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  • I admit it, other than a few shows on Sci-Fi and HGTV, I don't watch much television, unless one of the kids of the house is. So quite often, we wind up watching cartoons or kid's programs. Which was what got me watching "Ned's Declassified" to begin with.

    It was the clever writing, delightful acting and absolutely silly absurdist comedy that drew me back over and over again. Sure, like many other TV shows aimed at a pre-teen/teen audience, "Ned's" is about a group of kids trying to get through school, deal with adults that "just don't understand" and peers that are "out to get them", but it accomplishes this with an original style all its own. And along the way, the kids learn valuable lessons about creative thinking, problem resolution, compassion and empathy.

    Two thumbs up from this Mom!
  • And what do they do with a good thing? Of course they cancel it! But still, this is a great kids show. It's original. The comedy is wonderful, and the actors are talented.

    By far, my favorite character is the janitor Gordy, who also happens to be the voice of Cosmo from The Fairly OddParents. He seems to take some characteristics from Cosmo and uses them for Gordy! The plots are usually about school, but they take the idea and run with it as far away as they possibly can! They find clever ways of making it funny without being too over the top.

    All in all, this is a wonderful show that I would like to see released on DVD! This show deserves more than what Nick gave it. In fact, they don't even show re-runs anymore! What's up with that? Anyway, if you ever get the chance to check this show out, then it's worth your time! It's 30 minutes of your time well spent!
  • lolaville2 June 2021
    Decent fun show to watch. Glad this shoe was in my childhood.
  • I've seen two episodes of this show now and I am totally into it. It has all the elements to make up a really great series and I can tell the rest of the episodes will just keep getting better. The characters are funny and original, the actors are hilarious, the special effects are sweet, the music is rockin, and the pacing of the show (two 15 minute episodes in a row) is a great way to ensure there won't be a dull moment. Even though the show is marketed for junior high school, younger kids will enjoy the silliness and older people will get the more clever tongue and cheek humor. I can see this show will be a big success.

    Thanks Nickelodeon!
  • Ned's the Classified School Survival Guide was one of those shows that I watched while doing homework, projects, or any "educational" type work that I had to do. Since I had plenty of those to do, NCSSG became a daily show that I JUST HAD TO WATCH. Every time I watched it, I laughed out loud. I mean, really loud. I even experienced some accidents while watching the show.(Not entirely true) Not only does it make me laugh, but it really taught me a lot about school. I know that most of the stuff is over exaggerating,but Ned's tips helped me tremendously during school hours. Ned's somewhat a middle school philosopher. The whole point is, the show is freaking awesome.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love how everything on this show is so unrealistic, like digging tunnels, flushing toilets, or riding through the hallway on the janitor's cleaning machines. And yet, it's so realistic; the vice principal, the crushes, spirit week, everything. So many tips have helped me, too, such as reducing redness of a pimple, bullying, and pre-setting your locker without anyone being able to open it. This show is great for kids because it will really help help them in middle school all through high school, and great for adults because of it's true, hilarious, random humor. This is one show I really hope lasts a while on Nick. Whoever writes the script must be an expert on what school is really like, and how to make it better. It's good for kids to have a show like this. I have always enjoyed this show, right from when they kept switching classes with Moze up until they did the last day of school dance through the halls. I always will enjoy this show, no matter what.
  • Ned Bigby (Devon Werkheiser), Jennifer Ann 'Moze' Mosely (Lindsey Shaw), and Simon 'Cookie' Nelson-Cook (Daniel Curtis Lee) have been best friends since 1st grade. They attend James K. Polk Middle School. Ned is writing a school survival guide. Cookie is a computer gadget geek. Moze is the girl. There is a whole wacky cast of characters. There is the janitor Gordo and a weasel. There is Loomer the bully, the appealing popular Suzie Crabgrass, Coconut Head, sniffling Lisa Zemo, basketball-twirling Seth Powers, Missy Meany, Claire Sawyer future lawyer, aggressive Evelyn Kwong, Backpack Boy, and various adults in the school.

