User Reviews (294)

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  • mtmc5-111 March 2006
    No, this won't win any major awards or impress the art world's elite, but it is a funny, delightful diversion on a date night. My husband and I laughed all the way through it - as did the entire theater. I go to movies for a diversion from reality and this met the bill. If you don't expect deep meaningful, life altering messages or commentaries on the deep ills of society you will enjoy the movie.

    The performances by the supporting cast were delightful and the best of the movie - especially Kathy Bates and Zooey Deschanel. While the chemistry between the leads was lacking spark, their performances were still fun to watch.

    The critics need to relax a little and not expect searing dramatic performances from romantic chic flicks!
  • tumbersonps16 March 2006
    I thought this movie was fun. I'm a big fan of Terry Bradshaw and I thought he and Kathy Bates made a "real couple". His "nude room" scene was a scream - I would have never expected that. I also enjoyed the scene Kathy Bates expresses her fears about her marriage to her son and the reasons - a little touch of real life. But my favorite character has to be Kit (Zooey Deschanel). Every comedy movie needs a straight (man/woman) I loved her, she was great. In my opinion the depth of the secondary characters was the strength of this movie. I didn't particularly care for the ending. I look forward to seeing more of Zooey Deschanel - great job!
  • shrtsweet238512 March 2006
    I really thought that this was a decent movie. I don't think that the commercials showed all the good parts either. It had plenty of parts that made me laugh out loud. I mean it did have some parts that were dry, and it reminded me of a different version of How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, but I still liked it. I think that my favorite character would have to have been Kit, who is the roommate of Sarah Jessica Parkers character. I think that perhaps the main characters did not have the most humorous lines as their costars did, but each star mixed well in the movie. I think that if you are one of those people who like to watch girly movies, as I am, then you would definitely enjoy it.
  • I got to see a preview of this the other night . . I went in thinking this was just another silly romantic comedy, but I must say I laughed a bit and enjoyed some of the crude humor. The audience I sat with loved it and laughed often, so I think this will do well in the theater especially those that enjoy Mr. McConaughey's abs and southern charm. There's actually some great nature shots with Dolphins and other fun-loving creatures, but I won't go into detail since it would spoil some of the crude humor in this flick. I think this would make a great date film since most of the film is told from the male perspective, so it's not your typical female male basher. Zooey Deschannel has some great moments as well with her deadpan looks and offbeat charm. There's no Oscar worthy performances here, just a fun silly, offbeat romantic comedy with a little um-nudity from Mr. Bradshaw (no frontal of course).
  • tom-183710 March 2006
    I'm just a guy who (doesn't live with his parent's) likes to be entertained. Our theater last night was packed and we couldn't stop laughing! This is a fun romantic comedy that leaves you feeling good. What I thought was going to be a predictable movie surprised me with characters that were endearing. Kathy Bates and Terry Bradshaw are great as the parent's. (Remember "Meet The Focker's?) Matthew McConaughey is the perfect "lovable loser" (and yes, he's wrapped in nothing but a towel in the first two minutes!) Sarah Jessica Parker has that charm and smile that would melt anyone's heart. The supporting cast is great! Matthew's 'live at home bud's' featuring Justin Bartha as "Ace" is the perfect "nerd" and Zooey Deschanel as "Kit" has a dry sense of humor often steals the scenes she shares with Sarah Jessica. Whether you still live at home or know someone who does, "Failure to Launch" lifts off.
  • Why, oh, why, can Hollywood assemble such a fantastic cast, and fail the cast members so miserably with the script? Stay home and watch a "Friends" rerun and you'll probably witness a more coherent, funnier, and truer script.

    Every actor in this cast, including Terry Bradshaw, a former football player, is fantastic.

    In fact, why can Terry Bradshaw, a former football player, act better than professional Hollywood writers can write? This script is a mess. Scenes are short and borderline incoherent, or so dumb as to be targeted at an audience too young to care about romance. What's the point of putting goofy scenes, like the fake bird fake CPR scene, a scene that every seven year old in the audience will wake up for, in an alleged "romantic" comedy? There's no romance here. None. Zero. Zip. How do you put two such beautiful, sexy, charismatic actors -- Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker -- in a movie, and yet have absolutely zero romance or heat or sexual chemistry in the movie? I mean, you'd really have to be trying to make a movie this erotically neutered with two such stars.

