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  • Triumph the Insult Comic Dog-Robert Smigel as Triumph. Conan O'Brien, Andy Richter, Moby, Justin Timberlake, Eminem, Heather Locklear, Bon Jovi, Whoopie Goldberg, Kathie Lee Gifford, Gilbert Godfried, Simon Cowell, Christina Aguillera, Bruce Villanch, Puff Daddy and others as themselves.

    This is one of the funniest things ever!! The actual feature contains 8 of Triumphs funniest moments including Hollywood Squares, Star Wars premiere, Bon Jovi concert and Westiminister dog shows. The feature is hilarious and amazingly, there is so many special features on this disc and here they are......

    Special Features:Triumph Christmas Special 8 Nipples(8 Miles spoof) trailer A 10 minute long Guest Insult Montage featuring Don Rickles Outtakes for Bon Jovi Concert Outtakes for Star Wars Premiere Outtakes for Triumph's trip to Quebec American Idol with Triumph outtakes I Keed music video Come Poop with Me TV Spot Triumph's first appearance Triumph's 12 minute long Conferrence Triumph's tour of Hollywood featuring John Tesh American Idol auditions with Triumph Triumph's weather report on Hawaiian news American Idol auditions with Triumph part 2 Triumph's other trip to the Westminister Dog Show VH1 music Awards with Triumph Triumph's and Conan O'Brien's TV Sitcom Pilot-a Couple of Mutts Special Opening with Triumph and last and least-it has subtitles

    What a DVD this is. Go buy it for it's value of $14.99

    Actual Program: 64 minutes. Not Rated but contains non-stop crude and sexual humor, some brief drug use and content(Bon Jovi segment) and some language.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Because I work for a living, Late Night has never been must see TV for me. Triumph is new to me. I enjoyed the episodes and it reminded me of that unique type of humor one must have to enjoy odd-ball type of humor such as Mr. Bill or this.

    I enjoyed nearly all the episodes, especially the jam session with Bon Jovi as well as the Star Wars episode and the making fun of William Shatner's "acting" in the additional poop section. I did not enjoy the making fun of French Canadians. It was more insulting than humorous, unlike the rest of the episodes.

    Before I would buy or rent this movie, I would check on line for episodes to see if you enjoy this type of humor as half the time it is crude and vulgar.
  • This DVD is a gem in my collection. Never before gathered in one spot can a man using a puppet as a venue be so insulting and degrading to all men and women, celebrities or no. It's one of the great pieces of comedy art ever created.

    Being a Star Wars fan, I was delighted to see Triumph mocking and jeering at all of the nerds in their little Ewok and Jedi costumes waiting in line to see Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. I particularly laughed at Triumph talking to contestants auditioning for American Idol. He is brutal. Too bad it was on Late Night with Conan O'Brien instead of cable. The network censored too many things in my opinion. Cable TV is where Triumph would really flourish.

    I'm not claiming to be a hater or one who enjoys slinging slurs, but living vicariously through a cigar smoking dog puppet with Robert Smigel's hand shoved up its rear-end really means a lot to me. It means I don't have to do it. It's all about the comedy in my opinion. Smigel does a great job with improvisation while his prepared shtick is also good. This DVD caters to a certain demographic; I guess one that I fall into. It may not be for the pure of heart. I'm crude but a goodly kind of crude. Rent or buy it today. Do it! Or you can borrow mine.

    It's good for a laugh.
  • gosh7173 September 2004
    This is the funniest thing I have seen in many a year, like the early days of "Saturday Night Live"--only better. I have watched it three times already, as has my 17-year-old son, and we are helpless with laughter every time. I don't want to spoil the fun for anyone, so I won't tell you my favorite bits or punchlines, but I loved the Star Wars premiere, Bon Jovi concert, Westminster Dog Show ("That man...Joe...Joe Westminster"), and Hollywood Squares segments. Now that I think about it, it's hard to choose favorites--it's all hilarious! If you had told me that a man with a dog hand puppet would reduce me to helpless laughter, I would have said "You're crazy". But it's true, it's true. Robert Smigel, the man behind Triumph, is a comic genius. This DVD is lewd, rude, crude...and a laugh riot. I am giving it to selected people on my Christmas list. Do yourself a favor and watch it ASAP.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I recall the first time I saw this DVD. I was at my friend's apartment and frankly hadn't known much of Triumph as I am asleep well before 12:30 AM. But it didn't take long for Triumph to get me on the floor, out of breath, crying in sheer delight, as Robert Smigel brilliantly skewers everyone from celebrities to American Idol contestants to smug Honolulu TV anchors. No one is safe and thankfully Smigel's brilliant wit takes everyone down a full peg if not three. Triumph may be an insult comic in the vein of the Catskills Yiddisha humor of Mr. Warmth himself, Don Rickles, but Triumph is in a league of his own. Granted, the humor is edgy at times, but those with any sense of humor will at least find ONE sketch humorous. Outside of the Westminster Dog Show sketches, which were early in the DVD and in the Triumph history, the DVD is ungodly hilarious. The extras (one titled "More Poop") are equally as good as the main chapters. For those wanting to see how long they can go without breathing due to laughter asphyxiation, I recommend this DVD.

