User Reviews (19)

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  • I know we shouldn't expect much from a low-budget indie film. But the idea behind it is sound: an attempt to open America's eyes to the cozy relationship between the government, and the journalists that are supposed to be keeping an eye out against it. But somehow the documentary aspect of it, takes away from its drama. The protests during the 2004 Republican convention in New York were not that compelling to make a documentary about it. Those kinds of compelling protests belong to the era of the 1960's.

    It would have been better to stick to a drama format. Perhaps a slow build-up where the young journalist's eyes are gradually opened up to the conspiracy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    1)Many of them are probably connected to THIS REVOLUTION director Stephen Marshall, who made the unusual effort to provide the summary for his own movie at IMDb. If you look at Marshall's seven directing credits in the three years prior to THIS REVOLUTION, it all sounds like student projects or public access channel filler. The quickest illustration of how sophomoric Marshall's thinking remains can be found in his summary for this film, in which he refers to Rosario Dawson's character as "Seven," an apparent "Black Bloc" code name evidently cut from the finished film. If this is the case, Marshall should have edited his earlier pre-release summary and put in her correct character name, "Tina Santiago." It is the director's lack of an eye for continuity, consistency, and details that sabotages what could have been an interesting film. (Viewers of the "Behind the Scenes" extra on the DVD will clearly see Marshall tried his darnedest to "dumb down" the cast and rest of the crew to his own level.)

    2)Back when the so-called "best" comments (by people rating THIS REVOLUTION between "7" and "10" on a 10-point scale) were written, I'm sure these same folks would have giving FAHRENHEIT 9-11 director Michael Moore a "9" for farting--or even 10, if it was an especially loud and odorous one! I dare anyone to view THIS REVOLUTION for the first time tomorrow and give it an 8, 9, or 10 with a straight face!
  • Director Stephen Marshall is best known for his documentaries, including some that are Sundance winners. This is his first foray into fictional mainstream films, and it is a promising effort. I am mystified by some of the negativity I read here; granted, Marshall is no Costa-Gravas (yet), but I doubt even Costa-Gravas was Costa-Gravas in his first movie. Working under extreme deadline pressures with a cast of mostly unknowns and a limited budget, he has exemplified making lemonade out of lemons. Since many of his principals are non-actors, the fact that he gets good performances from them speaks well of his directing skills. He also has a painter's eye: there is one scene with Rosario Dawson and her fictional son, shot at sunset as they pretend to fly like the pigeons soaring around them, that is starkly beautiful. The street scenes pulse with life, no doubt because they are real. There are some amusing vignettes on the street that add piquancy to the mix. The modestly named rapper "Immortal Technique" has some interesting scenes, but for some puzzling reason appears to be identifying himself as black, when he is clearly hispanic. "Technique" also rips off the Brahms third symphony (third movement, trust me on this) for his rap, but no shoutouts to Johannes can be found in the credits to enhance his street-cred. I would like to see more character development, but given Marshall's background in documentaries this is not surprising. The motivation of some of the characters was hazy also, and anyone who has been to Times Square knows the big TV screens there are mute. But so what? These are minor issues, and he will learn. I saw the final cut at Sundance in January, and there was a large and enthusiastic crowd. Marshall spoke to us afterward, and came across very well. I look forward to more from this most interesting young director.
  • I caught a screening of this at the True/False Documentary film festival in Columbia, Missouri, and I was pretty disappointed. I was expecting a cool documentary into the protest and activism surrounding the RNC, but what I got was a largely flawed, bad-acted, fictitious, conspiracy ridden badly woven tale. I'd heard of its neo-documentary technique, "blending both True and False" but I expected more along the lines of a fictitious storyline developed for a better personification and to create a sense of unity between real interviews, but it was more along the lines of a terrible made-for-conspiracy theory TV movie.

    The acting overall is terrible except for Rossario, which is not surprising considering the Director at the screening said most of the lead characters had no acting training, his excuse being that he wanted them to be real. Heres a hint, real people can't act, but actors can usually act real.

    It would of been not so cornily offensive if it wasn't blatantly obvious about how keen he was to push this extremely radical conspiracy theory onto us throughout the whole movie, its especially hysterical when we get a scene where the director cameos and starts ranting on about ridiculously stupid theories and secret agendas. The movie also does a good job of laughably stereotyping every single role, it tries so hard to romanticize these street activists and stamp a big 'Good' or 'Evil' on every character.

