User Reviews (40)

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  • This is a good film typified by excellent acting, three interesting characters, a dark ambiance and a twist in the tale.

    While there are the usual moans about the typical movie style plot extension - where no-one is ever killed outright, they have to make a meal out of it- it is superior to most modern films in that it relies on the story and acting rather than explosions, explicit violence or other shock tactics.

    I had ever seen any of the three stars before but all three are names to watch.

    Well worth watching!
  • Ron and Dale are a pair of early 20s lovebirds. Neither are especially smart – Dale at least has the partially redeeming feature of being incredibly hot.

    Actually Time Out. As amateurish as it is I wouldn't be doing my job as a guy if I didn't point out that as well as being hot she also manages to indulge on a couple of occasions by being nude.

    Guy Public Service Announcement over. Back to the review.

    Circumstances have conspired against Dale and on and they are on the run. With the cops on the trail and the media highlighting their flight to freedom they take cover in what they think is an abandoned home, only the home is actually owned and occupied by Andrew, a timid British man with agoraphobia who can't stand the great outdoors. Which begs the question – why Australia Andrew? Andrew's only friend is a bird and it appears that his fiancé has done the runner on him, leaving him alone.

    Ron immediately takes Andrew hostage and the duo tease and bully him around to fill in time and find out if there are any valuables to take – Ron with his fists, Dale with her smokin' bod. As the external search continues Ron and Dale come up with a way to make some quick cash from Andrew due to Dale's apparent similarity to his fiancé, as they decide they will flee the country they desperately need cash and hatch a plan to get their mitts on his substantial cash reserve in the local bank over the coming days.

    But that still means waiting and lying low, and being in close proximity for so long and more importantly reliant on each other to some degree creates a somewhat uneasy alliance. Both Dale and Ron seem to have come from far rougher backgrounds than Andrew's privileged upbringing, Dale quite enjoys the charade playing someone else for a time, and particularly enjoys the dress-ups that go along with their plan. It is clear to all that Andrew treats Dale far better than the rough and abrasive Ron despite the fact she is one of his captors.

    It is also clear that Ron is nuts.

    As time goes on the tension (of all kinds) builds between the three. As Andrew grows a little more confident – or desperate – he starts needling Ron and suggesting to Dale that she doesn't need to be a part of all this, Ron is himself needy for all forms of attention and devotion and often bullies Andrew to big note himself to Dale and to subjugate Andrew back to his low spot on the totem pole.

    Of course this all can't end well, but when the inevitable does happen it seems well earned and worth the trip. I had never heard of this film until I watched The Sorcerer's Apprentice and had to IMDb the name of the love interest, when I saw this film on her CV I had a quick squiz at the few reviews available and decided to track it down.

    Now that I have seen it I urge others to do the same. This is nothing like the cheesy exploitative "I know what you did last Summer" DVD cover would suggest, it is a high quality taut thriller, featuring solid performances and a pretty good plot.

    And yes the chick is still unbelievably hot.

    Final Rating – 7.5 / 10. A great little Aussie thriller, worthy of far more attention than it obviously received.
  • Fabulous-looking movie. Cinematographer Simon Duggan obviously has a soft spot for the slow, back-lit dance of smoke, dust, dirt, and fog. What he does with airy nothing and a little light would grace any big-budget movie and does wonders to set the mood for this elegant character drama: the way the helicopter's searchlight filters through the trees at night, the trail of gravel left by a speeding vintage Mercedes, the morning fog lifting in slow motion, and endless curls of cigarette smoke gracefully set the pace for most scenes. Without making a big fuss about it, director David Denneen has created a small world that feels old school and fresh at the same time. But "Restraint" is not only an elegant, but also a sexy movie, mostly thanks to newcomer Teresa Palmer. She plays Dale, a quick-witted girl torn between her murderous lover and his handsome hostage, as well as between her low-life self and the assumed identity of the hostage's fiancée. Strange as it may sound, there's real class in the way she parades naked in front of a guy duct-taped to the bathtub faucet. The plot requires the occasional leap of faith and doesn't get any more plausible as it unfolds, but the suspense rarely subsides and the ending is a gem. Make sure you see this on a big screen.
  • Well I must confess the only reason I picked this movie out was to see Stephen Moyer presented himself out of True Blood. Never heard of the movie before that. Oh, and the cover girl looked good...All in all, it's not that bad of a watch. Considering the number of characters in the entire movie it was certainly well made and keeps you engrossed till the end. Of course during the entire movie I was thinking I didn't realize Kristen Stewart was that hot until I realized later that it wasn't her, it was Teresa Palmer and she's smokin' if you get my drift. If not for Moyer and Fimmel, see this movie for Palmer, she certainly deserves more than a look! I'd give a 10/10 for her, but considering the meek storyline, I'll drop it by 4 notches.
  • This film was obviously made on a budget but nonetheless packs a lot of punch thanks to great direction and three leads who are excellent in their respective roles. Although writer Dave Warner doesn't reinvent anything, he's written great characters caught in a dark, twisted and steamy plot. Director David Denneen probably didn't have a huge budget but the direction remains classy and tight at all time. He's very much in control and I didn't expect that from looking at his small body of work credited on IMDb.