    On an aside: I feel that wit is highly connected to intelligence; if that's the case, then Smigel is simply brilliant. Consider Triumph's visit to a famous Chicago hotdog stand in 2012. Smigel goes on a wacky ranting diss-off that was stream of consciousness craziness. Even my more conservative parents couldn't help but crack up. I only hope that the second DVD of Triumph is eventually released--his incredible skits are well worth the $30. I look forward to watching the Best of Triumph enough times for my DVD to die on me. Keep it up Mr. Smigel! And if you're reading this, tell your dad thanks for the veneers! I can't fix my Tribe-ish face but at least I won't have a Mike Tyson smile!
  • This is the funniest collection of segments from Triumph. I laugh at virtually every one of these. The Hawaii segment and Bon Jovi are so funny and clever. To have all of these segments collected on one DVD is amazing. I can watch this again and again and it just keeps getting funnier.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Normally when a Triumph skit would come on Conan O'Brien's Late Night show I'd watch it for a few seconds until the routine got really distasteful, then I'd flip the channel. I'm kind of sorry I did that now, because I actually saw the beginnings of a lot of the routines that are on this fantastically funny DVD. Like I said in my one line summary, it's the funniest thing I've seen since seeing "Used Cars," or "Undercover Brother," and the humor is ten times more crude (though sometimes needlessly).

    The highlights are numerous. It's almost impossible to pick out my favorite routine, but I'll go with Conan O'Brien's personal favorite the "Star Wars: Attack of the Clones" premier, as being the funniest ten minutes of television ever aired. Myself, being a fairly mature sci-fi fan, one who doesn't go to Star Wars premiers on opening day (much less dressed up in costume), who doesn't live with his parents and has a sex-life, but who has a healthy respect for fans who really get into the whole experience, and himself likes those kinds of films, I have to say I never laughed so hard in my entire life as when I witnessed Triumph venture into Star Wars fandom, and take on the fans standing in line outside the Zigfeld theatre a couple of years back. Ironically enough, and this should be a lesson to Triumph's creator, Robert Smigel, even though Triumph's noted for being crude, this was not only the funniest bit on the DVD, but also his cleanest. Triumph doesn't always need to be crude to be funny, just honest with his observations and insults. What also made that routine work and really stand out is that sci-fi fans, and particularly Star Wars fans, have a real sense of humor about themselves. They know they're "geeks" and relish it. They appreciate how people perceive them, but indulge in their fantasy anyway because they want to have a good time. And if that means being ridiculed by a rubber dog puppet, then so be it. :-)

    SPOILER ALERT The MTV awards, Bon Jovi, and the rest were all pretty good. I thought Smigel man handling the dogs at the dog show was a little much. If you're going to comment and/or humiliate people for manhandling dog owners, then why would you, as a performer, do it yourself, even though you had a rubber dog puppet over your hand? Ah well. I also think going after that French guy in a snowman costume, one clearly meant for kids, was too much. Even though Smigel said in his interview with Terry Gross on "Fresh Air" that it's not necessary for Triumph to "ambush" his victims to be funny, that one felt like an ambush; one that was really undeserved. However the rest of it was excruciatingly funny. SPOILER ALERT OFF

    I hesitated seeing this video, and I wish I hadn't, but I couldn't find it anywhere to rent, and so I finally broke down and bought a copy. And I don't regret it. It's one of the best DVD purchases I've ever made since I switching over from VHS (and Beta). If you're broad minded about your comedy, don't mind lude references and an exhibitionist puppet that swears up a storm, then do yourself a favor and go buy or rent a copy of this outstanding DVD! Again, warning, this is "adult" oriented humor. Unless your kid is reasonably mature, don't show it to them.

    Enjoy! :-)
  • Triumph would be proud of the headline/summary. Beyond that, this is one of the funniest DVDs I have ever seen.

    The trips to Westminster, Bon Jovi concert, Hollywood Squares, and the Star Wars geeks are rolling on the floor funny.

    Hands down the funniest line in the DVD is when he's at Hollywood Squares and he's in the square next to Kathy Lee Gifford. When he's (reluctantly) called on, he says to the host: "Kathy Lee and I have something in common. (The look on her face is fantastic.) Both of us broke up with our bitches this year."

    This DVD is a must have for Triumph fans, as his material is illusive.
  • Just buy this one and have it handy for a quick laugh. I rented this one and ended up playing it for each of my friends over the course of a week or so and it never fails to get laughs. Classic comedy. If you have an audience which isn't going to like the sex-based stuff, skip the Westminster segments and hit the Star Wars Premiere, Bon Jovi Show, and the guest insult montage.

    Watched it w my mom (no Westminster content) and she dug it. 'nuff said.

    ***** 5 out of 5 stars

    Just buy this one and have it handy for a quick laugh. I rented this one and ended up playing it for each of my friends over the course of a week or so and it never fails to get laughs. Classic comedy. If you have an audience which isn't going to like the sex-based stuff, skip the Westminster segments and hit the Star Wars Premiere, Bon Jovi Show, and the guest insult montage.

    Watched it w my mom (no Westminster content) and she dug it. 'nuff said.

    ***** 5 out of 5 stars
  • When I was at the 2008 Republican National Convention who did I run into but that esteemed investigative reporter, Triumph?!!! As I came off the floor of the convention, Triumph was mercilessly interrogating Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. This was hilarious to watch. Gov. Pawlenty was a good sport and had a lot of fun with Triumph.

    Next, Triumph asked to interview me! Having 4 dogs at home I thought I'd give him a try. Now I had already seen my College Republican Friend Karl Rove and Dr. Kissenger (whom I had met at a dinner a few years back), but the highlight of the evening had to be this interview with Triumph! First he asked if I called Obama "Osama", and I noted I called Obama "Abomniable Obama"--now try saying that one quickly for TV. Next I tried to get one over on our investigator, but he quickly snapped me into my place. Finally he asked me about Sarah Palin (and this is the clip that made it to the Late Show on 9/4/2008)---I said she was "Saint Sarah---the savior of the Party"! Well, it was truly fun to test my wits with this great comedian! My daughter thought that was the coolest thing I did and she sent the clip to all her friends.

    So if you ever get the chance, visit with Triumph and test your verbal skills. You'll have a great time!