Damon Buck isn't a has-been, he's a never-was, a waylaid director and filmmaker, who hires his college roommate Quinn Robertson, the first 'stunt host in the history of reality television,' to star in his directorial debut, The House Party. Meanwhile, Damon's friends, Beatrix, Wiggy, Trevor, Josh, and Andrew think they know about making movies because they watch Bravo or read Entertainment Weekly. While they don't intend to undermine Damon, their lack of talent may. We witness all of this through the eyes of Ace, Damon's younger cousin, who, in possession of a DV camera was asked to collect footage for The House Party's eventual DVD bonus materials. A Totally Minor Motion Picture is Ace's accidental film and his camera as a character creates an awkward realism that lends itself to the realty TV theme.
—Alix Flood