    Nothing here makes much of any sense at all. The scenes are a jumble of failed ideas quickly abandoned. The direction and editing are nil.

    A few scenes are ridiculous and childish. Matthew McConaughey is repeatedly attacked by wild animals. These scenes just never take off.

    A few scenes are painful.

    MM takes SJP on a date on someone else's boat, pretending that it's his. He's caught, and has to run away. Is he supposed to be such a tacky character? Why is SJP supposed to fall in love with him? After MM discovers that his parents have been paying SJP to date him (this isn't a spoiler; this plot device is revealed early on), he uses a particularly crude word to tell her to go away. It's a believable reaction, but since everything else in the movie is so unbelievable, it's just awkward and does not fit.

    Then there is the scene where one group of characters spies on another couple of characters via webcams. It's meant to be heartwarming, but it's just utterly unbelievable and really creepy. Whoever scripted this scene is tone deaf.

    And a few scenes are just plain bizarre, as if they came from another movie.

    This is such a shame. The actors were up for it, but the script writers and director gave them nothing to work with.
  • A 35 year old guy Tripp (Matthew McConaughey) still lives at home with his parents and never wants to move out on his own. Tripp's parents Al (Terry Bradshaw) and Sue (Kathy Bates) are sick of him living at home and want to see their son grow up and move on with his life. So one day after hearing a success story for their neighbors, Sue and Al decide that they will hire a woman named Paula (Sarah Jessica Parker) who will help motivate and help make Tripp want to move out of the house and start his own life. Comedy and romance ensue…

    "Failure to Launch" isn't a bad film by any means but it isn't a great film either. This film is a very typical and average romantic comedy. Some of the jokes work and some don't. When watching this film I felt this movie was almost the exact same thing as "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" which I think was a pretty creative and very funny romantic comedy. The problem with "Failure" is that its pretty much the same film. I literally felt like I was watching the sequel called "How to Get A Guy to Move Out of His Parents Place in 10 Days".

    The only thing that made this film seem remotely different from "How to Lose A Guy" was Zooey Deschannel's character Kit who as many stated stole the show. I felt the Kit character introduced a character that wasn't seen in most typical romantic comedies. This depressing and sarcastic roommate who wanted to kill the mocking bird that sat outside her window. The character Kit was a very interesting one and brought some unique humor to the film. This character also stole every scene she was in and my favorite scene of the film was where Kit tries to buy a gun.

    The main problem with the jokes in the film was the fact that they were so predictable and were over used. The whole animals biting people joke was used 4 times in the film. I felt like the joke barely worked the first time and just seemed to silly for this type of film. Not to mention, the naked butt scene which I felt was just too childish for this film. The jokes along with the storyline was very predictable and anyone who has seen at least one or two romantic comedies could tell you where the film was heading and what was going to happen next.

    Matthew McCanaughey pretty much plays the same role in every romantic comedy. He is the pretty boy who works out all the time and loves the ladies. He does a decent job here but this role isn't a stretch for him since the same character he played in the last few movies he starred in. Sarah Jessica Parker does a decent job as Paula although I have a hard time imagining anyone falling in love with Sarah Jessica Parker because I don't find her attractive at all. I would have rather seen Kate Hudson play this role or hell maybe even someone like Anna Faris or Scarlett Johansson. Zooey Deschannel, who I absolutely love, is the best character in the film. Her weird sense of humor and fetishes save this movie from being overly typical. She is a great actress I just hope she does more independent films than mainstream films like this one. And finally Terry Bradshaw and Kathy Bates do a decent job in this film. But as we all know Bates is capable of doing much better material.

    Tom Dey is the man responsible for directing "Failure to Launch". Dey is also responsible for directing "Shanghai Noon" which was a decent action comedy and the horrible "Showtime" with Eddie Murphy and Robert DeNiro. I can't really say that his directing technique is that great and as a director he seems like he makes very mediocre films. There isn't much about "Failure" that is fresh and original nor is there any type of film or camera work that is unique or well shot.

    In the end, "Failure to Launch" is more of the same. It's your typical romantic comedy which has some laughs and the same old Hollywood ending. I think if the script was a little more creative than it would have been a great romantic comedy instead of being just like almost every other romantic comedies that I have seen throughout the years. If you're a big fan of romantic comedies you should see this film in the theater because you will probably really like it. If your not I would wait for DVD. I didn't hate this film like I thought I was based on the reviews for it but I just found it very typical. If the movie focused more on the supporting characters than the main ones I feel this film would have been more of a success but hey I'm not the director so I didn't have a say in the matter.

