User Reviews (177)

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  • I know I saw the 2001 Italian original, but didn't remember much about it until I saw Tony Goldwyn's remake and the scenes and story came back. And it then surprised me how much of the original I managed to remember. That's also possibly because Oscar-winner Paul Haggis' screenplay sticks awfully close to its Italian origins.

    I am a fan of Zach Braff's work. "Scrubs," for my dough, is the best half-hour comedy on TV and his directorial debut, "Garden State," was one of the best films of 2004.

    "The Last Kiss" is not a romantic comedy by any stretch of the imagination, no matter what advertising campaign the studio launched. This is a well-acted, well-told story about the dumb things we men do to the women we love. And, of course, the consequences.

    The film delves deeply into the insecurities of its characters, never offering pat answers or easy resolutions. There are no Richard-Gere-climbing-the-fire-escape-to-get-Julia Roberts moments in the film.

    Braff plays Michael, a 30s man facing the harsh reality that the rest of his life has been plotted out and he longs for something different. Despite having a gorgeous fiancée Jenna (the lovely Jacinda Barrett), he finds temptation around the corner.

    The film balances its three subplots well. They never interfere with the Michael-Jenna saga, yet add to the complexities of the story.

    However, I found it interesting that while in the Italian film, the object of the protagonist's desire was a high-school Lolita, Haggis and Co. opted to make her - in this case, Kim (Rachel Bilson) - a college student. The Italian film tends to be a bit more potent on that level, though Michael's attraction to Kim is believable.

    The performances all find the right pitch. Braff is completely believable as the confused young man in search of meaning to his life. Barrett is heartbreakingly good. There also are some terrific supporting performances from Casey Affleck, Blythe Danner and Tom Wilkinson. Then again, when was the last time you saw Wilkinson perform badly?

    Couples should see this film. It's a mature, thoughtful, unpretentious, and sometimes even difficult, movie to see. But it is gratifyingly good. Don't go expecting a typical fluffy date movie. This film raises interesting and important questions about couplehood and then lets you figure out the answers. When was the last time a Hollywood film did that?
  • The Last Kiss, a film by Tony Goldwyn (Yes son of Samuel Goldwyn) was adapted from the 2001 Italian film L'Ultimo bacio, and written for the screen by none other than Paul Haggis. The Last Kiss goes through a number of relationships, spanning a number of different ages, and dissects the hardships of those relationships. Zach Braff seems to have upgraded his acting from Garden State and might actually become a more dexterous and talented actor than previously perceived. Paul Haggis' wonderful dialog lends greatly to the reality and adversity that co-exist alluringly within this screenplay. This film has been incorrectly advertised as a romantic comedy that puts Braff in the middle of two girls, and he cannot decide which one he wants to continue his life with. This is simply not true. The film is about a group of people that have just seen what the rest of their lives are going to be like, and want to add a small bump in the road of life. Overall the film does a lot more than your average romantic comedy/buddy film, and shoves the afflictions and austerities of modern-day relationships in your face. This is not the greatest of date movies, like the trailer wants us to believe, and should be perceived as a more earnest and pensive film than it appears.
  • Don't necessarily expect to see the next step in Andrew Largeman's life. While the trailer makes you think "Hey, it's Zach Braff playing another guy who is confused about his life, and not sure where to go from here", The Last Kiss does offer a little more. For one its much more mature, and the characters are all flawed (and not in cute 'Natlalie Portman lies to get people to like her' ways) and they are all real. The performances were far better than i expected, the entire cast shines. The movie succeeds in appealing to everyone. No matter who you are and what state your romantic life is in, you will find someone to relate too.

    Jacinda Barrett finally gets to show some acting skills, and comes through beautifully. Casey Affleck is great. Zach Braff makes me understand why he wants something different, despite the fact that Jacinda Barrett seems so lovable. And the biggest surprise is Rachael Bilson. Early on she seems as if she is playing Summer Roberts on the big screen, but as her character unfolds she simmers with sex appeal, and was able to break my heart with just a simple gesture.

    The Last Kiss succeeds in letting its actors shine, and if anything you should see it for its great soundtrack.
  • The Last Kiss; Michael is a frustrated architect on the brink of turning 30, who's spirits are dampened when he begins feeling as if his life is formulatic and planned. At a good friend's wedding, he meets Kim, a beautiful and charming college student. Michael's uncertanties with his fiancée Jenna lead to an unexpected affair with his new collegiate. However Michael is forced to deal with the consequences of his actions when his secret spills.

