User Reviews (16)

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  • Great cartoon for preschoolers. If I were three years old, this is what I would want to watch all the time. It's fun, educational, and the narrating voice for the English version is lent by Stephen Fry. It doesn't get any better than this! Two series have been made, each consisting of 52 episodes. An additional season, called "Let's Go Pocoyo!", was created to teach English to Spanish kids. Three more seasons were released between 2016 and 2018. Each episode is 7 minutes long. I like "Pocoyo" for its original format: made entirely using 3D technology, the background is white, and the narrator interacts with Pocoyo and the viewers. Each story teaches a word or value. The sound effects are very funny and the stories are smart and fresh.

    Pocoyo's channel on YouTube is very popular. It offers a wide variety of videos in no less than 13 languages. A fun way for your kid to learn new languages!
  • In this TV series, you can see Pocoyo and his friends in their incredible adventures in the episodes. It has many iconic and likable characters. Pocoyo, the title character, is well-mannered, cheerful and kind. He, being a small child, tends to be childish. He speaks a lot of words despite being only four years old.

    He is very affectionate with others. He is not as nice as he was in season four, but he is still likable, remembering that he sometimes has his moments of quarrel with his friends, but regularly regrets his actions. He can also take things out on the wrong people. Pato, who is a sometimes grumpy, but often calm duck who plays with his friends, and enjoys watering flowers. I would say that Pocoyo has a good friend. Elly, who also likes to play with others and play and tea with her doll. I wouldn't say it's the best children's show, but use this to educate your children or children that you are responsible. Please don't use Peppa Pig or Caillou, use Pocoyo or Hello Kitty.
  • Here are the comedy adventures of a mischievous but well meaning little boy, Pocoyo, and his friends Ellie, a pink elephant (who is very kind hearted and unselfish), and a mad duck, Pato, with obsessive compulsive tendencies, my favourite character. Other characters include Sleepy Bird, a puppy and a whale.

    Although this show is meant for pre-schoolers, it is rapidly becoming a favourite show for my daughter and I. The characters are incredibly cute and the stories emphasise the importance of kindness and consideration, as well as being entertaining. The narration provided by Stephen Fry is masterfully warm and appealing, without feeling patronising as so many shows for younger children tend to be.

    There are points in the show where Mr Fry addresses the viewer with a question, and an unseen group of children reply, filling in that awkward silence that can occur. Mr Fry's perfect diction is a big plus as well, particularly when considering the importance of this to a pre-school audience.

    For far too long, Children's programming has suffered dreadfully from politically correct and patronising attitudes of programme makers who want to appeal to children, but do not actually understand what they need... Simplicity, clarity,and good stories. Too much Children's TV is over busy, over coloured, sloppily presented by people who can barely speak themselves, and appearing to be aimed at immature students rather than children in terms of content.

    Pocoyo is an unexpected gem amidst the sea of dross.. slightly reminiscent of the original "Magic Roundabout" in feel. This show is appealing to all ages
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Pocoyo is a product of the Spaniards and English and it is so awesome, easily one of the greatest TV shows for children in the post-9/11 era. It really is themed for infants, but anyone, even grown-ups, can get hooked on Pocoyo. An episode is usually about 6-7 minutes long and in the episode the title character, a 4-year old dressed in blue plays with his animal friends, each episode about a certain aspect of life. It is done in a happy, sometimes sad, but always hilarious way.

    The supporting characters are all amazing and so lovable. They may be animals, but they have human-like feelings and emotions and that adds to the warmth. First you have Pato the Duck. Pato is easily the most surreal character. Despite being a duck he wears a hat, you can comically dislodge his eyes, his beak spins around his head such that he can become a helicopter (!) and he has very elastic limbs. He also has a short temper and can get angry very easily. The pink Elly the Elephant is a very girly character. She also gets annoyed with ease, because she usually likes dancing and playing with her doll. Symbolizing innocence is Loula, the brown/orange puppy. She will do anything to make Pocoyo happy and like all dogs can't resist a juicy bone. My personal favourite character is the obese Sleepy Bird/Pajaroto. Sleepy Bird just snoozes in her nest all day and when disturbed by noise etc., gets cross, but then nods off again! Her giant cartoon eyes and traits make her even funnier. She also has a son, Baby Bird/Pajarito who sleeps too but far less often than his mother, he has fun playing with Pocoyo and co. Then you have Caterpillar/Valentina, the dim but energetic friend of Baby Bird, the singing octopus Fred/Pulpo (really he should be called a quadapus because he only has 4 tentacles), the gargantuan Whale, Baby Spider and even aliens of many different types come for a visit from time to time.

