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  • I only watched this film because my dad did not find anything better at the video store, so I said "Why Not?" To begin the film looks like it was shot with a handy-cam so it looks even worse than "Blair Witch Project", the acting is awful and the way the story unravels is completely pointless. The film also pushes to hard for laughs with some of the worst writing i've seen or heard on film. Countries like Mexico have delivered some amazing movies over the last few years is a shame however that films like these are made, but I mean, that happens even in the U.S. The film has not one scene worth watching so if you run into this film in any video store avoid as if it was the plague because is a complete waste of money and time.
  • Mexican leading lady, Kate Del Castillo does a phenomenal job at portraying Amanda, a young woman in search for true love. After a long run of bad dates she stumbles upon an unorthodox and adventurous road to find love. As the copywriter of classified ads in the real estate section of a newspaper, she is asked to preview a property. While touring the now vacant home, she discovers the only remaining item left behind - a picture of the man whom she believes has put the home up for sale. She falls instantly in love. From that point forward Amanda becomes determined to own the property in order to recreate the world formerly belonging to her object of desire. This film is light, funny and most certainly original.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a very good shot for the independent market in Latin America. I watched the movie in Italy as a participant of the Siena Film Festival. I enjoy it a lot!. It is funny and original, and it will be released in the US by the end of 2006 (so I've heard). I truly recommend Avisos de Ocasion for those who like comedy. The performances are excellent!. Both Kate del Castillo and Stephanie Salas seem to be very good friends and Tonny Batres who plays Jules, is Extraordinary!! I don't remember laughing so much since "Hollywood" the gay character in Mannequin. Now that it's going to be released in the US you'll have the chance to watch it on screen!. Don't miss it!.