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  • Having read the book by Sisman, it's such a shame that they wasted such talented actors.

    The script and some of the overly crazy idea camera shots are completely wrong and do not do the novel justice.

    Anna Friel's funny looking California tan (odd with the slightly red brown hair)looks about as authentic as the the scriptwriter..was it their first job? One has to wonder.

    It is overly sentimental in parts, some additions make the movie much more interesting in detail such as additional animals.

    The novel gives little nuances of romance that the reader falls for and the same small hints do not completely convert to screen well..the sofa-bed conversation in Picture Perfect was much better conceived and carried out.

    Anna Friel is also in need of a very American wonder bra in parts- they could have incorporated an appropriate/not-so-subtle advert into the movie.

    The essentials are nevertheless there but if you love the book I advise caution.. I didn't mind it, would I watch it again? Maybe, if I was incredibly bored and stuck without anything to do after 36 hours - yeah, then I would. Obviously after watching other good-better movies I own I might give it a go but to be honest I'm more tempted to watch Ghostbusters or My Girl...

    Watch and decide for yourself!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The book is called "Summer in the City" by Robyn Sisman. It's pretty good. I had actually seen this movie on TV, and thought it was pretty cute. (I like Rob Lowe, I think he's underrated as an actor). ANYWAY, I had read another book by this author, "Weekend in Paris," and picked this one up not even realizing it was the basis for the TV movie. The movie keeps the two main character's names, the advertising agency, the co-worker sabotaging the Rob Lowe character--the basic plot, but the details differ somewhat (such as the ad account that is jeopardized). It was a cute movie, and pretty good read as a book. If you like "chick-lit."
  • Perfects Strangers is no more than a typical, predictable, and nonsense romantic movie that I have seen million of times. Staring Rob and Anna Friel as an advertisers that get to swap job between New York and London. There they consult each other through the various phone conversation before they fall in love along the way.

    The main reason to watch this movie got to be the casts, they are all too good for this movie. The main reason I watch because it got Anna Frail and Rob, this movie doesn't do them justice. The directing is too blame, it was not not good at all and the cinematography make this movie look like as if it has been shot in the '80s. And the story was not very consistence, it s just too sense less and going no where. And some of the character are just too shallow. And the music doesn't go along with the movie at all.

    Overall, despite a low expectation – the movie is even lower than that. But it is all that bad, half way into the movie it started to get a little better and it become more watchable. But in the end you won't miss a single thing if you haven't seen it and if you seen it you will forget about it in next hours.

    Reason To Watch: Anna Frail Reason Not To: Seem Like A Waste Of Time.

    Rating: 3.5/10 (Grade: F).

