User Reviews (372)

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  • madhatterdru9 September 2006
    Anyone who expected this movie to be an amazing, intelligent film will be severely disappointed. However, from the trailer, I made a guess as to the general quality of the film. I was right, and I enjoyed myself.

    Hot guys who do magic. That's pretty much all you need to know about the movie. The dialogue is crap, most of the acting is so-so, characters are woefully underdeveloped, and the plot is flimsy at best. That said, it was a fun movie. There was exciting action, and lots of fan service for the girls in the audience (Don't worry boys, there are girls in dubious sleepwear, too) It's one of those movies where you sit and watch and say, "This is a really good idea, but even *I* could write a better movie than this." The concept is cool, the execution not-so-hot. But as a break from the grind of class? Definitely good.

    The action was cool. The boys were pretty. And, really, what more does a girl need?
  • Basic summary: Ipswitch used to be a community of witches and escaped the Salem witch hunts by forming a covenant of secrecy. The first born males descended from these families have supernatural powers, and must come to terms with the seductive, addictive nature of using those powers.

    Well, I usually give movies the benefit of the doubt and start from a 5, going from there:

    Production: -1 for very obvious audio out of sync, +1 for nicely done special effects, the darkling actually gave me chills, +0.5 for nice colorization (I like the dull blue), -0.5 for the stupid sound track, +0.5 for the opening sequence -- I'm a sucker for stylish compositing and flashy title design.

    Story / Script: +1 for decent main idea, -0.5 for DBZ/Matrix/Street Fighter ripoff/pastiche, -1 for not explaining some plot threads very well (spiders, darkling), -1 for boring, predictable ending, -1 for gratuitous exposition, both as words on the screen and as bland monologuing

    Acting / Characterization: -0.5 for bad bad acting, although it gets a little better as the film progresses, -1 for lack of character development, especially among all the females

    Other: +1 for gratuitous male and female nudity, which is fun to watch, and +0.5 for no sex scenes, which for this genre are usually done very badly and end up being boring rather than hot, +1 for hitting its target audience, teenage sci-fi/horror/thriller fans, even though this movie is not exclusively any of those genres.

    Conclusion: This is not a "film," this is a MOVIE. There's really nothing to analyze, it's just good, (relatively) clean fun. Lots of really attractive actors and actresses. Lots of boys fighting in the style of DBZ and Street Fighter. If you like cute actors and actresses, supernatural special effects, and/or mindlessly fun plots, this movie is for you. If you prefer Oscar-worthy, exquisitely-produced film masterpieces with tons of multi-layered, allegorical plot threads and groundbreaking visualization techniques, you probably won't like this film.

    Using my twisted logic, this movie gets a 4/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    After seeing the previews for this, I went in expecting to see something like a slightly cheesier version of "The Craft," but with boys, and I wasn't disappointed. At the most basic level, the premise is similar: four teenagers at a private school dabbling in supernatural power/magic. However, while "The Craft" is by no means a brilliant film, the writing and acting are both substantially better than what's seen in "The Covenant."

    The story has a lot of potential, but it's not very well presented. There's very little explained before the last 30-45 minutes of the movie, and even then there's very little of the background explained. Combined with the poorly written script, this makes it difficult to develop and real interest in the characters. The protagonist (Caleb Danvers, played by Steven Strait) comes across as unrealistic, and the antagonist (Chase Collins, played by Sebastian Stan) as annoying at best. And Sarah (played by Laura Ramsey) is little more than a plot device.

    And despite claims to being a horror movie/thriller, there's really nothing scary about it- unless you've got a fear of badly written dialog and cheesy special effects.

    With all this in mind, it does have some redeeming qualities. There's plenty of eye-candy: all of the leads are gorgeous, and the boys spend a considerable part of the film shirtless. And there are a few moments that make for a good (if unintended) laugh. Over all, it's entertaining. Not that bad for a PG-13 movie with a target audience of young teenagers- but I'd recommend either catching a matinée or waiting for the DVD to arrive at your local Blockbuster.
  • This movie is essentially for teenagers. The cool boys in the school meet the cool girls. The boys have supernatural powers and it's all about being in control and appealing to the opposite sex. The plot itself is fairly shallow and offers no twists or turns.

