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  • Don't get me wrong, it's an interesting exercise for a debut if you consider the avant-garde use of a documentary-styled camera and the single shot scenes capturing completely unrelated events from afar. The film sugests Ostlund has a taste for vouyerism.

    But the inexistent narrative would have benefit from taking the time to intercross stories or characters towards the end so that all the nothingness we've endured can lead us somewhere, but god no, it doesn't. Therefore you're left with the feeling of facing a long and dull videoartsy mockumentary piece, which I'm positive Ostlund himself is in a place to mock nowadays.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    Recap: Well, there is not much to recap. The movie literally has no story. It consists of randomly mixed scenes with a few people in focus. Those sequences has nothing to do with each other, more than that the same people appear sometimes. Those people seem to have no connection to each other either.

    Comment: How this was labeled drama is beyond me, since there is no story at all. More of a documentary, supposed to show glimpses of the daily grind for a few outsiders in Sweden. Unfortunately it is completely uninteresting, totally lacking the ability to engage me. There is no meaning, no message. The movie is without any purpose. It doesn't even try or pretend to have one, or wanting one for that matter. In short, it is complete rubbish. Extremely boring. Actually, the worst movie I have ever seen (and I cannot imagine how anything can be worse than this).

    1/10 (I was unable to rate it lower, somehow it is an insult to other movies I've rated 1)
  • domherregatan1 February 2006
    Warning: Spoilers
    What kind of rubbish is this Ruben? OK the film has it's production values, ex the scene with the car, i really liked that one maybe because it's so absurd and short, it makes you wonder what happens next? And the one when they are fighting the bikers it's also very sincere , and when the lady is touching the brat in the back of the spårvagn. But Ruben i know you can do a lot better! (like the little piece of art you did at -Kärlek ) Anyway Like i said some scenes are good and i got the message. So from me to you, "keep on keeping on" and don't let an amateur like me drag you down, but know this... I'll be watching you
  • I think this movie is kind of hard to rate because it is so hard to compare to other movies (wich is something i kind of like in itself). The narrating style is very open and the storyline or kind of lack of storyline makes it a very different film from what at least i am used to. I must admit that i am not sure what the director is trying to say with the film but.. do you really have to understand that when a film reach you in another level. The "main" characters in the movie are people you usually find uncomfortable to be around or even annoying. At the same time I found these feelings mixed with sympathy and sometimes pity. Watching gitarrmongot kind of "makes you" take a look at the people you usually pass by while looking in another direction. I do recommend it to anyone who think they can watch it with an open mind. If you just want to be entertained for an hour and a half and not reflect over the movie you probably are better off with something else. gitarrmongot is a movie that i will remember and that actually might have changed my views on the world if only for a tiny little bit or at least it made me think about this subject for a while.... for that I'm giving it a 9/10
  • Gitarrmongot is a pseudo-documentary about different people from Gothenburg. Their stories are not connected, but they all have a thing in common; what they do or what they are goes beyond the norms of society. The main character is a boy with Down's syndrome who spends his days playing a guitar downtown.

    The style is the same throughout the film, the cameras position is fixed and there are only observations (i.e. no interviews or other forms of interaction). All scenes are directed and what you see is acting. However, the people are not actors, they are (mostly) the peoples whose story the director wants to tell (which explains the word pseudo-documentary).

    The film is very open, so if you want some kind of message or moral from it you might get disappointed. The director has made several comments about the film and why he made it. I think his point was well made, but I'm not sure if I would have understood it without his comments. My best advice is to see the film with patience, take it for what it is. If you're puzzles search for interviews of the director.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    With totally wicked, wierd and uncomfortable everyday situations, that explores and reflects our human behaviour. The fantastic "Gitarrmongot" is certain to make you think about our society and how our society works. The town of Göteborg - which is described as the fictional town id Jöteborg is a clever addition to the amazing story.

    SO AMAZINGLY WELL MADE! The shape of the film is so good and intellegent! Its Art! Its experimental! Its genius and its pioneering!

    One of Swedens best films ever!

    The filming and acting is soo good and very clever aswell as the manuscript! Intelligent and artistic writing! Editing between the situations is perfect! The things happening in the film makes you feel empathy to the characters.

    The angles is perfect, down-to-earth and goves you that feeling of genuine realism and that you are present among the characters and experience what they truly are feeling.

    The strong enthusiasm at the kid trying to get famous playing the guitar is fantastic. When the kid is taken away his guitar you see the true pain in him.

    The election sign that says "Vote for your Sweden" with some drunk people is a very clever, genius scene and way of showing nothing in this world is perfect.

    The short shots on different places on nature, different scenery and weather is truly outstanding and beautiful! Aswell the new year's eve scene! One scene of the bike in the water, with the red light slowly sinking, its fantastic!

    The film is also shows how young people react to direct situations.

    The gun roulette scene is soo genius!

    The way Ruben and his team works with light, angels, sound, music and shadows is wonderful!

    The atmosphere the film is building up is very good!

    Its really well thought-out!

    Ruben Östlunds debut is really something you never has seen before and the film deserves every price it got! He has this great and unique ability to catch the human social interaction and catch the things that truly makes us humans.

    Its uniqueness makes into a cool, innovative, beautiful and fantastic film!

    The ending is incredibly deep, thoughtful and beautiful!

    Its a genius and intelligent masterpiece! Just as Rubens every other films. You got to watch this and his other films! ("De ofrivilliga", Play, Turist, The Square and Triangle of Sadness)