    Skip it, maybe find yourself a nice real documentary/
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Produced entirely within 100 days, funded on a shoestring budget, featuring no big name actors and only a handful of B-list celebrities, and as director Stephen Marshall's first attempt at fiction (or docu-drama if you prefer), This Revolution is still a standout. Our protagonist Jake is a well written character who I absolutely hate - he's the guy we all know that espouses radical beliefs and anti-establishment rhetoric while collecting a corporate paycheck and seeing the world on their dime. His recent trip to Iraq was only the opening stage of his awakening - through the course of the story he slowly realizes the absurdity of his situation and the full extent of the exploitation he suffers at the hands of his employers. His ultimate rejection of the corporate culture and his final act of rebellion against his former employers are like the middle finger to big business that all of us secretly wish we could hoist into the air. Most of the acting is shaky - understandable since most of the actors aren't, well, actors - but the incredible performances by Rosario Dawson and Immortal Technique justify the price of admission or the DVD. Ultimately, the docu-drama idea isn't quite as well executed as the classic Medium Cool, but the backdrop of the RNC protests are a very rich and colorful setting for the fictional events. I was happy to see all the footage of protesters that nobody else was willing to show me. Not Mr. Marshall's best work - I'd save that accord for his documentary BattleGround - but well worth watching on many levels.
  • This movie offers true insight into the plight of the "real" average American. It depicts a hard core reality, and helps to clarify what system is keeping us down and who "The Man" really is! Working in the South Bronx of New York, I can testify that the reality of the situation (as accurately portrayed by "This Revolution") is harsh, and often times something middle America doesn't realize, or is blinded to seeing, either because they reject it, agree with it, just plain don't know.... I gave it a nine because the acting isn't that great at times, but the message more than makes up for it... for those who know, it's powerful, for those who don't know, it might just fly right over their heads....
  • I saw this movie at the Munich film-festival. Due to the nature of film-festivals I did not know very much about what I was going to see since the info on all the movies shown is very limited. From the first moments on the rapid and rough style of Marshall's picture grabbed me by the throat and held my interest until the end. THIS REVOLUTION has a feel of a modern reality show like the ones we see on MTV. Like it or not this is current and pretty "Zeitgeist"! This should appeal especially to younger audiences. It certainly would be a great thing if younger people watched this film. Marshall has a lot to address and delivers something that regular Hollywood fails to accomplish: He really changes your perspective on things. His film gets you thinking, especially after leaving the theater. Since Marshall wrote, shot, edited and produced the whole thing in the very short period of 100 days I am even more astonished how well it came out. Marshall delivers a clear and classic 3 act structure! That works well of course but Marshall - coming from a documentary background - also succeeds in filling in a lot of documentary like bits and pieces which launch a lot of social background at the viewer. Furthermore everybody gets a good idea of how divided America really is at the moment. If you take nothing at all from this film this still won't escape you. To me as a German this is particularly interesting. OK, the love story sometimes slows the movie down, the main character is not always sympathetic. But considering all the achievements Marshall made in this film and how big the impact of the movie was on me, I consider this minor flaws. This is a modern, controversial, exiting, stylish and very original movie that grows and grows and grows on me after seeing it. And that is certainly a good thing to say about a movie. Go see it. Especially when you don't share the same political could be very inspiring! And if it annoys you...even better! Controversy means movement, and movement means change! For me as a German I can say that I am very happy to see a controversial film like this coming out of America these days. We all can look forward to more feature films from Marshall!
  • sdnoble9 March 2005
    There's a scene in Butterfly, Jose Luis Cuerda's film about the lead-up to the Spanish Civil War, where the teacher removes a book from his bookshelf and briefly considers giving it to the protagonist, a seven year-old-boy. The book is by Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin. It is quickly returned to its place on the shelf.

    Is the filmmaker suggesting we aren't ready for such ideas?

    The scene in Butterfly provides a metaphor for the way anarchism and politics in general have been treated by filmmakers. With few exceptions, either such topics aren't broached at all, or they are broached in such a way as to leave the viewer completely mystified. "Social Realism", according to the online artcyclopoedia, "is a rather pejorative label in the United States, where overtly political art in general, and socialist politics in particular, are extremely out of favor".