    Unlike the movie "Underworld", this movie moves a little too slow and doesn't have anything interesting to offer other than some occasional special effects and some scantily clad actors. The girls run around in their underwear and the boys walk around in swim trunks.

    The special effects and the display of the supernatural powers are very well done, but after awhile they evoke yawns, and not excitement. You can only slam people around so much before it quits adding to the plot. The movie fails at upping the ante. No matter how intense the action should feel, it all just looks like more of the same.

    Strangely, the adults in this movie offer forth the worst acting. The younger actors do quite well and it is the story and overall plot which leaves the most to be desired.

    The movie isn't bad, it just isn't good either.
  • I must admit this wasn't as bad as I expected. I've seen several Renny Harlin movies, none of which I've liked (in fact, I hated them). So, going into this one, I had little hope (if any). The story isn't the most originial thing I've ever heard of, but it's not a carbon copy of anything else. The story development is pretty straight-forward and predictable. The graphics are what you'd expect, as well. My main complaint with this film is what I call gratuitous dialogue: when people talk too much or think outloud to fill the audience in on what they're thinking. There's a lot of "ha ha I'm so evil" talk from the villain, as well. But, hey, if you can't have fun at the movies, why bother going? All in all, worth seeing at least once.
  • This is like the definition of a guilty pleasure movie. I know it's bad. Bad acting, bad graphics, the story is pure and total nonsense. There's nothing here worth the time and yet I weirdly enjoy the awfulness.

    Don't watch this. There's really no reason to at all. The fact that I weirdly like it is a definite anomaly. If it happens to be on cable, sure, maybe, you have literally nothing to loose.
  • wimdall8 September 2006
    The idea of the movie was better than the movie itself, I thought. It did have potential, but didn't really embrace it as much as it should have. Basically, it's about four warlocks who are descent from four families from the 17th century who were able to harness the power of witchcraft. But when a fifth one shows up, stronger than all of them and seeking the power of the others, they must stop him before he kills them and everyone they care about. Think Underworld meets Highlander, and that's the basic mood of the movie. It's easy to think of this as an Underworld knock off, but it was actually better than that. The plot is predictable, and drags at times, and there is almost no character development. A lot of interesting subplots are touched upon, but never really explored, and the way they ended it, they obviously want sequels. Check it out, there's some pretty cool action scenes and an interesting story to back it up, but don't count on being blown away.
  • pompomchic3 February 2007
    wow. so, this movie was very hard to understand. the darklings made no sense to me whatsoever, and the way the scenes shift in sequence, it's practically impossible to tell what's going on. the dialog is very cheesy, and the special effects weren't that good. there doesn't seem to even be a point to the movie until about 2/3rds of the way through, and there was very poor acting. the music was decent, and the costumes of choice were okay, a lot of black. the best thing about this movie was that the four guys were hot. superficial, i know, but hey. i'm seventeen. a lot of the scenery and settings were obviously fake, and the movie made too many attempts at "scare scenes". not to mention the fact that it was set up for a sequel. overall- not my pick for a good movie. it was hyped up way more than i thought it was worth.
  • Going into seeing "The Covenant," I had little expectations. I had expected this to be a big budget movie, full of action sequences and nothing else. Some parts of me believed it would be terrible, but other parts of me had hope because "Underworld," the producers of "The Covenant," was great. Honestly, I can say that I enjoyed it. There were flaws, but not enough for me to walk out or demand my money back.

    In 1692, in the Ipswich Colony of Massachusetts, five families with untold power formed a covenant of silence. One family, lusting for more, was banished and their bloodline disappearing without a trace. Four young students at the elite Spencer Academy who are bound by their sacred ancestry. These boys have all been born with special powers. The powers, however, are addictive; if they use them excessively, they will start to weaken and age. The fifth "Son of Ipswich" has surfaced and has plans to destroy the other four and steal their powers for himself.

    The premise had a lot of potential. I must admit it did fulfill its potential since it focused manly on the premise then the action sequences. It was more then just a good vs. evil story; it was a story about battling yourself. I liked how there was an obvious metaphor about drugs ruining your body. This should be used as life lessons for teens of today. Unfortunately, there were zero twists or surprises, which means that everything told in the trailers happened in the movie and just that; nothing more.