    I was skeptical of the praise thrown at the movie and the three main actors, considering most reviews were written by Australians and human nature being what it is, people tend to hype local stuff. But what's been written by others is true: the three leads are perfect. This is good casting and great acting by each. And yes, I think these three actors will benefit from this movie. Teresa Palmer is definitely a name to remember. Simply put, she's mesmerizing and reminded me of fellow Australian Nicole Kidman in her younger days. She's headed straight for Hollywodd big time. Travis Fimmel, who play the young psycho, is doing good too. His performance is a little over the top but never enough to disrupt our suspension of disbelief. As for Stephen Moyer, he's more of a veteran actor than these two and his role is much less flashier but required a more solid actor and he definitely delivers this challenging part. His presence is powerful, yet subdued at times.

    There's very little to change in this film. No scenes to cut, no scenes to add. The pacing is great. The story flows well. The characters could have been a little more fleshed out and original, likewise for the plot. But anyone who likes classic thrillers will have a fun time watching this.
  • Ron (Travis Fimmel) and Dale (Teresa Palmer) are on the run from the law. Ron is a wee bit psychopathically homicidal, having already killed one man while having another stashed in the boot (trunk) of their car. Ron's your basic timebomb. Teresa is along for the ride.

    The deadly duo happen upon a secluded mansion that happens to be the abode of Andrew (Stephen Moyer), a prisoner of sorts, paralyzed by his crippling agoraphobia. The real drama begins when these three meet. Ron grows increasingly agitated while Andrew comes up with a plan that just might keep him alive.

    RESTRAINT is a refreshingly tricky thriller with loads of suspense, mystery, and some humor sprinkled throughout. The ending is surprising and satisfying.

    For anyone interested, Ms. Palmer is indeed occasionally naked in this film. The fact that she's hot enough to boil mercury only adds to the overall enjoyment...
  • The smalltime criminal Ron (Travis Fimmel) has killed the boss of his girlfriend and striper Dale (Teresa Palmer) and they are escaping from the police. After killing a gas station attendant, Ron drives to the old manor of the agoraphobic Andrew (Stephen Moyer) in the middle of nowhere to swap the runaway car. When he notes that Andrew is a wealthy man, Ron decides to get money from Andrew to travel to Thailand. Andrew notes the resemblance of Dale with his fiancée Gabrielle that left him six months ago and proposes Dale to die her hair and go to the bank with two checks of US$ 20,000.00 pretending that she is Gabrielle. Along the days, Dale saves Andrew from the sadistic Ron, but the unstable killer is a jealous man and does not intend to leave Andrew alive.

    "Restraint" is a claustrophobic and dark low-budget movie and my remark is that it is too long. The cinematography is very beautiful and Stephen Moyer, the vampire Bill Compton from "True Blood", and Travis Fimmel have fine performances, but the hot Teresa Palmer steals the movie with her amoral character. My vote is six.

    Title (Brazil): "Aprisionados" ("Imprisoned")
  • Whileit was interesting, it was not tense or terrifying.

    Drama was a little on the slow side and mystery was not present.

    So what made this a good movie? I don't exactly know.

    I just know that it kept my attention and after watching 25 movies in 3 days that doing such a feat is hard.

    I guess it was steady pacing.

    Well that, a naked woman and a semi unique twist at the end...but I figured it out way before, still I enjoyed it.

    A few plot flaws,but I'm too tired to type them out now.

