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  • Like most others who stumble across this, I checked it out because, of course, it stars Mr. T. Plus the fact that his name in the movie is T.S. (for Too Strong) and the great tag-line ('What's the most dangerous distance between two points?') helped as well. Well, unfortunately it's quite disappointing. It's a made for TV movie, and involves Mr. T helping out some young punk turn his life around while investigating a plot to assassinate the first black mayor as well as another plot to train boys into a guerrilla army as well as 4 or 5 other plots of random things that have no reason to be there.

    Why does it stink? Mr. T kicks hardly any ass, I think he punches one guy, he has no great line and doesn't even speak that often. While the Christian tones are subtle and not too abundant, the 'after-school-special'-ness of it ranks very high.

    It unfortunately falls into that category of a bad movie, that's not bad enough to be entertaining, and since Mr T plays a pacifist, well that just about settles it.
  • El_Guapo930 June 2006
    Celebrated Thespian Mr. T comes to the screen as TS (Too Strong) Turner. The best thing I can say about this sorry excuse for a film is, well...stay far, far away. Mr. T's choice of clothing is comical and the use of his mohawk as an accessory is also fun. He wears it slicked back for special occasions and up for the rigors of every day life as TS Turner.

    TS is faced with the dangerous gang that roams the streets doing terrifying things like yelling and throwing things during mayoral debates.

    The acting is poor and the story is worse. The movie's pacing suffers and makes things drag out for way too long. It also has a very corny feel to it throughout.

    I put this movie right up there in the list of the worst movies I have ever seen.

    1 out of 10.
  • This movie is from the 1980s/90s tv series 'T and T' also starring Mr. T