    The Last Kiss is a very good movie, although you're likely to be depressed leaving the theater if you are under the age of 30. Smart, engaging and honest, along with incredible acting and dead-on dialogue add up to a penetrating, insightful melodrama that isn't afraid to pull the punches.

    The movie is undeniably sad, but it's a certain type of sad in which you will probably find it hard to look away. The characters are interesting, flawed people just like you and me, and everyone stumbles onto something interesting from scene to scene.

    4 from 5
  • I saw this at the Toronto International Film Festival to a packed house!

    And what a showing it was!

    When I stepped in to watch this, I had no idea where the movie would go, nor if it would be remotely interesting. But it quickly started to make sense. An outdoor wedding by the lake, guys talking guy stuff, and cute girls chatting and flirting from the other table, and soon you know it's going to be about guy/girl relationships. And so the plot evolves.

    And while it's not an entirely unique story-line, there are unique things about it. The characters are distinct. The main cast of 4 guys all get enough screen time and have their own 'problems' that can easily interweave that the story could really jump from one character to the next. That's a good thing. A relatively predictable story then becomes slightly less so.

    If you're looking for a moderate movie -- nothing too serious, but then nothing too fluffy -- something that you can watch, maybe chuckle a few times, or maybe something that might get you to think more deeply about relationship (and in particular if you're considering getting into a long-term relationship, or if you're not sure a long-term relationship you're in), then this would be just the ticket. You get into the minds of the characters, and there are quite a few that you can get to know, which lets you empathize with them. Some questions that I pondered watching this: is avoidance an option in life? Is truth always the best policy?

    Anyways, women will find this to be an enjoyable watch, as there are a few distinct women's points of view that come forth through this which seemed quite honest.

    Anyways. Strong acting. A few giddy moments, but fun overall. The result was a story that moved along nicely.
  • I found myself actually enjoying this movie very much. Without giving anything away, it deals with the story of four male friends and how their relationships with women have evolved. They are all in their late 20's about to hit 30 and the reality of behaving and acting like an adult suddenly sets in.

    I liked the movie very much because I saw myself in the main character and how I used to be when I was his age. Entertaining! The ending was actually surprising--the movie dealt with how both men and women react when they are hurt by the ones we love.

    Go see it! Two thumbs up!
  • I wasn't really too interested in seeing The Last Kiss, but I heard so many good things about it, especially from my best friend, so I decided to give the movie a shot. Even though it still felt like an American version of Love Actually, because it gave us a view of what different relationships are like with a little twist of how men, no matter how good their intentions are to stay with the same woman, there is always a falter. The Last Kiss is proof that there is always a grey area in relationships no matter how strong they may seem.

    We have 5 men, one is in a relationship with a woman who is carrying his child, but he meets another young college girl at wedding and discusses his fear of the relationship. One can't get enough loving and refuses to to commit. One is in a marriage with a new born baby and is feeling the hard core pressure from his wife to become a good father. One can't get over his ex and refuses to give up on her, but finally decides to do some traveling to see what's out there. And finally we have our long term married man who has taken his wife for granted.

    The Last Kiss turned out to be over all a good surprise and I think most adults could relate to in one way or another. Although the ending left us with some confusion, I think we could all interpret what happened, so it's all good. But I would recommend The Last Kiss for all movie lovers or even if you are just looking for a good movie, because let's face it, we do sometimes need a mirror to see what's going on in our lives.

  • THE LAST KISS Written by Paul Haggis Directed by Tony Goldwyn

    If you spend any time at all at Zach Braff's myspace page, you would read how excited and proud he is of his latest starring role in THE LAST KISS. In it, he plays Michael, a 29-year-old architect who has everything he's ever wanted. He has a great position at a large firm in a field he loves; he has a strong group of friends who are always there for each other; and he has a beautiful, intelligent girlfriend who loves him deeply. He knows he's a lucky man and his friends and family see how he's about to get luckier with his girlfriend pregnant with their first child. He has them all fooled though because he sees this baby more as permanency than possibility. In many ways, this is the perfect follow-up to GARDEN STATE, in which, in addition to writing and directing, he also plays a man in his mid-twenties who does not know where his life is headed. It is only natural to find a similar character a few years later facing the issues that confront you when you finally get your ducks in line. And whereas Michael's fear of never being surprised by life again is a real anxiety, the hollow characters that make up this ensemble lend little humanity to this reality. THE LAST KISS plays out, with rare exception, as a once-fresh tale that has been spoiled by one-dimensional characters, unmotivated actions, uninspired dialogue and an expectation that its deeper than it really is.