    MovieManMenzel's final rating for "Failure to Launch" is a 6/10. A "How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days" rip-off with similar but not as fun characters.
  • After wasting my time on this pathetic movie, I have made a decision not to ever watch another movie with Sara Jessica Parker. She has continued the exact same one dimensional acting in every single part she has ever played, this movie being no exception. She can't seem to get past playing "Carrie" no matter what the subject matter. One of the previous posters rightfully acknowledged SJP's habit of clutching at her abdomen and chest for effect in every single role she plays. Her high pitched screaming in every performance is the most irritating of all. I wonder how she continues to be cast in movies when she has no range as an actress.

    While watching this movie I had the feeling that they must have rushed the production just to get it made. There are tons of errors and hardly a single thought is completed. All of the actors seem as though they would rather be somewhere else. It is not funny, clever or entertaining. Don't be drawn in by the trailer or any previews of this movie. It is the bottom of the barrel.
  • Failure to Launch (2006)

    Another decent but sometimes strained interference with love film. I can think of two more classic recent ones, "Hitch" and "Heartbreaker," and this doesn't rise to those modest heights.

    The impressive star of the two leads is the lesser name, charming and gorgeous Matthew McConaughey, who is not just believable but also compelling (which is something different). Across from him is the Sex and the City mega-star, Sarah Jessica Parker, who is good, and who does the job as a would-be pretend girlfriend who really does fall in love. Or not. You'll see.

    The whole hook is an obvious one--first the woman is hired to make the man fall enough in love with him that he'll finally move out of his parents house. Then she'll collect her fee and boogie. But no, we know from the get-go, as with any screwball comedy, that the two leads are destined to be together. But when one learns the other's secret, what true love there was goes on the rocks. This is exactly what the other two films (above) did, and I'm sure it's a burgeoning new genre.

    What drags it down a bit are the side plots and side characters. Many of these are good or even terrific one way or another, but it's all patched together and a little lightweight and thin. The best of these is Parker's roommate, played with Oscar-worthy dreariness by Zooey Deschanel (who also appeared in "(500) Days of Summer"). But the sideshows of the mockingbird, the biting dolphin, and even the baroque arrangement with the t.v. monitors in the final scenes are all a little clunky. Good on paper, maybe, but in the end you have to make yourself enjoy the best of it all, which will make you laugh and have fun.
  • I was stunned at how bad this movie was - so predictable, so lame and another one of these Hollywood studio processed films where it doesn't even seem like reality - like it is this parallel universe that Hollywood creates where people have jobs like boat brokers and parent, grown son interventionist! They all have names like Ace, Demo, Kit, Tripp and Captain!! We all knew EXACTLY what was going to happen the minute Sara Jessica Parker says "I never have sex with a client." Gee - wonder if she will with Matthew - er, sorry - Tripp...I also cant believe that the movie invested sooooo much time in a subplot where someone wants to murder a mockingbird. Wow! That's funny! And obviously the studio found it hilarious whenever an animal attacks a human! Woo-hoo, that's some funny comedy - Billy Wilder could learn a thing or two from these fine filmmakers about what is truly funny. A chipmunk attacks, a dolphin attacks, a mockingbird bites the guy's nose like in a Goofy cartoon oh - and a lizard attacks - and after he does - they show him snickering - thus making the snickering lizard more three-dimensional than any of the supporting characters. Plus, it really was truly creepy what SJP's character tries to do - to "date" screwed-up, mainly lonely guys and make them think she likes them to try and get them to move out. The one other scene where they show her "working" - the guy is the typical fat, nerdy slob who quotes Star Wars and you watch her pretend to like him. Man! That is one creepy job there (almost as creepy as being a boat broker. I kid! I kid the boat brokers and all the members of The Boat Brokering Association). This movie is just a mind-freeze - watch point A move to Point B and then to Point C - now go home. The fact that this thing made TONS of money says it all.
  • The trailer was boring and I was sure I didn't want to see the movie. I am also not a big fan of Matt or Sarah. Luckily for me there was nothing "good" to see for date night out with the wife. So we decided to see "Failure to Launch". It was possibly the funniest movie so far this year. Great characters, great story, and loads of bust out laughing situations. Terry Bradshaw and Kathy Bates are crazy/funny and actually parents I would love to have. The rest of the cast, especially the character of Kit, are perfect for the parts played and extremely funny. This is just what it is supposed to be, a fun romp. Enjoy this movie and don't take it seriously like the guy from Canada.
  • In "Hitch" Will Smith played a date doctor bringing couples together, whereas in this film Sarah Jessica Parker pushes families apart, helping to kick 30 somethings out of the nest.

