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  • NJMoon26 July 2007
    I never believed for a minute that Cole Williams' character was a true bisexual and therein lies the flaw in RACE YOU TO THE BOTTOM. He's an arrogant, self-centered writer (whose talent is also something of a line of BS), who is acting like a spoiled baby and it is hard to muster up any sympathy for him or any of the other characters in this road-to-nowhere film. The DVD commentary tries to explain away their behavior by emphasizing that that the characters are in their 20's and this is their 'time' to be self-centered and let ego rule. Maybe if the film-maker took a solid stance on how HE feels about them, we'd care too. But he didn't and we don't so race to the credits and get it over with.
  • I watched this movie as I had a spare hour and a half and the 73 minute running time intrigued me, as I often find that a lot films these days are over inflated and over long. This film is a confusing "love" story with an unlikeable lead. The casting of the leading male actor was a mistake as far as I was concerned. He didn't (to me) have the charisma required to portray the "lothario" he was convinced he was. His looks bordered on effeminate. Don't get me wrong, effeminacy does not bother me in the slightest,but in this case, I found it hard to find the actor/character as irresistible as the film would have you believe. Kudos however must go to the lady playing the female lead. I felt she gave a good performance and she made me feel for her. Which is a definite plus, right? The road trip format of this movie has been done before. And I quite enjoy road trips if the traveling companions are interesting and the destination is worth the trip. In this case, it wasn't. Not a total waste of time, but I would not recommend this as a must see.
  • roedyg27 September 2012
    The plot is simple. A straight girl and a très camp nominally bisexual boy go on a road trip and have a lot of sex and bicker.

    The problem with the movie is completely in the writing. The dialogue is monotonous, and not in the least believable. It is some naïve straight person's fantasy of what gay people are like. It lacks humour and novelty. It feels like ordinary people talking just to pass the time.

    The gay sex scenes are quite Victorian. The characters don't even disrobe. The actual sex is discreetly off camera. The raciest thing you see is a hand on an arm. In contrast, the heterosexual scenes are very in your face. That is cheating and insulting in movie that bills itself about being about gay characters.

    Cole Williams in particular does the best with the limp material, breathing some life into it.

    The very plot of the movie echoes that infuriating Christian lie that being gay is a choice and all that is needed is some heterosex to convert even the feyest boy.

    There is some quite fun music and animated dancing, the best part of this movie, unfortunately a small part.
  • I had been looking forward to this film for quite some time as the synopsis seemed interesting. Also, truth be told, I am a complete sucker for gay melodramas and romantic comedies. I waited foolishly and have decided I want my time back.

    Was the writer even in favor of gay relationships or the gay lifestyle? I ask because he does everything possible to craft the most loathsome gay lead character in history. Not only that, but he managed to cast an actor who is equally unappealing to play the character.

    For whatever reason we are supposed to enjoy watching Nathan, a young man who is so in love with his talent, looks, and irresistible sexuality that it induces nothing but unending eye rolls. This is due to the fact that Nathan does not come off as especially talented, attractive, alluring, or intelligent. All of his dialogue is spoken merely to inflate himself and belittle everyone else around him. How could anyone be attracted to this hateful, greasy, selfish character at all, let alone enough to profess your love for him.

    Take my advice, steer clear from this movie. It's title is much more fitting than I could have originally imagined as this film, its lead actor/character, director, and script have taken a very steep and rapid trip to the bottom of my trash bin.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This review will contain spoilers in general terms but if you do not want to know I give the 2 stars purely for the performance of Amber Benson who somehow manages to make her deeply unsympathetic character watchable.

    However, that aside the movie is truly depressing. In essence we have two thoroughly unlikable, hedonistic people who are so shallow and self destructive that they are having an affair which given how self-centred they are can't possibly go anywhere meanwhile hurting their boyfriends who for some reason like them. I could almost accept this if the characters learned something from the experience, but the ending seems to hint at the real possibility that they've learned nothing. So we have a very long, depressing 70+ minutes with nothing to show for it. Long travel, no distance.

    The acting, Miss Benson aside, is pretty bad. Cole Williams simply lacks any charisma as the leading man and none of the support cast come across with anything to raise above woeful in the performance.

    But the onus of this sad project's failure lies fairly and squarely on the head and shoulders of its writer/director. What is he trying to say about relationships and people in this film? Nothing positive at all, in fact I'd almost go as far as saying the director seems to have a real disdain for people and relationships. Worse yet the film certainly re-enforced a lot of the insecurities and distrust that i have about relationships so it doesn't even manage to entertain. it merely sits in what feels like a cesspool of loathing.

    The direction is competent to be fair but nothing above TV show, and low budget TV show at that.

    I'm a big fan of Miss Benson's, and certainly think she is good in this, but the film is thoroughly depressing, lacking either sympathetic characters or any real moral compass or purpose other than to depress people. Unless you feel like watching a film to slit your wrists to, I'd avoid this film like the proverbial plague.
  • This film is about the sexual relationships of a bisexual man and a heterosexual woman, who go on a trip together to research for a newspaper article.

