations they evolved into a stronger being and have felt oppressed and conquered by humans. A radical rabble rousing leader know as Scolar Visari comes to power and brings them strength and unity promising them the conquering of there enemies. With a powerful nationalistic speech reminiscent of Hitler the waves of Helghast begin to invade Vetka a colonial outpost for humans. Vetka's defense's conveniently "fail" and the Vetkas are quickly overrun. Now its up to a small band of elite soldiers to help stop Vetka from being taken from them.

    Killzone as stated before is what a lot of PS 2 gammers have been waiting for, a great first person shooter. The graphics are very good, especially in the cut scene animation's that are in the game. The cut scenes are one of the best aspects of the games, from the great intro speech to those in the game. There are some mistakes that come as in any game, with some characters moving through objects they should not, but for the most part it does not happen often. The game play itself is also way above average. When in the game you will feel like you are in a real battlezone or killzone as it will become. Urban warfare in demolished cites and neighborhoods are stunningly realistic. Particular when I fought through the mall, you will be pinned down and in need of the best position to defeat the Helghast. The game offers you many weapons to choose from the average rifle of your side to more specialized weapons. In another realistic turn you will have to choose in battle which weapons you think will come in handy more, because you can only carry so much. Some guns have a secondary use but not all. Once in the game you must fight level by level, picking up 3 others along the way. Each has a special skill of some sort that may come in handy along the way. Of course a first person shooter would be nothing with out a multiplier mode. Killzone contains a one player version as well for those who don't have online capabilities unlike the much hyped Halo 2. You can choose the usual stuff deathmatch, team, capture, basically all the same things in other games just renamed. I have not seen much slow down when up to 14 bots are in, but with 2 player it may be different. You can choose from 8 maps that reflect areas of the first person game you play that are very realistic in there feel. Unfortunately there are very little options when it comes to choosing a character. You are either ISA or Helghast and cannot choose individual characters from the game, that would have been cool. In time splitters there are dozens of different characters to choose from which was a plus in that game. For those who play online this is also available but I cannot comment on that. If there is one problem in the game I would have to say its the inaccuracy of the guns. The basic rifles, are the biggest problem. Often the bullets will be flying way off the target and can get very hard to kill and already pumped up enemy at times. As a fan of the sniper I have to say to many who have said the sniper rifle in the game is not good, they are wrong. Adjust the advance controls and very little practice will have you knocking them off left and right. That brings us to the enemy. A more diverse enemy would have been good. There are 2 main bad guys and sometimes dressed differently, but the worst part is how some can take hundreds of shots to kill some times. I say OK to that since Helghast are suppose to be different from us, maybe superior. The sound in the game is great, with excellent music and effects. The guns sound perfect along with many of the environments you will be in. The winds of sand and snow you will notice for sure. The controls were great once I adjusted the sensitivity of the sticks. When starting out I was more then a little mad, but once this is cleared you should have no problem, put them low. The story is equally great, basically a futuristic WW II and sets up for a sequel that I will get. Hopefully the small problems in this will be fixed by then and it will get a perfect ten. 9 out of 10
  • After I finished Killzone I was really surprised by low rating the game got in most gaming literature. But lets start from beginning.

    Story sets in future where human race is in war with Helghasts - human descendants who colonized the planet Helghan many generations ago.The player takes control of Captain Jan Templar, fighting off the Helghast invasion - OK, nothing special but decent story for one FPS told in good directed animations with shaky camera - nice.

    Controls are very natural and easy to learn but what is special is game's physique. When you begin to play you'll notice (or maybe even complain) that your character is too slow, shooting not accurate and when you sprint there is gauge that allows you 10 sec sprint - exactly how it is supposed to happen when you carry 60 lbs of military gear and not a superman or heavily doped when shooting. Perhaps it takes s little time to get used to it but it's definitely worth it - very unique gaming experience.

    Other fabulous element of Killzone is game play and key word is cover. Forget mindless assaults - only way to breakthrough is taking cover and destroying enemies one by one.

    AI is also on high level. Enemy takes cover, alerts and avoids your grenades and attacks in groups. Your comrades are actually helping you, nice refreshing after few games where they were more obstacle than help. Also, as story develops you can choose between more characters you can take control of (balanced Templar, sniper "elegance" Luger,heavy armored Rico and spy Hakha) - although it does not have big influence it's nice refreshment.

    Graphic is very good, among best on PS2, but even more important game engine doesn't twitch and textures do not burst in distance. Level design is excellent - leading you from open battlefields where it's important to save your head to urban confrontations where you can break your way with sniper riffles. Dark-gray color dominates through game and creates good atmosphere.

