• Mild
  • We see a large blob-like creature with many pointed teeth, it chases three characters, one is stuck on the creature's long tongue but is pulled free, and another is eaten (we see a glow in the creature's stomach and we are later told that the character passed through the creature and we see that it is OK).
  • Large worm-like creatures shoot out of an alien planet and snap at chimpanzees, and other flying aliens chase them while shooting spears and darts at them.
  • What looks like vines turn out to have beak-like mouths that snap at two chimpanzees.
  • A chimpanzee is struck in the buttock by a dart (it pulls it out and is OK).
  • A chimpanzee is thrown off the back of a rocket as it tries to land, and we see it lying motionless on the ground (it's OK).
  • Two chimpanzees jump off a cliff, one lands on a soft mushroom cap and the other lands hard on the ground (no injuries).
  • Two chimpanzees sink into what behaves like quicksand, one ends up sinking below the surface before the other grabs onto a vine and can pull them both up.
  • A chimpanzee is grabbed with a mechanical claw and held over a freezing liquid a couple of times as a threat.
  • As punishment many aliens are dunked into a freezing liquid that hardens and leaves them as statues.
  • Two chimpanzees fall through a cloud and to the ground below.
  • Two flying aliens shoot darts at another alien that is in a large metal machine.
  • An alien is grabbed by a mechanical claw, plunked onto a platform and examined by a machine.
  • A chimpanzee is shot out of a cannon during a circus performance, flies through a flock of geese, soars a great distance up, plummets down toward the ground, crashes through the top of a tent and lands hard on a set of drums (this happens a couple of times and he is unharmed).
  • A chimpanzee misdirects his flight pack, crashes into several rockets standing on display, and they tip over and crash to the ground.
  • A rocket is sucked into a wormhole, it is tossed around, and two of the three chimpanzees on board are rendered unconscious, while the other struggles to steer the rocket (this happens twice).
  • A space probe is pulled into a wormhole, it is thrown around as it passes through and crashes onto a planet where aliens stand and watch.
  • There is a threat of a volcano exploding on an alien planet throughout the movie.
  • When a volcano erupts the freezing liquid it expels nearly overflows a tall wall and pours onto the planet's population.
  • An alien talks about the "valley of very bad things" and "cave of flesh-eating beast."
  • Aliens yell "death to strangers" when they attack chimpanzees.
  • A man says that chimpanzees should be used for animal testing.
  • A man yells at people in several scenes.
  • This movie contains several disturbing scenes, including people getting eaten, frozen and halocausted.
  • A chimpanzee says, "It ain't over 'til the bearded lady shaves her back."