User Reviews (23)

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  • Well, this movie started out funny but quickly deteriorated. I thought it would be more 'adult oriented' humor based on the first few moments but then the movie switched into a bad made-for-Disney Channel type mode, especially a go-kart racing scene that was incredibly long. Alana De La Garza is gorgeous but has a really fake Italian accent. The movie looked and sounded very independent and low budget. There was one very cute moment which I'll just call the serenading scene but overall this one was a yawner. The laughs are very few and far between. The end surprise for "Mr. Fix It" is so ridiculous it left me more mad than anything else. Might be worth a look if you can catch it for free or TV but don't waste your money buying or renting this movie.
  • UglyToesPete9 January 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    Hi all, This was a cute, good little flick. The leading man Lance Valenteen (actor David Boreanaz...the one all the girls are ga-ga about) plays a fiendish Mr. Fix It who hires out his services to seduce the ex-girlfriends of his jilted clients. To seduce them, he gets priviliged information from his clients, then assaults the young lady in question with lots of charm and devasting good looks. Inevitably, they all fall hard for this whirlwind Romeo with chiseled pecs.

    Just when he's sure they've fallen for him, he springs on them a shower of their worst fears and displeasure coming from your boyfriend and trusted person status. Upon such devastation of their yearn for love and sex, each girl automatically calls on thieir ex-boyfriends for solace and friendship. Et voila, another fee earned for Lance.

    Lance however, is having doubts about his career just when he must tackle not only his biggest race event as a driver, but as Mr. Fix It too. Sophia (Alana De La Garza) is the haughty ex-girlfriend of Lance's desperate new client. Va va voom can best describe her. With talent, a beautiful flawless face, and a depth to her eye, not to mention someone ALSO thought of giving the girl a script to work for, she makes Lance fall for her! That wasn't a spoiler, what else did you expect from this flic? This is a busy film. The sequence of events actually make sense, this is not usual in a romcom, and you feel engaged. Surprisingly, this movie also attempts to say something about life and relationships and leaves the floor open for you to think what you wish.

    I'm a Alana De La Garza fan now.

    And here is the spoiler:

    Watch out for the last 5 minutes of the film though. This is the war of the sexes....with women usually winning these days. The lead actor's masculinity is castrated in the last five minutes.

    Apart from that excess, it was a fun smart flic.

    Cheers from Montréal.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is twisted nonsense from the get-go... Ex-Angel from "Buffy: Vampire Slayer" Boreanaz plays another kind of vampire - Lance Valenteen, who feeds financially off of guys who want back their girls...

    Valenteen/Boreanaz says he can pull the trick off as he never experienced true love, and there is the crux of this dreck... It seems the scriptwriters feel you're nobody without somebody, what a hump of steaming dog pucks! Does not love of self become key in the ability to love others? I am not surprised to see the author has an Italian name, this concept of completeness via marriage/union to me seems that it is usually based from somewhere in the Mediterranean - be it Rome or Tel Aviv! The best part of the picture was the band scene with Paul Sorvino and his cronies wooing the old widows and appearing to be regaining their youth - albeit lust can play a big a part to rejuvenate or energise as can true love, and that difference in this movie with the senior citizens never seemed resolved to me...

    When Boreanaz' character learns he was played as he had played before and he was angry this was true and in his mind justified, as would any normal person, despite his own chicanery for profit! Yet when he talked again with his old "friends" so soon? I felt that was nonsense, as for him taking the car back and rekindling his relationship with Sophia/Shaughnessy I felt this was equally unreal - am I the only one who would say to put the car deeply where the sun don't shine? This movie had to be financed and made through know-how, as in I know a friend or family member who can do this, etc.
  • I was eager to see "Mr. Fix It" because I'm a huge David Boreanaz fan. What I got, though, was a 1-1/2 hour nap. The premise seemed enjoyable: Boreanaz is Lance Valenteen, proprietor of a business called "Mr. Fix It", where dumped men enlist his help to get their girlfriends to take them back.

    Among the problems with this movie are the editing, script, and acting. Although I've found Boreanaz delightful in his other film roles (with the exception of that "Crow" movie he did), this was disappointing. At times, his character was interesting and others, flat. The supporting cast reminded me of soap opera day players. I realize it wasn't a big-budget film, but some of the scene cuts and music just didn't seem right.