    For a group of unknown actors, the acting could have been a lot worse. Everyone did their jobs and all made believable teenagers. Steven Strait (Caleb Danvers), Taylor Kitsch (Pogue Parry), Toby Hemingway (Reid Garwin), and Chase Crawford (Tyler Sims) played the four main characters concentrated on. Sebastian Stan (Chase Collins) plays the villain. Laura Ramsey and Jessica Lucas (Sarah Wenham and Kate Tunney), were also believable as two teenage roommates.

    Some people might complain about the horrible dialog, especially coming from the character, Chase Collins. I personally enjoy it because it was very campy and comic book like. Lex Luther (Gene Hackman) and the Joker (Jack Nicholson) were like that, yet there is no one complaints. Why should you make a complain about Chase Collins? It looked like Sebastian Chase had fun with the character. Sure it was more comic book then graphic novel, "The Covenant" is based on a graphic novel, but it was still fun nonetheless.

    Visually, I felt I was watching "Underworld" without the Lycans and Vampires. The special effects were decent as well. There was nothing new or revolutionary, but for a low budget movie, $20 million- low for today's standard, it was still acceptable. Most blockbuster movies run about five times that amount, and some have even reached up to ten times the amount. A final battle between Chase and Caleb reminded me of a "Street Fighter" battle, which some may complain about, that made me feel very nostalgic. The cast is loaded with eye candy for both the male and the female audience.

    While "The Covenant" is placed in the action/horror/thriller genre, it should not be considered a horror. Two scenes involved spiders, which I will not reveal anymore, which would not look out of place in a classic horror movie and I was surprised how well those scenes worked. Unfortunately, other than those couple of scenes, the movie is not scary. Therefore, if you go into "The Covenant" expecting a horror you will be disappointed.

    The writing could have used some improvement! They needed to spend a little more time explaining some of the subplots. One example was that the four main heroes kept referencing "darklings." We knew what they look like, but nothing else. In addition to the unexplained subplots, one of the characters, Taylor Sims, was horribly underused. I believe he only had one line in the whole movie. They could have just taken him out of the script since he had no purpose. They even left the ending open for a sequel. If they release a sequel, they should spend more time on the things mentioned above. I would be up for seeing one, though it might be more suited for a television series.

    Overall, I enjoyed "The Covenant." It was not one of the better movies, but there certainly have been worse. If you enjoy movies that are part supernatural, part comic book, and part TV movie, you will like this. I could see why there were complaints, but I think those were from people that took it far too seriously. This is not a DVD worthy purchase but when going into the theater on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, to spend your $8.50 or more, you should still consider this.
  • I am not even sure where to begin... so I will start with this... In 15 years of going to the movies that I have paid for with my own money there has been only one I walked out of; this is now the second. This film does not start anywhere, does not go anywhere, is not suspenseful, is not scary, elicits neither sympathy or empathy for the protagonists nor disdain for the antagonist and has some of the most poorly written dialogue in film to date. This film suffers from the script supervisor (responsible for continuity) being asleep in a lot of the scenes making the flow of the film abysmal. This film has randomly placed scenes which try to tie motivations between characters and events through out the film when very little foundation has been laid for anything that happens; everything seems forced and artificial.

    Most people will read this and say: "You did not stay to the end so how can you comment on a film you walked out of." Here is my reason: This film did such a poor job of getting me to care about anything it presented in terms of story, dialogue and characters I just could not take its mediocrity anymore. I tried and I think I made it with 15 minutes or so to spare. By that time I was so disinterested in what happens seeing the ending to the film would have made no difference; it would have only served to make me more upset that I stayed to watch this... this... train-wreck to its conclusion. I cannot even chalk this one up to entertainment value because I was not entertained in the least bit. Not even the girl-candy (and they are hot) was enough to keep me in my seat.

    As a friend once told me " would have been equally served by taking the money you spent and setting it on fire and watching it burn." In this case he is completely correct.
  • Okay, so it's a male version of the Craft...kinda. Yes, I'd have to agree with that summation; however, this features MUCH more story, more meat, more history, and a FAR better execution than the Craft. It also presents a much better developed story, characters, and production style.

    This is dark, yet shines throughout. It is witty without being stupid. It is serious without taking itself too seriously. It is entertaining without losing sight of the fact that its audience wants to be uplifted by their entertainment.