    Pocoyo is so light-hearted, so energetic, so funny you will never be tired of it. In Britain it is narrated by actor Stephen Fry. Fry has a key role in making the program irresistible with his very gentlemanly voice. It deserves to be a classic for years to come and if I were to have children one day, I would definitely show it to them, along with stuff such as Digimon and Thunderbirds. A real pleasure.
  • alicemirela22 November 2013
    This is by far one of the most wonderful cartoon shows on TV! It is packed with fun, interesting information, cuteness, vivid and friendly colors, information, friendship stories, simplicity elevated to extraordinary, all in all ... an Original. I love the narrator, Stephen Fry! He is the beating heart of the stories. He coordinates so well the action with the words! Great narrator choice! He is so much fun, as much as Pocoyo, Pato, Ellie, the Bird, and the cute dog. And the Octopus who can make everyone laugh! My 2-year old laughs along with Pocoyo. Hurray for Pocoyo and his creators! Thank you for a wonderful show, Gentlemen! Keep your brilliancy lighting our life!
  • Pocoyo is my 20-month old son's absolute favorite thing to watch. His Grandma kind of got him hooked on it while I was at work all day so I started watching it to see what he was experiencing. At first it kind of annoyed me with its very bold colors on a white background, but then I saw the Dance Off episode which is hilarious and gives nods to pop and rock music, and decided I loved it too. The British narrator is very good and the quirky personalities of each character keep us interested. Pato is a bit neurotic, Elly is a primadonna , the octopus Fred is a crack-up with his gibberish, there's a silly little caterpillar that makes funny faces, and Pocoyo himself behaves much like any toddler with ups and downs, a bit of mischief and an innocent soul. There's an episode called Angry Alien which frightens my son so I have to watch it when he goes to bed but it's hilarious with this little green alien who has this evil laugh and he tries to take over Pocoyo's world but he's really small so no one takes him seriously and he gets so mad! It's pretty funny. Now the husband and I watch the show and we love it as much as our son does.
  • I'm pretty selective with what my toddler watches. I love this show. The lessons are fantastic. The animation is adorable. My 2 year old is engaged and learning. And it's just simple fun!
  • PitterBug0724 February 2021
    As a parent of a severely developmentally delayed autistic child, I am ecstatic for this show. My son was never interested in anything in general, toys, tv, music, nothing. One day I stumbled across pocoyo on Netflix and he actually watched! I noticed all other shows were overstimulating for all the excessive colors and background 'noise'. But after watching pocoyo I went on to discover more simplisticly colored shows similar in style, held his attention! Since then he reacts more and actively tries to play with me and his older brother. Thank you to whomever created this show and others like it. Now we have pocoyo books and other toys and we are actually able to connect with him.
  • quite simply, this show has to be seen to be truly appreciated for the simplistic masterpiece it is, defying all the expectations of a traditionally formulaic and mind-numbingly boring true 'kid's TV programme'...

    the programme itself almost mocks the complexity of its rivals, with a totally white background and characters so basic and almost clichéd that on the surface 'Pocoyo' could be very easily underestimated.

    Pocoyo - sky blue outfit, cutest little kid since Boo from 'Monsters Inc.', almost like one of the audience has stepped into the wonderful world in that 10 minute slot. Patto - the greatest dead-pan animated character since Gromit, who can independently spin his beak around his head like a fun Daffy Duck, extend his neck and becomes grumpy when he loses his green hat. Elly - a pink elephant, who can type on a laptop and ride a scooter... need i say more except... legend! Lula - imagine a dog in computer animation... exactly that. Sleepy-Bird - sleeps... is comically woken up... frowns... goes back to step 1

    if there is more convincing to be done, Stephen Fry plays the omniscient narrator who seems to be taught as much by Pocoyo as he teaches all the characters... which is always entertainment, even if it goes over the true-watcher's (kid's) heads... proving how accessible this masterpiece is to all ages wishing to explore their own anti-Spielberg "child-within". the stories themselves condemn conventional story lines, introducing new characters without trying to be anything except a kid's TV programme, such as aliens and even one where the characters race across their bare landscape.

    beautifully made, funny, for all ages, simple, entertaining, not too adventurous, fantastic, imaginative, original

    ...i never want it to end after 10 minutes... my desire for this programme will never be saturated even if i buy the DVD

  • I love Pocoyo, it's wholesome, fun, friendly and has very few incidents of rude behaviour for my child to replicate. Hard to find on television if you ask me! As the show moves season to season, it seems to grow with your child. By season 3 they're going over vocabulary, quantities, etc and singing songs. My son loves to sing along and I can see him learning and retaining information. Couldn't ask for better from a children's show. The negative reviews here didnt seem to consider how TV shows look to young kids. Children have much more open minds and are learning, it is not a negative to have the show on a white background, or for Pocoyo to not know many things.
  • sil1131 August 2019
    My toddler interacts amazingly with every bit of the show and learns new things with every episode. Also, we love Stephen Fry'a accent and narration.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    You've probably seen Pocoyo before, it's quite a nice show for kids to watch and I would recommend.