    My advice: watch at your own risk.
  • stardarling200314 January 2007
    I love David Boreanaz, so of course I simply bought Mr. Fix It. The first time I watched it, I realized there may have been a reason it went straight to DVD. I watched it the next day, and I actually like it. It's pretty cute, and has some great one-liners. While it's predictable, and kind of like a backwards Hitch, it's a simply cute romantic comedy with some twists and turns. David Boreanaz is great in a role very different from Angel and Special Agent Seeley Booth, and really gets the opportunity to show off some comedic acting. I recommend this if you're looking for something cute and fun to spend a night.
  • ot_lowrider25 April 2007
    Complete waste of time.... This movie is not comedy, it's not drama, it's not romance...not even teenage comedy at least!!! Story... it should be some turn-over one end... but it's so disappointing! When movie has a turn-over on end I expect that turn-over to make movie even better (exp. "Fight Club") but this turn-over makes movie even worse.... When I watch teenage comedy, and I don't do that very often, I expect lousy jokes and bunch of nudeness... Jokes are too lousy and there is no nudity... You got only one....very good looking I must admit... girl, and that's that! And she's fully dressed whole movie! Acting is bad... like soap series... Don't waste your time! There are porns with better story and acting!

    (sorry on my bad English)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I rented this low-budget direct-to-DVD flick on Friday night. I watched it again with the director's commentary on later that night, and then watched it with my husband on Saturday afternoon. It held up to the repeated viewings, so that's one thing in its favor.

    The movie is a romantic comedy starring David Boreanaz. The premise is that while dreaming of racing his Camaro in the town's annual street car race, he runs a business where freshly dumped guys hire him to be the rebound guy for their exes. Mr. Fix-It's goal is to make the ex-boyfriends look "not so bad after all" by taking to extremes whatever qualities the girls think made the ex worth dumping. Of course, the plot thickens when he actually starts to fall for one of his marks ...

    The low budget nature of the movie and sometimes campy acting actually enhanced my enjoyment as I found its goofy, "lame" quality to be endearing. On the downside, there are some plots and themes that seem underdeveloped. His friendship with his male buddies seems particularly tacked on, and they only show up when the plot demands. More enjoyable was the mentoring relationship he had with the older mechanics who fix up his Camaro.

    I loved the kicky soundtrack, mostly tunes by The Rosenbergs. I especially like "Birds of a Feather," which plays near the opening and over the credits.

    David Boreanaz really demonstrates good range here, creating a character totally different from the dark, brooding Angel or even the by-the-book FBI agent he plays in Bones. He made Lance Valenteen very appealing and kept you rooting for him throughout. Watching his performance in this movie made me a bona-fide fan of his! It's interesting to note that while the movie does have some sexual themes and gross out humor, there is no cursing and no nudity (except for some shirtless David Boreanaz!).

    Go into this movie expecting light entertainment that doesn't take itself too seriously ... and you'll get a few laughs and a positive message to boot.
  • This movie surprised me, in a good way. I wasn't expecting much more than some light hearted humor, especially since the box cover and description are fairly innocuous. Instead, I got a heck of a fun ride. Boreanaz, although I'm not really a huge fan of his stuff, really shines. The movie puts him in many hilarious situations, making strong execution of the funny "bad boyfriend" concept that is the basis for the movie. The performances are impressive, especially La Garza who plays her role with a touch of innocence that makes you really root for her. The biggest surprise was the movies depth and the way it addresses aging, loneliness and regret. It made the film more than just a typical "date movie" and helped keep my interest. All in all a fun flick and recommended for those who like the romantic comedy genre.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Positioned somewhere between Hitch and Failure to Launch comes Mr. Fix-It, a funny, well made date movie that stars everyone's favorite "Angel," David Boreanaz.

    Boreanaz plays Lance Valenteen, who hires himself out as a fixer of relationships-gone-bad. Newly dumped guys tell Lance that major flaw that made their former significant others show them the door. Lance gathers information on the ex-girlfriends, then sets up a time and place to "accidentally" bump into them.

    He aggressively courts his subjects, eventually getting them to fall madly in love with him. Then he drops the bomb on the unsuspecting female by becoming a total jerk and making whatever the ex-boyfriend did seem like child's play.

    The woman crawl back to their ex, Lance gets paid and everyone lives happily ever after. Not so fast.

    All this comes at a price for poor Lance. Lance does not believe in true love, is totally miserable and does not want to grow old alone. During his time of vulnerability, Lance breaks his own rule by falling for one of his marks, the beautiful Sophia (De La Garza of "Law and Order" and "CSI: Miami"), who displays a few tricks of her own.

