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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't know where to begin. This movie feels a lot like one of those cheap Saturday morning kids shows that they used to make back in the late eighties early nineties. Sort of like Captain Power or the Power Rangers. It's full of bad digital overlays and really cheesy sounding "secret agencies" and villains.

    The acting is so bad that it's not even funny. The direction is terrible and there is little to now continuity. It seems as if someone just threw a bunch of scenes together and forgot that there was supposed to be a plot.

    Perhaps one of the most ridiculous scenes in the movie comes early on, when several villains plant an explosive device in an agents car. For some reason, even though the device is clearly stated as being "remote detonated" the bad guys decide to chase her down on their motorcycles as she drives away. This chase carries on. all the while with the bad guys doing ludicrous and completely pointless bike stunts. Standing up on the bikes, doing wheelies and so on. At one point, a crash happens and one of the attackers is thrown from his bike, we see the bike (clearly cgi) thrown over the agents car but the rider has vanished. Then, a few seconds later the rider and bike return...apparently unscathed by the crash. At this point even though the car has an explosive device planted in it, the attackers choose to shoot the agent while driving past, then blow up her car. Which was also clearly done with cgi. Sound confusing? It is, and so is the rest of the movie.

    I might point out that when I say cgi, we aren't talking about Lord Of The Rings type cgi here. We're talking the cheap cheesy Power Rangers type cgi, actually I think it would have been done better on Power Rangers.

    Why Savini and Todd did this movie I will never know, I can only assume they did for money, as a favor to someone or because they were blackmailed into it...probably the last one.
  • It's obvious that all of the good reviews posted for this movie so far are from insiders who were either involved with the film or who know somebody who knows somebody and have thus seen multiple cuts. Well, I don't know anyone involved, and I've seen the final cut, and it is pure garbage. The only thing it has going for it is ambition and multiple cameos from horror legends (none on screen for terribly long). It's as if the filmmakers made this movie on a weekend during a horror convention and got actors like Tony Todd, Tom Savini, David Hess and Michael Berryman to film scenes during their coffee breaks. This is an ultra-cheap, shot-on-video wannabe X-Files with terrible acting from a cast of non-actors with more mullets than is acceptable in the 21st century. There is little or no action; it's all overly explanatory dialogue that attempts to explain a pointlessly convoluted plot. Ther computer FX are a joke, but there aren't enough of them nor enough action to make this film enjoyable in a MST3K way. After about 8 straight scenes of nothing but talking, you'll find yourself reaching for the fast-forward button...and not letting go. Absolutely worthless.
  • axon507 July 2007
    I am sorry to say that this film is indeed bad. It reminds me of a c-grade porn movie with one major difference: no porn.

    The story and dialogue needs a complete overhaul. Maybe then the bad acting would not have been as noticeable. At the very least, the pacing should have been picked up.

    While I accept that this had a low budget and the director did a good job visually given what little resources he had, he should have spent more time on the story or better yet, get someone else to write it. Many of the action scenes were just pointless.

    It was a complete waste of my time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Absence of a GOOD PLOT, absence of decent ACTING, absence of good CINEMATOGRAPHY, absence of decent looking SPECIAL EFFECTS...need I go on? Review MAY contain SPOILERS. The actors appear to be READING their lines, and not very well at that. Most of the "actors" were acting like they were in a SECOND GRADE play. The story appeared to have been written by one of the aforementioned second's not really all that's just so SIMPLE and DUMB, that a person thinks they must be missing something so they think it is convoluted. Nope it's not, it's EXACTLY as SIMPLE as you think it is. I UNDERSTOOD the "film", that's how i KNOW that it STUNK! MOST of the film just had people sitting around talking(reading their lines), TRYING to look sinister. The narrator was ANNOYING. The "special effects" were LAUGHABLE. I love low budget movies. I also like Carolyn Munro, Tom Savini, Jack Scarry, and Michael Berrymore...just not in THIS can tell they weren't getting paid, or weren't getting paid much, because neither their hearts NOR their talents were in it. I LOVE Tony Todd...however, he was only adequate in this movie. In fact, Tony Todd's performance is the ONLY reason I gave it 3 stars instead of 1...and Tony was only in it for a whole TWO MINUTES (seriously)! I would suggest to fast forward the DVD to the two minute Tony Todd segment. If I had gone to the theater, and paid more than a DOLLAR to see this "film" I would have been P.O.'D and demanded my money back. Hopefully the people who made this will do better next time.
  • Now I don't hate cheap movies. I just don't see why you should waste any money for a movie you could shoot with your dad's camcorder. If I rent a movie, I want it to be a MOVIE, not a bunch of people thinking it would be a good idea to waste some MiniDV - Tapes.