    This is basically the definition of a wacky kids show. The structure is two subjects in Ned's guide per 30 minutes episode. To add more wackiness, the show ends with outtakes of the episode. It is fun. The cast is lovable. It's deliberately exceedingly wacky. It's aimed towards kids up to early teens. It's extremely energetic and very fitting for its target group. It's charmingly harmless.
  • POIguy4 April 2020
    Wow this was just peak television back in its day. This show was so funny and crazy that it worked perfectly for its elementary and middle school audience. I loved the antics these kids got themselves into. While it was pretty ridiculous compared to actual middle school, it was still hilarious for its time. Kids will love this show!
  • jgriz-127 September 2006
    Overall a decent show, one of the better Nick shows since the collapse of are you afraid of the dark. Overall I enjoy it, but it has its questionable parts, I don't really understand the weasel, or why "Cookie" wants to be a cyborg. It doesn't quite crack the top shows of all time for me its a good middle school like show, but it may be somewhat boring for elementary guys, it lacks the fart jokes you see in many young comedies, but it has more in the weigh of cognitive comedy, the best character in the show is the bully, "Lumur" he has a funny romantic interest in Jennifer Mosely, and hes generally a bully in one episode he ate a love note that he had written for "mose" because his buddies thought it was sappy and uncool.
  • Considering this show came out the same year as arrested development, I think it actually still managed to stand out as one of the only good sitcoms made for kids. All the characters are pretty likable, even the bullies, and the whole idea of a guide with tips is really clever. Come to think of it, arrested development is actually pretty similar to ned's declassified in its style, goofiness, sense of humor, etc. Here's some stuff both shows have in common:

    Running gags (an example for ND is the hall pass joke, and an example for AD is the chicken joke)

    Wacky characters (ND had backpack boy, coconut head, toot-toot, etc. And AD had bob loblaw, stan sitwell, j. Walter weatherman, etc.)

    Jokes that combine a bunch of events that seem random at first but piece together in the end to make a curb-your-enthusiasm-style payoff

    Three consecutive seasons that never lose steam (not including the 2 extra sub-par seasons of AD)

    Both narrated by a somewhat omniscient narrator

    Both goofy but wholesome shows with flawed but lovable main characters that were taken from us far too soon

    Come to think of it, ned's declassified kinda reminds me of scrubs too. Here's some stuff THOSE shows have in common:

    Narrated by the main character

    Episode plotlines are usually didactic and have a speech at the end that ties the central theme together

    VERY similar daydream cutaways that usually show what the main character is thinking

    Unrealistically silly representation of a well-known type of facility (school vs. Hospital)

    Characters have an almost constant will they/won't they relationship, and are seemingly fine with hooking up interchangeably

    On that note, ned's declassified also reminds me of community. Here's some stuff THOSE shows have in common:

    Takes place at a fictional school where everything is off the walls crazy and revolves around the main characters (James Polk Middle School vs. Greendale Community College)

    Many side characters, made up of both students and teachers, some of which are only in the show for a short time

    Epic battle royale showdowns that overdramatize mundane events into action-packed awesomeness

    Jokes that are so niche or happen so fast the audience doesn't catch them (obviously ND's jokes are less complicated than comminity's because the audience is all kids, but still very impressive writing)

    So yeah, that's THREE groundbreaking sitcoms that can be compared alongside ned's declassified, and community came out two years after ND went off the air! So if you still don't see what was so special about this show, it just wasn't meant for you. The disney channel was, though.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I absolutely adore Ned's Declassified. It's not just the best live action Nick show, it's one of the best TV shows of all time, period. That's some lofty praise, and I'm going to do my best to articulate why I think this show is so fantastic.