    Mr. Fix-It is a very enjoyable movie that truly showcases the comic talents of Boreanaz. The makers of this movie know exactly what they are doing and who their audience is. The film never drags, has a very good soundtrack and the box art is first rate.

    This movie should have no trouble selling itself, with Boreanaz's legion of female fans and his hit TV show "Bones." There's plenty for men, too, with the very beautiful De La Garza more than holding her own on screen. — Jonathan Rosenbloom, Home Media Retailing
  • Quicksand18 August 2007
    There's a shot pretty early on in this movie where the camera zooms in on a screaming woman (who has just been wronged by Mr. Fix It), continuing to zoom right into the back of her throat to her uvula, which then dissolves into a punching bag at a gym. I had low expectations going in, but I see that shot, and I point at the TV screen and say, "HOLD UP now, this guy is a freakin' genius." I haven't seen this director's other films (and judging by their IMDb synopses, I don't want to), but "Mr. Fix It" is cleverly written, well-paced, has some great visual gags, and Paul Sorvino for no apparent reason. It's by no means theatrical quality (you can see the end coming from ten miles away), but for straight-to-DVD, it's in the top tier.

    The actors all start to look alike after a while (they're all fairly generic LA-types, except for Sorvino and the radiant, subtle Alana De La Garza), and Boreanaz has limited range, but knows how to play to his strengths (unlike, say, that other half of his former TV-romance). He's the smug fratboy who's just a little bit more aware of what's going on around him, closer to his character on "Bones" than the dark, brooding... well, you already know his resume.

    The meat of the story was fun to watch, the set-up is clever, and this guy does some really evil things to the women he's trying to chase back to their former boyfriends. Does he get his comeuppance? I don't think it's too big a spoiler to say that he does. What happens after that, though, takes only about 5 minutes of screen time and kinda ruined the movie for me. It's difficult to talk about with spoiling it, but essentially, there's a new character introduced at the very end of the story, and we never get to know her, so we don't care. Where a clever plot-twister like "Wild Things" spends 10 minutes of the closing credits revealing the behind-the-scenes, "Mr. Fix It" spend 30 seconds, and expects it to be satisfying.

    But whatever. The getting there was fun, and I wasn't expecting art. And I always enjoy a good go-kart race. 7/10.
  • David Boreanaz of "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" and "Angel" television series fame stars in this cute off-kilter romantic comedy where Boreanaz has a job at becoming the ideal date until he turns the table in order to compel his date back to their spurned lovers. But in his next job he appears to meet his match that threatens his perfect record. The one possible burning weakness shows up during the first part of the movie as how much of Boreanaz's character comes across as a demeaning ass-hole that darkens his appeal and also involves so much of an exaggerated comedy character types such as The Charmer, The Bully, The Big Mouth, The Wisecrack that it threatens to become almost a poor parody of itself. But as the ultimate outcome of his character's outlandish behavior becomes apparent, the romantic comedic genre mood returns all in good time. And as the movie proceeds to its conclusion, Boreanaz's character settles down into a rather insightful reflection of an adult coming of age film. This somewhat predictable film nevertheless maintains a good grip on its subject matter and handles most the rest of the movie in a rather compelling way with a well-handled twist for a romantic comedy. The direction of this movie and script by Darin Ferriola offers up a typical rom-com but with a bit of a refreshing and tad more of a substantive, meaningful take on romantic comedy making it a solid seven out of ten, almost an eight. Worth checking out.
  • katc3111 January 2007
    I have seen this movie 2 times and loved it. I bought the DVD and my husband has watched it 6 times already. David and Alana are wonderful in their portrayal of their characters.

    Love is and always will be in man's search for happiness. Sometimes, we forget what the true meaning of love is and need to be reminded. This movie does just that. It warms the heart and cheers the emotions of the heart. You laugh and you cry as you feel David's search for love.

    Mr. Fix It touches the hearts of new and old lovers as well as love found and love lost. It inspires those who question the meaning of life and rewards those who have achieved the balance of life and love.

    Great movie! A real MUST SEE. It should be in the theaters.
  • Whether you will like this movie or not depends on the time and the mood you are in. I have many movies on my computer that I haven't seen yet but I chose this one because I wanted a comedy, badly.

    I liked Alana De La Garza's facial expressions, very cute. David Boreanaz wasn't bad either. I think he's very good at facial expressions too. He has this big smile you won't forget.

    I had a blast watching this. Not a hint of boredom. I can say this because I was sitting in front of a computer screen, I can pause it or stop watching it altogether if I really want to.(unlike the movie theater, you almost have to finish the movie so your buck wouldn't got to waste) But I didn't.

