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  • As a fan of softcore, let me tell you --

    a) unless you are easy to please


    b) haven't seen many of these flicks

    Don't be fooled by all the positive reviews. I like attractive women and big boobs as much as the next guy, but anyone who recommends Lust Connection as a really good T&A flick has set their standards pretty low. There's definitely a lot of nudity to be found here, but the simulated sex scenes get old quick and lack any real heat. I'm rather fond of former Penthouse pet Julie K Smith too and even her appearance is rather forgettable.

    The story also happens to be boring much like a zillion other duds. Lust Connection, an erotic thriller? Only if you're brain-dead. Jim Wynorski - the director - king of all things cheap pumps out a product that by nature sells itself, but guys can do better. At the very least, Lust Connection could have benefited from a touch more explicitness. Sure you'll see some recognizable faces, but I expect more nowadays from sitting through a T&A flick and so should you.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    I bought this DVD. A dude hits the skin flick lottery jackpot and gets to make it with lots of hot women. He's the suspect in his large breasted wife's murder. He starts to do his own investigation. Maybe it was one of his many lust connections that killed her. He reminisces on all of the sex he's had with his internet hookups. There are a lot of hot women out there who just can't get enough of this guy. His wife's twin sister shows up to comfort him and help him flashback on some more sex. Hopefully he'll find the time to uncover the killer in between thinking about all of his conquests.

    Two questions: Who the heck is this guy and how did he get so lucky? I have never seen a soft core flick that only had one guy having all of the fun. I don't know whether I should be outraged at the lack of variety in "Lust Connection" or if I should praise this man as a super stud. I mean, just having a scene with Julie Smith is enough to warrant some praise. This guy makes it with everybody! The hit list: Julie Smith, Glori-Anne Gilbert, Monique Parent, Jodie Moore and a very bored looking Chasey Lain. I need to learn this guy's secret. It's not his looks.

    So there are a lot of hard bodied women having a lot of sex with super stud man. I'm kind of upset that there wasn't any variety in this flick. Why didn't a couple of the lust connections hook up with each other? A Julie Smith/Chasey Lain scene would have been awesome. Awesome I say! Speaking of Julie Smith, this gives me another chance to talk about her breasts. They're awesome. Awesome I say! She has two scenes. One has her scrubbing herself in a bathtub and the other has her rolling around on the couch with the big man. Both scenes are great. Overall, there are plenty of hot women doing their thing in "Lust Connection". Of course, they're only doing their thing with one guy. If that doesn't bother you, it's worth a look.
  • pcsarkar18 February 2013
    Seriously, were you expecting a plot in this soft core movie? No? OK, were you expecting gorgeous women? Yes? OK. There are lots of gorgeous women here. There is also a middle-aged, rather paunchy stud. The women can't act for nuts. Serious emoting is out of question. The sex scenes are also contrived and artificial. The huge boobs on some of the women are so plasticky that one feels like puking. Even the dude knows that squeezing them up a bit during the sex play might rupture the plastic. So he stays clear of them. Stay clear from this movie would be my advice. There are tons of porn floating around in the net, for those with a yen for such things. No need to waste your time, energy and patience on this piece of garbage.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If it isn't Fred Olen Ray pumping out the bikini movies, it's Jim Wynorski giving us boobs on display. This is why I enjoy both of these guys' work. They have an audience, and they know how to serve it. "Lust Connection" is one of those movies. Using the same sets as "The Witches Of Breastwick" (same boardroom, most of the same actors, same even uses the same hot tub Monique Parent had her three-way in), Jim gives us what we want--big boobs on the cheap.

    We begin with Rick (Frank Harper), a millionaire who made his money on the internet, and his trophy wife Susan (Glori-Anne Gilbert with her usual dyed blonde hairdo). Why do I say trophy wife? I don't know too many women who go to the grocery store on Wednesdays wearing a tight black top, jungle-print miniskirt and stripper heels. Anyway, Susan gives Rick just what she thinks he wants--a doting wife who has sex with him often--very often. A few minutes into the movie, Susan gets killed while having fun by herself in the hot tub. It was amusing watching Susan stretched out in the tub after she was killed, breasts floating above the water.