    It's a Saturday afternoon movie and it's not a waste of tie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this movie solely for Teresa Palmer's presence. I didn't really expect much going in other than a watchable thriller. I didn't even get that. It was technically watchable, but it lacks suspense and surprises. Oddly enough, the acting is fine. But there is absolutely nobody to root for, making this one somewhat of a murky and miserable experience. I don't mind thrillers that are derivative at all, as long as they are entertaining. You've seen this one all before and done much better. Let me start with the main problem, the characters. Palmer is by far the best thing about this movie. Her alluring, seductive, and amoral performance was the highlight for me. She was actually likable, which is more than I can say for anybody else. Travis Fimmel is actually very convincing as the crazed villain. He was just a bit too abrasive for my liking and didn't know when to simmer it down. It got to the point where it became OTT. He began to annoy me and it ruined the performance for me. Stephen Moyer plays his manipulative part well, but he's a major idiot. He is purportedly our hero, but he is arguably as flawed as the villains themselves. The ending made me wanna jump in the screen and strangle him. Speaking of the ending, I will give it some credit. The movie is just too unoriginal, slow, and unlikable for me to ever see again. It is worth a look, but nothing more.

  • johanex7120 April 2020
    A predictableark dark thriller but well acted and keep up the tense till tge end. Teresa Palmer looks so hot so that's another reason to watch this lol
  • dave-zora13 September 2008
    What is the definition of a gullible idiot?

    A: Anybody who buys the patronizingly glowing reviews posted above!

    In case you aren't aware, it has now become standard practice for individuals with a vested interest in low budget movies to talk them up on sites like this in the hope that the public will pay money to watch them at the cinema or on DVD.

    Ask yourself this: why would these people need to generate favorable publicity for a movie when a good movie will generate its own favorable publicity through word of mouth?

    The answer is obvious.
  • I really enjoyed this film. The acting was top-notch, although I agree with the other posters that Travis Fimmel who plays bad boy Ron was definitely channeling Brad Pitt, especially in the opening scene. Stephen Moyer, who now appears on the HBO series True Blood, was very convincing as an agoraphobic with a past.

    Teresa Palmer was an excellent choice for her character; she somehow oozed overt sexuality and innocence at the same time. The sexual chemistry between her and the other two main characters, Rob and Andrew, was heavy enough to permeate through the screen.

    The plot was excellent and the ending leaves you just a wee bit unsatisfied, which I like. Leave them wanting for more. And they did just that but not so you would be angry about it. It just left a bit to the imagination and I loved it. I would definitely recommend this film to a friend (and plan to!).
  • TdSmth512 August 2012
    A young couple of thugs drive around in a 'ute with a corpse in the boot. At a gas station the guy kills the attendant. They escape into a country palatial residence. The owner is a severe agoraphobe former art dealer who doesn't have any money in the house and lives by himself.

    What follows is an more than an hour of psychotorture. The young thug is your typical movie testosterone-laden out of control tough guy who delights in freaking people out and threatening them. He sort of offers the girl to the home owner only to threaten to kill him or her or both if they do anything.

    Finally, the home owner offers all his money that's in the bank. Because of his condition, the girl will have to get the money while pretending to be his fiancée. She dyes her hair, dresses and acts the part. In the process she start liking the home owner. He's different than they are and very different from her criminal boyfriend, who keeps telling her to remember who she is.

    The money withdrawals work, but also the police start snooping around. A secret about our home owner is revealed that changes things quite a bit. And of course you are left wondering whom the girl will choose. The ending is interesting but leaves some questions open.

    Restrained is an effective movie. You end up hating the little thug and empathizing with the two victims. The twist is interesting and well done. Performances are excellent all around, Teresa Palmer in particular is a revelation. She's beautiful, can act, and doesn't mind showing skin. But the movie is slow, repetitive, boring. When all you have is three characters confined in a house, the psychotorture at the hands of one little creep gets annoying real fast. Overall a good effort that needed more story, more settings, more characters.
  • After killing a man, to wipe any trace, couple of criminals wanted to ditch and exchange their car to another parked inside some big house on their way. In order to not be killed, the owner of the house offered money, but one of the criminals (the pretty girlfriend of the other criminal) must pretend to be the wife of the house owner and make withdrawal in near bank, but cannot do that in just one day. Thus the hostage situation began

    Restraint, as the title also called, could be felt throughout the duration of this film. Because, it's a little neat story, without trying to be something great. It's like the maker of Restraint is being given a homework, with the objective of nothing else than getting it done. Everything is according to the formula. And, because of that restraint, I would not calling this film, good nor bad
  • I have been very impressed with the amount of quality movies coming out of Australia in the past 5 years. This movie holds true to the current pattern of Strong acting, keen direction and quality stories.

    This particular movie has been done before with the hot girl and 2 men fighting over a position of power over her. I was impressed on how the movie built momentum towards a interesting conclusion.

