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  • jamstraz21 September 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    The songs, although catchy (with one exception, noted later) detract away from the pure crap this movie really was. The costumes were below par, suddenly the turtles has very prominent spots and began looking like KISS rejects. The fight scenes were pathetic. Foot soldiers would run up to the Turtles, and a very pathetic kick about one foot off the ground would send them flying.

    I watched this as a kid and was not impressed, and looking back on it now over 15 years later, I still hate it. April, singing her HORRIBLE ballad made me sick. We always fast forwarded past that song. And how can being restrained by light rope be done? I don't know The only good thing in here was a line from the Shredder about Barry Manilow..."He writes the songs that makes the whole world PUKE!" Other than that, don't see this movie if you want your childhood memories spoiled of the cartoon show. Avoid this, and TMNT III like the plague. The new FOX series is OK, but it lacks the soul of the original.
  • Sorry, no offense to all those TMNT fans out there and the kids who were five when they first saw this, but this has got to be one of the gayest children's programs I have ever seen, right up there with 'Creating Rem Lazar' and 'Sigmund and the Sea Monsters'.

    And please, before anyone gets offended, let me clarify that I'm not using the term 'gay' here the way Eminem does, that is meaning 'lame,' 'stupid,' 'uncool,' etc. In other words not in the derogatory, homophobic, 8th- grader's slur of choice sense.

    No, I mean 'gay' as in filled with homo-erotic imagery (watch how many shots there are in the opening crew-setting-up montage of muscular roadies' arms and backs), dance routines so effeminate and mincing they make George Balanchine look like Gene Kelly, a villain who references show tunes, and more bulging codpieces than a Chippendales show.

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  • I've never watched and have never seen a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Live Show. While buying something at a shopping mall my family and I stumbled upon a show of the Ninja Turtles. Even if it was short my son loved it so much and boy I was amazed how they performed and hey you can watch it on youtube, you may want to search for it just type the one similar to the title and it will surely show up. Well why did I give it a 5 out of 10? April was not the usual NEWS caster as the original show did, it appeared as if she was an unemployed street performer to earn a living. It was stated via the guidelines that it is not allowed to add URLs but I do not want you to suffer searching for it so I will try my luck and add it here. Please erase if really not allowed and sorry in advance.
  • I am not sure how old the last commenter is, but when this video was release I was 5 years old. I don't think I really discovered it until I was about 10 and it was the coolest thing for my friends and I to watch. The copy I had was borrowed so I begged my mom to get me my own copy. I own the video still at 21 and I still love it. The songs are catchy, entertaining and fun for kids. The turtles have a lot of personality and their dance moves are great! The plot fits the show, the turtles have to defeat Shreddar, just like they do on the cartoon and in the movies. The quality is not bad, its just 1990's technology. It was filmed from a live stage show, what do you expect? So yes, compared to the Doodlebops or any of todays costumed musical performers, it is outdated, but in its time it was awesome!
  • OK, yes, this show wasn't exactly 'high quality theatre', but it was made for children who aren't very picky about their live entertainment. So long as it's 'cool' then you're good. However, I have to say that I enjoyed the music that was incorporated into the production. Some of it is a bit trite and cheesy but it's fun! Some of the costumes are a scream to laugh at and the overall concert turned into one big TMNT episode. Who doesn't love that? Overall, the voices and the quality of entertainment put forth in this production was wonderful. They put a lot of energy and excitement in getting this done and I believe they succeeded in making this the best it could be.
  • This is the sweetest corny movie of all time. Of course it wasn't going to be perfect. Also the VHS is the first show of the event in New York City. I saw this in Orlando and own the video. I don't remember much from Orlando except swinging my nunchuk or however you spell it around. The songs are pretty awesome you have got to admit. I still watch this VHS 14 years later.. best memories. If you never saw this movie the first time you will think it is corny, so just don't bother. But if you are a fan and remember the tour, pick it up because it will bring back a lot of good memories. Yes there are a lot of sloppy parts in the show, such as the costume being different in the cut shots, and the lip synching, the corny reporter in the boiler room, the whatever machine which is made of foil, and the fighting, but overall a good nostalgic treasure
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Once we got started, we new that we scored. Learning the music and finding the chords. We just kept practicing, we stayed underground. Cuz singin' in the sewer is a wonderful sound. Out of our shells..." This video brings back such wonderful childhood memories for me. Being a grown adult now, I can remember back to when I was four years old and getting this tape for Christmas. I was so excited that I practically wore it out within the first month of having it! Now having rediscovered my old, worn out tape, the case to which is long gone (and has been for some time now), I can't help but smile and laugh at myself by watching it. I have been a turtles fan my whole life, and will continue to be one for the rest of it as well. And truthfully, as a true fan of the turtles, I can say in full confidence that no matter how terrible their costumes were, or how lame the dialog/acting was, even the fact that they tended to sing off key, I will forever love the memories it brings back just by watching it and ignore the rest because it IS the turtles. I will continue to watch it from time to time, and when I one day have my own children, will show it to them just for kicks and giggles. I do have to say that, having my own copy of "The Making Of: Coming Out Of Our Shells" was a major disappointment. A trivia buff myself, I was hoping to see how the costumes were made, or some behind-the-scenes peeks at rehearsals and such. However to find that it was in fact made more of a spoof and they DID talk to the turtles as if they were real did some what make a mockery of our intelligence. Of course, then again, both the actual performance and the making of were geared towards children so, it should not have come to as big of a surprise to me as it did. Still though, I'm not to proud to say that I have both the live performance and the making of on tape, nor that I do in fact still watch the performance. This video is perfect for anyone who truly loves the turtles unconditionally and wants to have a flood of child-like feelings and wonder return to them once more.
  • It's hard for me to fathom how many times I watched this when I was little. The Coming Out of Their Shells Tour (which now sounds unfortunately gay just in name, not that there's anything wrong with that) was in NYC in September of 1990, and I saw it live and then watched a taped PPV version for quite a time afterwords. As a die-hard Ninja Turtles fan it was just great to see them all on stage live, singing songs and fighting the Shredder and saving the world for all music's sake. Seeing it today again for the first time in over a decade, I'm surprised at how...dated it is, I suppose. It's like a mix of Paula Abdul and MC Hammer songs, with a touch of an extra power ballad or surfing song and even one that comes close to sounding like Jack and Diane, done to different lyrics with pizza among other things. The dancing is choreographed in modes ranging from not bad (the foot soldiers are actually some of the better ones) to being actually kind of bad (the turtles dance, now that's a little gay, isn't it?)