    This work features some innovatively creative elements, great performances, and strong dialog combined with historically based characters, enlightened direction, and an incredibly slick production style that does not lose itself in its...slickness. *L* I really enjoy this, and have the extended edition in my DVD collection.

    All in all? It's not good for the kiddies. It tends to be a bit harsh in places, but falls well within the PG-13 rating it receives. Billed as "horror," this work is more "thriller," in my opinion. It makes for decent Friday/Saturday night viewing, if you have not yet seen it.

    It rates an 8.7/10 from...

    the Fiend :.
  • In 1692, in the Ipswich Colony of Massachusetts, five families of powerful witches commit to a covenant of silence to protect themselves against the witch hunters, but one of the families transgress their pact and is banished from their lands. Along the centuries, the power and the covenant are transmitted through their descendants and when the eldest son is eighteen years old, he ascends to a higher power. However, the use of magic addicts and if used in excess, ages the warlock. In the present days, four wizards teenage friends are in high school and their leader Caleb Danvers (Steven Strait) is close to his eighteenth birthday and consequently to ascend. He has just met Sarah Wenham (Laura Ramsey) and they are dating, when the appearance of darkling and supernatural dreams haunt the group. Sooner they find an evil warlock, descendant of the fifth ancient family that wants to strip Caleb's power.

    I liked "The Covenant", a supernatural teenager movie in the style of "Angel", Buffy", "Charmed" or "Supernatural". This film has good special effects, but the story and characters are not well-developed and some lines are terrible. The acting is only reasonable, but Laura Ramsey is extremely beautiful and natural in her great performance, and I liked this unknown actress. In the end, I found "The Covenant" very entertaining, but could be better and better with minor improvements in the screenplay. My vote is six.

    Title (Brazil): "O Pacto" ("The Covenant")
  • Takes forever to get anywhere, the performances are over-the-top retarded, especially from the antagonist; once he reveals his evilness, his performance reminded me of an over-aggravated 6th grader in a playground fight.

    There are a handful of cool spells revolving around spiders and cars. The TV ad showing the car explode and and reassemble is what got me into the theater, but these are spent before the third act, which is filled to the brim of Dragon Ball Z style flinging with power orbs from hands, only difference is DBZ did it better.

    Girls and gay guys will like all the chiseled man-ass splashed across the screen every 2 minuets, everyone else will be pretty bored.

    Nick Anderson
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wow! I just don't even know where to begin with what made this movie so awful. Maybe I should start by just saying that during a "heated confrontation" between the antagonist and protagonist, I had to leave the theater because I was laughing so hard. Yeah. The acting really was that bad. The acting was not even the worst part though. The plot was almost entirely shown in the previews. The characters are all grossly underdeveloped. The dialogue and "dramatic moments" are ridiculous. The bad guy is a caricature of an out of control, power drunk, sadist.

    But hey the actors are pretty, so guess that was supposed to make it all better.
  • Where can I start on this one? The Covenant had some negatives and positives. The negatives were that the movie wasn't at all what I expected from the advertisements. I thought it was going to be at least a little scary and it turned out to be "Just another teen movie". Actually, with a name like "The Covenant", I thought it was going to be about Vampires. Guessed wrong. No blood was involved and it had mild violence that could have been compared to watching a fight between Ken and Ryu in Street Fighter with a lot of "Haduken balls" being thrown around. That was kind of cheesy. The positives were that it did have some originality. Kind of tired of seeing sequel after sequel and this movie gave audiences a break from that. The other positive was that it definitely was a movie for guy craving connoisseurs. This director took every opportunity to showcase the hot bodies of these young hot guys and it certainly had a tint of homoerotica. Kind of like soft porn for the gay guys. The best moments of the movie were the locker room scene showing like 20 bare naked male asses, the swim meets with barely-there speedos that if cut just one centimeter below would probably show some penis, and the guy-on-guy (not so erotic) kiss between Caleb and Chase with Chase lying on top of Caleb at one point of the movie. The good parts mentioned would be good reason enough for this movie to been seen again for those that can't get enough of the male gender.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "No one really knows how the Power came to be. Not even the Book of Damnation recorded its beginning, but those who mastered it have always been hunted… The families of Ipswich formed a Covenant of Silence… bla bla bla" After this intro, we suddenly see Take That. Or was it N'Synch? The Backstreet Boys, perhaps? Well, I don't know which of these they belong to, but one thing's for sure: the descendants of Salem are a boy-band. Can you tell them apart? I couldn't. If you can tell me which is which, I'd very much appreciate it. These boy-band boys looks so damn alike…! Seriously now. Is this a horror movie or a film for teenie-boppers? It's sad that the (anyway weak) horror genre has been kidnapped by teens. And this is one of the teeniest I've seen so far. The movie is visually solid, but the cast is so bland, the acting so awful, that it was a trial finishing the movie. As bad as the cast was (after all, boy-bands and fashion models are rarely good actors) the absolute "stand-out" in this regard was the guy playing the villain, Sebastian Stan. This guy's overacting is right up there with the worst in the history of film. I have rarely seen someone make such annoying and silly grimaces in such a short space of time. What's worse, he has the most baby-face of all the boy-band baby-faces in the entire cast. I mean, it's a joke.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    let me say first off I didn't go in expecting much, and watching it at prime-time on opening night should have helped. I believe it would have, had there been more than 20 people in the theater.

