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  • j-l-fine8 December 2009
    Loving Somewhere In Time movie, romantic holiday movies and time travel, I wanted to see this one. This was not as good as Somewhere In Time with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve but it was definitely delightful. This movie is worth seeing. Cute switch on the name - Christmas Eve "Eve's Christmas". Those of us women who wonder what life could have been like if we made a different choice, well, hang on to your seat - this will help you get through those regrets. You will cry, laugh, and it makes you think, for sure. Great performance by Cheryl Ladd. She was elegant as usual. I bought the DVD to add to our Christmas movies. Very good movie for even the young... no offensive language, no filth - just good, clean fun!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is an interesting Christmas movie which combines stories of regret, second chances, and choosing love over worldly success. Not expecting much when I started watching, I was pleasantly surprised by the heart-warming story which sort of hit home for me.

    Eva is a woman who had success in life except in the area of love because of a single decision she made eight years ago. Choosing a job over her fiancé, she left the warm confines of Oregon in 1996 for the fast-paced marketing world in Manhatten. On Christmas 2004, she's given a chance to change things with the help from her "Guardian Angel", who lets her go back in time and to the place where she made the decision to break off her engagement.

    The most enjoyable parts of the movie involve Eva's experiences with her friends, family, and fiancé during her period of "deja vu". As nostalgic person myself, I though the story of her getting the chance to relive her younger years to be quite special and warming. Having gained eight years of knowledge and the realization of what's important in life, Eva was able to overcome her past foolishness and poor decision-making to create a new life which valued the more important things in life.

    I also thought it was interesting how the storyline takes advantage of the year. Since e-commerce was just beginning in 1996, Eva has the revolutionary idea of helping her fiancé bring his family's business online. As a web designer, I wish I could go back in time and do the same thing!

    That said, the storyline had areas that were a bit too incredible, thereby bringing the quality of the movie down a bit. Further, the story was not entirely original, as the same story can be seen in other Christmas movies such as "Family Man" and "It's a Wonderful Life". Nevertheless, if you want an unsurprising yet romantic and positive story to see during the holidays, this movie will fit the bill.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    While not one of the most Oscar-worthy films ever made, this movie is a feel-good look at love and Christmas. Although I'd not heard of Elisa Donovan before seeing this film, her performance left me hoping I'd see much more of her in the future. To be fair, all of the performances in this flick were great and very believable and Cheryl Ladd was exceptional! You'll get a kick out of Elisa's 'guardian angel'; he's a riot! For anyone who ever wished they could go back and undo some things they wished they'd done differently, this will resonate with them. For those who never had that inkling, they just might after seeing this movie. You don't have to wait until Christmas time to see this film. It's just a plain, simple feel-good, enjoyable movie with great performances all around. And let's hope we see more of Ms. Donovan!
  • This was a great Lifetime holiday film. I saw the end of it when it first aired and then caught the rest on a repeat. It's a magical and charming story about a woman who gets a second chance at love. And what woman wouldn't want a second chance at marrying Sebastian Spence? Elisa Donovan is better as the younger Eve than as the older one, but I enjoyed all the performances. And Cheryl Ladd looks great!! I wish they had snow for the winter scenes, but it looks like they filmed this in Vancouver.

    I hope Lifetime releases this one on DVD... I'd like to make it part of my holiday collection!!
  • Elisa Donovan as Eve should have taken acting lessons from Cheryl Ladd ! Her portrayal as a drunk was amateurish, and she over acted in the rest of her scenes.

    I see she hasn't been in a movie for over 3 years, I wonder why ?
  • Now that the entire cast of Eve's Christmas has written glowing reviews, here comes the only honest review of the bunch: Worst. Movie. Ever. Additionally, the lead actress is terrible, with constant mugging and facial contortions. Cheryl Ladd is the best thing about this clunker. She is quite believable and in no way overacts like the father and brother and the rest of the cast. The storyline is wholly unbelievable and I could not suspend my disbelief because of the poor, over the top acting and terrible script. The scenes with the "French" designer was not to be believed. I did not understand the bit with the papers behind the curtain and the dancing, etc. Finally, Christmas plays very little role in Eve's Christmas. It serves only as an unimportant backdrop to the storyline.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For some who panned this movie {because they were too busy constructing criticisms to actually WATCH it} the relationship to Christmas is quite clear, and firm: the Christmas star is the vehicle of time travel, wish fulfillment, and 2nd chances. Not a bad imagining at all for this season.