    Also, huge plus is duration of the game - it will take you about 35 hours to finish it. These days when average FPS single player lasts about 10 hours this means a lot.

    There are few things that could be better, of course (e.g. more types of enemies)but are not significant. I also red that many didn't like online mode but since I didn't played it I can't be judge of that.

    Killzone is, by my opinion, the best FPS for PS2, even would dare to say that it's one of the best ever. It's shame that Guerrilla Games didn't get deserved credit for their work. Hopefully, that will be changed with Killzone 2, everyone who played beta knows what I'm talking about. In meantime, if you'd like to know how it all started you know what to do.

    Killzone is definitely must-play title.
  • jordan-owns8 December 2007
    This has to be THE(or damned near) best FPS game ever to come out. I enjoy Halo, but it is extremely overrated, and to me, it is just another Alien Shoot-Em-Up. Killzone is quite hard to the average gamer, because there are no difficulties to choose from. All gamers will be playing the exact same game, same number of stages, same AI difficulty, and the exact same number of soldiers. This game has quite a wide variety of guns and weapons. Although there is campaign mode, I suggest playing with a friend 1 on 1. It is the most enjoyable way of learning how to play the game and mastering the weapons before you even have a chance to pass the first stage on campaign. This game is pretty hard to the average FPS fans, but if you are a hardcore gamer, this game is definitely for you.
  • Rated M for Strong Violence,Blood and Language

    I have Killzone for the PS2 and I have been playing a bit of it.Killzone is considered the best FPS for the PS2.I agree.It is a fun and good FPS game but there are plenty of better FPS games in my opinion such as XBOX's Halo.Killzone has pretty good graphics but im not much of a fan of the controls of FPS games on video game consoles.Probably because I have been playing PC FPS games for most of my life.The game has enough violence and blood to keep the average FPS fan occupied.If you have a PS2, then you might as well get Killzone but there are better FPS games out there.
  • Killzone (and Black) were the best FPS for PS2!!! ((Change my mind))
  • I wonder who started that "Halo Killer" phrase and just what they were thinking. I imagine that person has gained the disgust of Halo and Killzone fans alike. I also imagine that this person has gotten over it now since this is 2008 after all.

    Anywho, the game. Killzone for whatever reason was hailed the aforementioned nickname. And it really didn't deliver. I believe part of it was caused by the hardware itself. This game is arguably one of the better looking games on the PS2. And that's just it. This game looked great and I don't think the PS2's hardware could take it. Now if it was released for the Gamecube or Xbox. Things probably would have been different. Obviously, Killzone 2 shouldn't suffer from this problem.

    Through a few hours worth of play I noticed that there is some frame rate issues and the artificial intelligence seems to not be intelligent at all a lot of the time. The multi-player I wouldn't even bother with. It felt kinda slow at times and is of no comparison to what the first Halo had to offer, let alone Halo 2. The bugs people talked about are clearly evident too. Environment and even enemy pop-ups do occur. I even seen one guy fall through a flight of stairs as I was about to hit him. And so far, i've ran into a couple of types of enemies. And by couple I mean about 2 maybe even 3. If your going to live to the that stupid nickname "Halo Killer", you damn sure better have a good variety of enemies.

    What this game does have is a pretty decent story. Yes, its another one of those "humanity is at war with a fairly superior opponent" games. But what they do with that concept, they do reasonably well. I also like the guns for each side. The point of view is cool. I even liked when the guy climbed up a ladder. Seriously, I don't believe I have ever seen that in a FPS. I mean I seen them go up ladders. But that's just it, they go up. They don't climb up. Reloading was kinda neat too. Took a little while but that's how you would probably reload in real life under those conditions. The only problem I found with that is when you shoot someone with like say the shotgun underneath the helghast primary machine gun. If you have an extra shotgun round it reloads automatically. Which can sometimes screw you over. I hate that, its not needed and for a game that puts quite a bit of emphasis on realism it should not be that way at all. The sound was exceptional. Only some of the characters voices bugged me. But the music and the sounds of guns blazing were awesome.

