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  • ThunderKing61 January 2021
    The show felt empty. As if it was lifeless as halloween.

    Danza a good host. Just the show had no life and energy to it.

    Verdict: could have been great as a 90s show.
  • I think that the show is OK i use to watch it some but not much at all now.I recall before you all started filming this season of tony Panza show that tony himself said, we are going to start giving to people go into the community and help. But i have not saw much of that at all.One thing that bothers me is that tony seems to talk about himself more than anything else.When he is interviewing the guests he don't seem to ask them questions about themselves or their work he ask them questions that revert back to himself.I know it is the tony Panza show but we would like to hear more about the guest than tony trivia.I understand him relating things to himself but he bluntly interrupts the guest sometimes to get a comment in about himself.
  • Having tried to watch many episodes of this show, it was almost a painful experience. You can tell that Tony tried to do a good job, but unfortunately his sitcom experience did him little good in this format. Most of his interviews seem forced. He doesn't really listen to the guests answers. There are so many very good talk shows out there that this show pales in comparison. He also looks ill in this show, his face is sunken in and his hair seems to have some problems. Either he is ill, or his makeup artist has a sick and demented sense of humor. Each Friday he had a segment on the highlights from that week. I don't know how they found footage for those. I have to say I was kind of glad when this show was canceled, and replaced with someone new(Rachel Ray) At least things will be better this fall. Tony, please go back to sitcoms where talented people do the writing.
  • dantsea5 November 2004
    Tony Danza, in a capsule review: A nice guy, a genuine person, the kid down the block who grew up and did good, but never forgot where he came from. Likable.

    The Tony Danza Show: Flat. Not horrible, just... flat. There's no natural flow to the show, it's very forced. The song at the end, I don't think it comes off quite the way it's intended. It's corny and (once again) forced.

    Danza is painfully earnest to the point where you realize he's invested more than just time into getting this show on the air. It's painful to watch, because you know what's going to happen, and it's a damn shame that it's going to happen to such a nice guy.

    Edit: First to review, first to call it doomed, first to be right.
  • aunt2ten28 September 2006
    I went to a taping of the show also, and they basically ignored the left side of the audience. They concentrated on the VIP and probably friends of the crew or Danza himself, which were sitting on the right side of the audience. And I know this because when we got it that part was full, then they brought the rest of us in...My mother needed the ladies room and they were giving her a hard time about going!! What the heck??

    I was totally disgusted and glad he was cancelled. It was pouring rain outside besides and they wouldn't let us wait inside. Totally ridiculous. Then they constantly want you to clap and clap, like Tony is some GOD.. NOT.
  • This show didn't quite make it because of a few reasons. Tony Danza is an Italian from Brooklyn, which is cool. Very colorful upbringing and heritage. But he keeps referencing to the fact that he's Italian. Paisan this, Paisan that. Enough, man. The guy thinks he's a walking plate of spaghetti or something. Also, he talks too quickly and often when he's interviewing guests. He sticks to his notes instead of building on what the guest just said... should be digging for more depth. He's also too hyped up. He needs to relax.
  • Tony's show is the best talk show on the air. It's clean and I let my grandkids watch it but none of the others. He's up and happy all the time and a good roll model for a lot of people with his family values and the way he talks about them and treats the family. DON'T TAKE HIM OFF THE AIR. He is a great people person. Tony is funny and a great talent and not afraid to mess up when he playing the horn and learning any other instrument. He has great gusts on his show and has a great talent for cooking. Love the way he talks about his son and grandson and the way his face lights up when any of his family is around. He makes his guest fell like at ease and has a lot of concern for there feeling and the subject they talk about. Good or Bad. M0J0J0
  • Sometimes a program will come along that makes you laugh, but it's not anything the makers thought you'd find amusing that you're laughing at. "The Tony Danza Show" is one of those programs.

    Following Danza's career over the years, from the brilliant sitcom, "Taxi" in which he played a character who was pretty much like Tony himself, to "Family Law" where he did quite well as a dramatic actor, it's always been clear that Danza is a capable, natural actor. He does just fine- as long as he has a script to follow.