    The violence and sex were extremely well acted and served a purpose in establishing the nature of the 3 central characters. I think the director followed the formula to a tee and it paid off.

    I would highly recommend this film to fans of suspense and drama who don't mind a bit of the rough stuff.
  • Restraint is a thriller done right. Its plot seems simple, with a young couple on the run from the police invading a man's home and holding him hostage. But there are many wrinkles that constantly redefine the roles of the characters and keep the story interesting.

    All the actors do a nice job with their roles. Teresa Palmer is beautiful and brings a note of vulnerability to the movie. Stephen Moyer's character is the most dynamic, as he makes Andrew's agoraphobia believable. Nate Jones provides most of the movie's excitement, but at times his character is a bit over the top.

    Restraint is still a solid thriller, even though it's a few years old, now. It's a perfect example of how to keep the audience engaged with twists and turns without making the movie seem unbelievable. Check out this relatively obscure but entertaining movie.
  • Dale (Teresa Palmer) and Ron (Travis Fimmel), a runaway couple being sought after for murder hide out with the reclusive agoraphobic Andrew (Stephen Moyer), who lives alone in a villa living off a fund set up by his parents. In order to survive Andrew promises them 40000 dollars with 48 hours, by using the unique semblance of Dale to his ex-fiancée. Meanwhile he initiates a psychological battle, which slowly causes ruptures in Dale's and Ron's relationship...

    A high tension thriller complemented by some crisp acting and strong characters. Set mostly within the confines of Andrew's villa it is however less focused on creating an atmosphere, but more on interaction and mind warfare. Throwing together three amoral people gave the necessary backbone to create a tense atmosphere, while the beautiful Teresa Palmer keeps male audiences interested by showing off a lot of skin. Nonetheless despite some very strong credentials the ending failed to entice me, as the conclusion came in fairly predictably and lacked the emotional punch (despite it's supposed shock value) after so much was promised in the build-up. The script is also rather rudimentary, which need not be detrimental, but given the capability to keep interest on high levels for ninety it would be beneficial to either cut runtime or add some side occurrences to beef up the story.

    In the end it is a rather good movie, but falters by not being able to keep you involved for the long run. This in part owed to the fact that script or characters weren't really very original or unique.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ...and certainly not as well as the femme fatale's clothing fits her, but this is still a decent little thriller that delivers handsomely on a relatively small budget, despite an Act Three resolution that doesn't quite live up to the build. David Denneen guides an excellent cast through his feature-length debut with remarkable assurance and style; where has this guy been the past decade? Said cast does him and the unfortunately flawed script proud: newcomer, Travis "The Big Valley" Fimmel, authoritatively conjurers a young Brad Pitt, Teresa "I Am Number Four" Palmer can't help but make one think of a young Nicole Kidman, and Steven "True Blood" Moyer proves he can ably sink his teeth into a role without fangs. Denneen couldn't have asked for better.

    The plot is drawn from the same well as films like "Kalifornia," "Natural Born Killers," and progenitors like "Badlands." Crazed young couple on the lam, home invasion, cat and mouse monkey business, and the inevitable comeuppance of the perps, with minor variations to keep it interesting. It's pretty tightly written until the unlikely third act, as if scripter Dave "Garage Days" Warner ran out of juice and fell back on stock Hollywood resolution. Still, "Restraint" earns enough welcome to mostly make up for the fizzled finale. I stumbled across it at the library, and familiarity with two of the three leads was enough to pique my interest. I was not displeased.
  • I'd have to agree with Dave-zora's review on this one. I can only surmise that the very favorable reviewers were paid for their reviews. The plot is a re-hash of an old chestnut. Psycho invades home, holding innocent victim/s hostage. Psycho then proceeds to torture the victim's physically and emotionally for an hour or so, to kill time. Victim finally gets revenge. The only addition here is the victim is an agoraphobe so he can't escape from his house. The camera work is of the NYPD Blue "cameraman in a rocking boat" school of cinematography. Keep the camera swaying back and forth, up and down. All outdoor shots are heavily filtered to make even a bright day appear dark and depressive. The contrast and color have been manipulated to appear dark (high contrast, very little color). The actors are doing their best with what is an endless, pointless, insufferable script. The two stars are for their efforts.
  • bombersflyup20 September 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Restraint is an average hostage type film, lacking alternative outcomes.