    Enter Jenny, Susan's twin sister (also played by Glori-Anne Gilbert, only with dark curly hair). She's there to console her brother-in-law, who has been named the prime suspect in his wife's murder. The cop on the case, Detective Blake (B-movie veteran Jay Richardson) asks very probing questions to Rick about his whereabouts at the time Susan was killed. Over the next hour or so of the movie, he spills the beans about his various affairs with women he met while cruising the internet chat rooms.

    This is where the storyline stops for a moment so we can bask in the glory of Julie K. Smith's breasts. They are so out of proportion to her body--they're amazing. She plays Sasha, the first of Rick's many flings. While Susan is out getting groceries, Sasha is getting ready to get busy with Rick--and makes Rick think of melons in the process. Hey, he's not the only one. After that, it's Jodie Moore, the Australian hottie with an exercise fetish--or at least she likes to have sex while exercising. What surprised me the most was the inclusion of Avy Scott and Chasey Lain--two very well-known porn stars. They didn't have to mess around with any silly acting--just say a few lines and get naked. Monique Parent was also in there, but her scene seemed like a "Witches Of Breastwick" outtake than anything else. It was nice to see her, though. There was also a scene with Rick having sex while blindfolded, and he didn't get the chance to see that it was Jenny he was having sex with. At this point, the movie basically gave away the ending.

    Now, back to the story. Who did it? Well, since the various women Rick was sleeping with hadn't even met Susan, that leaves only two options. Either Rick did it or Jenny did it. Since Rick spent the better part of 70 minutes trying to prove he didn't do it, that leaves the obvious--Jenny did it. She's so in love with Rick that she was willing to kill her own sister to have him all to herself.

    This movie had a great female cast, and the sex scenes weren't that bad. The story--well, let's be frank here. This movie was only 77 minutes long, which doesn't leave much time for storytelling when so many sex scenes have to be packed in there. At least the film ended like a "mystery thriller" should, so I won't take too many points off. I consider it borderline tapeworthy if you like any of the women involved.

    Women: A (Let's see--Glori-Anne Gilbert, Julie Smith, Avy Scott, Jodie Moore, Chasey Lain, and Monique Parent--if only for a short time in a scene with no dialogue. Impressive casting here, that's all I can say.)

    Sex: B (Solid sex scenes. I liked Julie's sex scene, and Avy's as well. The others were alright. Glori-Anne had three sex scenes in this film--four if you count the solo scene.)

    Story: C (There wasn't a whole lot there to begin with, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that I would give this movie a low grade in this category. However, it followed the mystery thriller playbook fairly well and didn't end too cheesy--even if everyone knew how it would end 25 minutes before it actually happened. I'll give it a C here, but it's one of those "I don't want to see you anymore, so I'm passing you" kind of C's. This wasn't one of Jim Wynorski's better films, but maybe it's because he stretched himself too thin--being producer, writer, director, and Glori-Anne's assistant must've been lots of work. Then again, Glori-Anne played two roles and had time to be Best Girl. It's all in the credits, folks. I usually don't pay attention, but I thought they were funny this time.)

    Overall: B (This movie gets a B on the strength of impressive casting and decent sex scenes. It probably deserves a B- or maybe even a C+, but Julie K. Smith's huge boobs can't be denied, folks. This is probably the weakest movie I've ever given a B to, but I'm a sucker for big boobs, and there were plenty of them on display here.)
  • Before I wrote this review, I had to figure out a quick math problem. I remembered writing in my review for Vamps 2: Blood Sisters about the TWO big reasons I liked Glori-Anne Gilbert's performance. But I enjoyed her performance twice as much in Lust Connection, and I couldn't figure out why. I finally realized why there was a discrepancy. Ms. Gilbert plays two different characters in Lust Connection, and both of them get naked a lot. So I actually had FOUR big reasons to smile. Problem solved.