    From the way Braff goes on in his blog postings, one would almost think he wrote and directed this film too. Despite not having any way to test this theory, I wonder if the film would have been better if he had. Braff's creative influence on GARDEN STATE elevated it to a higher caliber of film making because of its innovative visuals, believably broken characters and timely musings. THE LAST KISS was written by two-time Academy Award winning writer, Paul Haggis (CRASH, MILLION DOLLAR BABY). Haggis juggled an even larger ensemble in CRASH and managed to give nearly every character enough backstory to make them tangible. Here, characters are more like symbolic signifiers for Braff's Michael to go through his own transformation. One of the more notable examples is his friend, Chris (played by Casey Affleck who brings more heart to his character than any of the other younger cast members). Chris is married and has a newborn, whom his wife has grown so attached to that she no longer has interest or patience for her husband. The insinuation that this hell is what awaits anyone who gets married and has a baby is groan-inducing. Yet another obvious purpose is served in the writing of Michael's future in-laws (played by the always subtle Tom Wilkinson and always fragile Blythe Danner). They remind Michael, and us of course, that a long term marriage is difficult at best but yet somehow still worthwhile if you work real hard and learn to forgive.

    Despite all these poorly hidden character devices, I believe that Haggis' script is only made worse by Tony Goldwyn's direction. The problems even begin in the opening shot. Feet stroll by in close-up from each end of the frame while the credits appear amidst the limbs. A car approaches very slowly behind them and the camera tilts up to reveal Michael and his girlfriend, Jenna (Jacinda Barrett), sitting silently. The movement is awkward but the effort is noble. She asks what he is thinking about and he replies that he was wondering how he got so lucky to have her in his life. As he says this, a bus pulls up along side with a lingerie ad on its side. Michael leers and it becomes immediately obvious that THE LAST KISS will be about a man who learns to stop thinking with his penis and start feeling with his heart. Only Braff exudes too much sensitivity for him to come off as a typically uncaring guy. By the time Michael meets Kim (Rachel Bilson) at a friend's wedding (an event that naturally depresses the typical male because it feels so final), he has cemented his stance as the man who has no idea what he wants. This is perfect because Kim is the younger temptress who knows what she wants but has no idea why. They sit in a tree house and exchange thoughts on how the world moves so fast that it is only natural that people break down far earlier than in past generations. It may be a contemporary theory but it feels as borrowed from GARDEN STATE as the film's soundtrack does.

    Zach Braff, post-GARDEN STATE, has become something of an easily identifiable every man. He filled the shoes for a generation unsure of its path and desperately in need of meaning. And though he merely plays a role in THE LAST KISS, he has become the face of the film thanks to all his praise and enthusiasm for it. I can understand his pride in his performance but his character is flat and unimpressive. The man he once personified may have been lost but was open minded and bravely forging out a fresh, new course for himself. The man he has now become walks down a run down street in worn out shoes and blends in with the crowd.
  • Although I could never pin-point the one "off thing" about Garden State, I still am in believe that it is one of the best films I have seen in the past few years. Zach Braff really showed his worth with that film, and being an off-fan of Scrubs as well, I looked forward to his next film. It has been two years, but finally we now have The Last Kiss, which was scripted by recent two-time Oscar winner Paul Haggis. I managed to win a double pass to see a sneak preview of the film, and after seeing it, I am very glad that I did.

    The Last Kiss centres around Michael (Braff). He is twenty-nine, and like anyone growing up, is conflicted about life. He has a wonderful girlfriend, Jenna (Jacinda Barrett), who just happens to be expecting their child, and life-long friends (the likes of which include Casey Affleck and Eric Christian Olsen). But as he is beginning to go through this crisis, he ends up meeting a young College student named Kim (Rachel Bilson), who becomes totally drawn to Michael after she lays eyes on him during a wedding.

    What follows is a somewhat poignant coming-of age story. It is a bit of a departure from the usual work Haggis does, but his work here is just as good as the rest. On one hand, it is nowhere near as good as Garden State, but on the other, it feels more realistic and more mature than it. These are real characters facing real problems, and the fact is that, almost anyone can identify with them. The film stays grounded in reality for its entirety, and rarely deviates off course (unlike some of the strange subplots in State).

