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  • frankcol9 February 2021
    I liked all the detectives on that show. They sharp, confident and had a passion to get the criminal. The criminals were great too. Good directing is what kept it going for so long and a good run. Why another of Jerry Bruckheimer's classics was cancelled I just don't get it.
  • Ah! Terrible the day my brother chose this CSI compilation as my Christmas gift! An odyssey to play them all! Yet there are only 3 games so it could have been worse! This time, the cases are located in Miami. Indeed, it is less dark than Las Vegas but the cases are as boring as ever: (alligator, the nightclub, the love boat, the sunburn, the mad judge). You still got not interactivity, the proofs analysis remains unchanged and the only positive addition is the puzzle time. I also discovered that Miami is a bit like Venice because large parts of the town are surrounded by water. But the game didn't motive me to go there either nor to watch the show!
  • As a longtime CSI LV fan it is so upsetting to see how the terrible acting of David Caruso makes CSI Miami unbearable to watch. The overacting in each episode is painful including the repetitive head tilt, glasses on and glasses off and hands on hips. Every show I have tried to watch it is always the same. Hummers only for the CSI team (not for the police), Kaine shooting guns with glasses on all while wearing dark clothes in Miami heat. All are totally ridiculous. The most irritating of all of Caruso's acting quirks is the fact then when people are talking to him he never looks them in the eye and each scene his is in usually ends with a rhetorical question. It makes a serious show comical and campy. There are other cast members that can carry part of the show but Caruso really needs to have fewer lines and less airtime!
  • plus the stupidly hammy Alex's Mommy complex re her corpses...

    all the comments above sum up my own disgust with Caruso... does he own the show, or what?... i can't believe someone that awful can continue to be paid for nauseating the viewers, unless he does... or maybe has some really juicy blackmail material to hold over the heads of the producers...

    and what's with the trailer showing the best of all the cast members, Kally (sp?) getting killed off, when we're all pulling for Caruso to get the ax?... or did she get as sick of Caruso's idiotic posturing as we are and opt out?...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love criminal movies, series. I watch CSI, CSI NY, Navy CIS, Bones and so on.. CSI Miami could have been a great show, but Horatio totally ruins it with lousy acting.. He always try to look cool, always have the same pose, glasses on and off and on and off, and he can't hold a gun correctly. He always hits his target with one shot, while others have to shot 10 times before they hit. He's totally overacting all the time. Where did they find this guy??? Sometimes I wonder if he is a long time friend with the director of the show because I can't imagine why else they would have him in this show.

    Thank god for good actors like Grissom in CSI.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Watching Caruso play Caine is trying. I do not understand his style but it reminds me of Loyd Nolan trying to be the character Mike Shane back in the 50's. The show is OK but Caruso is a rub. Try giving Proctor the lead. My wife says Caruso may be trying to be McQueen but I just do not see it. What he does use to be called overacting and is usually done in comedy. It just does not fly in a crime drama. I just can not figure out how he is accepted as a serious actor. Loyd Nolan was a good actor, but was miscast as Mike Shane the Miami private eye from the Brett Halliday books. It was actually funny. Caruso playing Caine is sad. That's my comment and it's likely I am not the only viewer to feel as I do.
  • We had the first episode of Series 8 here in UK last night: "Out of time". Out of time indeed! Flashback to 1997 (looked more like 1967) when Forensics were still in the Stone Age.

    David Caruso's make-up resembled (and possibly was) Polyfilla; and they must have paid nearly $6 for that ginger rug he was wearing! Something weird done to Delko's hair as well - the result looked like a jumbo-sized Brillo pad (is that what Latinos were sporting in '97?)

