User Reviews (17)

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  • One show I looked forward to, among a few others; it had a colorful group of contestants and a lil bit of fun drama..That said, the past few seasons the "judges" have been been erking something. One particular episode they were criticizing a kitchen and Daren Palmer made some dribbling comments about the 'flow' between the appliances and some other areas around the sink and trash bin being being incorrect... Having been a draftsman for some time, I knew it was nonsense here because the work flow is set in the pattern the contestants used, so I double checked the aussie design principles and found they also follow the work flow pattern.. That started a snowball in my brain.. Shayna Blaze a "style guru"!?..imposter I say! Season 18 rolled around and by episode 15 I had had enough of the judges dribble.. I paused the dvr until next season.....
  • bevo-1367827 October 2020
    I like when they build stuff but the foreman says they have to rip it out and start again. Happens every episode
  • bevo-1367822 October 2020
    I like the bit where Scotty cam whistles then goes Tools Down
  • oreobastard3 September 2021
    I cannot believe the bar has fallen so low for television these days. I remember when the block was about renovating houses and not creating needless drama on set just to hold what viewers they have left. This show is just flashy advertising and no real form of entertainment anymore.
  • Found this in the U. S. on Prime. As a novice renovator I like watching these kinds of shows but this one isn't all touchy feely like the shows currently running on HGTV, it has humor and boy do Australians seem to cry a lot.
  • joshuapendergrast21 September 2021
    I thought this show was about building not about all this other stuff. Can't stand it now. I'm not watching it again.
  • I love the block, it's great how they transform old run down buildings like hotels or old apartments into fantastic high end apartments, the transformations are astounding and some of the contestants are funny and exciting, the final results leave me gum founded as well as the reserve prices (hehe) , the auctions always leave my heart pumping, some results will surprise you some may get $10,000 some may get $500,000, it's always exhilarating to find out but if I had to complain about anything in the show would be the drama, its a real buzz killer, they should worry about their own apartments rather then worry about other contestants who may haven't paid a bill or copied a design style.
  • The Block began as a renovation show. The premise was that everyday Australians were given the chance to win a large sum of money by winning the proceeds of their hard work (over a reserve) once the completed properties are auctioned. Teams are always made up of two - usually a couple.

    The contestants are given a budget. They are not necessarily skilled in any area of construction or building, and the teams are required to assemble a team of labourers or that team is provided to the contestants by the program.

    The time frame has always been unrealistic - less than three months to renovate a home, one week at a time. How exactly the contestants achieve this is dubious - contestants hardly sleep, and the camera follows them around during the project.

    That's the format The Block began with, and that's the format the audience enjoyed.

    The Block is not that show anymore.

    Presently, there is a distinct lack of renovation on this renovation show.

    Sadly, someone thought it was a stroke of genius to favour contestants who are able to create as much drama as possible. If it doesn't exist, it will be manufactured. That's their reality.

    The Block favours cruel, nasty, and bitter behaviour. There have been several "cheating scandals," but no contestant is ever held accountable or responsible for said cheating. Episodes are dragged out by useless plot exaggeration, completely irrelevant to the purpose of the show.

    What you see now are contestants being bullied. You see contestants being gaslit, psychologically manipulated, and treated poorly and unfairly by other contestants. It's not entertaining. Basically, contestants can be as cruel, nasty, and as inappropriate as they wish, for their own twisted amusement, with impunity. The show fails to offer help, support, or intervention on behalf of the contestant(s) on the receiving end.

    Thr Block is no longer a show about renovating and design ideas. In fact, it really isn't a renovation show anymore. It has jumped the shark and has willingly become a highly exaggerated, implausible, and toxic program, which is incapable of calling out their own cast on their appalling, mean, vicious, nasty, and cruel behaviour. As far as they are concerned, nobody should be accountable.

    If you're after a "reality" program that:

    Doesn't meet their own brief

    Cannot define the type of program they wish to be

    Is in complete denial about what their audience wants to see and their own integrity

    Is toxic

    Doesn't enforce their own "rules" of the competition

    Rejects any form of criticism, feedback, or accountability, then claims it's a "conspiracy theory" against their show

    Gabbles on tediously and repetitively over unrelated topics until it puts its audience to sleep

    Constantly cross promotes and has insufferable product placements

    Is a cacophony of backstabbing, jealousy, infintile behaviour, school yard bullying, and nastiness

    Fails to use its "prime time" status as a teachable, instructive tool of how people should not be treated

    Refuses to identify and prevent their "employees" from abuse (both mental and emotional), bullying, and intimidation

    Deliberately and willingingly risks the health and safety of their contestants

    Fails to identify themselves as part of the problem, not the solution

    Is void of any acumen and still has the hubris to call itself, "Australia's favourite TV show"