    While it does focus on Braff's character mainly, there is special attention brought down in many cases to Affleck's character (as Olsen's soul purpose seems to be most of the comedy and/or sex scenes). It is honest and for the most part, absolutely heart-breaking to watch the characters go through life's challenges. But at it's core, like State, it is a film that speaks to the current generation, and tries to make an attempt at letting them know that everyone feels these anxieties, and that they truly are not easy to deal with. I would be lying if I did not say that I saw a little bit of myself and my thoughts in these characters.

    The excellent performance here from Braff only continues to prove why he will soon become one of Hollywood's most sought-after actors. While some of the things his character ends up doing over the course of the film may become slightly agitating, his performance does not. Although his facial expression barely changes throughout the film, you can see the genuine emotion he is conveying in his performance. His body language and demeanor is both touching and pitiful (in a good way) at the same time. You really do not know if you want to love or hate this guy through his anxiety-ridden phase, and as a result, Braff really strikes an emotion-chord that probably would never have been even nearly as well developed with any other actor.

    Barrett and Bilson really stand out as the women in Braff's characters life. They play their characters so they distinctly different to the point of it being deliciously delightful all at once. The two contrast each other magnificently, from Barrett's wholesomeness to Bilson's devilish sexiness. The happiness and sadness they have to go through is excellent, and again, really gives a sense of realism to the film. They really grow throughout the film, and their chemistry with Braff is an absolute wonder to witness. Supporting turns from Affleck, as well as Blythe Danner and Tom Wilkinson as Jenna's parents are all very well done (although slightly underplayed), and only complement the other three even more so.

    The only thing I can really find wrong with the film lies squarely with Haggis' script (which was reportedly edited slightly by Braff). While the film is great, it really does not stay solid on what it is trying to be. Is it a comedy? Is it a drama? It is hard to tell, as scenes that should be purely whimsical are not all that funny, and devastatingly dramatic scenes have the audience laughing hysterically. This only happened in a few instances (the rest of the scenes are either funny or dramatic), but it was downright awkward in many cases. Braff managed to blend the two together quite well for Garden State, and we have seen how masterful Haggis' work is, so why does it all not totally come together here? It really makes for quite the serious question, as the film could have easily slipped in as the best of the year so far, but must contend with being just one of the best.

    While the film has a chillingly bizarre problem with its tone, the performances and story more than make up for it. This is an excellent and poignant coming-of age film, and yet another vehicle to show off the work of Braff and Haggis. And with a superb supporting cast to boot, I am unsure of what more to ask for.

  • kosmasp11 July 2015
    If you haven't the original Italian movie this is based on, do yourself a favor and watch it instead of this. If you already have watched the remake, you can still go and revisit the story which is handled way better. Of course you will feel differently about the Remake and like it much more than my rating is suggesting at the moment. But if you take my advise you might see where I'm going with this.

    While Zach and others are doing a decent job, you'd expect the movie to capture the essence way better than it actually does. If you have seen Garden State you might even be disappointed by the lack of effort (or at least it feels like a lack). Relationships are hard work, remakes are even harder work ... or not
  • This film was truly terrible! I have seen soap operas that convey human emotion more effectively.

    Main problems 1. Lack of character development - We are supposed to care about these relationships when we know nothing about the people in them.

    2. Sexism - all the women in this film nag, whine and seem 100% reliant on men 3. Overblown, badly acted emotional scenes - These scenes made me cringe and laugh in equal measure. Who likes having arguments? Why the hell would you want to spend your leisure time watching them 4. The end - it ends so abruptly and randomly! I cannot believe I wasted an hour of my life watching this film. People who say they like it have a serious case of the Emperor's New Clothes!
  • kell997919 February 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    Of all the movies I have seen recently, trying to grasp a hint of real life experience, this delivers in a splendid and quite significant way. Not to mention the terrific acting, but the comparison of several different relationships really works. Zach Braff is awesome as usual, as well as Casey Affleck's unusual appeal as the "the very unhappy married man" but the real surprises for me were that of Jacinda Barrett and Rachel Bilson. Jacinda Barrett, aka Real World London hottie, who knew she had this in her? Her and Braff's fight scenes literally brought tears to my eyes because they were so true to life, the acting from her was phenomenal. And Rachel Bilson? Goodbye O.C., hello mistress of seduction. She really broke away from her only known role as Summer Roberts, and introduced the world to a more mature actress, willing to take risks that actually work!!! The ending is definitely left up to interpretation, which changes the age old myth, that all problems can be resolved in two hours time!! I highly recommend this film.
  • This is a movie that takes the characters where they don't usually go. It's not a romantic movie and if the hero makes a mistake it's not a sweet one, not one that the audience would adore. Still, "The Last Kiss" gives you more opportunities to identify with the main characters than most romcoms. We get a look at the phase after the romantic beginning. After the butterflies in your stomach have gone and it's actually hard work to keep your relationship alive.