    The Miami team is noted more for striking poses than for its thespian and investigative skills, but this was like a parody of a parody. Aka a travesty. Really only the New York series still has any 'edge'; Vegas and Miami are running out of steam and maybe need to join Dallas and Dynasty in the TV graveyard.
  • Horatio Caine and his gorgeous (fe/male) cohorts solve all sorts of crimes with skill - and machines that are cutting-edge, yet non-existent in CSI workplaces. Most shows begin with lots of bikinis, dead yet gorgeous women, and frankly, some graphic sex/torture scenes that are increasingly gratuitous and revolting. Add to this lovely issue that each time Caine (Caruso) opens his mouth, it's a cliché; the only way I can tolerate the show is by counting the number of silly comments. Within four minutes, he had mentioned 3 clichés and his friend, female empathetic-to-the-point-of-nausea-coroner Alex, had mentioned 2; both pause as if delivering a punchline, & Caruso lets the door close behind him right after speaking. Tie that in with the fact that he never looks anyone in the eye and he always turns, while putting his sunglasses on with TWO (??) hands, and you sure don't have good acting. That being said, it's all fun. "You know what you get for playing with fire.." he intones, "you get burnt" after a criminal left ash to be found by these wonderful cops. (Note: glasses are pushed up on nose). If you're into this light fare, you'll love it. For some inexplicable reason, all children open up immediately to Caine and tell him their secrets. For once, unlike on NYPD Blue, we don't have to see Caruso's butt exposed in every show. What a blessing.
  • CSI, CSI-New York have two teams and solve two crimes per episode. Then there's Miami... David Caruso and company take so long to deliver cliché's that they can only manage to solve one crime per week. Cally, Wolf and Eric are cool...Alex is too empathetic to each one of her stiffs to process no more than one per show. And to have Horatio have to tell her to get the fingernail scrapings to DNA testing is utterly ridiculous.. duh....thank you Horatio we thought she just might not do that. Uh...nothing worse than an ugly red head unless he's an ugly redhead named David Caruso who uh...thinks he's First time I saw him was in RAMBO. Never imagined him to be able to carry out leading man status. Now when CBS combines Miami and New York and mention HERO's. UH! I tried to count his lines last night when I got so tired of watching him tilt is head stare at the stiff or suspect and make his usual uh PROFOUND observation that I gave up. SLOW SLOW and did I mention SLOW. I was so hoping Horatio would get nailed and sorry folks...die. Happy to see Wolf walked out of the hospital. Now that is heroic. As for the supporting cast....stop with the back story of Eric having a pot problem. Girl problem yes...pot no...if he smokes it Cally would smell it on him immediately. That won't work....Get Cally a love interest. female or male I don't care. She just needs someone at home to be nurturing to. Get her two cats. Show us some humanity. One Crime a Week. Speed up the dialog ( I tried to spell it dialogue but this site told me I spelled it sincere apologies) ....cram in another murder hire another actor to flesh out the teams and make this a decent show...or..cancel it and put the money towards the other CSI shows getting Hummers to ride around in. David Caruso is the most uh...uh...uh...unappealing character on TV. Jason Lee's EARL has more appeal. ...Two crimes a week...that what those of us with ADD need. Not just one thing to focus on. Did I ever actually mention that my wife and I hate...hate David Caruso? Well we do. He's no HERO!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This game is the best I've ever had and played. It is also my absolute favorite. The cases are very interesting and fun to solve. I am a big fan of that show and I am also an aspiring C.S.I., Criminalist, and Parole Board member.

    All of these cases, just like any other criminal case are brutal. The first one "Later Gator", a Miami socialite, Heather Cole, kills her husband then feeds him to a gator. She tries to frame her husband's mistress for it, but it dosen't work. A bar owner is killed in the second case, "Crack or Jack". In the third case, "The Hate Boat", a hooker and sex therapist is shot to death in the head. In the fourth case, "Sunstroke", a socialite is killed by his daughter-in-law. In the fifth case, "Final Judgement", a judge commits suicide and reveals on tape that he helped commit these murders.

    Kudos to the cast, crew, and Ubisoft. Two Thumbs Way Up! 10 out of 10 stars.