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  • Believe it or not this movie did great here in Chile, it's original and very different from most of the movies Chile has done. I think the main problem with this movie is that is made for Chileans. This movie says a lot about our culture, it has our sense of humor and I doubt someone from any other country (except maybe countries closer to Chile like Argentina) would really understand what is about and what the movie says about us. It's not Oscar worthy, but it stands out from most of our movies. It's well done, it's light, it's funny because it shows a lot of characters we recognize in today's society here.

    To say Chileans should be embarrassed about this movie is and insult not just to me, but for our entire country, and it's completely out of line. Most of the movies made in the USA are dumb or crappy, but you can't blame that on the WHOLE country, usually you blame it on the director, or the cast, or the idea was bad, etc.
  • The movie has some good comic material, but the editing is horrible, the jokes go a little overboard and lack subtlety, and the director seems to care more about the unnecessary plot than the deliverance of humor. However, it is still an improvement from the usual archaic, unsophisticated, corny Chilean Comedy.

    The editing makes me feel like I am watching a 90s sitcom. All the movie lacks is the live studio audience in the background and a catchy theme song in the beginning to be a perfect candidate for a spot on the WB's prime time programming. Another annoying thing about the editing is the childish fart sounds used for comic relief. Truth be told, some jokes in the movie are actually funny. The audience doesn't need a whoopee cushion sound to let them know they have to laugh. The comic material in the movie had some backbone but was crippled by the editing.

    The humor revolves mainly around sexual innuendos, as most of Chilean humor does.I am not saying that this is a bad thing, just that sexual innuendos and vulgar remarks seem childish without the appropriate deliverance. Subtlety is the key word here. The writers should have spent more time thinking of the subtlety of the delivery of the joke instead of working on the plot and substance which have minor importance in a comic film.

    As a comedy, the film should have focused mainly on making people laugh, instead of revealing social taboo topics. I mean, the audience of a porn film do not care about the troubled life of the characters, but rather what type of penetration scenes will be in the film. In the same way a comedy/romantic comedy should not focus on relevant social issues, but rather on delivering well developed comic scenes and a worm happy ending. In fact, most great comedies have subliminal plots such as a crazy night in Vegas, a 40 year old virgin, or a day of skipping school. Needless to say, there have been many comedies that have incorporated relevant topics without loosing their humor, however this is not one of them.

    Not all about the movie is bad. Both characters Papitas, and the professor are quite entertaining. I could definitely see a modern sitcom revolving around these characters. Also, the movie shows some of the first usage of sarcastic and cynical comedy in Chilean cinema, which is an advance from their usual immature comedy. The beginning of the movie is quite entertaining (besides the Nickelodeon editing) and the film does manage to express some irony about idiosyncrasies of upper class Chileans. Maybe it's the strong influence of the catholic religion, the lack of Jewish immigrants, or that most of their television revolves around soap operas that make Chilean comedy so old fashion, but one thing this movie does show is that the entertainment industry in Chile is evolving, 10 years behind the rest of the developed world but still, evolving.
  • Chileans should be embarrassed that their country is polluting the environment with toxic waste like this. The director obviously thinks of himself as very "modern" and "irreverential", but the truth is, this film is the most conservative, right-wing and predictable trash I've seen in a Latin American film. He must be a relative of Pinochet or something. As for the comedy, let me just say that it makes the Police Academy movies look like the complete works of Billy Wilder. Sorry, guys, it's just not funny. If you feel like watching what some loser director did as an excuse for a movie so he can pick up girls, lose his virginity and stop masturbating after losing his hair, then this one is for you. The rest of us should just avoid it like the plague.
  • This movie was the big hype of 2004 in Chile. The director visited almost every mass media he could to promote the film, even 3 months before its release on theaters. With this, the film had an amazing start at box offices, everybody went saying it was a big success. But let the truth be said now. The movie is awful. Director Nicolas Lopez portrays himself as the main character, a complete nerdy loser who is the object of rejection of everybody at school, the daddy boy of the class beats him, the new Spanish beauty almost ignores him. Everything goes bad for him. Director Lopez tried to imitate the style popularized by Spanish director Alex De la Iglesia, but tried to transplant it to Chilean idiosyncrasy. The result could have been much better if he had had a good script. Some superb Chilean actors as Fernando Farias, Ernesto Belloni and Kathy Kowaleczko are absolutely wasted here, given them such minimum characters which weren't properly developed. The result is a complete mess which is not funny nor entertaining. After this movie, seems very difficult for Lopez to get some new high budget to make a mainstream movie (this one cost more than a million dollar), so it seems he will be condemned to return to his infra cult circuit where he was born and probably will remain there for the rest of his movie director life.
  • Chilean comedies seem to have a great flaw: they're either dull or vulgar: this one is both. Quite influenced by the Spanish director Alex de la Iglesia, this movie imitates his style, including his faults. The story is very silly and there's nothing original in it. It concerns high school nerds in their sexual awareness and the attempts to have their first experiences (does that sound familiar to you?) It certainly looks quite old fashioned,with the most recurrent stereotypes of the American youngster comedies of the sixties like "Porky" and all its sequels and imitations. The humor is rough - kind of vulgar actually - and the interpretations are quite elementary. It was quite popular in Chile but it faded away a few months after being released.
  • joenajas17 September 2006
    I am sorry but this is on the top 5 list of the worst movies ever. A complete apology to bad taste, lack of redeeming values, or to any values (including entertainment values for that matter). The acting is over the top, the references to many movies, (meet Joe Black, High Times in Richmond High, Some Kind of wonderful) and to styles and directors (Alex de la Iglesia, Kevin Smith) are somehow pathetic. I have seen some really good chilean movies in the last decade but this one is that kind of movie that will leave you mad for having wasted almost two hours of your life for watching it. Avoid it at all costs. It is that bad.
  • I saw promedio rojo with very low expectations (may be that's why I liked it). When I saw this movie, I first thought it was going to be the typical teen movie with the nerdy kid getting the good looking girl at the end. But instead I got Nicolas Lopes crazy world. What I really like about this movie is that the set up is basically a comic about the main character, which gives more freedom to switch from the characters imagination and reality. Also I liked how it poked fun of every teen movie, and also other big Hollywood hits (star wars, lion king, etc). Unlike every teen movie, the ending is not a happy one, and it leaves the viewer waiting to see what's going to happened. I really enjoyed this movie, and I recommend it to anyone.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all, I bet that this person doesn't even get Chilean Humor. And if you ever went to a private school in Chile, you would know that that is how everything is.