    Maybe I hate this one so much because the guy in the video store said it was great, and it wasn't. Maybe I hate it because it's cheap, has the dumbest plot EVER, the most unrealistic characters EVER and the really, really, really WORST SHOWDOWN in the history of films EVER. Even Tom Savini can't save this.

    Seriously, this one is a complete waste of time.
  • I had the "privilege" of attending a special screening of 'The Absence of Light' at a horror convention in Ohio.

    First off, you know you're in trouble when the director introduces a film, saying: "Now keep in mind, we didn't have much money..." Not that no-budget films are bad, but when a filmmaker uses this as an excuse, the results are always poor. And there is no better example than this unwatchable sleep-fest.

    Actually, 'Absence of Light' marks a first in the world of underground cinema: It's the only time I've seen a dream-cast of talented genre vets actually bore me. Charismatic actors like David Hess, Tony Todd and Reggie Banister randomly enter and exit the movie and prove to be every bit as uninteresting as the amateurish no-names. Who are their characters? What are they talking about? Who cares? It's all so dull, you'll cease to care about anything or anyone.

    After thirty minutes of this endurance test, I gave up and walked out of the theater. Not surprisingly, so did most of the cast members in attendance.

    Any curious genre fans would do well to stay away from this. With a little luck, this movie won't ever see the "light" of day.
  • I am very lucky to have been involved in this project. everyone was really nice to work with and it is a shame that someone posted a bad review on here when this director has made its audience involved with this project. He deliberately is showing the movie as it goes through many stages of development. I think that is a wonderful thing to do. This person saw the cut of this that was nowhere near finished and was told that before the film started. I think it is a horrible thing to post such negativity when you haven't even seen the finished project. very unprofessional thing to do in my opinion! Also, he says that many actors left during this film preview. Well that is true, but also false! I was there! I had to leave early because I was at the convention to sign autographs and meet fans etc...none of us could stay to watch the film, but it had nothing to do with the film itself, it had to do with what we were hired to do that weekend and obviously if you even noticed any of us leaving you weren't really paying attention to the film anyway, so how can you even review it.

    I am proud of how this film is developing, Robyn Griggs
  • "The Absence of Light" is told from the point of view of an unscrupulous killer who's got a job to do and doesn't care how many people he'll have to kill. In this case, a senator wants to be re-elected and witnesses of his countless mistakes have to be removed permanently. It's the point of view which makes the movie different from the average TV crime story, doing the devil's work adds some refreshing political incorrectness. And violence. Also it's a nice touch that several veteran actors were involved: Tom Savini plays the killer's boss, modestly named Higher Power, David Hess is his equivalent on the other side, Caroline Munro just has to sit in a chair and speak a few lines, and Michael Berryman appears as an almost supernatural weirdo. On the other hand, "The Absence of Light" has quite a few problems. Taking the crime story into the science fiction area with a genetic experiment, illustrated with home-made computer effects, damages the professional look seriously. The soundtrack sounds very direct-to-video and lacks good background music. The characterization isn't interesting enough as the dialog often tends to turn in a kind of "we've got to do what we've got to do" circle. A final remark to the reviews I've read. Either personal friends of the director shout "masterpiece!" and give ten stars, or frustrated buyers cry "worst movie of all time" and click the lowest possible mark. Isn't the truth usually somewhere in the middle? Just my two cents, therefore.
  • uber-39 October 2004
    This move looks like it's come a long way from it's infancy. I saw the final cut of it a few days ago. This is the only action film that I've ever seen that had no foul language or nudity. If this is not the first, then it's the first in recent history.