    Michael McConaughey is a 35 year old boat broker who still lives with his parents (he's actually 37). So SJP is called in as he is having failure to launch to help him on his way.

    It's a cross between "How to lose a Guy in 10 Days" and "Point Break" (or at least a Baltimore tourist board promotional video). As Michael and his two buddies Justin "National Treasure" Bartha and Bradley "My little Eye" Cooper (who also live with their parents) go biking, paint balling, sailing, rock climbing and even swimming with dolphins.

    But instead of Kate Hudson "How to lose" we get SJP, that's my biggest problem with the film, she is miscast at 41 years old she is looking too old for the part. Michael is great as the lovable rogue but I couldn't why he would go after SJP who is looking like a leathery blonde with a big chin when the lovely and kooky Zooey ("Almost Famous", "Hitchhikers Guide") Deschanel is her room mate. In fact some of the funniest scenes involve Zooey who has a bit of a drinking problem, not to mention the mocking bird my favourite subplot. The cast also includes Kathy Bates and Terry Bradshaw as his parents.

    It was directed by Tom "Shanghai Noon" Dey and it's the first screenplay for TV writers Tom J.Astle and Matt Ember. It's a likable romantic comedy for guys, hence all the action sports a pity about the poster and SJP.
  • I had high hopes for this movie. After all, I love all of the cast members. However, somehow, it just didn't do it for me. It was as if the screenwriters didn't know who they wanted to try to please. The over the top farcical scenes would have worked in a different movie, and the relationship scenes would have worked in a different movie. I think that one of the subplots involving Zooey Deschanel (who literally steals the show) would have been more interesting to watch than either of the two leads. Matthew McConaughey is admittedly good looking to watch, but his abs and cast have been his supporting cast long enough. And as much as I have loved Sarah Jessica Parker, she's looking a bit long in the tooth here, and is definitely too old to play the part.

    Grade: C (But only for Zooey's sake, I loved her!)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Failure to Launch is a cute little romantic comedy that could have been a little better, but it's entertaining enough to be a fun way to spend the afternoon. Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker both do an admirable job with their roles (Trip and Paula). I enjoyed Zooey Deschanel, especially. I've never seen a poor performance from her. She should be getting more lead roles, in my humble opinion. Terry Bradshaw was credible as Trip's father, and Kathy Bates was marvelous, as usual. There were quite a few laughs in this movie, and enough action to keep me interested from beginning to end.

    There are two things that bothered me. One is the silly subplot about the animals who kept biting McConaughey's character (huh??), and the scene near the end where Trip's "friends" were watching the couple on video screens in an internet cafe, and then were joined by nearly all of the patrons in the cafe. That scene made me squirm. I didn't find it at all also went on too long.

    In a nutshell, this was a good enough movie...probably not a memorable one, but a fun way to spend an afternoon or evening.
  • A thirtysomething slacker (Matthew McConaughey) suspects his parents of setting him up with his dream girl (Sarah Jessica Parker) so he will finally vacate their home. Also features a fairly early appearance by Bradley Cooper.

    Film critic Richard Roeper stated the film was "completely unbelievable." I was not aware it was supposed to be believable. Some otherwise negative reviews singled out Zooey Deschanel's performance as the film's highlight. As much as I hate to say it, she was more or less the best part...