    I choose not to review the actors - they were at least acceptable; and the cinematography was also passable. Even the guardian angel was at worst deliberately done as an element of bad comic relief.

    The notion of this iteration of Christmas magic is awkward in implementation, but a spectacular conceptualization. Three times I watched this year, probably will watch again next year.
  • As with most of Hallmark's Christmas movies, I can imagine the writers questioning: 'Which one of our 2 USUAL careers should we make the lead actress have in this film: a high-powered attorney?...OR a top-notch marketer?...(coin toss)...OK, a top-notch marketer!'

    And so the USUAL predictable plot begins...

    "Eve," who makes a 6-figure salary by her early thirties working in NYC, gets drunk one night and whines about her love life. She is given a chance to go back in her home re-establish the relationship she had with her fiancé...before she had decided to embark on her career. She whines throughout the movie.

    Cheryl Ladd, my favorite female star: Alas! Cheryl has never played a bad part. Why now? the only thing left to say is:

    Let's hope Elisa obtained realistic dentures with her salary from this movie.
  • I know this movie is akin to Family Man, Back to the Future, and It's a Wonderful Life, etc. but that does not make it any less enjoyable. (I preferred the ending to that of Family Man.)

    Eve Stevens is a lonely career woman, spending Christmas Eve in a bar and watching families and couples walking by. She begins to wonder what success has really brought her. Leaving the bar, Eve bumps into Brother James who whispers, "wish upon the Christmas Star." Once she returns home, Eve pulls out her old photo album filled with pictures of her hometown. The photo of herself at 21 with her then-fiancée, Scott, makes her feel even more lonely. Stepping outside, she sees the Christmas Star... makes a wish and goes to bed. What follows next is Eve's second chance, and once she comes to terms with the reality that this is not just a dream, she is faced with making the same decision all over again... this time knowing what the results will be.

    Not being a movie critic, I feel free to enjoy the movie for the story and not get wrapped up in performances and plots. I thought it was a very enjoyable, entertaining movie. I'm glad to see this has come out on DVD so I don't have to wait for it to come around during the holiday season, I will enjoy watching it again.
  • This was a fun flashback! I couldn't help thinking if I went back in time, the first thing I would do is INVEST in companies that hadn't made it big yet! It still summed all up very nicely, though it kind of stunk that the memories didn't travel through time as well. He should have remembered the "strange story" on the wedding day and realized what was happening.
  • dani-korkegi25 December 2014
    Perhaps I should have continued watching but deleted the recording after about 20 minutes. The character of Eve completely over-emoted her role to the point of ridiculous. Whining, hyper, unbelievable character. I'd steer a wide swath around someone like that. I have enjoyed any number of Hallmark's Christmas movies this year but just couldn't stomach this one for more than 20 minutes. Movies are a personal thing. Like art, music, etc. So there will be those who truly enjoyed the movie (as many did in this review section). Unfortunately, I wasn't one of them. This movie grated rather than entertained. That said, I recorded the movie because I liked the premise of taking our present-day wisdom and experience back to our past. Though, if I hadn't made the mistakes I made, I would have made other ones.
  • I love time travel and if you do too then this is a great movie. I think this movie makes you feel like all those times you wish you could go back and do one little thing different. Elisa Donovan is not as bad as other reviewer wrote.To me she fits the character of Eve in a very positive way. A little arrogant and selfish at first until she is faced with what really matters. I think that Cheryl Ladd is also good in this mother role. This movie kept me guessing exactly what choice Eve would make. Set at Christmas time makes this all the more charming with a twist of magic and miracles.This is just as refreshing as "Comfort and Joy"with Nancy McKeon,which I also recommend highly! If you like time travel and romance then watch this movie!!!
  • Absolutely terrible. Poor acting, boring camera angles, bad writing...the worst holiday movie ever.
  • How often have you wished for a do-over, to go back and "correct" decisions you've made in the past, to improve your current lot in life, or to pursue that path not taken? In "Eve's Christmas," Eve Simon (Elisa Donovan), wishes upon a star and gets that very chance. Having taken a glamorous job in NYC the first time around, eight years later, her married boss and lover reneges on their planned Christmas trip to spend time with his wife and children.