    The attention to detail is unsurpassed. Unlike a lot of professional Hollywood films, you cannot find a single spoof in the production. All the costumes are correct from scene to scene, and the weather changes relevant to the time given in the film.

    The stunt work is also very good and rather complex for a self funded film. I got to talk to the stunt coordinator at the same convention that the director was at. He explained to me that no one who did any of the stunts ever had any formal training for that, and the fact that his best friend did the stunt driving in his own Camaro.

    All in all, this movie is great!
  • I found this movie to be quite interesting. The special effects and CGI was very good for an independent film, and the story line was very interesting.

    I was very impressed with the number of stars I saw in this film. The guy from Candyman was in this film, as a scientist. Sex Machine from From Dask Till Dawn was a boss of a band of assassins.

    The action scenes were great. The film seemed to have a good flow and I didn't notice a lot of inconsistencies like I pick up on in major films.

    Overall I thought this movie was really good. Probably the best independent film I've ever seen. I can't wait to see the directors next project.
  • The Absence of Light is a new vision of what a truly independent film can be. I was constantly amazed by the video quality and special effects in this film. The story was intriguing and the humor was dark and twisted. All great things for a flick like this.

    As if this alone was not enough somehow they managed to get Tony Todd, Tom Savini, Michael Berryman, Caroline Munro, and David Hess to appear in the film. These great stars of horror cinema appear throughout the film to support and inform the plot. I was just amazed that all of these people were actually in the film.

    The movie is based on the experiences of two hit men who work for "The Higher Power" (Savini) and their job is to get a corrupt and perverted Senator re-elected. This task takes them into some very odd and sometimes funny endeavors.

    There was quite a bit of CGI in this film and it was excellent quality for an independent film. The special FX and gore looked true to life and were not over the top. The stunts were exciting and realistic. The chase scene was amazing at the opening of the film.

    There were some things that could have used more work, but compared to the independent films I have seen; this was by far the best. I plan to tell my friends about this film. I look forward to seeing more movies from New Illusion Pictures.

    I definitely recommend this movie.
  • I recently had the privilege of watching this film in Cleaveland at twisted nightmare weekend Aug 5 - 7 2005. I was highly impressed with the action sequences and surprised by the number of guest appearances in the film. The visual effects were quite good, especially when I found out that the director did all of the CGI at his home. This would be the third version of the film I have seen. I have been monitoring this movie from its infancy and I can say that the final cut is nearly perfect. The cast and crew have worked a long time to create this wonderful film.

    I would definitely recommend this movie to others.
  • kennedy_26911 August 2005
    I really enjoyed this film. Being a low budget film it had plenty of stars and decent effects. The first cut I saw was a little rough, but I recently got to see a nearly complete version and the story flowed very well. I was able to meet some of the actors at the convention I saw the film at, and talking to them really helped me to understand where the movie was during development and admire its progress. This film was done for less than it cost to make "The Blair Witch Project" and I couldn't stand to watch that one. I think Patrick did a great job casting, directing, and helping with some of the special effects. He had a lot of input on the soundtrack as well and did a wonderful job in my opinion.
  • dncrslgs8521 September 2005
    I have seen the most recent cut of this film and believe it is the best independent film I have ever watched. Director Patrick Desmond brought together a great story, a talented cast, and some very impressive special effects. Something tells me we have just seen the tip of his creative talent and I look forward to his next project.

    I also have to comment about the new talent that was in front of the camera. I was very impressed with handsome Rich Conant in the lead role of Puritan, Beth Westgerdes gave an incredible performance as April, and Mark Cullison and Rebecca Gardner both shined in all of their scenes as Fetish and Jezebel. Each of these performers pulled the viewers into the story and kept them there until the end. I plan to follow their careers and know I will enjoy their future projects.

    This is a film that has all the marks of a great movie. I know that Patrick Desmond and his crew will be entertaining us for a long time to come.
  • I saw this movie in at a horror convention in Ohio and then twice again in its more refined and edited versions. I love to see young filmmakers take chances and go "big" with their ideas. I believe Desmond has done this. He was able to elicit the acting talents of skilled horror/thriller genre actors to add body to his cast of unknowns.