    The show is delightfully colorful and each episode has a unique plot twist to it. For example, the Musical Bars episode is unique and creative for kids to learn.

    Pocoyo teaches not only kids to learn about things but teaches kids to be as creative and be themselves, infact a little silly wouldn't hurt.

    Despite the fact that almost every kids show is quite terrible, this one stands out. Good job and keep moving it!
  • I saw Pocoyo the other day on CITV and it was BRILLIANT! The one I saw was the one with "Super Pocoyo", who refused to answer to Steven Fry when he said, "Hello Pocoyo", to which Pocoyo replied, "Mm". I think that this is the only good cartoon kiddy show to be shown on ITV since the glory days of Tots TV (which was CLASS). Overall, I think Pocoyo should be upgraded to a primetime slot on ITV1 in place of Ant and Dec as the host of Saturday Night Takeaway. Well done on a blistering career Pocoyo, and long may your reign of disturbing blueness continue. I also like your weird mates, including the bird who can twist his beak 360 degrees.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This series is a marvelously crafted work of genius. The look and feel of it is spot on, inspired it would seem by retro Japanese animation and early Disney shorts being that the movements and gestures are full of expression and the story structure is simple but not patronising for little or large viewers, it has a style and charm all of its own.

    Pocoyo is a very well realised character of a little boy and his group of friends are a wonderful concoction of little gems, each with their own slightly surreal character traits and signature dance moves! (see the end of almost every episode!)

    Technically this series has a lot to offer, I studied for a masters degree in animation and sound design but I know that anyone with eyes and ears cannot fail to be impressed by the style of animation, being CG but feeling entirely like traditional stop-motion with armatured puppets and a very impressively designed soundtrack with every moment enhanced by a thoughtfully placed sound effect.

    This show is destined to become a cult hit in my opinion and is one of those rare examples of a show for kids which due to is high production values and boundless charm and humour will continue to entertain generations to come.

    When I have children of my own it will just give me and my wife yet another great excuse to sit and watch every episode all over again.

    It is absolutely perfect.... and I don't say that lightly!
  • When I first saw Pocoyo I said "Isn't that the kid from Digimon?" as the startup went on we saw a duck that looks and acts like Coach Z from the ever popular website, a pink elephant (Witch is always cool) and a dog I though Pocoyo called "Bo-ya!" So naturally I was intrigued. Now i've seen 1/5 of the season me and my 18 year old brother are hooked! It has great appeal to everyone. My personal favourite is the episode with the Martians.

    Pocoyo is a small boy who looks a bit like TK from Digimon series 2. But way cooler! He speaks in short sentences but what he says is really cool and the way he says it!

    Elly is the pink elephant, sometimes she's cool, others she can be a real drag. So there's mixed feelings about her but the idea rules.

    Patto is the Coach Z and he fits the awesomeness of Coach Z! Homestar runner fans will absolutely Love this duck! He can extend his neck, spin his beak and look totally awesome. him and Pocoyo go together like Apple and Pie! I want a Patto action figure!

    We don't really see much of Loula (Bo-Ya) or Sleepy bird (Did i miss her?) but there are loads of side characters you can enjoy to, like the aliens and whale. PLUS Pocoyo has his own Ballon powered helicopter! How awesome is that? Believe me, watch it and you'll love it best kids TV program ever, Sorry Thoamas The Tank Engine!
  • I think this programme is very good for young children, as pocoyo is a small boy who befriends an elephant, a duck, a bird who is always asleep and has a loving puppy called loula. Stephen fry does an excellent job- and doesn't speak too quickly for younger children. Pocoyo translates from Spanish into "little me". And that's exactly what he is. He's a small boy in his own world, with his friends along side him and a kind narrator to guide him. I watch it every day and it is not too long, but makes you happy. :) Children of all ages can enjoy it and he really is sweet. Elly the elephant is large and pink and is always there for little pocoyo. She likes having baths and always has a blue backpack with her. Pato the duck is rather quick to anger, but is an equally good friend, and always wishes good things, and is always up for a dance. Loula the dog is an actual pet dog of pocoyo's and therefore barks and howls if he sees something or his happy/upset. Sleepy bird: what can i say? the name says it all. This is a very sleepy bird, who always seems to get woken up somehow, but pocoyo usually calms her down. Recently, in newer episodes, Sleepy bird had a little baby, who doesn't seem to be as keen on sleeping.