    This movie is kind of like Click (2006). Full comedy in the beginning, then romance and sadness near the end.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'd rate this as a cut above the usual "date movie" because of it's slightly edgy humor and concept. The film was shot independently, with a low budget, but you'd never know it from the production values displayed on the screen. The two leads have a splendid chemistry and Alana De La Garza captivates with her beauty and flawless Italian accent. Had this film been cast with A-List stars, it surely would have been the top Romantic Comedy for 2006. One especially nice scene features Paul Sorvino and his pals serenading their senior sweethearts in the middle of the night. This moment takes a fanciful turn, reminiscent of fantasy elements found in classical musical comedies from, 40's and 50's. Definitely worth a purchase or rental, especially for Valentine's day.
  • Wonderful and charming film. I was dragged, kicking and screaming to the TV set by my girlfriend, but what a surprise!

    Without spoiling the surprise, let me say that the film's a contemporary romantic comedy but, instead of the usual baloney and narcissim of recent film releases, the film

    David Boreanaz shows a great facility for comedy- something we hadn't seen before, and Alana De La Garza is quite charming.

    I don't want to ruin the surprise, so I'll say Paul Sorvino can really sing.

    Otherwise, a great supporting cast, too.

    We rent many films, but WE PURCHASED THIS ONE and gave copies to the relatives (only the ones we like) for the holidays.
  • What this movie lacks in big stars it makes up for with charm. It doesn't take itself too seriously and almost satirizes the romantic comedy genre - in an entertaining and irreverent way. It doesn't drag anywhere and moves along pretty quick, sometimes actually causing me to rewind the DVD player to see if I missed anything. There seems to be a lot in this movie: go cart racing, stock car racing, singing, dancing, fighting, crying and it all serves the plot well (especially a great serenade scene with Paul Sorvino singing Frank Sinatra.) I like the leads but feel that the supporting characters could've been explored more but it's a nice little flick that makes you feel good at the end.
  • Mr. Fix It is the right way to do a romantic comedy, and it would be your average romantic comedy if it didn't do things to break out of the mold. David Boreanaz is cast perfectly as the lovable Vince Valenteen, and the acting from him is top-notch. It's so nice to see Boreanaz doing something comical rather than all of the morbid TV shows he has been doing. I loved him in Buffy and Angel, and here he really plays against character. Alana De La Garza plays Sophia with an unseen sexiness, and she does it very well.

    Mr. Fix It plays out in the vein of Hitch, only this film ends up better. Mr. Fix It is a very well-written and well-acted romantic comedy that is not to be missed. Above all, this film is very entertaining, and certainly does not manage to disappoint. Much better than Boreanaz's last effort, These Girls.
  • I like David Boreanaz. I put off watching this movie because the first review I read was negative. If you are looking for a g-rated light intensity movie. This is a good choice. It's got a little something for everyone. I'll even admit that I found myself grabbing for a tissue at a pivotal scene toward the end of the movie. It's not just a chick flick. My husband enjoyed the movie as well. David Boreanaz did a good job. Not once did I think, oh look, Angel or Booth dyed their hair blond. It helps that David Boreanaz is especially hot. Alana De La Garza is easy on the eyes also.

    I don't like mushy love stories. It is a love story, but mushiness is kept at minimum.

    Give it a chance, hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as we did.

    Put simply, if you like David Boreanaz, you will enjoy this movie.
  • Boreanaz plays Lance Valenteen, a ladies man who gets hired by guys that have been dumped by their girlfriends. Lance, as "Mr. Fix It," seduces the guys ex-girlfriend and becomes such a bad boyfriend that the girl runs back into her ex-boyfriend's arms. I've always thought Boreanaz was too brooding and tortured on Angel, and in Bones he slurs his words and lulls me to sleep. But somehow in this movie he's transformed into a high energy, funny, vulnerable romantic lead. Maybe it's the blonde (or gold?) hair dye that changed him but whatever it is it works, and it works well.

    The movie starts off, after some pretty funny scenes of "Mr. Fix It" at work, with Lance getting hired by Bill Smith (Pat Healy) to help him get back his ex-girlfriend, an Italian-accented hottie named Sophia Fiori (Alana De La Garza). Sophia dumped Bill because he was a chronic liar so Lance concocts a plan to seduce Sophia, get her to fall in love with him, and then reveal that all the reasons she fell in love with him were lies. With her heart broken, Bill's lies will pale in comparison.