    A good place to start is the presentation. I'm a big fan of presentation. There have been many tween/teen sitcoms that break the fourth wall like Saved By The Bell, but those shows have very standard presentaion that doesn't set them apart from the pack. Ned's Declassified is so unapologetically bonkers and over the top, with a ridiculously fast breakneck pace. Everything is so intentionally cartoony and unrealistic, with the dramatic and comical music cues and wacky sound effects. The science teacher is always seen in a white lab coat. Lisa Zemo uses allergy nose spray in every single scene she's in in the first two seasons. The nerds wear khakis and coke bottle glasses, the bullies wear black leather jackets. The vice principal wears a siren hat! This may come off as juvenile or lazy to some, but I think it fits the shows tone perfectly, as it's from the perspective of middle schoolers who, though probably not as imaginative as elementary schoolers, can still have active imaginations. The style is so insane, it makes you overlook logical inconsistencies and accept the way this universe works. You can tell some of the same people who worked on the Fairly Odd Parents worked on this too. The fact that the show is shot from many different angles helps maintain the illusion that the sets aren't really sets and keeps you immersed in this world, as opposed to the traditional sitcom setup where it's obviously three walls on a stage. With 11 minute episodes (and one 45-minute series finale), every second counts so not a moment of screen time is wasted. Without this presentation, this show would just be a male Lizzie McGuire.

    Another important aspect is the characters. The writing on this show is great. Through all three seasons not one character has a single out-of-character moment. It's a school survival guide, so very few episodes take place outside of the school, eliminating the risk of being bogged down with too many subplots and keeping things tight and focused. There's nothing I hate more in family films and TV shows than one dimensional bullies, but even all the bullies in this show are fairly well developed. They aren't just antagonists, they're often seen interacting with other students and teachers normally like many real bullies. I like how they try to keep the extras consistent throughout the series, with many of them being characters with speaking roles (and even though they're not doing anything in that scene, I love that added attention to detail). The acting is great across the board; depending on the character and what they're going for, everyone is either just the right level of over the top or reserved. There's no less than 6 love triangles (Ned/Moze/Seth, Ned/Moze/Loomer, Ned/Moze/Faymen, Ned/Suzie/Loomer, Cookie/Lisa/Vanessa and Cookie/Lisa/almost every other boy in their grade). Normally having such a convoluted love subplot would bog a show down, but it's surprisingly easy to follow, not too forced, and all resolves in the end. I think the mix of elementary, middle, and high school problems makes it more relatable to a wider audience, making the rumored high school spin-off series unnecessary in my mind. I appreciate how the series ends with Ned and Moze getting together, and they decided not to continue the series with the two best friends in a relationship (unlike Kim Possible).

    The most important aspect of this show is that amongst the chaos and wackiness, there's still a relatable, down to earth element to it. Like a previous reviewer mentioned, it's so unrealistic yet so realistic. The chemistry between the students, how kids bond with certain teachers better than others. Almost every character is a stereotype, but they all have distinct personalities and allow the audience to find a little bit of themselves in each of them.

    Ned's Declassified is a show unlike any other I've seen. The creator tried to emulate this same style in Big Time Rush, but it simply didn't work as well because this style could only work to specifically capture the mindset of the students and faculty at the manic, colorful, and innocent James K. Polk Middle School, not the cynical world of stardom and the pop music industry. Besides being funny, well written, tightly edited and paced, uniquely presented, and with a lovable cast of characters, it's a show that kids will find relatable (in not immediately obvious ways) and adults can still find thoroughly entertaining. It may be because I'm a crazy person, but this is one of my all time favorite TV shows and I genuinely believe it's one of the best and most underrated sitcoms of all time. Absolutely a 10/10 from me!
  • There is nothing good to say about this show. This show is terrible. It has absolutely no point to it, and contains so much random crap to it, it's hard to watch. The only reason I gave it a 2 was because it has some pretty decent looking people in it, and it does have some pretty good life lessons in it, such as survival in school, hence the title of the show.

    This show does, however, does have some good parts to it. It gives the kids watching the show some pretty good lessons for school, such as keeping organized, finishing projects on time, finishing work, studying for tests, etc. But other than that, this show needs some MAJOR work to appeal more to older kids.
  • Unlike the other pre-teen shows on Nickelodeon, this one is quite original and humorous. Instead of having a show about 3 friends who are trying to become popular, escape from their "uncool" parents, or get a boyfriend, the characters on this show try to create a guide to help you survive school. As corny as it sounds, it's very funny once you watch it.