    Despondent at how her life has progressed, Eve is blessed by her guardian angel, who transports her back to the week before the wedding she canceled to take the big city job, so she can revisit her earlier decision.

    Older and wiser the second time around, Eve seeks the advice of her understanding mother (Cheryl Ladd), but still seems indecisive until the last minute.

    The ever-cute Erin Karpluk plays Eve's best friend here, but she also got the lead in her own Christmas movie in last year's "Mrs. Miracle." (Recommended.)
  • While everyone is clearly trying their best with a sappy script, all the elements of 'Eve's Christmas' have been covered much better in other Christmas films.
  • lavatch1 January 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    Despite the clever title, "Eve's Christmas" turned into a piece of fluff. The film struggles to make the case that "you can always wish upon the Christmas star" to redo your life through time-travel, fixing your biggest mistake in order to find true happiness.

    At the start of the film, Eve is a successful Madison Avenue ad executive, but she has hit rock bottom in her personal life. Her affair with her married boss has not materialized for the Christmas holidays, and so, Eve gets filthy drunk. In her stupor, she encounters a kind vagrant who guides her to her magic star where she can make a wish that will give her a second chance in life and marry her true love Scott, the owner of a floundering book store about to go bankrupt in Eastborough, Oregon.

    A rugged mountain climber in her youth, Eve now seeks to scale the heights of traveling back in time to revisit the past like Scrooge. At the local bar called Winky's, Eve will re-connect with Scott where they will reminisce about the fateful moment when he spilled pudding on Eve when he was jostled during a bus ride. They were about to be married until Eve wrote Scott a "Dear John" letter as they were approaching the altar. Now, Eve will try to make the most of her second chance.

    There was a lot of padding in this film to round out the story through a silly subplot about the eccentric fashion designer Dominique. It appears as though Eve rejects all of Dominique's ideas for a wedding gown, opting for something simple. Eve will then be brought to the altar on a romantic rowboat!

    The best character in the film was Mr. Destiny, the sly vagrant whose limited number of appearances served as the catalyst for Eve to change her life. There should have been more of Mr. Destiny and less of Eve back-reading her knowledge of the internet to boost sales of the Eastborough book store and her mom's antique business. And it was never made clear whether or not Scott and Eve made many big, big babies.
  • ange_gabb23 October 2006
    Not since 1980's Somewhere in Time, starring Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour, have I enjoyed as charming a film as Eve's Christmas. I even love the catchy title, transposing "Christmas Eve" to convey that the title character embodies, from a secular perspective, the essence of Christmas spirit. After each viewing, I am left with a tingly feeling that a person sometimes can be granted a second chance at love in the tender embrace of his or her soulmate.

    Eve's Christmas, a fast-paced, sparkling fantasy, definitely is aimed at female audiences but, especially in these turbulent times, might find many fans among males. Not only do men also need a harmless escape now and then, but, like women, they are 10 pounds heavier after Thanksgiving and need a spiritual lift from the holiday blues (not to mention a distraction from their pockets becoming lighter).

    I might add that the acting in the film is satisfactory, and I find that Cheryl Ladd (who portrays Eve's mom) is more attractive in her autumnal years than in her "Charlie's Angels" days -- or should I say, daze. I love the scene when mom and daughter sit in the living room, and Eve gets a chance to hear her mother confess that she had flirted once with the road less traveled.

    Eve's Christmas reminds us all that, no matter how intellectual we have become as we age, the little girl (or boy) in all of us yearns for the miracle of What Could Have Been. Time-travel films, whether on TV or the big screen, are delightful vehicles for reaffirming the fluid, non-linear properties of romance. It does not matter -- logically or metaphysically speaking -- who the prince (or princess) turns out to be in these films, as long as love itself is the winner in the time-trek game. So, once again, like other chick-flick-loving gals, I await repeated airings in December of Eve's Christmas and other cable films of its ilk that transport me and you to that perfect dimension of time -- orchestra, please -- The Romantic Zone.
  • stephanieastephen12 November 2020
    Gave this drivel 40 mins of my time, bad acting by all apart from cherly ladd who is obviously the only professional actor in this. Maybe a 15 year old teenager would find it appealing with all the squealing and childish banter, but then that's a bit of an insult to teenagers. Avoid
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I recently re-watched this movie on Hallmark. I loved it as much as I did the first time. I don't understand why Sebastian Spence was not mentioned in reviews as he is a wonderful TV actor. I also had never heard of Elisa Donovan and thought she was charming in the roll but seemed the way she portrayed the character she was a tad hyper all the time and stammering her lines a lot but I understand why she played it that way. The experience for Eve was slightly overwhelming.