    Which is perhaps why I enjoyed "This Revolution" so much. There's nothing shameful about expressing overt political sentiments in art, and there's nothing shameful about going overboard either. Witness John Heartfield, or Josep Renau, or Jean Vigo, or Pier Paolo Pasolini. Better sorry than safe, and better to risk being labeled pedantic than pussyfoot around the issues in the hopes of appeasing the critics.

    The film is honest. Marshall may not be in the same league as Pasolini, but as another reviewer pointed out, he's not ending his career but beginning it. There's nothing in This Revolution that can't be forgiven in light of the budget constraints and timetable. If nothing else, it's a lot of fun. Watch for Immortal Technique's piece and the 9/11 rant; watch for the RNC footage, which is electrifying (you won't always be sure what is staged and what isn't); and watch for the reference to Malatesta, who I'm pretty sure has never been mentioned in the medium before.

    Get off your high horse and I think you'll find Marshall's film refreshing and timely. We need more of this stuff.
  • chileanpear6 December 2006
    This Revolution is a remarkably smart, relevant and timely take on media and personal responsibility in an era of the Patriot Act and fear of terrorism. Shot in a somewhat gritty style, the cinematography and editing offers a front line perspective in a beautiful and effective way. Footage from the actual Republican National Convention is disturbing and effective. It is able to humanize certain aspects of the media. Nate Crooker, as the character Jake Cassevetes, has the ability to take the audience through the ethical challenges that those in the media must face when reporting on highly charged and controversial topics. There is a fantastic dynamic among the cast and the emotions ring true.
  • I saw this film tonight at the Beyond TV festival in Swansea, S. Wales and I was very impressed. As well as being an intelligent expose of the Big Brother state that the US has become, the film is also very enjoyable at all levels, and I think it would appeal to a wider audience. The protest scenes at the beginning really set the pace for the film which never lets up until the end. Its great to see a film about the real America without the Hollywood glitz. I'd happily recommend anyone seeing this film, and I'm glad to hear that it's coming out on DVD. I'd be interested to know how much of an airing it gets in the US.
  • Writer/director Steve Marshall may have thought himself in trouble when the big name star of his low budget film got arrested doing a shoot during the real protests in New York. Certainly he had to rework his film to accommodate the loss of Dawson but I think he quickly got over it and was thankful for it happening – particularly for all the press the film got at the time. I know I watched this film because it stuck in my head for that reason and I imagine that many others heard about it and saw it as a result of her arrest. And, from Marshall's point of view it is a blessing because there is very little else about the film that makes it memorable or something to be talked about.

    The film appears to have been conceived in good faith as an attempt to capture the spirit of the activists and deliver their message in a film. However in reality the film has a very thin plot that it spends a lot of time on and leaves most of the commentary down to asides that are sound-bites no different from those you have heard before. If you agree with what they are saying then I guess maybe you can ignore the quality of the film and embrace this content but that will only appeal to a limited audience and even then. Many have criticised the quality of the filming but I can forgive this to a point given the low budget and style of making. Some of the set shots are really clunky and obvious though and little about Marshall as director is of interest. The real problem is in the material though which doesn't have the complexity and realism to draw the viewer into the characters or the discussion. This is a real shame considering how many viewers (including myself) will agree with the broad sentiments of the activists (if not their methods) but yet it just clunks around on the screen in an annoying way.

    The blame must more or less be totally put at the feet of Marshall because he is responsible for the majority of the film. His low budget matches his low ambitions in regards his cinematography and plotting and the end result is a rather lacklustre film that looks cheap and feels thrown together. The cast are mixed but generally don't have the material to help. Even if Dawson got the cover and the headlines, Crooker takes the main character – you will probably not have heard of him as an actor because he is frankly not very good. He doesn't feel real and has no screen presence – not helped by the nature of filming either. Dawson tries to have chemistry with him but it doesn't really work. She is good once (on the fire escape) but she has no character, no material and has been put in a hairstyle meant to make us think "street" but only made me think "wow, someone has worked out a way to make the stunning Rosario Dawson look ugly". Outside of these two the supporting cast are mixed – the activists generally convince but other set performances are generally weak. It was a nice idea to have the political rapper Immortal Technique involved but again this doesn't work within the context of the film.