    It's not just the plot thats funny, but the characters are a big part of the comedy. Cookie is half-cyborg and often uses his technology to get in some sort of trouble while Ned comes up with strange ways to escape a bully, study for a test, or avoid failing. And then there's Moze, who thinks of ideas to get new girl friends, "scares" her friends, makes interesting school projects, and tries to "defeat" her rival Susie Crabgrass.

    I suggest watching this show if you want something original and amusing. You will not be wishing for your 30 minutes back after watching it.
  • pinkmoose100016 July 2006
    I like this show a lot! It is a very funny show! Like the one when Cookie kept matching up with the husky! funny. It also gives great tips about school and how to make it better for you. i thought the show at first would be bad because of the LONG name But now i like the show a lot. I watch every time i can. It is one of the best shows on Nick. The actors and actresses act well. The show is NOT confusing. the name is long but good. they have funny and good shows. great you should watch it. i like it a lot. my family likes it a lot too so do my friends too. funny show. i give it a 10 out of 10! so do my friends and family. Good and nice people.
  • JoeyLeblanc8515 June 2021
    That's it, perfect show. I'm in my twenties now and i desperately need a Ned's Declassified Adulthood Survival Guide. I mean, PLEASE.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    this is my favorite Nick show! It is so funny! You can laugh when Gordy tries to catch the weasel -who turned out to be a girl, who knew!-, when Cookie makes that face when he gets nervous, when Moze punches Ned, when Ned overreacted when he thought Suzie was going to break up with him, and basically almost every minute!!! To me, the episode, Field Trip, was funny (especially when Gordy destroyed the school door and when Ned told Suzie that he just had to have the Wild Boy skirt- short thing). Although, I wish it would be a little bit more exciting when Moze and Ned finally got together and I don't know, there was something missing! It didn't feel complete to be the "biggest Ned's Declassified Ever." And the Alternate Ending was so disappointing! But I know everyone has different thoughts, so if you liked to more than me, OK and if disliked it more than me, OK. Anyway, my main point is, I love this show and I hope Field Trip wasn't the end of it...
  • gpeelaaron25 November 2013
    this movie is great great plot and it is entertaining and funny i love this show i think it is a classic show i think it should have more seasons because it is so good and i think everybody should watch it and enjoy this great show i am a huge fan of this great show if you don't watch it your missing out go watch it and tell me what you think i believe you will be satisfied with it and think it is funny and entertaining its one of the best shows in the world i am not kidding i am not going overboard i am serious with this show i love it and think it rocks i thought it would suck at first but it is funny and new and never thought of
  • DancinWithTheStars28 December 2006
    I have seen this show many times and I am definitely hooked! This show is funny and keeps your attention the whole time! My little brother and his friends have enjoyed this show since its premiere! I watched an episode with them once and have learned to enjoy them since then! The characters are very funny and enjoyable to watch. Ned Bigby is a smart boy and a good role model for many young boys. Simon "Cookie" Cook is half-cyborg so he adds a lot of fun and opportunities to the show. Jennifer "Moze" Mosely is the smarter, more sensible one of the group. She provides a lot of the fun of the show too! It is an awesome series and I know it will enjoy future generations for years to come!!
  • Megatron123425 July 2009
    This show might be the worst show on Nick. In fact... it is the worst show on Nick. It would be good except for the parts in the show where Dan Curtis' performance is really, really terrible. There are times when his acting is okay at best. Lindsey Shaw's performance might be the best in the whole TV show. Devon Werkheiser's performance is 2nd best. Not good, but not bad. The thing that really sent this show down the hole for me was those annoying, wacky, cartoon sound effects. I have only seen 3 episodes, all stunk. 2 of them I saw just because I wanted to find at least one thing good about the show. This show is worse than the Weird Al Show, and you will know what I mean if you've seen it. So all in all, only see this show if there's nothing better to do and I would've given this Show a 0/10 but the lowest was a 1/10 so I just ran with it.
  • I have only seen about one and a half half-hour segments of this Nick show; but based on what I've seen, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide is good if you're in the vicinity of a TV and have nothing else to do. My brother loves this show, and records it on our DVR. There are a few good reasons why.