    It sucked so hard. the acting was robotic at best and nothing was really explained until the last 30 minutes of the movie. I guess that was their way of twisting the plot; keep everyone in the dark on crucial info to understand the movies direction until the end and THEN explain things and hope it feels like a twist of plot.

    Unknowns until the end of the movie: -What the Eff is a dark-ling? the CG was cool but I want to understand! -why cant powers be willed? especially if mass murder is the ultimatum. -why is willing away powers so bad? your just normal after, right? -who farted?

    roughly 50% of the minutes with just men on screen, were shots of them in wife beaters, sleeveless t's and then a gut wrenching pool scene of all teenage men in the skimpiest low riding speedos knowing to ever have been manufactured. I swear you could see the start of the one guys.... well, it was close to soft-core. And of course there was a shower scene, and to mix it up it was of the DUDES. Butt cracks were abundant, a sausage fest in progress. But there was a single girl shower scene in which nothing was seen and she ambles around the best looking dorm bathroom for around 12 minutes. Then there was a girl talk PJ party. the other thing I couldn't get over was the amount of driving that Caleb did in his SUPER COOL ford mustang GT. it was a ford commercial for around 1/4th of the movie.

    Don't see it. or go see it with a friend who likes to make fun of bad movies. then it could be worth it. but don't expect anything breathtaking.
  • The idea behind Covenant is cool. 4 male witches who are threatened by an outsider. It's a teen movie so they of course filled the script and movie with cliches like hot teenagers who look like grown men, the typical damsel in distress, and cheesy writing. It's even something of a cult favourite because of those cliches and the stacked cast before they made it big. I wish someone would take this idea and redo it but with better actors and writing because there is definitely something there.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If I were to pitch this movie idea to some Hollywood bigwigs, I'm sure it would sound like this:

    ME: "Four boys at a private high school are good friends, AND they are witches."

    Hollywood: "That sounds like 'The Craft.' "

    ME: "No, no, I said four boys, not four girls."

    Hollywood: "That still sounds like 'The Craft,' just with boys instead of girls."

    ME: "OK, but there is this fifth unknown boy that comes into the picture and he wants more power."

    Hollywood: "Still not much difference, because one of the girls in 'The Craft' also wanted more power.

    ME: "OK, OK... I'll make these boys part of the 'in crowd,' they'll be rich, AND the school is on the east coast.

    Hollywood: "Now that sounds original. That is nothing like 'The Craft,' here's a billion dollars."

    This movie was so cliché and uninspiring. Even the manufactured drama between Chase (Sebastian Stan) and the brothers of Ipswich was very blasé.

    A bunch of rich kids with their biggest problem being what color Bentley they want for their 18th birthday (and 18th car) doesn't interest me at all, even if they have powers. Every single kid in this movie looked like he or she stepped out of a magazine, and of course there had to be the gratuitous male nudity and female 80% nudity just to drive home how out of shape you are. I wanted to rename this movie "The Witches of O. C.". Oooh, rich kids and their problems... let me pretend to care.