    Just because you have some money over there, you're automatically extremely right-winged I guess.

    This movie shows stories of people and families living in that social status and that is the reality. If something were changed in the movie, it wouldn't be genuine.

    It is a great movie and if you have the chance to watch it, I suggest you do. If you want to know a little more about Chilean culture, a little history about its economic background or simply just to check out another style of humor (which I think is better than the plain, boring humor that there is in the US).

    Its not a waste of time.

    Good luck on finding the subs. lol
  • It's a laugh feast! Satirical, fast-paced, imaginative, savvy, wonderful performances lead by a director who knows what he is doing. Main character Roberto is a geek, but a talented comics artist, and the film weaves the real-life situations into the black&white comics book he is creating. Through his eyes real-life events are exaggerated and surreal, like when he wonders through a mall feeling a huge heart-ache for Cristina and all he sees at every step are young couples glued to each other kissing. Scenes with depraved grandfather who he adopts as mentor are hilarious. All scenes have an unexpected turn-around. Fine black-humor. A classic not to be missed!
  • Being a little freak, introspective, somewhat fat and a huge fan of Star Wars and comics might render you unattractive for the vast majority of the popular girls in your college.

    Roberto Rodriguez is the perfect prototype of a fat freaky looser, and he can live with it, until a new female student arrives into his class. She's an adorable Spanish brunette who also likes comics books, and Roberto falls for her instantaneously.

    The problem is that she's quickly drained towards Fele, an older student who is the perfect handsome heart breaker, forcing Roberto to attempt desperately and pathetically to get her to notice him.

    I think this movie might be a little autobiographic for Nicolas Lopez, Director, Script Writer and co-producer of Promedio Rojo. And might as well have many similarities with the lives of a lot of young men who hadn't it easy during high school, being unnoticed or unattractive to girls, hanging out with freaky friends, having little or no social life and having to survive the cruelty and rudeness of popular students.

    Altought the film has some dramatic ingredients, it's by no means a melodrama. I think this is plain comedy, but a rather sarcastic one. You might find yourself laughing at things that you know that are full of bad taste or even plain gross... and those situations wouldn't be funny if presented in another context, but in this movie it works, and it works well.

    There are some petty side conflicts which really aren't important nor funny, but all in all the movie is entertaining, funny and has enjoyable characters.

    And I declare myself absolutely in love for Cristina, the Spanish student.