    For starters, instead of one entire episode per show, there are two twelve-minute segments, each covering a single topic. This helps immensely in the pace of action by not having strung-out, boring scenes that go on and on. It also means there are no commercials guaranteed for an entire episode (unless you need to use the bathroom desperately). If there are any other good characteristics from cartoons like SpongeBob or Fairly Odd Parents that share this characteristic, they apply to this show as well.

    Second, the show is not preachy. It does NOT make the entertainment value second-nature to the morals. The tips Ned does give naturally flow with the on-screen action and are not shoved down your ears. Compounded with the fact that it doesn't seem take itself very seriously, watching Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide felt a bit like watching Looney Tunes or Tom and Jerry - good if you like Nickelodeon's sense of humor.

    Third, the three main characters are very likable if you are in to these kinds of shows. Personally, I believe Ned is one of the better main protagonists to come around lately.

    Taken, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide is the most light-hearted school drama/comedy to come around in a while - not only in the humor or range discussed topics, but also in its playful presentation. Perhaps it's in many ways the perfect guilty pleasure show? Whether or not you'll like this show depends on taste; but, in short, Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide succeeds in excellently manifesting itself into what it's supposed to be: a school comedy.
  • jmanbball12 June 2018
    Everything is just so perfect and so classic so funny and entertaining omg
  • amooorales26 March 2021
    A funny goofy show, sad that Scott fellows didn't continue any other live action shows after this! Imo better than anything Dan schnieder has put out!
  • i really like this show. Devon Werkheiser is so hot. i like watching this show because the tips can really help in sticky is also really fun and funny. When you watch this show Ned, Moze and Cookie seem like they are similar to your friends.

    this is one of the best shows on nickelodeon. I also enjoy Zoey 101, Unfabulous,and Drake and Josh. they are very good shows for teenagers because teenagers can relate to the characters and the situations they go through. but things i don't understand are why Moze likes Ben and Ned likes Susie. they seem to only care about to sum it up i love this show
  • Finally...something creative and delightful directed at teens and pre-teens...that parents could enjoy too. After having my teeth hurt from the over-doses of fake sweetness from the same fakeness on the Disney Channel and the other Nick shows...this onefactually is fun to watch..and it makes you understand just what some kids go through in school...stuff you probably forget about after you grow up. The main an average kid...who is trying to navigate through Jr. high school...with two of his good frieds...Cookie and Moze. One is a nerd and the other is a girl who seems to excell at almost everything..but is always humble with her friends. They get into all kinds of mischief together during the school hours. Since teens live a good part of their lives at school...this makes sense. It is their universe...and it is bringing them closer to being OMG...responsible adults someday...if they make it past the bullies, weird teachers and rather strange principal who is stuck in a 80s' fashion warp...sun glasses and all. They try to fit in as much as they can...but try to be themselves at the same time. It goes to show you even teens have issues that screw with the way their lives are going. There should be more shows like this one offered to teens on television instead of the over kill of fake grins and "perfect" teens that are the usual fare on other channels. Bravo Ned and company.
  • stejujo10 June 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    I've always loved this show, and I'm sad to see it end. I was hoping there would be more episodes after the "Field Trip," but I guess that won't happen. But if we keep begging for more like they did with 7th. Heaven, maybe the producers will add another season. As soon as I saw the episode when Cookie got a moustache, I knew the show was bound to end soon. All the good Nick is being taken away. First it was the Amanda show, then All That, and now Ned's. Let's hope Drake and Josh isn't next, because that's the only good show on Nick left, besides Spongebob. I'll miss Krubs's weirdness, and his mispronunciation of words, like saying "Moi" (me in French) with muy (Spanish for very). I'll miss Mr. Kwest's "Sh-Sh-Sh-Shwaw," and the comb-over guy's comb-over. I thought Cookie was really funny.Point is, I'll really miss this show a lot, but at least there will be reruns, so I can see all the funny episodes again. If you miss it as much as I do, sign the petition to save the show on the Ned's message board.
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