    This Revolution is a nice idea and got fame from Dawson's arrest but yet it doesn't make the most of this potential. The ugly visuals I can sort of understand but the plot is messy, the characters poorly drawn and the message is clunked down in an obvious manner that is a lot less effective than it would have been if it had been delivered with intelligence, insight and debate. Of course it has been made for a target audience who loved it before they saw it, but for the casual viewer this is a pretty average film.
  • This film is a revelation to all. It is accurate and speaks the truth for all that want to hear. The brilliance of this film cannot be put into words. You must watch the movie yourself.

    If anything this movie is too generous to the public. I only wish public sentiment was actually that humane a few years back. Unfortunately, I think the masses were not protesting at all and instead were sold on the government's propaganda.

    In 50 years time, this film will be part of our school curriculum.

    I want to congratulate all of the production and cast members for their bravery in creating this film. They are truly heroes.
  • I also saw this film at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival and I nearly walked out, but couldn't not watch, it was so bad. The story was so unbelievable, I felt no real sympathy for the protagonist who is arrogant and cheats on his girlfriend, the storyline that eventually unfolds between Jake and Tina is completely predictable, the footage looks horrible. I should have walked out when the director himself announced before the screening that it was conceived, written, cast, shot, and edited in less than 100 days. Believe me, it shows.

    I have no problem with directors putting themselves in their own films - many greats have done it. But it is quite another thing when you're making a film that is arguably propaganda (and yes, my politics are very much to the left) and less satire and you cast yourself as the leader of an underground political action group. Not only that, but you look several times directly into the camera and deliver a barrage of your own personal politics. That's just bad film-making.

    Don't waste your time on this film. If you want propaganda, watch Michael Moore. At least his work is documentary and you know what you're getting, and it's not veiled ever so thinly in narrative. If you want satire, watch Dr. Strangelove or Wag The Dog. Maybe Mr. Marshall should, too.
  • I had the opportunity to see "This Revolution" at the 2005 Sundance Festival. This film is the work of director Stephen Marshall, known for his innovative short films, music videos (including the Eminem video "Mosh"), and documentaries. "This Revolution" represents Stephen's first foray into a full length dramatic production.

    I had a great experience seeing this film. I was very surprised while, buying popcorn, I looked up to see Roger Ebert standing next to me. Also attending the festival, Roger took in "This Revolution" along with other features.

    The film begins rather awkwardly, perhaps reflective of the very tight filming which took place (Stephen Marshall rushed production to hit the deadline for entry into Sundance). However, as the narrative unfolds, the film begins to come together quite nicely.

    "This Revolution" explores the interactions of a network broadcaster, Jake Cassavetes, as he collects interviews and footage of the 2004 RNC convention in NYC. Jake's relationships with two women, one a producer at his network, the other Tina Santiago (well played by Rosario Dawson), the widow of a slain Iraqi occupation soldier.

    As the narrative unwinds, we learn that Jake's network is relaying the footage he collects to the Department of Homeland Security, which is building profiles on each of the "enemy combatants" involved in the protests.

    Stephen Marshall succeeds in crafting a highly compelling film with "This Revolution." He combines the best of his work as a documentary and short film director, including his signature "scratch" technique. The scenes between the leads, Dawson and Nathan Crooker, are effective, and relay excellent chemistry.

    While the production contains several flaws, these can be excused as the work of a first time director. The overall end production is very powerful, and memorable. It is worth seeing if only for the footage of the RNC protest, suppressed in our mainstream media. Watch for the cameos by Marshall, including the scene where he is arrested.

  • If you're looking for a glossy, slick, highly produced movie then pass this one by. This movie doesn't fit into that bracket, and there's really no harm to it in not doing so.

    The movie would of perhaps carried more weight if it presented or at least made a token attempt to present a balance of view. It doesn't so if you don't have at least a small degree of sympathy for a liberal or left-wing view... again pass it by.

    Otherwise the film is quite enjoyable. It managed to engage me with the characters who are embroiled in the frustration of trying to have some sort of impact on a political system that's been pulled away from them by corporate interests. I watched it on a Sunday afternoon, and it fitted the mood well.

