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  • Warning: Spoilers
    This program came on the E! channel. Now, normally I don't watch the E! channel, in fact I avoid it like the plague. I couldn't care less about celebrities and the who's whos and what house, car, or spouse they've just acquired. Celebrities are idolized far too much in this society and I do not want to be amongst the starry eyed masses.

    That being said, I saw the title "101 reasons the 90's ruled" while channel surfing and I felt compelled to stop and watch. I would have to say that my decision was guided by the fact that the 90's were my teenage years and this would have been a nice little trip down memory lane. There were some interesting picks as the show went sequentially from bottom to top on the 101 list of reason the 90's ruled. There were people, shows, movies, items, and more people. As I watched and the countdown got closer and closer to number one, I started to surmise what would be number one. In fact, I started to become very convinced as to what would be number one. The choice was glaringly obvious to me and I figured it would be to everyone else as well. What I was thinking of revolutionized business, personal life, school, government, heck... the world. It has forever left its imprint upon the world at large and will continue to be staple for mankind.

    If you still don't know what I'm referring to, then shame on you. Much to my chagrin, the discovery I'm referring to came in on the list at number five, being bested by four other things with the sitcom "Seinfeld" being number one.

    OK, OK. I get that Seinfeld was an excellent show that was loved by many, but do you mean to tell me that it was the number one reason why the 90's ruled? It was a T.V. show for God's sake. But, I guess that is what I should have expected from the E! channel.

    What came in at number five, and should rightly have been number one was THE INTERNET, Hellooooo! How could the internet not be number one by a great margin? The internet! That which brought us e-mail, eBay, Yahoo, Google, Youtube, MySpace, Craigslist, the site I use for grammar:, the site I use for quick answers: and wikepedia, and the very site on which you are reading this article: IMDb, plus countless other useful (and useless) websites for our convenience and pleasure. The internet made many people wealthy, it created jobs, it allowed small timers to go global, it opened up countless avenues for business, personal, and social uses, it is without parallel in this era, and easily without parallel in the 10 year span of the 90's. Yet, it was the number five reason the 90's ruled. I bet the wheel and the printing press weren't considered number five inventions in their decade.

    I had to weigh in on this issue and ardently express my disagreement and disappointment. Still, the show was entertaining, and it did bring back memories, but with the internet coming in at a dismal number five and Paris Hilton even being on the list, I had to complain. I thank the internet for giving me a forum to publicize my complaint.