    This one might be for you!
  • cj-621375 February 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    The block and house rules are the same just on different channels
  • bevo-1367812 August 2021
    Just when you think things can't get anymore controversial, an event occurs with an even greater degree of controversy.
  • This show had it all going for while before it decided to stop including average regular individuals surely there are great carpenter's who deserve to be shown to there fullest degree of talent you want more views make the show better include regular normal every day carpenters who will work there best all to go for the final cash prize because let's be honest this show has turned into keeping up with the sooks .... Get back to work and fix something there is always potential to spin this show around and reinforce that this was an alternative show which was once appreciated go back to the roots 👀
  • Season 16 was superb. Season 17 is hard to enjoy beacause half cooked personalities, mainly from All Stars. Ronnie and Georgia especially manage to suck all the air out of the room. Hard to appreciate a team show when the dominating mentality is 'You are either against us or under us! Your choice!?' Please cast better on season 18.
  • Just finished watching the finale and auction for season 17 of The Block.

    Firstly, the Block crew knew who cheated, or should have known after doing a bit of digging. Tanya cheated by taking the photo of the schedule and Luke kept a "look out", so he cheated too. All four should have been thrown off the Block immediately and not rewarded with $400,000 and $565,000 respectively. These two houses must surely be always remembered as "the CHEATERS " houses!!!!

    So, it's acceptable to cheat and gain an advantage and no consequences, much like our Liberal and Labour parties who lie, cheat and steal on a daily basis, with our prime minister Scott Morrison "king of the liars" running our country!

    Josh and Luke's house was a lemon, with the bathroom half a mile away from spare bedroom, a one car garage and the dining table in a separate postcode to the kitchen.

    The lying Tanya and Vitos home was gaudy, the bed head with the eyeballs will surely be ripped out on "move in" day and Tanya will go down in block history as the barefaced lying cheat. I don't know how she can face her family, friends and children. Sooo embarrassing! But I'm so grateful the show is over! I no longer have to listen to Vito repeating himself over and over and over and over and over again.

    Congratulations to Ronnie and Georgia for their beautiful home and a huge congratulations to Kirsty and Jesse who built, budgeted and furnished one of the most exquisite homes I've ever seen on a reality show. I wish and hope that great things happen for this hard working, honest couple in the future.

    If next season doesn't concentrate on the actual build but more on lying and cheating morons, then I'm done! The show is mostly Advertisements, boring furniture and ugly oval mirrors, so won't be missing much!
  • Cheating is ok. Was a fan before this whole saga, no longer watching. More about drama then it is about building a house #trash.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When you have one bidder who pays almost 50% more than the reserve for one house, upping the bid by a million dollars in one bid and then pays 32% over the reserve for another house, you have to question the integrity of the auctions.

    And then you have a bidder who bids 3.99 million when they meant to say 2.99 million, it really does become a farce.

    This is further reinforced when another house sells for 4% over the reserve, another gets 2% over the reserve and another is passed in.

    There was only one "proper" bidder. That is, someone who is actually part of the target market for the houses, not some multi, multi millionaires who see this as a sport.

    And who has heard of someone bidding against themselves, twice no less?

    If it weren't for the seriously wealthy bidders, the average profit across the contestants would have probably been around $100k or so given the nature of the market and the ridiculous reserves.

    Why would one house be worth $5 million and the ones one or two doors along only $3 million? Makes no sense at all.
  • From a fabulous 10 to a considered 3. Used to love this one. Great fun, a bit of staged drama (unnecessary, but i get that the mainstream audience loves this silly stuff), and great room reveals. I've watched through season 16, but can not bear to watch any longer, the language (every other word is an "f" bomb), and absolute crass behavior has turned this one into a toss into the trashbin option. .. and poor Sheena, bless her heart, never learned how to dress herself. I was hopeful that she would develop some sort of sophistication, but that hasn't happened yet... so I'm out. Will miss all those great reveals 😞.
  • Hi there my name is Paul ive worked for minos structral engineering and in my 8 months there ive never seen such poor quality welding especially when joining two pieces of rhs steel together welds grinded back to hide the fact of two bits of steel joined as a whole length of steel reinforcing simply because they didnt have a long enough piece of steel to begin with so they illegally join two pieces to make one hmmmm and they use unqualified boilermakers to cut cost to top it off minos the ceo abuses bullies staff and makes them wait for wages and sacks staff over phone. Ive never seen or worked in a place quite like this if the series the block is experiencing complications on there modules coved in runs from unexpirenced painters or imperfections doesn't suprise me but id be finding a much better business to make your modular.