    Roger Ebert wrote, "I was bitten by a donkey once. It was during a visit to Stanley Kubrick's farm, outside London. I was the guest of the gracious Christiane Kubrick, who took me on a stroll and showed me the field where she cares for playground donkeys after their retirement. I rested my hand on the fence, and a donkey bit me." Yes, this is really in his review, in his attempt to figure out why donkey bites are funny.
  • Another pre-McConaissance mediocre rom-com from ya boi Matty McConaughey. There's a smidgen of chemistry between him and Parker, but not nearly enough to keep this cliched, predictable film afloat (get it? because boats?). Deschannel is the MVP and by far the highlight of the film, though her random mockingbird side quest takes up a disturbing amount of time. This really is a great cast that just isn't given great material. The constant, over-the-top animal-biting scenes? WTF. It's some mild entertainment, but nothing to write home about.
  • jola8911 April 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    Yeh, this film didn't really live up to my expectations... In some ways, I think the relationship between the supporting characters Ace and Kit were more entertaining. Sarah Jessica Parker did a good job of showing how she was slowly falling in love with him, but sometimes it just felt a little fake. The way the plot suddenly changes showing why Tripp is so afraid of commitment was a little too remote for me... I mean, all of a sudden there was a character called Amy, who suddenly changed the whole aspect of the film. I don't know, maybe this is the type of thing some people go for, but it just didn't work for me.

    I found it pretty funny though, there were some moments where you just knew what was going to happen, but just had to laugh despite the predictability, but I have to admit, the ending was a bit of a let down.

    Great film to tune your mind out of the real world to, but not if you are looking for a quality film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Tripp (Matthew McConaughey) is a thirty-five years old bachelor man that still lives with his parents, Al (Terry Bradshaw) and Sue (Kathy Bates). Al and Sue hire the manipulative interventionist Paula (Sarah Jessica Parker) to play Tripp's girlfriend and seduce him, convincing Tripp to move out of their home. Paula and Tripp fall in love for each other, but Tripp's best friends Ace (Justin Bartha) and Demo (Bradley Cooper) accidentally find the truth about Paula and Demo discloses to Tripp, spoiling the plan and their relationship. When Tripp and Paula miss each other, their friends plot a scheme trying to arrange an encounter to fix the situation.

    "Failure to Launch" is a silly and predictable romance, but entertains only because of the excellent cast. There is a great chemistry among the actors and actresses of this movie, keeping the interest of the viewer, in spite of a terrible and forgettable screenplay. The gorgeous Zooey Deschanel is the best in this flick performing Kit, the funny and complicated roommate of Paula. My vote is five.

    Title (Brazil): "Armações do Amor" ("Tricks of Love")
  • I saw this movie tonight at a screening. The plot of the movie was totally what we've seen before in the other Matthew McConaughey movie, "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". Sarah Jessica Parker's character is hired by Matthew McConaughey's parents (Kathy Bates and Terry Bradshaw) to be his "girlfriend" and motivate him to move out of the house (since he is, of course, 35 years old). So the relationship is based upon lies and deception - all for conflict and comedy. But there really wasn't comedy in their story line. The fun is from all the supporting characters and their sub-plots! That was the surprise and that is why I felt this movie was better than I expected. Whenever the supporting characters were on screen the theater was howling with laughter (including cynical me). Their fine comedic talent kept the pace of the movie and I found myself missing their screen presence when the story line went back to the main characters. I was saying (internally), "No! More psycho roommate! More goofy buddies! More extreme sports mishaps!" Its truly a popcorn/date/no brainer type of movie. Not as great as Wedding Crashers or 40-yr Old Virgin - but Failure to Launch didn't fail.
  • timfletcher12 April 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    Dross! Boring and predictable! After only ten minutes into the film, I could stake my life on what would happen at the end - and I was right.

    I don't mind romantic comedies, but this is drivel. Even the "funny" moments; those slapstick scenes that are added to films to make you laugh uproariously, barely raised a smile (a chipmunk bit his finger – hysterical. A lizard bit his hand and he falls on his back– hilarious).

    This film has no redeeming features whatsoever and even the inclusion of such comic genii as Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker couldn't get it going. What did I expect though, going to see a film with those two hams in the starring roles, they actually make Courteney Cox look funny. In my defence though, one night a week I do Support Work and my disabled employer wanted to go to the cinema. There was nothing on we hadn't already seen so we took a chance on this. Well, even he thought it was turd. I thought he was going to sack me!