    If you're not American the film might also be worth having a gander at if only to broaden the view of the American people from outside which can tend to narrow in on the gingoistic and right-wing. I was heartened to see the film made for this reason alone.
  • The best way to cultivate a good story is to root it in reality. The format of this film was brilliant and is what breaks it away from the pack. Setting the likely story of a disgruntled journalist betrayed by his news network against the backdrop of one of the most heated events running up to the 'election' was probably the best way to capture the spirit of the revolution at hand. The film has some great moments and is part of the rare flock of films that actually says something. Props to the director Stephen Marshall and no matter what some of the bitter posers on this site say, support this film when it comes out and lets hope we see more films like this soon.
  • I just finished watching 'This Revolution' and I must say that it was far, far better than some of the average review scores from mainstream media organizations that it has been receiving...but that's exactly the point! The stupid, corrupt, idiotic mass-media corporate scumbags that pollute the world with their false bile obviously could never begin to fathom the beauty and courage of this small independent film about a group of anti-war, anti-neo-con protesters who are working to just find a bit of peace in this increasingly selfish, money-obsessed world.

    This is a brilliant film for anyone who cringes when they switch on mainstream rubbish like CNN, NBC and FOX NEWS and recognise the gargantuan lies staring them straight in the face. This is for the people that absorb the words of people like Noam Chomsky, Bill Hicks, John Pilger, Michael Moore, Ralph Nader, Immortal Technique, Hugo Chavez, Tariq Ali, Frank Zappa and George Orwell and despair at the so-called 'democracy' or 'political system' that we as a people have found ourselves in. The film also features a cameo by 'Immortal Technique' who is probably the most brilliant, witty, tightest, revolutionary rapper working in the US at the moment...(we all await the middle passage!)

    This film represents truth and light in a time of pitch-black political darkness. The protesters portrayed are just like the real people who marched all over the world, sick of the lies, sick of the imperialism, sick of the dead children as collateral damage, sick of arrogant, blood-thirsty politicians dreaming of oil, sick of the way the media always shows one side of the ever-complicated story. It's a film about some of these things...and much more..

    I wish I see more heavily-political films like this being made...that are not afraid to be polemic and personal with regards to the immoral and racist actions of the goverments of Bush, Blair and Howard... We NEED more voices like this in the world. Congratulations to all the cast & crew It's a work of passion, but its paid off... You guys have made a truly honest film in a world and industry filled with lies...

  • While the male lead isn't winning any Oscars, he does do a decent job. Rosario Dawson is powerful and brilliant as well as hot. I didn't realize that so many people weren't stupid/evil or cowards. It gives me hope that maybe humanity isn't a lost cause. While protest and acting out aren't in themselves directly effective, spreading awareness is. I don't care what your views are, even if you're pro greed, you need to see that people won't sit by. Anyone who isn't inherently evil should watch this and get their friends to watch it and tell them to do the same. Spread the awareness, not just of reality, but that we're not so alone as it seems.
  • If you are a Bush-Cheney supporter who believes in conservative values, this movie may not be for you. The conservative point of view is presented but mostly to be ridiculed or criticized. Those who served in the military are respected and praised, but why they were serving is another matter.

    Of course the protesters are more than just lazy people looking for an excuse to make trouble as some of the conservatives think. But they are working hard to take a stand and drive change. If they were lazy they'd just back down from all the adversity.

    Rosario Dawson does a great job as a mother who is trying to cope and seems reasonably happy considering her circumstances. And she is pushing her son to be more than she is.

    Nathan Crooker does a good job as an idealistic journalist.

    The real stars of the movie are the ordinary people. Most appear to be merely actors but they come across as more. And there is a lot of what appears to be real footage.

    And of course the convention itself was real. According to this movie, though, Bush didn't speak at night, but I guess that's a minor criticism. Maybe it wasn't safe to film that part of the powerful climactic scene during the day.

    The ending is pretty amazing if disturbing.

    There is some violence, but it's not too bad. I'm so glad I saw this movie cleaned up for TV, because the sound went out a lot.

    It's not what we would like to see, and it's not necessarily the truth, but it's what we need to see. If only to make us think.