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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I used to try and catch as many of these Celebrity Roasts as I could back in the day. Watching this one tonight from 1975, I couldn't get over how many of the premier Hollywood super stars of the day turned out to honor Lucy - Bob Hope, Milton Berle, Henry Fonda, Ginger Rogers, Jack Benny, Don Rickles, and fellow performer from the 'I Love Lucy' Show for all those years, Vivian Vance. Gale Gordon was also on hand, having worked with her on the 'The Lucy Show' of the mid-Sixties. By this time, Lucy had already been married to husband Gary Morton for thirteen years, so the jokes about Desi Arnaz didn't sting as much. Of the members of the dais, it appeared that Ginger Rogers had known Lucy the longest, going back as far as the mid 1930's. So there was some history at that table.

    Rickles was great as usual - "What a night, who we honoring"? Rich Little provided the voices of absent guests like Carol Channing, Paul Lynde and Johnny Carson. As was often the case with these roasts, Ruth Buzzi showed up as her 'Laugh-In' character Gladys Ormphby and brought the MGM Palace down with her hilarious routine. I couldn't remember if she smacked Lucy with her pocketbook way back when, but after she wailed on Dino, she got a few good licks in on the guest of honor too.

    I miss those days looking back on them now. All those great stars could get together and have some fun without getting vulgar and mean spirited, and you could tell the honorees were genuinely humbled by the attention. Sadly, most of them are gone now, but their spirit lives on in the great work they produced to keep an earlier generation entertained. The Dean Martin Roasts are a good way to bring that fun back if only for a brief hour or two.
  • danrs00000813 April 2022
    This was a good roast with lots of laughs and a good lineup of celebrities. The only celebrity that I really wasn't familiar with was Totie Fields. It's rather sad that this was the last public appearance of Jack Benny. The only times I had seen Ginger Rogers before was when she was dancing in a movie, so this was special. I was really bowled over by Ginger Rogers. At age 64 or so here she was still so incredibly gorgeous!
  • The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast: Lucille Ball (1975)

    The legendary Lucille Ball is the guest for this episode of the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast series. Jack Benny, Henry Fonda, Dick Martin and Dan Rowan, Don Rickles, Bob Hope, Ginger Rogers, Totie Fields, Milton Berle, Rich Little, Foster Brooks, Vivian Vance and Nipsey Russell are the people who showed up to throw jokes and insults. Overall this is certainly a high point for the series as all of the speakers are rather funny and deliver some hilarious jokes. The highlight is obviously Don Rickles who always steals these shows. He has some hilarious moments with his jokes but has something pulled on him that I won't ruin for you first time viewers. If you're a fan of the series then you know what you're getting into and I'm sure this one will be loved.

    Episode: A-