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  • elaine-6912 September 2006
    I absolutely loved this film! I have watched it time and time again! It has romance, comedy and a sense of fighting spirit between two people who have never met in the cut throat advertising world. In parts I felt I wanted to jump up and punch the sky in satisfaction! I felt this film was on par with the likes of Nottinghill and Four Weddings. The actors were well chosen for their roles and suit their parts terrifically. This film builds your enthusiasm for the pair to win the day and it cleverly takes you to the couple winning the day and the guy gets the girl! When I find a good film I love to watch it over and over and this film definitely falls into that category. I can't wait for it to come out on DVD!
  • I saw the premier yesterday, and this film surprised me in a very good way. I loved it! In my opinion it is better than a lot of popular romantic comedies, such as the Wedding Planner, or Bridget Jones's Diary and many others. It highlighted the funny but very true differences between Europeans and Americans, which I think was hilarious - except for when the English girl is struggling with the American kitchen appliances, desperately asking the New Yorker advertiser for advice or a manual. That part is just dumb, as Europe is just as if not more advanced in technology than N America, but other than that - thumbs up. This film is not only funny, but realistic, too. I love the way it depicts the advertising industry with all its tricks and imperfections. I hope "Perfect Strangers" is going to be available on DVD - if it will, I'm gonna buy it!
  • I was attracted to this comedy for 3 reasons 1) It was from Working title and the producers of Bridget Jones diary 2) the Anglo American love story/comedy 3) the very sexy rob Lowe! The story is funny and very true to life when it explores the differences each see when they live "abroad". Llyod (rob Lowe) and Suzie (anna frail) swap houses and jobs she leaves her fab and kooky London house with all its tradition and bad plumbing and and he leaves his ultra modern white wash new york apartments and his snobby lifestyle and fiancé behind and the two of them have trouble adjusting to each others lifestyles but eventually find that special relationship between the two countries give them common ground. Its very predictable as all ROM Com's are but both the actors are very funny and the supporting cast wonderful. Both London and New York look fab in the city shops and the differences in the two countries are exposed and mocked without any offense to either British OR Americans!! Lots to laugh at and lots-of fun and romance this is the perfect Sunday evening bottle of wine with the girls kinda movie!!!
  • The movie is funny and exciting, really delightful.. I was in Santiago, Chile last January for 3 months.. I bought this movie from a street vendor never heard of it before and with good reason, no DVD exists.. I can't believe this movie never made it to theaters.. I'd consider this movie better than any movies being advertised now.. well except for "The Eye" but then even that isn't original, an americanized version of the truly brilliant Cantonese version.. anyways sidetracked.. like I said Perfect Strangers is just about the cutest movie ever a must-see.. It's not sappy it pokes fun and is witty.. and I personally can't get enough
  • I thought this was a cute movie. I sure hope it comes out on VHS/DVD. I would definitely like to own it. It was a quirky little romantic comedy about a male American and a female Brit who work for different branches of the same company and swap places -- Lowe's character goes to Britain, and the female Brit comes to America. It was cute! The difference in the size of living conditions between the US and UK are quite interesting, too. The Brit has a very small flat (apartment), and Lowe's character has a spacious condo. Toward the end, they actually have to work together to get their jobs done. Also, they fall in love. It was a lovely story.
  • I'm extremely glad I bought this movie on a 3-pack DVD. After watching the cover featuring the gorgeous Anna Friel as a "Hook" for a male audience, and reading the plot on the back of it; it immediately caught my attention.

    The truth is that "Perfect Strangers" is not the typical mellow romantic comedy. It has a smart plot filled with endearing and funny dialogs, funny situations, a tongue in cheek sense of humor, and the most perfect ending you can have.

    The cell phone conversations between our principal characters are very well done and helps the movie to flow on a sweet rhythm. The comedy is also top notch like when, for example, Lowe's character's girlfriend comes by surprise to England and finds Sarah Alexander dressed as a sexy maid cleaning the shower. Or any special moment between the lead characters.

    Rob Lowe steals the show as the cool tempered frustrated musician that does perfectly his publicist job. The man is a great underrated actor! Anna Friel is super sexy with a sassy, fresh, happy attitude that completely fits her character.

    Through character development we get a special connection with the leading roles. We learn and understand their worries, expectations, and lives overall. The supporting characters are very fine and add an extra spice to the film. Sarah Alexander is delightful as the sassy funny best friend, Khandi Alexanderis just perfect as the villain-sexy bitch who turns things ugly for our leading male character.

    The score and direction is just standard and feels completely like a direct to video release but it's a surprisingly enjoyable performance.

    PLEASE give it a chance because it's the perfect romantic comedy experience.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Lloyd and Susie both work for the same advertising agency, but he is in New York and she is in London. The company decides they need to trade places. Both have problems when they get to their destination, and their contacts with each other give no indication they would ever like each other. This isn't a case of two characters hating each other in such a way you know they will fall in love. I mean they really hate each other. But someone doesn't want this experiment to succeed, and once the discovery is made that they didn't plot against each other, the warmth between the characters develops.

    There was some frank sex talk which I felt was unnecessary. This came primarily from a relationship between Lloyd and a London friend of Susie.

    I don't like Rob Lowe to begin with, so it took me a while to warm up to this movie. But the investigation of what went wrong finally makes the movie interesting and enjoyable.