    The way love is portrayed as something bleak here in five different story lines seems a bit forced at times and some characters are downright annoying. It probably would have been better to just concentrate on Zach Braff's story (and to avoid having Casey Affleck in the cast).

    The other mistake that "The Last Kiss" makes is that it's smart alec in certain parts of the dialog, spelling out things for you that you really could have thought of for yourself. For instance, one character is giving a speech at one point about how life is always getting faster, so people sleep into crisis at younger ages, blah blah blah. Yes, that's not really a revelation. The movie is much more interesting, when we just see the main character slipping deeper and deeper into trouble and being unable to resist his temptation.

    The target audience, if you want, for this movie are the twenty somethings going thirties. That point in your life when you realize you're really not that young anymore and you can't decide between growing up and enjoying the last days of your youth. Everyone in that age will find that "The Last Kiss" really speaks to him or her.

    Speaking of him or her: this is definitely not a movie you would want to watch with your partner as it's probably going to lead to some heated discussions. Women will probably very much identify with the female characters, while men will feel the pain of Braff and his friends.

    Unfortunately, I haven't seen "L'ultimo baccio", yet, so I cannot compare "The Last Kiss" to the original. Judging it by its own merit, however, I found the remake to be an overall thought-provoking and original movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So, My lucky streak is over...I finally rented a bad movie. Maybe it was because I was lazy, maybe its because my regular video store guy was there...who knows...

    The point is, The Last Kiss wasn't worth the effort. The acting was so-so, especially the performance from Rachel Bilson, who I secretly find really unattractive. Her and the lead Zach Braff have absolutely no chemistry, and the love scene between them is an awful, painful experience.

    I still enjoy Zach, though, and I'll forgive him for one bad movie.

    Highlights are really limited to Tom Wilkinson and Casey Affleck in supporting roles. Not big, but they make the movie a little more bearable.

    All in all, I wouldn't suggest this movie. I'd give it an Only if you had to, unless you're a huge Zach Braff fan. In which case, watch it to say you saw it.
  • "And he knew, before he could kiss her, he must drive something out of himself. And a touch of hate for her crept back again into his heart." D. H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers

    I don't know about you, but maintaining love amid the pressures of modern society makes me feel every time as if this is the last kiss, even in a long term relationship. Will she tire of me or I of her? Will a baby change everything? Will marriage lock me in to my future without my control?

    These and other contemporary issues such as realistically understanding parents' adult-love situations are the purview of The Last Kiss, an intense melodrama that watches the disintegration and sometimes rehabilitation of every relationship in the film, including a parents' seemingly perfect union.

    As writer Paul Haggis did with Million Dollar Baby and Crash, he fashions reality-like dialogue around common struggles, which he elevates to universals. For example: "The world is moving so fast now that we start freaking long before our parents did because we don't ever stop to breathe anymore." This is not Eugene O'Neill, but it may be closer to modern idiom than the noted playwright's work.

    In other words, these situations sound more real than reality TV, even though both are scripted, possibly because this film does not attempt to glamorize or accessorize the everyday challenges of maintaining love. Ibsen crossed with Pinter is the closest I can come to the style and tone of The Last Kiss, as good an explication of modern romance as we're going to get this year.

    Granted, the people in this film are better looking than we and have more leisure time to agonize than we do, but then the beauty of art is in excising the mundane and exposing the big issues often played out by the beautiful. I fault the film only for its absolute adherence to reality, which does not admit elevated language while other elements are heightened such as the beautiful parents' home and the temptress's unworldly seductiveness.