    This film was completely unimaginative and predictable. The final fight was lame and dragged out and the ending was very anti-climatic. This was a movie best left on the cutting room floor.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Covenant just goes to show that every once in a while you should take a chance on a movie you know almost nothing about. While it's isn't Shakespeare, it is a fairly well-done horror movie that doesn't rely on gore or shlock to work its 'magic.' The story follows four boys who are descended from families from the colony of Ipswich, Mass; they are the eldest son of the eldest son blah blah blah and they have inherited dark magical powers from their ancestors (who apparently were the only survivors of the Salem witch trials). The movie comes right out at the start and pretty much tells you just to accept the powers, that they aren't going to be explained, but you know, I'd rather have that than finding out it's all just a bunch of benevolent bacteria or something equally inane. Anyway, the boys are: the serious, responsible one, Caleb (Steven Strait), his slightly edgy best friend Pogue (Taylor Kitsch, looking for all the world like 7th Heaven's Barry Watson, even down to the hair), the guy who shows off with his powers, Reid (Toby Hemmingway), and a fourth guy who is sketched so briefly and says so little he's barely there at all.

    Most of the movie is split between the budding romance between Caleb and new girl Sarah (Laura Ramsey), and the more interesting plot line that someone is mucking with dark magic and playing with Caleb and company -- evil dreams, visions of dead people, the whole nine yards. But the movie exceeds expectations because none of these things are painfully overexplained. You see an apparition in a car and Caleb refers to it as a darkling, and you get it. No need to two minutes of explaining how a darkling is created or what it is (with no offense intended to Rupert Giles or Hermione Granger); you're given just enough information to keep the story moving, and surprisingly, it works very well.

    Again, it's not great film-making, and while most of the unknowns are adequate, the acting rarely rises above most horror movies. But the intelligent way in which the world is revealed to us, along with a blessedly logical approach to the magical power and its use (not to mention, honestly, some cool graphics) make The Covenant more than just a bunch of pretty guys walking around with their shirts open (which they do a lot considering it's fall in Massachusetts). Building on this decent foundation is the movie's unwillingness to go too far or take it over the top; even one of the biggest fright moments in the film is portrayed effectively by an army of spiders. The movie never bows to excessive gore or grossness (given that it's PG-13, that's not a surprise), but maybe more horror films could take a cue from a movie that's more interested in a good story and some psychological horror rather than scene after scene or bloody dismemberment.

    If you're not a horror fan, it's doubtful The Covenant would convert you. But I'm not, really, and I enjoyed this film. It's a well-done popcorn flick, maybe, but still worth your time to see if you have even the slightest interest in the occult genre.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It seems whenever a mainstream film company wants to make a movies for teens it concentrates on only one thing: sex. Don't get me wrong, I'm no prude but the fact that these people seem to think getting my rocks off is all I'm interested in is highly offensive. Take The Convenant, a film that relies so heavily on you finding the main characters attractive it thinks it can get away without a plot and/or a script that wasn't written by a six year old. This is essentially The Craft with (supposedly) hot guys. And, yeah, that's it. It bored me to tears. Even my friend, who usually laps us crap films, hated it. It is really stunningly bad, to the extent where it can actually be funny. I would have laughed if it wasn't for the fact that several other females in cinema attendance seemed to be enjoying it. They were accompanied by several shifty looking guys who positively curled up and died when the (really cliché) boy on boy kiss happened towards the end. Watching them squirm really was the highlight of the film. I don't think mainstream, Hollywood cinema will ever put out good films for teenagers (or, indeed, for anyone) so I think I'll give up. Unless you're a teen who likes The Pussycat Dolls, thinks Paris Hilton is "hot" and watches MTV it's like some sort of wasteland. Life's hard when you're a fifteen year old who likes art house. :( P.S. Someone should have told the Director that not all teenage girls find would be boy band members "totally HAWT LOL!!!111!!"
  • fritzlang7 September 2006
    Just came back from an advanced screening tonight.

    No, this isn't going to win any awards. It didn't 'reinvent the genre'. It is just a very well made horror/action film.

    Renny Harlin has taken a bunch of unknowns, a small budget, and has made a great looking film with some nicely fleshed out characters, nice fight scenes, some decent scares, and some VERY impressive special effects.