    Now Tony seems to be a really nice guy and he'd probably even be a great fella to have for a neighbour. At the same time, anyone who's seen him make personal appearances on various shows over the years has probably witnessed Tony's "unsteadiness" when he has to just be Tony Danza. The most unbelievable example occurred on the old Dick Clark game show, "One Hundred Thousand Dollar Pyramid". Tony was one of the celebrity panelists and he and the contestant he was teamed with actually made it to the big money lightning round. Well, at one point Tony became so enraged when he couldn't get a particular question in the pyramid right that he stomped off the stage with a multitude of bleeps replacing his comments about how he felt he was playing the game. Dick Clark tried to calm him down and Tony responded with "Now everybody thinks I'm a (bleep) (bleep) moron!" To his credit though, Dick was able to coax Tony back to his seat, and with a bit of a pout on his face Tony did complete the rest of the round without any more outbursts.

    Rather more presciently, Tony was granted the honour of guest-hosting "The Tonight Show". On the panel was none other than Burt Reynolds, an expert guest-host in his own right. Anyways, the two were bantering away and as Tony tried to keep up with Burt, all the sudden he just kinda ran out of things to say. Now to be fair, few people could ever be expected to do that job as well as Johnny Carson, and this incident didn't last more than a few seconds. Still, on a professional show like that where expectations are high, it was distinctly uncomfortable watching the guy in charge freeze up like an ice cube.

    Which brings us to the present where we find Tony has somehow been placed in the position of hosting his own daily talk show. When I heard the news, I figured it was probably going to be a bit of a train wreck, but I never imagined Tony would prove to be so inept so often. The best moments usually occur during his opening monologue when he likes to talk about what he was watching on TV the night before or where he went for dinner. Considering these are things that happened to him and not someone else, the way he suddenly stops in mid-sentence and frantically searches for that certain word that's eluding him, well, it's like someone's blocking the cue card he's supposed to be reading.

    Example: What Tony was attempting to say was he'd recently attended an event for a particular charity, but he just couldn't think of the word "benefit", so it came out like, "They had a...a.... (as his hands started going around and around like twin propellers he finally comes up with) "...a night", followed up with some nervous laughter.

    Tony was interviewing Doris Roberts about the end of her sitcom, "Everybody Loves Raymond", and he remarked "going on that set everyday when you know the show is almost over must be...uh.......uh-" Doris Roberts kindly offered, "Sad?" but Tony rejected that and finally blurted out, "Melancholy!"

    As others have already stated, Tony has a habit of talking about himself rather than the guests, but it's really to be expected. After all, talking about yourself is a lot less challenging than trying to fill seven minutes of air time with conversation about someone he doesn't know near as well as he knows Tony Danza.

    He's also not afraid to speak his mind as he demonstrated in one particularly amusing moment of hubris when Tony criticized his guest, Dean Martin's daughter, for writing a book about the late singer that was not completely flattering. But then again who can blame him? Afterall, Tony was one of Dean's biggest fans. She was just his daughter.

    Once again, I think Tony's basically a very nice, decent guy and he's been deservedly popular for many years- as an actor. But in a job like this where you have to be able to think fast on your feet, if Tony's a good talk show host then Master P is a gifted dancer.

    The main reason to watch his show is for the screw ups like when Tony asked an "ExtravaDanza" contestant over the phone if she could see her picture that was being flashed on the screen- until it was pointed out that she couldn't possibly see it since the show was not live, but instead was being taped ahead of schedule.

    Another time Tony came out wondering aloud why there were so many school age kids in his audience- until it was pointed out that to him that it was Columbus day, and therefore a school holiday, too.

    It's just a shame "Who's The Boss?" was never this funny.
  • Is it true that his show is getting canceled? I hope not. I think it's kind of sad if you think about it. When is cancellation ever a good idea especially about a guy like Tony who appeals to an audience from all walks of life. Tony comes across as a nice guy and a pleasure to be around. I never heard anything bad about his days on the "Who's the Boss? set" and I don't think I ever will. I remember Katherine Helmond who became his closest friend who visited him on the set for one of his first episodes. They talked about their days together and how Tony cooked for the cast and crew. How they stopped fowl language around their younger co-stars (Danny Pintauro and Alyssa Milano)? Tony appears to treat everybody the same way. I think he was upset with the changes on his show which is his show. The network and bosses should leave Tony alone and do his job rather than firing others around him. Anyway, I wished Tony well and much success.
  • I think that Tony Danza is a wonderful personality, very down to earth type of fellow. However, his grammar is horrendous, and he doesn't always read notes in his hand properly. He is definitely not as literate as a talk show host should be. Also, as with many other shows such as his (e.g. Regis and Kelly Live)he engages in a lot of activities such as car racing, hula hooping, etc., which may make him happy, but does nothing to me as a viewer. I'd rather have more discussions with guests than watch him enjoying activities. But, nonetheless, I find him refreshing as a down-to-earth personality. Except for the grammar, I like the show and would recommend it as light television fare.
  • I agree 100% with Janine Hella's comment. In a daytime climate filled with unfunny, repulsive, and sometimes sick shows like "Jerry Springer" and "Maury Povich," "The Tony Danza Show" was definitely a welcome breath of fresh air.