    I don't always enjoy erotic thrillers. Most of the time they leave me disappointed. There's too much focus on the erotic scenes, and not enough on the actual "thriller" part of the story. I was somewhat shocked when Lust Connection actually delivered a watchable story to accompany the eroticism! Lust Connection is all about Rick Taylor, an internet millionaire whose incredibly hot wife Susan (Glori Anne Gilbert with blonde hair) is found dead in a hot tub. When he becomes the prime suspect in the murder case, he confesses to the detective that he had been having affairs with women he met on the internet. Rick has a series of flashbacks to these various encounters, trying to find the woman who might have murdered his wife. Susan's twin sister, Jenny (Gilbert again with dark hair), shows up to offer support to Rick.

    More than anything, this story is about Rick Taylor being the luckiest man alive. Not only does he find plenty of women on the internet willing to meet him for illicit sex, but they are all knockouts! One of them is played by porn superstar Chasey Lain, who is the subject of my favorite song by The Bloodhound Gang.

    Most of the time these erotic thrillers have to settle for whatever skank actresses they can find to take their clothes off. But the producers of Lust Connection found some mighty fine women for this scorch-fest.

    Seduction Cinema is releasing three more movies from the director of Lust Connection later this year. I'm really looking forward to the one titled The House on Hooter Hill. I'm ready to give that one five stars simply for the title alone.

    Don't bother adding Lust Connection to your Netflix queue. Go ahead and buy it. You won't be disappointed as it stands up to repeat viewings, if you get my drift.
  • I bought this film on DVD.. After watching it, it was alright.. But funny enough though.. this plot is more or less like another film I got on video. I just watched that.. It's called Virtual Desire. In that film you had this guy Brad (Michael Mayer) whose wife's been murdered by a mysterious killer. Although he was the suspect, he had to go through all the women he had affairs with in order to find the killer..

    In this film, it's the same thing. Rick's wife gets murdered. Rick becomes the suspect. Goes through a list of women in order to find the killer in this one..

    Well, it was a good film. I liked it because of the women..

    Jay Robinson is getting old. He should've played as Det. Crank. Anyway, good film. But the same old cliché!

    Thumbs up!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I will say this much about this movie it ranks high in its genre.For one of the Cinemax/showtime late night feature is really good. Why? Glori Anne Gilbert and Julie K. Smith. Even though pushing or already at age 40, they have more sensuality in their pinky finger than most of the so called adult movie divas of today. Sure the plot is trite and done over a lot, but the movie is erotic and Frank Harper is lucky enough to work with women like this for a living. The plot is of a man whose wife (Glori Anne Gilbert) is murdered by a former online fling. Harper then needs to work (and I mean work) his way to find the killer.In the process the wife's twin sister comes in to help. My god!! If you are fan of the genre you will love it.
  • Lust Connection (2005)

    *** (out of 4)

    Rick (Frank Harper) is married to a beautiful, big-breasted woman but she's just not quite enough for him so he's constantly in adult chat rooms picking up other beautiful women. One day his wife is murdered and he's the prime suspect so he tries to uncover who might have actually done the crime.

    LUST CONNECTION from Jim Wynorski is certainly one of the better sexploitation titles out there. Wynorski made this under his H.R. Blueberry name and for the most part this is wall-to-wall with sex as well as an actual story to go along with all of that. Typically these films just deliver all sex and not enough story or too much story and not enough sex but I think the cult director found the perfect mix here.

    Of course, the mystery of who killed the wife shouldn't have people expecting the work of Alfred Hitchcock because, after all, this is still a low-budget movie that was meant to play Cinemax at three in the morning. With that being said, I thought the story here was better than you typically get with these types of movies so that was a plus. The biggest plus was the fact that there were all sorts of beautiful women who are of course naked throughout.

    The sex scenes were quite good and there's no doubt that Wynorski knows what the viewer wants and he delivers it. Harper, the actor, and his character are certainly very lucky as he gets to do the action with all of the ladies so I'm sure he was quite happy on the set throughout the shoot. Clori-Anne Gilbert, Chasey Lain, Monique Parents and Julie K. Smith are just a few of the ladies on hand here.

    Again, if you're watching this film then I'm sure you know what you're getting into. This certainly isn't CITIZEN KANE but it's a fun sexploitation film and one that is very much worth watching if you're a fan of the director.