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  • Warning: Spoilers
    The public's appetite for sensationalism is probably at the core of this TV made film that was probably rushed to capitalize on actual facts while they were still clear in people's minds. Frankly, we wouldn't even have considered watching this type of documentary, had it not been we were in a foreign country and the film was shown in English.

    Martha Stewart is a woman who has a larger than life personality, equally loved, as well as despised by friends and foes. Obviously, Ms. Stewart who went from being a regular person with a lot of excellent ideas about how to cater for the tastes of the moneyed classes, is a self-made woman who has to be given credit for the empire she created. It is obvious she had to fight for everything she accomplished. She shows a trait that is common to people who haven't have money all their lives: she is a bully to employees, as well as a demanding person who has to have her way, at all costs.

    The documentary is a rehash of all the scenes the media gave us while it was going on. Cybil Shepherd, who plays Martha, bears an uncanny resemblance to the diva she is playing in the movie. Eric Bross' direction doesn't bring anything new to the story.

    Perhaps what the film is telling us is that no matter how above the law certain individuals who think they are above the law will have their own day in court to account to the abuses they engaged in and yes, they are accountable for all those unlawful things they thought they were getting away with.
  • afhick26 September 2005
    CBS's schedule was thrown off by the football game last night, so I didn't get in on this from the beginning. And I have yet to see the first installment in the Martha saga. But I liked this made-for-TV movie well enough. There are a couple of scenes in the prison that make it worthwhile. I am thinking particularly of the ones in the mess room and those involving the Christmas decoration contest. The sweater her fellow cons present to Martha as she's leaving the prison is priceless. As an actress, Cybil Shepherd is far better suited to the scenes in prison than to those in the corporate boardroom, a thought she'd probably sympathize with. The supporting cast is first-rate. Don't expect to learn a lot about what makes Martha tick, but, if you like Cybil Shepherd, or Martha Stewart for that matter, this should interest you.
  • Rogue-3212 October 2005
    Got to see this last night on the Lifetime channel, and I have to say it wasn't worth the wait - what a ridiculous waste of time, for all concerned. Gale Harold (a brilliant actor) was completely underused, and Shepherd, although she turned in another competent portrayal of Stewart, was given nothing even remotely inspired to work with. The whole thing felt contrived from the get-go, with no sense of reality; this got even more pronounced during the actual prison segment, which was depicted more like a sorority house with a bad cook, no linen and no tablecloths. None of the characters felt like living, breathing, genuine people, and the script never went beneath the surface to reveal anything that felt truthful; it was like Stewart herself had given them permission to do the movie but also warned them not to include one second of footage that would humiliate her (or, in actuality, humanize her) in any way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If Martha Stewart herself wasn't behind this piece of absolute propagandist garbage I will buy one her companies magazines. So according to this account Martha was not guilty of anything, was beloved by her family, friends, employees and then fellow inmates - hence the cool poncho. For the love of anything - you can't seriously believe anyone who makes a billion bucks anywhere is not guilty of insider trading and countless other moral, ethical and legal transgressions. Big money business is contacts and networks - unfortunately only few of the top players get caught and humiliated. Martha must have peed off a powerful crony to get this light but embarrassing spanking - just 5 months for criminal corporate fraud "the victimless crime". One star for the poor crew (good job) who had to shoot this crap.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Even more so than in her first movie starring as Martha Stewart, I though Cybill Shepherd did a wonderful job of capturing the 'domestic diva'. There were a couple of times at the beginning and once at the very end when I saw Shepherd, not Martha. But Shepherd has a distinctive smile. This time, the hair and makeup made it clear we were supposed to see Martha, and Shepherd definitely spoke the way Martha does.

    Shepherd captured the 'TV Martha' perfectly. For nearly a year Martha's show preceded reruns of 'Bewitched' where I live, and several years later Martha came on before Carol Burnett reruns. And while I despised Martha at one time, turning on the TV early helped me to like her better, even if I never wanted to watch an entire episode of her show. And it was this Martha that Shepherd really did best. Only a few times did we see the evil (rhymes with witch) from the first movie, and that was okay.

    The movie opened with a guard asking Martha to come with her, and then through flashbacks we went back to when her company went public. Soon after that came the terrible day when, to me, it didn't look like Martha did anything so wrong, but then she was acting on information not available to the general public.

    Later, it seemed that Martha could have come clean, but she wanted to cover up what she had done. Only then did I perceive her as guilty of anything. Still, based on the events dramatized rather than other information we were shown being told to the jury, I wouldn't have thought she should have gotten in quite so much trouble. The movie didn't go overboard in making Martha look guilty the way the prosecution did. The attorneys for both sides did effective jobs. And all the while, Martha's fans were shown as supporting her no matter what.

    Prison looked like real prison, not a country club, though there weren't actual bars in her 'cell'. The other prisoners seemed like they belonged in real prison, and it would be easy to wonder how this spoiled princess was going to make it, especially the way she was being treated. Of course, she did complain but never acted like a (rhymes with witch). Amazingly, Martha did make friends, and most of the prisoners turned out to be just like people on the outside. I especially liked this one woman with long brown hair who was knitting or crocheting. Prison was actually funny at times, and the background music reflected this. One of the best moments came when they decorated for Christmas--and something truly ironic took place that I just can't mention.

    One thing I found quite annoying about the movie was the way we were told who people were. It was useful for us to see the names of characters and their significance, but this was accompanied by freezing the film and an annoying sound effect sort of like a prison door being slammed shut.

    I did like the music in the prison dining room the first time Martha ate a meal there. Anyone who knows my musical taste can take this to mean most of those women probably weren't too pleased with it, but then like with anything else in prison, they just had to adjust. There was nice music at Christmas, including a guitar version of 'Angels We Have heard On High' which was sort of traditional.

    This was really worth seeing, and unlike the first movie, it managed to make Martha look positive most of the time.
  • BreanneB27 September 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    I found this movie to be excellent and enjoyable. Sybil Shepard did a great job acting. Everything in this movie is great, acting, costumes, production, directing, script and photography.

    Warning: Spoilers coming up!

    This whole mess started when Martha found out "Insider Information" from her stock broker about how much her ImClone stocks were worth and then sold them. Then her and her stock broker lied to the authorities about the sale. After being indicted and found guilty on "Insider Trading" charges they both served 5 months in Federal facilities and 5 months house arrest.

    Kudos to the cast, crew and filmmakers. Two Thumbs Way Up!