    I pretty much happened upon Danza's show after looking through the website after checking out Regis and Kelly's contest page last year (Disney also produced Danza's show). So, I thought I'd enter Danza's "Extrava-Danza" contest while I was at it, and I began taping his show while I was at work every weekday and watched it when I came home.

    Sending more entries for Danza's contest certainly paid off - on Wednesday, May 24, I was the third-to-last contestant in the "Extrava-Danza" contest. My category was "The Little Rascals;" I answered the question correctly and won that day's prize (most of which I have already used to pay off outstanding debts). I understood that episode was repeated this last Wednesday, September 13, but the station here in Detroit which ran Danza's show decided to weasel out of their contract with Disney one week early and replaced it with (GAG! CHOKE!) "Maury Povich." Luckily, I was very smart to have videotaped the episode of Danza's show on which I appeared the day it was originally shown, May 24, so now I have a permanent souvenir of that episode (I hope to make it even more permanent - for posterity - as I plan to have it dubbed onto a DVD before the year is over.)

    But, getting back to what Ms. Hella said, "The Tony Danza Show" was a pleasant, as well as entertaining, show; it seemed like the perfect companion piece to "Regis and Kelly." Sadly, now that Danza's show is over for good, there will probably be more clones of Springer, Povich, et. al., ad nauseum, which I'm certainly not looking forward to.

    So, Tony Danza, goodbye for the time being, and good luck. Hope you'll come back to daytime TV soon, or TV in general. And thanks again for the prize!
  • cygnus_x107 December 2004
    I came across the Tony Danza one day while flipping channels.. and I got hooked ever since. I don't really ever watch talk shows but Tony Danza is more down to earth more than any other talk show host. He always speaks his mind which puts his guests at ease unlike other shows. He's brutally honest at times, but in a way that the guests don't seem to get offended by what he says. The guests also take some jabs at him which he takes in stride. I am surprised at how he can get such big name celebrities on his show, even though its a brand new daytime talk show. I hope The Tony Danza Show doesn't get axed like so many good shows have in the past because it is a great show that deserves a chance.
  • I really miss the Tony Danza show. It was the best talk show there was. Tony Danza was an amazing host and he put a bit of everything in his show, from humour, to talk of what's happening in the world, to cooking. And to be replaced with something as pathetic as the Megan Mullaly show??? Wow! Did ABC studio's ever make a mistake there. I'll no longer watch that channel, who was the genius that made that stupid decision? I must admit, I was a little skeptical at first cause I always thought of him as more of a Sitcom guy, but he showed me he can do the hosting of a talk show just as well as Sitcom's and movies. Weekday morning TV is very empty and not worth watching now. I hope another studio brings his show back or he appears in something else soon. We miss you Tony Danza. Now anytime someone talks about extravaganza's I think of extravadanza!
  • I watch this show on a daily basis and I think Tony is genuine. His depth and willingness to get his guests involved is a true joy. Never knowing what he is going to do next leaves us wanting more. The only drawback in that he is very competitive and wants to win and beat his guests. I hope this show stays on for a very long time and Tony keeps being his true self. I love the fact that he has brought his ethnicity into the show. I am Italian and absolutely love that he lets everyone know he is Italian and how he speaks of his aunt and other relatives. In the beginning they let Erika have a lot more air time and now they have limited this to only a minute during Extradanza, this is a shame because I really liked her.
  • Tony Danza is one of the best day time talk show host to date. He brings comedy, dance and song.Great guests and cooking show. His show is funny and fun. I look forward every day to seeing Tony. Please keep him on the air !!! We need light hearted laughter in today's world. I give him a high rating because his show reminds me of the Dean Martin show. I had a lot of good laughs with his show and there hasn't been a really good comedy talk show in a long time!His form of Entertainment is good for the soul. In today's world we need wholesome light hearted entertainment, and Tony brings us that with flying colors !Thousands of people love Tony and we need him on the air.
  • Cathy20526 May 2006
    I was at Tony Danza's last show today,you could see the hurt that was in his heart. He managed to do the show I don't know how he held up in between commercials he was very quiet. He made a few jokes, but the hurt was there.