    If you want my advice, don't waste your time with this nonentity. I'd rather nail my eyelids to the floor than sit through this tripe again.
  • liza17279 March 2006
    Being a huge SJP and Matthew fan- I of course went to see the movie. I was shocked and really pleased to see how much camera time Zooey Deschanel got. She was my favorite character in the movie- by far. I wasn't expecting that at all. Her facial expressions and deep voice were perfect for the quirky character she played. So now I am a huge fan of her's. Back to the movie. The plot was a little predictable (duh),but was truly a pleasurable one. I didn't go to the movie to be deeply moved- but I did go to see a great light-hearted film with an amazing cast. And I had success. I love Kathy Bates- so it's a plus that she's in it. Terry Bradshaw is naked at one rate that as you will. But all in all- a good time was had. Go see it.
  • disdressed1221 January 2007
    i must say,this movie is much better than i had anticipated.first off,i am not a fan of Sarah Jessica parker at all.She usually just annoys me.However,she is okay in this movie.She does a good job with her character.Anyway,the basic premise of the story is this:Tripp(Matthew McConaughey)is 35 years old and still living at home.His Parents Al(Terry Bradshaw)and Sue (Kathy Bates)want him to get out on his own and leave the nest.They find a woman named Paula(Sarah Jessica Parker)who specializes in getting men who still live at home to move out.they hire her to do just that.Of course things don't quite work out that way.Parker really comes across as sincere and genuine in her role,and even displays some good comic timing,which is a pleasant surprise.McConaughey also handles his role well,in both the dramatic and comedic scenes.the supporting performances ate also strong.Zooey Deschanel(Almost Famous,Elf) provides some comic relief as Paula's'bitter,somewhat boozy roommate.Bradley Cooper(Wedding Crashers,TV series Alias),plays one of Tripp's best friend "Demo"while Justin Bartha("National Treasure,and its upcoming sequel) Plays "Ace"another friend.Both also live at home with the parents.Patton Oswalt("Blade:Trinity","Reno 911) plays the role of the techie guy.Tripp's mother Sue(Bates-"About Schmidt","Misery" is wonderful as the mother who is torn about her son leaving.Terry Bradshaw(former Pittsburgh Steelers star Quarterback)is brilliant as the Father who can't wait for his son to leave,and has one particularly hilarious moment that must be seen to be believed.and Rob Corddry has an absolutely riotous cameo.i like the original premise behind the movie.however,inevitably the movie follows the formulaic romantic comedy route and does become maudlin at times.the ending,though predictable, is not realistic and is something that would only happen in a movie.However,on the whole,the movie is quite good,due mainly to the performances.i won't say it is excellent but it is as good as most in the genre.and well worth the time and money.7/10
  • Matthew M beefcake shots everywhere. Horrible, unbelievable storyline, oh and let's not forget the KWAAZY ANIMAL SEQUENCES! A lizard bites Matthew and then chuckles like a Budweiser chameleon. By the end it was so predictable in its lame attempts to tie the story together it was EXCRUCIATING! The only reason I didn't give Fs is because the actors at least showed up.

    Poor Terry Bradshaw, he did okay until he agreed to prance around naked for cheap laughs. You how some movies go in and out in their quality? This one never comes out of the steaming pile that it is. I couldn't even find the director's name on the closing credits (probably too embarrassed).

    Don't even waste a rental on this dreck!
  • Failure to launch is a reasonably funny movie, in spite of not being an extraordinary comedy. The story is about a 35 years old guy who's still living with his parents, and I think the movie has a special meaning because of that, since it is a very interesting issue to discuss about our society nowadays: adults who're still living with their parents…(I'm one of them! Well, at least, I'm just 27…). Sons are leaving their parent's homes later and later and I think it's important to do films like this one, which make people think about this growing reality...

    Besides this "social interest", Failure to launch has some nice jokes. It's not an amazing humour, but it's enough to make you laugh! It's just the typical humour which usually exists in this kind of comedies.

    But I really appreciated one detail in this movie, and the message I suppose it tried to mean: The connexion between Tripp (Matthew Mc Conaughey's character) and the nature (he was bitten by "pacific animals" as a squirrel and a dolphin!)…When he was unhappy, it seemed he had the entire world against him (the animals, in this case!), but when he finally found love, it seemed the universe was in peace with him again, just because he was in peace with himself. It's all a matter of energy and the nature can feel it!

    A great surprise was Zooey Deschanel (the actress who plays "Kit")! I guess I've never seen her before, but I loved those blue eyes…she's really cute! And her character was pretty funny too.
  • ghthree15 June 2021
    Why watch this if not for Zooey Deschanel? Sarah Jessica Parker is hard to like in the best situation, let alone a lead role in a romantic comedy. Unless, you're for some deluded reason a SJP fan, the focus is off. SJP is like that manager at work who tries really hard to make sure everyone thinks they're cool, but realistically they're just counting the seconds til they can talk again and you've shut up.
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