    There was only one place this could go. Hostage type films usually don't work, because they're always bad people. Unless it's a good person trying to clear their name or in the case here only one's really bad, but you have to ask why she's with this guy in the first place. I like the idea to have the hostage affecting the robbers, having her play the role of his wife to collect the jewels and her liking it and envisioning continuing the lifestyle and him becoming jealous of Andrew for her wanting to do so. The problem with this, for it to be possible you have to have this dictating a-hole in the entirety of the film. Beyond this, there isn't a whole lot going on. Not great performances by the cast.

    It was a clever move by Ron to give Dale the gun unloaded and then put the bag over Andrew's head, forcing her to have to make a decision. It was obvious to me that it wouldn't be loaded because we knew what he was thinking at the time, which I assume we were suppose to, but why give us that information? There wasn't much else she could really do, he wouldn't of stopped until he was dead or she gave him the answer.
  • ken-rankins5 July 2008
    Occasionally, a movie comes along which on face value doesn't really stand out .. this was certainly one of those. That being said, I'm really glad I took the time to watch this film.

    Great acting, and a genuinely unique plot made this film most enjoyable .. I firmly believe this is a fine example of Australian film making at it's best. Whilst this is certainly no big budget blockbuster, and I didn't recognise any of the actors, I can guarantee Teresa Palmer is destined for great things and she was well supported. (not that she needs a great deal of support .. you'll see) Great film, great acting, great story and a tremendous ending. I thoroughly recommend this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    restraint 2008 is a terrible film all those positive reviews are fake the story,acting is no different then any C grade film releasing direct on internet.

    this was shot around 2005 and got delayed after viewing this i said to myself why did i bother watching this trash film it should have never been released the only reason i saw this was Teresa Palmer boobs yes that is the only good thing this film offers she is naked for a few moments and looks stunning on bed & shower scene besides her this film is junk.

    i have my opinion of this film i am not a critic i have to warn others that please do not waste your money & cash on this trash.

    the plot is about a criminal man and a woman on the run from law who take a rich man hostage in his own manor.

    there is a lot of Cringe worthy acting display can be seen here the male lead bad guy sucked he was totally overacting,the story is usual we have all seen before predictable with same old twists its all about money & stealing in these types of films IMDb is full of movies like these Hollywood in 80s & 90s did it before still a lot of films do it even in mainstream cinema those soft core porn films of Shannon Tweed are examples still whole world copies them its done get moving it is same plot repeated its been decades this must be stopped.

    these filmmakers try to shove down nonsense like this down our throats promoting the idea that murder & cheating is right.

    Restraint 2008 is a garbage film it has nothing to see not a single good moment here & do not fall for the sexy poster please its boring waste of time and money my rating is 2/10:Skip It
  • stratostzortzoglou17 April 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Gee man

    the people who made this film probably thought: scenario sucks, direction sucks, so let's throw boobies and booty of the female actress we got (basically pimping her), to divert attention

    yeah, that worked (not)

    laughable stuff (like when the hostage takes down his shotgun wielding captor with a shovel and then leaves him there so he can recover and attack again, or the girl recovers in mere minutes after car exhaust poisoning, people usually die from that, but what the heck eh?)

    good to know she actually moved ahead in her career, even after this dumpster fire

    the people who made this didn't need talent, they needed a beautiful female to pimp.
  • The film starts as it means to go on, straight into the story with very little character background and very little messing around, the pacing is carefully measured and it moves along perfectly

    The lead male(reminds me of Brad Pitt) is excellent in the role, as are all the characters actually, and considering its mainly the same 3 people on screen the whole time in a small space it is done very well

    The plot centres around a young couple who are on the run, they take the owner of an estate hostage and then a psychological battle begins

    Never saw any of these actors before but would look forward to seeing them again!really enjoyed the flick the only issue i had was i thought the very end was a little weak, overall a very good watch and i highly recommend it as a film that you probably wont hear much about but it is excellent all the same
  • I really enjoyed this movie. It has some great acting and a fantastic simple story that keeps you glued to the screen.

    If you go into this movie wanting just some good acting and great characters then you wont be let down!

    Teresa Palmer is superb and definitely one to watch for in the future! She really could work the camera and make you see things without uttering a word.

    Travis Fimmel on the other hand was very good but I just found that he was trying to be a Brad Pit wannabe (Is it a bad thing?) but apart from that he was 8/10! It has a good ending that will keep you thinking for a few days after. This is what made it a 9 for me. It was NOT one of them "OH MY GOD I NEVER EXPECTED THAT" type endings... It was just a ending that for me was very unique. It felt more like a horror movie ending (In a good way).

    This is a movie I would recommend for lonely night in when you want something interesting to watch.
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