    Killzone doesn't have the AI, multi-player, and frame rate that Halo had. Not to mention all the bugs. That's why it's no "Halo Killer". What Killzone did though is get a bunch of little things right and that was enough to get by. With Killzone 2, Guerrilla will be able to live up to the hype.
  • Killzone has to be one of the finer first person shooter games of 2004. It is in my book. You start off as Templar, a Rapid Reaction Force (RRF) member, and later on in the game you gain a shadow marshal, an ISA regular, and a field operative, whose names are Luger, Rico, and Hakha. You can choose to play as any one of those four people. Your enemies are the nasty Helghasts. I must admit, the game does start off kind of slow, and I wanted to put the controller down because I thought it was boring, but I stuck with it, and I'm glad I did. It gets so much better. The story mode is awesome, the graphics are excellent, and so is the gameplay. Or, if you just wanna kill for fun, you can do the multiplayer mode (offline or online). The offline mode lets you add up to 14 computer controlled bots. My ranking for this game? 9.5/10.
  • I disagree to quite some extent with the commentary above. Killzone is a burner. It is a awesomely presented and executed game, has a cool story and a believable setting. The game mechanics are not the best there ever were, but they are more than serviceable. As is correctly stated the guns really rock! And more so the soundtrack! What a stunningly great piece of music. In terms of plot, background and vehicle/weapons design Killzone beats the crap out of Halo which in my humble opinion is a totally over-hyped game to begin with. Okay, the Halo graphics are smoother and have a higher resolution but Killzone environments are somehow more realistic, more gritty, and overall somewhat more stylish. They just drag you into the Killzone world and give you a feeling of being really in the middle of a planetary assault. Whereas Halo has a more comic-book like appeal, Killzone offers you a grim and desperate vision of a dark future. Having said all that I would like to point out that I do not think that Killzone is a Halo killer. I think this comparison is stupid and was just media-hype. Both games have a totally different "feel" and should be played for their own merit.
  • I gotta say, when the game came out, I ignored it completely. I was a huge Halo fan at the time and any game claiming to be a superior I felt should be destined to fail and die a failures death. Christmas of 2005 me and my bro saw it for 20 bucks, so we said "what the hell" split the price, and bought it. God damn was I blown away for a while. I dug that intro where the bad guy gives the speech, it really pumped me up and got me ready for carnage. The first level started. I wasn't impressed. The pre-level cinema looked cheesy with the shaky cam and the voices sound like they weren't even serious. I passed the first level and then I started to see the true beauty. The game took a really artful approach, and it ways I found it superior to Halo, and even Halo 2. I love the grainy filter and the Bleached out, destroyed world look, it made for a really involving atmosphere and makes you think "WTF? this place really got f'ed up", and I REALLY LOVED the animations. The way you reload your gun and climb up and slide down ladders, the way you hop over small ledges. KillZone, in terms of atmosphere and animation, was a truly beautiful work of art. Each battle gave me the feeling that I was really in a war, and I hoped this continued through the rest of the game. It didn't. The game quickly became uninteresting and I simply stopped playing. Its sad too because the game had so much potential. If the sequel keeps with the feeling from the first one, then we may have a masterpiece on our hands.

    I give the game a 6 out of 10 as a game. But I give the game a 9 out of 10 as art.
  • When I first read about this game over a year ago in OPS2 magazine I was more than excited...i was in awe. I couldn't wait to get my hands on the finished version of the supposed "Halo beater" for PS2. After that 1 little article about the size of a credit card I made sure I scanned every PS2 mag after that for any more news. And sure enough more came, and it seemed that like me the team behind OPS2 were getting very excited as well.

    But came out. I bought it on the very first day, got home...put it in and whilst watching the intro movie I was happily grinning. The intro movie kicks ass!...well and truly. But then I started playing....and things turned sour. The graphics were good, possibly one of the best looking games on PS2, but as the game progresses you get fed up of the atmosphere of the whole "grey, bleak and dull" look of war. The supposed rag-doll physics (in which if someone is killed or thrown away by a blast their body will react to it realistically)were such a problem, you killed someone and they're stick half in the ground, get stuck in walls...awful. The guns rule though!, they look beefy, sound great and take a while to reload...which although sounds horrible at first is actually a good thing if you're going for realism. This however does not include the sniper rifle...where it's impossible to aim, once you remove your thumb from the analogue stick, the cross-hairs go straight back to the middle...leaving you helpless for sharpshooting. There are a nice few features...such as a little timer on the grenades so you know exactly when to throw them, the "bash" manoeuvres are stylish and fun. After playing this game, and finding all these flaws (very quickly) I found myself beginning to make excuses for the game because I was so looking forward to it. There was no promised co-op story mode as promised, and the offline multi player is slow and hard. Imagine toggling around feeling like a penguin with a cannon for five minutes trying to find someone, then being blown up instantly by someone you didn't even get a glance at.

    Overall...the game has its moments, but is overall a disappointment. 5/10...Oh and I saw the intro movie for Killzone 2...looks amazing but I'm being cautious this time...hopefully Guerilla (development) will have learnt from their mistakes....hopefully.