    The execution of the plan is pretty much the movie: They date, they start to fall for each other, blah, blah, blah…it's a romantic comedy so you pretty much know the story and how it ends. But that's the thing with this movie - you don't know! It takes the accepted conventions of romantic comedies and not only satirizes them, but uses them to lull the audience into a false sense of comfort so that each new shock is so unexpected that it's embraced by the viewer. The charm of the movie, and there's a lot of it, comes from its ability to work within the confines of the genre while carefully breaking some of it's rules, making for an entertaining, unpredictable story.

    I've never seen the female lead before, Alana De La Garza, but she made the film. This movie is almost a romantic comedy for guys, which makes you root for Lance. But Garza plays the role of Sophia note perfect, with a dashing combination of innocence and beauty, that you start cringing knowing what lies ahead and hope somehow, someway, she won't get hurt. Halfway through the movie I wasn't sure who I was rooting for since you genuinely like both characters. "Mr. Fix It" has a message but unlike most films you believe the message because you've learned it as the characters have: through situations and conflict. It's not underdeveloped and forced as in other romantic comedies.
  • This was presented today at the AMC theater as a surprise preview showing. The theater was full of Saturday viewers and remained that way throughout the picture. There were plenty of laughs and the storyline has an appealing plot. The guy who plays the lead, I think, used to play on "Angel" a TV series and he is very good. The girl is good too and must be new because I've never seen her in anything else.

    I would recommend this for a good date movie. Some of the scenes really cracked me up and the story is worth your time. It has a clever ending. My girlfriend couldn't stop talking about the guy who plays the lead, David something. He was pretty good I thought.
  • ccm-1918 January 2007
    I liked this movie very much. It is well written and the acting is superb. A great date movie. I've seen it a few times and it gets better and better.

    It is a romantic comedy with a plot twist you won't see coming. "Mr. Fix It" is a specialist hired by men who want to get back together with the women who dumped them. He develops a relationship with the ex-girlfriend and proceeds to offend or annoy her so much that she realizes what she really had in her last boyfriend -- causing her to go back to Mr. Fix It's client. This leads to a hilarious sequence of events, which end when Mr. Fix It falls in love with one of the women he was hired to entice.

    Besides the comedy, there are many touching moments in the film. Good for guys or girls.
  • I have to admit that i only got this movie because i wanted to see David in a part other than Angel since i haven't seen him in one...Also i wasn't too sure about his acting since Angel was mostly an adventure series and Bones too so......But I was wrong...He actually pulled it off with flying colors and without a single glitch as far as i can tell..The movie is awesome...Its funny and romantic...The actors are amazing....Thus the time goes by happily and one can say that when the movie was over i actually wanted more....I can just hope that David can continue making movies like that.....Good movies with fun or adventure if needed....So bottom line, whoever likes romantic comedies or is a fan of David boreanaz shouldn't miss out on this one.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Lance Valenteen (David Boreanaz) is "Mr. Fix It", a match-maker, but to resolve relationship issues and to make the woman realize their exes weren't as bad as they originally thought. And he credits this to his lack of abilities to love again; that's until he meets Bill Smith who enlists his help to win back his Italian girlfriend, Sophia. Lance's rules that in no way is he going to have sex with the clients ex... and there's a full refund if there's no reconciliation; but will he ignore his own rules when it comes to Sophia? Everything goes to plan; he pretends to be the worst boyfriend of all, has fun while doing it, and he's so confident about this case that he uses all the refund money to fix up his car in time for the care races; but that's all until a huge and betraying secret is revealed!

    David Boreanaz is excellent with his portrayal of the lonely and childish Lance Valenteen and delivering the ever-so embarrassing jokes. He's also really good at being the jealous boyfriend, good -but at times late- friend, and the just mean boyfriend. And he works with his worst enemy: a live bird!

    Alana is also great at being funny, loving and down-to-earth. But most of all, she's able to work along side David, keep up and be as equally entertaining.

    This movie may be a bit cheesy and on the mushy romantic side -a great girls-night-in movie!- but it's a movie the guys can appreciate and relate to, as well. It's not at all like "Sleepless in Seattle", even though the girls may find the comparisons; romantic movie, comedic, boy gets girl, and tricky. But "Sleepless in Seattle" had Rosie O'Donnell, but this one has CARS and RACES! It's not everyday that you see a motor vehicle in a movie which plays a regular part in the movie. So, your girlfriends could say that it's a perfect movie for girls because it's romantic and girls go crazy for it, if your girlfriends say you'll enjoy it, trust her. There couldn't be anything better!

    This is a MUST SEE movie!