    It's a feel good, get a second chance type of movie, not so much for females but family watching with older children. I recommend the movie to anyone who wants a switch from The Christmas Carol to something with another fantasy based plot. I gave it an excellent rating based on the quality of a TV movie.
  • Does God send an angel when we wish on a star, like some fairy godmother or genie in a bottle? A little silly notion of prayer, but yes, sometimes He bargains with us and gives us second chances. Anyway, with some strange theological musings, this "what if" journey makes for some amusing mind bending. Typical reflective, feel-good, Christmas fare... better than some that try time-travel (and warps), this one takes the viewer to muse about how life's choices affect our trajectories.

    The lead, Elisa Donovan, was not great in the role of a hard-core business professional, but as her alternate character, the giggly bride, she fit better. She seemed to be smiling almost constantly rather than depicting a multi-faceted character - could have brought more depth. Cheryl Ladd, James Kirk and some of the others were good.

    While the film is supposed to laud the choices of home and family over career at all cost, sort of promoting the American Dream (you can have it ALL if you aren't greedy for gain), it could also be depressing for those who find themselves alone for Christmas, for whatever reason - 'what went wrong and why can't I undo it like Eve could?' Potentially disastrous "what if" story for some -- not exactly as universally positive a message as "It's a Wonderful Life," but thought-provoking, cleverly written screen story.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have been meaning to watch this movie for years and I am so glad that I finally did. Elisa Donovan is simply adorable and I really wish she had done more movies. It is hard not to smile when watching her.

    I am a big fan of time travel movies and this one is delightfully done. It is very easy and fun to get pulled into this film. In real life, there a certain choices we all wish we could correct and many moments we wish that we could erase forever. Eve does just that in this festive time traveling tale.

    The actor who played Scott was very attractive and I enjoyed their chemistry. I am glad that the second time around she managed to find a way to keep them both happy without sacrificing too much of themselves.

    The only questionable thing in the whole movie were the french women at the bridal store, I really felt like I was missing something there. Not sure if anyone else followed that. I like that she also realized how wonderful her parents were since she had been away from them so long. It is so sad that she abandoned them with her choice and kept it that way because she thought that they were mad at her. This movie will make you laugh and cry.

    I can't help thinking how many lives Eve ended up obliterating with her fortunate wish though lol. Like, Scott very likely could have had another wife and children in these last eight years that are now gone from existence. But he seemed to love her so much that I am betting that his life was miserable too and that her wish corrected both of their dreary lives. I was very pleased to see that when it cut to 8 years later they were still happily married and they did not have any children themselves. I was waiting for the corny moment where she would realize she was pregnant or something but I am so glad that they kept the story all about them.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Eve's Christmas" tells the story of time-travelling Eve, a high maintenance alcoholic and serial cheater who practices witchcraft for selfish gains.

    It's Christmas Eve and Eve is climbing the ranks of her company by sleeping with her married boss. He needs a short break from her on Christmas, which drives her into another rage-fueled night of drinking and excess. She contacts an ex-boyfriend for a booty call, only to learn that he's now happily married with children.

    Driven by envy and anger, she senses the presence of Christmas Magic and malevolently conjures evil black magicks to pervert and corrupt it to her will. As a redhead, dark magic is child's play. Twisting the good magic to her own evil purpose, she uses its awesome power to propel herself 12 years into the past.

    In the past, she destroys her younger (healthy) liver and exploits knowledge of the future for financial gain. She also manipulates and tricks her ex (Scott) into marrying her. She intentionally destroys the proper timeline, erasing Scott's children and happy marriage from history, and thus taking him for her own.

    It's a great Christmas movie containing black magic, murder, and how far selfish people will go to gratify their own desires. Very different, I enjoyed it immensely. However, I am only giving it an eight out of ten because it's categorized as a Family Movie and I think it instills wrong moral values of extreme self-centrism.