    Be prepared to face yourself if you have a last kiss.
  • ops-5253529 August 2019
    Its a film about love and relationship, marriage and divorce, happiness and hate.a story about 5 couples and their troubles and fight to stand eachother for the rest of their lives. some does make it and some doesnt.

    really a beautiful film with good acting, music, and filmography.

    the grumpy old man with some heavy years on the shoulder made reckognition to some of the situations, and the freeling that im finished with mine makes me relieved.its a recommend .
  • This film is a pretty stereotypical, 20-something friends "come-of-manhood in marriage, relationships with women and selves" sort of film, loosely inspired by woody Allen marital dramatics and ruminations on extra-marital affairs. It probably only gathered the money to be made on the strength of leading man Zach braff's garden state success, but in this movie is acting is pretty much exactly as it was in that movie: wooden, awkward. This film however has no storyline about a childhood of lithium-induced emotional deadness or over-prescription on drugs to rationalize that, though.

    Film has a pretty good cast - even features drama between an older couple. But generally the plot is unrealistic and poorly written. A lot of the plot devices seemed poorly thought of, like someone based this on an idea they had while eating a bagel, or it was based on real-life events, but re-done around some do-it-yourself screen writing guide's tips on structure and etc. And the ending is terrible. It just all seems like it wouldn't really happen - Rachel bilson's horny co-ed is especially bad. 'oh no, Zach braff has gone to a crazy college party. he's lusting for this girl, but afraid of this world. he should just stick with his wife.' thats how it begins, and little changes. Jacinda Barret gives it her all as Zach's wife, but frankly, her scenes are painfully bad to watch. but at least tom Wilkinson has a cool accent, standing in for Ian holm as father figure. Also, weird bad soundtrack.

    However, why did I watch this movie? Two reasons, one called Casey affleck and one called Michael weston. Michael weston, well-remembered as the insane hitch-hiker who tortures Michael C. Hall in Six Feet Under, has his usual crazy presence and is always fun to watch perform. His story is endearing and sympathetic. Casey Affleck, an actor who's been really coming into his own lately, is great - his role, I believe, is the most believable, and thus his ending is the most painfully dissatisfying and irritating. But maybe in years to come this film will be remembered by people wanting to watch young Casey.

    6/10, barely above 5, doesn't really deserve to be watched unless you're totally bored and alone and have literally NOTHING to do but watch this on HBO.
  • My feelings toward this movie are bittersweet; sweet because everything is so realistic to the point that it makes one question whether or not the relationship one is in is actually worth being in. The movie sort of gives the impression that any problem can be solved. I saw through all of the actor's eyes and felt that any element of this movie could actually be part of my life.

    My boyfriend and I have sort of established that we want to be together for the rest of our lives, and he always makes it clear to me that he has integrity and that he wants to be the best he can be. I have always believed him, but after watching this movie, I realized that ANYTHING is possible; that you can't live your life thinking that you know what is going to happen because you have it all planned out. So I guess the bitter part of it all really isn't so bitter. A reality check now and then keeps us grounded...

    I'm just glad that I didn't watch this with my boyfriend, though, because I feel it would give him second thoughts about being in a long-term relationship. This movie is that powerful! I feel it would discourage his willingness to stay faithful and I really do not want any of those thoughts to fill our minds because we are happy where we are right now. Would you watch this with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is the remake of an homonymous Italian film from 2001 titled "L'ultimo bacio" (The Last Kiss). The script, the acting and the production as a whole have however a considerably higher standard.

    Dialogue, which was atrocious in the Italian version, is now bearable. Situations are lively, realistic and engaging, while in the original movie they were little more than melodramatic or farcical scenes.

    Most characters are lifelike and plausible, while in the Italian movie they were just predictable, grotesque caricatures lacking all subtlety. In short, ironic vs. heavy-handed.

    In this remake actors actually act (pretty well), instead of simply yelling and screaming throughout the whole movie. The acting is successful at conveying credible feelings of love, betrayal, anger and regret. Especially love is genuine and palpable, while the original movie comes across as rather cynical and disillusioned.

    In fact, it is not clear whether the Italian version primarily aims at being an entertaining romantic comedy or a serious piece of social criticism. This Hollywood remake clearly opts for the former, which gives it rhythm, unity and coherence.

    Another merit of this new version is that it offers a more equal and modern take on marriage and steady relationships, as opposed to the Italian strictly male chauvinistic dynamics. The male lead shows a greater depth and variety of feelings that goes beyond "feeling trapped" and "trying to escape." He appears to be truly sensitive, which makes it possible for the audience to ultimately sympathize with him as well.