    I commend him so much, he went out with class and style. Even if he felt he wanted to say something negative he did not. Tony's staff has always been so kind to audience members, my heart went out to all of them.

    Tony you are the best. Good Luck to all you new endeavors, you did us Italians proud.
  • leotakesontheworld15 December 2019
    One of my top two show's names The Tony Danza Show
  • Tony's show is so much fun!

    Instead of doing the standard boring interviews with celebrity guests, he involves them in discussions that show they're real people and then gets them involved in fun games, cooking, etc.

    Tony is obviously full of life, and he shows it -- tap dancing! Fun!

    One aspect I enjoy is Tony's pride in his Italian heritage, bringing on guests who share this heritage (and I am not Italian!).

    During a time when celebrities are sharing less about themselves and their relationships, I enjoy Tony's sharing so much about himself, including his surgery this morning. Who can't relate to going through this!

    I am a professional woman and have little time for TV, so I don't get to watch every show. But the Tony Danza show is a winner!
  • I been a writer since i was little I wrote peoms like Edgar Allen poe and I wrote peoms like Robert Frost where they are now I wonder I wrote Naritvie Poema dn songs


    London Camelot

    There was religion then there were men and there was war. Over at the port this old captain of his boat Laid eyes on young women dressed in shining diamonds. "Were was the ship going?" she asked as old as young mere Ten of age. "One shore to two and maybe back again", the old man answered. The legend tells in scripture of Judas, that you will be queen one day my fair lady. What me "Queen" She gasps, "OH yes" he paused as she answered, "and what of my sister? If I would be Queen, why could not my sister be?" Princess London you will come to know the answers because I don't. Camelot is the Land in which you from and what has been designated to your family for hundreds of years and the years today is Sunday May 9,324 A.D.

    Lady Camelot grew up before King Author by two hundred years

    Lady Camelot and her sister grew up in a world that was unsure weather Christ was really the Messiah or not. One more to come what is bad is Alexander the Great destroyed all the writings in 586 A.D. burning all the libraries the Churches across Europe. As a world her father was traveling from the lands of his father and was promised a land a island of the western side of what was known as the Roman Empire Rome was in Question a Church a believe were are the people turning to? Where are the people going to what extreme? London's Father had been trading with the merchants of Rome and was on the coast of Italy when a man stood out of the crowd.

    is something

  • It's difficult to decide which is more unbelievable:that the producers handpicked the charismatic star of the 1970's comedy sitcom "Taxi",and also the star of the 1980's family comedy classic sitcom "Who's The Boss",to host his very own nationally syndicated weekly talk show. However,after making appearances on several shows and also as a guest host of several talk shows(most notably The Tonight Show and also The Late Show with David Lettermen),the multi-talented Tony Danza was given the greenlight to do just that,become the host of his own talk show. And to put it frankly,who wanted to spend five days a week with him? The show lasted two seasons from its premiere in September of 2004 until the final curtain of the show,which ended in May of 2006. He had it all,the guests and the personality since his show was taped live from New York anyway in front of a live audience. But here is the catch. Even more shocking than the O.J. Simpson verdict,"Danza" finally threw in the towel after low ratings during his two seasons on the air.

    What was even worse,and its hard to imagine why,with powerful guests such as "Taxi" regulars Marliu Henner,Judd Hirsch,to even Danny DeVito not to mention "Who The Boss" regular Judith Light,Alyssa Milano, and a talking parrot and not even mention others that came on to the show as well such as Liza Minnelli,Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa and even Dick Clark didn't help much in the ratings neither,and that's why it sucked badly. Segments on how to make a New York style pizza and regular guest stints from Racheal Ray to Joy Behar to even George Carlin were just the beginning. It didn't help much in that department and just before you know,"The Tony Danza Show" was sinking quickly. There were some great moments that stood out here. The two most enduring sights from the show's run will likely be Tony Danza singing cabaret style at a piano and getting a concussion during a go-kart race-with the kiddie ride showing Tony Danza once and for all who really is the boss.