    It was good in a nostalgic sense to see this all played out again, in all its ultra-cheesy glory and farcical tone, but seeing it from a more critical eye it's a bit shocking to see how stupider and more poorly made it was when looking back as a kid. Being so into the Ninja Turtles (most of the toys, video games, movies and episodes from the TV show on tape, lunch-boxes, etc), and just being young in general, it was maybe being less discriminating and having less of a critical eye for stuff like this that led me to watch it to the point where the tape wore out. But what am I to make today of enough tilted camera angles to make Fay Grim look straightforward? How about pyrotechnics that seem to have come out of a second hand store? Maybe the best character of all- in an awesomely stupid sense- is the Shredder, who's song I Hate Music is the closest to true camp, and who even talks with the audience like it's a night at the improv! It's altogether strange, eerie, delirious, stupid, and something I will probably leave to watch again in another 15 years or so.

    That being said, as a fan, if you've never seen it, continuity and all, it's worth seeing. Once. And maybe never again. Unless on a double bill with the Star Wars Holiday Special.
  • Some of these reviews are taking this show too seriously. As far as media made purely for children goes, this is actually pretty fun. The music is pure 90s cheese, the actors seem to enjoy hamming it up for those excited kids in the audience, and the story, while not Shakespearean, works well when judged by Saturday morning cartoon standards. At least there's some joy here, rather than the tired, cynical laziness of the third TMNT live-action movie.
  • JennyB112415 August 2007
    For those who don't like this video, I whole heartedly disagree. I too was a little kid when the tour came out and I saw it live. It was the coolest thing I ever saw! Of course the costumes are different, have you checked out the choreography they have to do? They have to be able to move! And yeah the fight scenes are kinda cheesy but think about it, it's a live performance for little kids, plus I don't think their costumes could handle that much abuse. The plot I thought was great, the kids get so into it when they know the turtles will be there to save the day. And I love how the personalities are so polished in each of the turtles, they are so "cool" kids can relate and love it! I still watch it and still sing along, the voice quality of the songs and the music in general is awesome. I especially love April's Ballad. Songs like that aren't easy to belt. I actually used that song for an audition once. And at 22, I still get goosebumps when I hear "You Can Count On Us." It's OK if you hate this show in comparison to other turtle material, but appreciate the work that was put into it, how many kids it touched, and how many people still watch and love the tape after all these years.
  • coachgig27 February 2021
    I really hope this video gets released on dvd or blu ray or both. this was the best concert ever on vhs. why are some people finding it cheesy. this concert was the greatest of all. who can ever hate this thing. they did a great job with dancing and singing and everything. i hope that they bring this concert back and do another one. if so i don't care what my age is i rather see it. the bottom line wonderful show. they really did excellent. well done guys.
  • This show pushes a pro music agenda which is appreciated in this day and age as it shows the importance of music. So surprised that cam clarke came back to record leo for this show. The music rocks except for michelangelo's "follow your heart" song.

    The set design? Top notch. The costumes? They're hit or miss......the biggest miss being the turtles and some of the hits being April, Splinter, and the Shredder.

    The musical numbers are quite swell and so surprised that this iconic album is streaming on Apple Music and Spotify.

    The story is pretty strong, but what can I say? It's a live touring show. It has a so bad it's good vibe to it that I highly recommend it.
  • I used to have the soundtrack and the VHS tape for this event. Basically, in the video, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Donatello perform at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, the first stop of the tour, but The Shredder crashes the show, as he plans to rid the world of music with the help of Baxter Stockman and the Foot Soldiers.

    Yeah, the concert may sound cheesy, but this was mostly aimed at kids back in a time when the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was at its popularity, with a cartoon, toyline, and a live-action film releasing earlier in the year. The special does have a good lesson about how music can be used for good and the concert has some good songs (like Pizza Power, which would be used in the Turtles In Time game). Plus, the person playing Shredder makes a good villain (even going as far as to roast the audience during the performance). This is one worth watching, even if it is a bit cheesy.