    Even the movie's Casanova is better cast as a physically attractive bartender, instead of a shady Italo-Rastafarian. The only problem is that it is quite difficult to understand why such a finely chiseled, outgoing male model would even dream of taking off aboard an old RV on a humanitarian trip to Africa: It is completely off-character. In comparison, the motives of the Italian Rasta hippie were a bit more plausible. It is just not very reasonable to create a character who is both a hippie and a Casanova.

    The main flaw of this remake is in fact that all secondary characters are not at all well-developed, while in the original movie they had almost the same weight as the protagonist. It is for instance difficult to understand the young father who leaves wife and child because he feels inadequate and unappreciated, or to feel for the persistent lover who has a very hard time accepting having been dumped by his high-school sweetheart. The hippie-Casanova character is reduced to a mere excuse to add a few spicy sex scenes here and there. Even the trip itself is never truly explained.

    The original Italian version seems to have "given up", whilst this American remake ends on a hopeful and heart-warming note.
  • Hey,

    I watched the Last Kiss on HBO and for me Jacinda Barret took a so-so film and made it into something special.

    It brought back memories that were 25 years old. I lived with the same girl (Barbara) for several years, but refused to married her and I certainly did not want kids. Barbara at the time was a beautiful girl and in many ways uncanny resemblance to Jacinda, with not only her looks, but her mannerisms and even her demeanor. Anyway…she caught me fooling around on her. She dumped me. At first, I could care less because it gave me a chance to play the field. The problem was when I was with another girl I couldn't help but think Barbara and wished I was really with her instead. I realized than that I made a horrible mistake and I begged her to take me back but to no avail. She wanted nothing more to do with an uncommitted loser like me!

    The Last Kiss, for me went back into time. The scene Jenna went to the house to consul a grieving friend where Chris couldn't lie to Jenna was incredible. The realism in that short scene was some of the best acting I had ever seen. Jenna is so sweet and somber and than going innocently into the kitchen to get some info from Chris on Michael's whereabouts. The way the camera runs after her. The way she turns to her cell phone to find answers. The dramatic change in Jenna's facial features, especially in her eyes, tells the whole story. The dialog is excellent and she pulls it off. When Jenna says "who is he with right now"? It is so real, so believable that you could literally see all that pain crashing down on her.

    The following scenes with Michael are equally spectacular. Jacinda shines throughout the movie and turns a 2 star film into a four star.

    Back to Barbara and me…I had totally given up on her coming back to me. I was getting ready to move out of state and called one of her friends and ask if one of my friends could come by Barbara's and pickup a couple family keepsakes of mine so he could mail them to me after I get settled in. The day I before I was leaving I was so depress because I was sure I would never see Barbara again. I remember getting on my knees, resting my head and hands on a couch and began to weeping like a baby (new to me because I hadn't cried once since I was 10). I than began to pray (this was also new to me since I was a professing atheist). I simply said "Jesus save me".

    That night Barbara called me…

    We have four wonderful sons that any father would be so proud of. I still love her so much! I also believe in miracles and forgiveness.

    I cannot say enough about Jacinda's outstanding performance.


    Copyright © 2003-2008. All rights reserved.
  • This solidly written and acted relationship dramedy surprised me with its adult approach to material that has been done to death elsewhere.

    Zach Braff attempts to shed the goofball charm that makes him such an appealing heartthrob to college-age girls who know him primarily for his work on the television show "Scrubs," and knuckles down to play a man on the cusp of thirty who feels panic-stricken by all the life responsibilities that turning thirty implies. Things aren't helped by the fact that his girlfriend, who he's reluctant to marry, is pregnant. A stupid decision on his part threatens their relationship, and the happy Hollywood ending at least comes with enough uncertainty and bitterness to make it believable.

    This movie hasn't yet seemed to have found an audience, and I'm not surprised. Braff is at a funny place in his career. The twenty-somethings who like him because of "Scrubs" aren't mature enough to understand this movie -- a group of college girls behind me in the theatre did nothing but giggle through the whole thing and seemed disgruntled at the end that the whole movie was, in their words, "depressing." But Braff isn't yet old enough to make older audiences believe he has anything to tell them about life experience. This movie is pretty much squarely aimed at people my age -- that is, people just barely on either side of 30 -- despite the presence in the film of Blythe Danner and Tom Wilkinson, playing a married couple going through a crisis of their own.