    The editing and quality of special effects are a testament to Desmond's ability to use the best of what he has. I especially like some of the action sequences and stunt work.

    Hooray for the "little" guy with big vision and guts to roll out this type of independent movie.
  • i recently got the opportunity to sit down with patrick and view the latest cut of absence. wow !! patrick has done a great job cutting some of the fat and adding key shots that really tie the story together . this is by far the best yet . by trimming some of the less desirables,aka (Sultan:Eric Thornsberry)and giving the audience more of what we want (New scenes with Fetish;Mark Cullison,and Senator Criswell;Rick Scarry, new effects shots,and cleaner editing creating better plot progression). i cant wait to see who picks this up, because if patrick can do this with NO MONEY! and in his SPARE TIME! can you imagine if this guy had 10 mil , 5 mil, hell just give him 1 mill and lets see what he can do.
  • Saw this movie at a con a while back. After talking with the director and a few of the actors, I realized that this group of individuals had produced A VERY COOL INDIE FILM while on a very constrained budget.

    If a studio was to give this group a decent budget and artistic control, they (New Illusions Pictures) would definitely be a force with which to be reckoned. While talking with some of the key people involved with this flick, (Director: Patrick Desmond, Actor: Richard Conant and Stunt Coordinator: Michael Bradley) I realized that they have a lot of good ideas brewing in their collective brains. So I hope someone out there (listen up studio execs) gives this company some funds and a chance to show their true muscle.

    Now, if you saw any of the first cuts which were shown in 2004 and 2005, you may have come away form the experience less than impressed. You must now understand one thing: This final edit is almost a different movie! Desmond and Co. have trimmed 20 minutes off of the running time by cutting a lot of fat while adding great blood effects and a scantily clad girl or two. Now, consequently, they have tightened up the pace of the film.

    So... anyone who has been giving this movie any kind of grief or lip service owes it to themselves to check out the final cut when it becomes available in June. I am looking forward to seeing what these guys do next... and so should you.
  • Patrick Desmond has brought together a fantastic and well-delivered movie with Absence of Light. I first met and saw Patrick and Absence of Light at Twisted Nightmare in Cleveland, Ohio. Never would I have thought to see a low budget indie film with big name horror genre actors like Michael Berryman, Richard Hess, Tony Todd, Tom Savini, Carolyn Munro, and Tom Sullivan all together in one great flick. But not only did these big name actors make this a great movie, Richard Conant and other unknown actors portrayed explosive talent with their characters.

    Absence of Light is packed with lots of dynamite fight scenes, action, and explosions. Also so many genres of film are brought together that no one could possibly dislike it. So no matter what you are looking for in a movie, you'll definitely find it in Absence of Light!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Weary Puritan (solid Richard Conant) and his eager new partner Sultan (the equally fine Eric Thornsberry) are a couple of top agents who work for a secret government organization that takes care of Uncle Sam's more shady and sordid affairs. The pair have to make sure that corrupt, lecherous Senator Criswell (an amusingly venal performance by Rick Scarry) gets reelected. Of course, said assignment proves to be easier said than done. Writer/director Patrick Desmond relates the clever, complex and intriguing plot at a constant speedy pace. Moreover, Desmond stages the exciting action scenes with considerable rip-roaring flair, does a nice job of creating and maintaining a hard, gritty tone, and further spices things up with a deliciously dark sense of humor. The excellent cast of familiar cult movie faces rates as a significant asset: Tom Savini as stressed-out superior the Higher Power, Caroline Munro as cagey, ruthless British operative Abbey Church, David Hess as shrewd terrorist leader Whiplash, Michael Berryman as paranoid contact person the Seer, Tony Todd as flaky scientist the Alchemist, Keven Van Hentenryck as sleazeball computer hacker Jenkins, and Tom Sullivan as eccentric gadget maker Dr. Corrigan. Desmond's glossy cinematography, plenty of nifty CGI special effects, the funky, syncopated score by Andy Halter, Richard Conant, and Todd Skeie, the shockingly brutal and grisly violence, and a fascinating behind-the-scenes depiction of the intricate mechanizations of covert government groups all further enhance the overall sound quality of this enjoyable and interesting little sleeper.