    What really impressed me most of all was the tender love story between the teenage couple. When was the last time you saw a film where teenagers were in love and they just kissed, smiled and said goodnight? it was so sweet and innocent - far from the graphic bump and grind of most of today's film. I suppose the PG-13 was partly responsible for that - and if so, then bring on more PG-13 teenage films!

    Don't let the PG-13 put you off. This is a very good film that anyone should enjoy...even adults like me : )

    If you have seen the trailer and liked it, then I think you will like the film. I had a great time tonight and will get this when it comes out on DVD..
  • georgeharahap17 November 2020
    I just watched it on Netflix. I like the background story, taken from the witches era. The storyline can be better, I suppose. I was hoping to see a lot of magic, but only several of them.

    I rate this movie 6.5 out of 10.
  • Just when I started thinking that Uwe Boll has a monopoly on turning great story ideas into horrible movies, Renny Harlin shows up and reminds me once again why he is the undisputed king of crappy cinema. Behold the evidence of his royal pukie-ness: one more in an endless stream of butt-stupid movies.

    When the metaphysical power behind witchcraft is an addiction more seductive and self-destructive than heroin and crack combined, what happens when a super-junkie finds a way to steal the power of others just to keep riding his high? Though the original plot and storyline of the film were quite intriguing and solid ideas, Harlin and screenwriter J.S. Cardone managed to infantilize the dialogue so that even crack-whores and NASCAR fans would still think it was pretty lame.

    Then Harlin added his special touch; that indefinable quality of his that perfectly demonstrates his utter lack of imagination. He turned what could have been a phenomenal battle of supernatural powers (I was hoping for the Dark Phoenix versus Emperor Palpatine on Steroids) into a schoolyard scrap involving explosive water balloons. Sadly, Ken and Ryu did it better in the original Street Fighter arcade game.

    Harlin dropped the final nail in the film's coffin by casting a bunch of no-talent rejects from Melrose Creek, 90666. It was probably because no self-respecting actors would have tied themselves to this sinking ship. Apparently after doling out a trifecta of trash with "Driven", "Mindhunters", and "Exorcist: The Beginning", Harlin was hoping to suckle from the same teet that nourished Andrew Fleming's "The Craft" and Aaron Spelling's "Charmed." Unfortunately that breast has shrivelled up and gone, and all we are left with is a boob who fancies himself a director. Pity for us.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    From the beginning of this film,with it's "The Lost boys" rip off opening sequence, to the bad wire work and even worse dialog ending, this movie slimed along at a snail's pace. "The Covenant" came highly recommended from some of my co-workers, who I am thoroughly convinced were playing a practical joke on me. At least I hope that was the intention and their taste isn't that bad! This movie was not much longer than an hour and a half, yet felt much much longer then that. The story was so basic that it could have been summed up in about 15 minutes, maximum. They could have at least filled the rest of the movie with some entertaining magic or fight scenes, however someone decided,(maybe the director, but I don't know if anyone really "directed" this movie) that it was going to be filled with some poorly executed "artsy" camera shots, and nonsensical scenes of the "boys" swimming and getting into bar fights. About half way through this film I thought that maybe bashing my head against a wall would be more entertaining, and partially to rid myself of this horrible dirty feeling I had for continuing to watch it. . So I did bash my head against a wall, and I did enjoy it more then the movie! I watched it all the way to the bitter end, hoping it would eventually offer me more enjoyment. Nope,my efforts were rewarded with "How about I make you my Whee-aytch!" I vomited, and then just felt embarrassment for the screen writer and pity for the poor actor who had to deliver this drivel. The acting really wasn't as bad as other reviewers seemed to think, but even the most talented thespian could not saved this work, and work it did, on my nerves! I give movies a chance, even bad ones because they usually offer some form of enjoyment, and this actually wasn't the worst movie I have ever seen. After it was over I did feel like watching the movie "Stealth" again and WOW it was so much better this time around! Oh yeah Case in point, don't bother with this movie, really, don't. Watch a few episodes of "Charmed", and watch "The Lost boys" after having a fair amount of alcohol, and you will be a much better person. If you do fall into the same trap that I did and watch "The Covenant", make sure to keep all sharp objects far, far away from yourself, you'll thank me for it.
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