    This film says a lot of honest things about relationships: how both men and women are scared about committing to one another and how each gender reacts to that fear; how we look to the examples in our lives for clues on how to deal with our own messes; how 30-year-olds think they know it all because they know more than they did when they were 20, yet know barely anything compared to those who are 50 and older. It's even a rather complicated film in that no one character is entirely likable or entirely unlikable. Virtually everyone in it makes some mistake at one point or another, but as the film makes crystal clear, to point a finger at someone else's mistakes means pointing a finger at your own.

    Grade: A-
  • I almost need to develop a new vocabulary for how terrible this movie is.

    The characters are undeveloped, uninteresting, unmotivated, unbelievable, and unsympathetic. Every role is compromised in the writing to be shallow and flawed, though no reasons other than "life is hard" are given for the flaws.

    Does this make the movie "honest"? Hardly. It makes it a montage of clichés and stereotypes, with stilted dialog and horrible acting to go with it. Why do these characters even care about each other, much less me caring about them? That's just for starters. Even within any given scene, there are dialog and emotional inconsistencies. An actual line from what I think was supposed to be a dramatic break-up scene involves a woman opening a door and screaming "GET OUT!" to her husband. Seconds later, she says, "Go on, go if you want to!" What? Do you want him to get out, or go if he wants to? Again, I am sure plenty of folks (I am very negatively astounded that this movie impresses roughly 2/3rds of viewers) will consider that part "suitably confusing" and "true to the emotional nature of the scene". No. Well-written scenes remain consistent while still being packed with drama and real emotion. This was packed with TV-movie quality triteness, written by someone who apparently feels the need to preach at our faces and hit us over the head with how hard life is. Seriously, I have bruises.

    Underlying ALL of this aggravating cinema is a distinct feel of victim mentality. EVERY character is playing the victim in this film. Poor me, deciding about marriage is hard. Poor me, holding a marriage together (or not) is hard. Poor me, life is full of temptations. Poor me, I thought I had it all together and now I am using platitudes to try to describe it to the world. Oh dear, it really could not have been a worse movie if it had tried. Maybe it WAS trying to specifically represent the worst way in the world to spend 100 minutes.
  • I strongly urge you all to watch Gabriele Muccino's original "L'ultimo baccio" of which this film is a remake, which is largely better. I thought Zachary Braff was a miscast (his Italian alter-ego is better). Rachel Bilson, however, is lovely and very much like the rookie blond girl in the original movie (her first appearance on screen). Jacinta Barret is great. still, the Italian original movie has more strength, warmth and is an overall better movie. And then, the emotional reactions, feelings and overall personalities of all characters in the film are 100 percent Italian (and Latin, for that matter), and parts of the script seem "forced" with the burden put on Americans
  • zetes8 January 2007
    I only watched this film because it takes place in Madison, WI, where I lived for a couple of years a while back. I was surprised to find a pretty good film. Zach Braff plays a man nearing 30 whose girlfriend is newly pregnant. Feeling trapped, he is easily seduced by a 20 year-old girl who throws herself at him. Meanwhile, his three best friends face the crises that come with that age. I thought the characters and situations were very well observed, and the acting was quite good. Casey Affleck in particular is great as the married friend with a 1 year-old who's starting to think that it might be for the best if he and his wife split up. My only real problem is with Braff's girlfriend's parents, played by Blythe Danner and Tom Wilkinson, who are having marital problems themselves. That subplot is poorly developed and poorly integrated into the rest of the film, and Danner overperforms her role terribly. Is it just me, or does she seem pickled drunk in every movie she's in? Must be me. The movie is a remake of a 2001 Italian drama of the same name, which I haven't seen.
  • nosnij3 January 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    SPOILER ALERT-- I will never, ever like Zach Braff. I might always hate him. Let me sum this movie up for you. Men are cast as children. Women are cast as overemotional psychos (esp the redhead with the baby and- I suspect- the menopausal mother). In this alternate reality, men screw up, women go wild either sexually (the sex kitten the long-haired dude met at the wedding) or emotionally, and losers with big lips are forgiven in the end. God. This was worse than Garden State, just not as painful. Throw in the indie cred music, and my hatred for this movie in this post rivals the almost incoherently scathing review I wrote for Garden State in college. I'm going to go watch Army of Darkness now.
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