    Judging from the film length, I guessed that the plot is probably not so well developed, and there is little to be conveyed. Unfortunately, this turns out to be true. I feel that there are not enough character development to make the characters connect with the viewers. There are not enough subplots to make the film interesting either. Many of the momentary flashbacks could have been expanded to full scenes, such as Nathan and Maggie walking around San Francisco having fun together. This would serve as better story development, and to increase the film's runtime. It is a pity that this film turns out not to be as captivating and interesting as it could have been.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I rented this movie from Netflix and saw the running time 1:13...too short to a feature and too long to be a featurette. After fifteen minutes, I was already looking at my watch. Seldom have I seen so many misfit romances and affairs, it almost became laughable. The gay lead desiring sex from a hag who preferred a Lesbian in college. He was too effeminate to believe he desired her for sex. SPOILER: The people who got hurt were their two boyfriends back home...and her boyfriend preferred sex from our male lead. I kept wishing they would ALL die and end this piece of tripe halfway through. I watched until the end hoping there might be some redeemable value...but the ending only was worse...especially the tag-line at the end. The only conclusion I drew from this film was that the director must hate gay people to portray them in such a negative dysfunctional manner. Had I paid full price for admission, I would've asked my money back. Seventy-three minutes is too short for any film. The producer should have paid the audience nine bucks to sit through it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found this movie to be quite good. The story was well written and an interesting. The story gives a fresh view to the complex relationships of young people, at a time when the gender roles are not as strictly defined as they used to be. The acting and dialogue were very good, especially the main characters feel very real and alive. The music and the beautiful scenery of northern California also added to the feeling of the movie.

    I did not like the rhythm of the story, it felt like a long introduction to the the high point that never came, I would have wanted to see how the main characters and their friends reacted to the big conflict in their lives and how they coped with the changes it brought. Also some of the flashbacks felt a bit out of place.

    Despite the problems with rhythm it is a strong debut for the director.
  • I agree with another reviewer here about the film's decent technical quality, but I wouldn't extend that to acting. Amber Benson is good, actually, but the rest of the cast is pretty much sub-par. I particularly thought many of Cole Williams' lines were read poorly.

    The story could have been interesting, but the script didn't do it justice. The dialog sounded forced and stilted much of the time. It just didn't ring true, didn't sound like true life. When the plot conflict develops, I couldn't quite see the reason for it. There didn't seem to be anything happening that hadn't happened before so I couldn't understand the characters' reactions.

    It was difficult not to compare this movie to Sideways. Not that they had all that much in common except the location, but that was enough to have me constantly thinking of how much better this movie could have been.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A reviewer for a well respected industry paper said this movie had modest aspirations in giving it a brief, although not negative review. Unfortunately, those aspirations apparently had nothing to do with fleshed out or likable characters that the audience could either empathize with or have any interest in. The two leads are genuinely unlikeable, with few redeeming attributes to their credit. "We'll always have Paris" is what passes for wit and charm but it's kind of like your relatives bring five day old leftovers for the third day in a row because you've overstayed your welcome.

    The movie is technically sufficiently proficient but this is a horrible script that should never have seen the light of day on film, not even as a school video project. There is nothing this movie tells anyone about being bisexual, gay, male and female bonding, friendship, or anything else (except possibly as a brief travelogue on Napa, something Sideways (albeit about Santa Barbara) or any Food Network show on wine does with far more superiority and without making you sit through all this dross. It goes on over long but even at that, there is no "there" there to have justified making this a short of any length.

    This is not a movie I could even recommend to borrow for free from your local library or a friend. Hopefully, you don't have the kind of friends who would own this DVD and trust me, even a children's book for the pre-school set would be superior material for borrowing from the library system that this.
  • This is one of those movies that has absolutely NO redeeming values or reasons to watch. Since the synopsis is pretty accurate, I'll just concentrate on the basics here. The script is linear and understandable, but completely unrelatable. NONE of the characters is likeable; I know this has been used by some film makers as a plot device so the viewers subtly start rooting for the anti-hero, but no...these characters are not only awful, but they are boring. Most of the film is just people talking, and not saying much of anything at all. In fact, if there were a moral anywhere here, it's that bi-sexual men are apparently narcissistic and evil and women are confused and spiteful. The end. What I WILL say is that the cinematography and editing was GREAT...completely wasted on such a lackluster film. And while there was no attraction to any of the characters, I will say the female lead was good in her role; she may have been type-cast, but she did a good job, which is why I added a star here. But unless you are a friend of hers, that is not a reason to watch this.
  • glenncriley-991764 November 2021
    An arrogant jackass meets an airhead. This was a total waste of time. Not sure what the writer was trying to do but it didn't work.

    The best acting was done by the car.
  • I dont know whats the point of movie. yeh the performance is somehow OK, its a low budget movie. the story starts somehow understandable , gets interesting and then in the end it gets stupid.

    the way i see, its like "cheaters" have feeling too. means its story about a girl and guy who are having affair, and they talk about their feeling and stuff the whole time until the in the end.

    and then what the hek is that ending?...

    -----------------spoilers----------------- so even in the end, the met at hiking track , and they both got someone else. but then they start having an affair ?.. means again they cheat on their significant one. that disgusting.