User Reviews (10)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Once upon a time Theresa Russell made a few halfway decent movies, so I keep hoping that one of her efforts from the past decade or two will merit a rating of at least 6 or 7 (out of 10). However, DARK WORLD is just the latest in a string of disappointments. The first 90 minutes are very hard to watch. The lines are delivered by the lead actors as if they are being read at a first rehearsal or even a casting session (in which the actors are doing it for the sake of their agents, but do not really want the parts for which they are perfunctorily reading). The sets and props seem "off" somehow (what kind of a police department would allow a detective to have a whole living room wall shelved full of case file holders?). The screen is constantly cluttered with meaningless time and datelines, which appear with no rhyme or reason. Now, if the scriptwriter were standing here after the lights go up from a film fest screening, they no doubt would crow about how all these shortcomings are REALLY clever clues to the plot turning topsy-turvy in this misfire's final five minutes. Well, for those audience members whose only other movie experiences are TV: THE MOVIE and SURFER, DUDE; they might be bamboozled into nodding their heads in agreement. But it is hard to believe that ANYONE who has seen 10 or more movies in their life--and is not a close friend or relative of a DARK WORLD cast or crew member--could fall for such a lame canard. Despite what the d.v.d. box might lead you to believe, this movie has about as much resemblance to SUNSET BOULEVARD (dead narrator device) or Hitchcock (schizophrenic protagonist device) as a drained Jim Beam bottle refilled with urine has to booze!
  • OK, this movie has seen some bad reviews. Look past some of the acting, or lack thereof, and enjoy the twists and turns. It's a good story. Filmed well. I'd watch it again. Why? I like almost anything film noir from the '40's and '50's. I like gritty. I like characters that narrate and throw in some humor or twisted dialogue. This film may not be up to some classic noir but it does contain grit. I like Theresa Russell, the only actor I recognized in this work. The reviews are just opinion. Watch the flick, make up your own mind. I gave 4 stars because it will never be confused with a great film, but it's not a total loser, either.
  • This movie requires you pay attention its done in the film noir style to date only one film has really been successfully delivered that's Blade Runner and to a lesser degree D.O.A. dead on arrival with Dennis Quaid. This genre of film making is often hard for people to get into myself included, with that said I did enjoy this and the cast. Some reviews have commented on the cast delivering lines as if it was a first reading with no passion there are moments like that for sure but and the director goes in so many directions in the end I found it satisfying. This cast would be like a dream b-movie cast from the 90's, Theresa Russell, Michael Pare, Steven Bauer, James Russo all of which have made a few hit movies and some stinkers as well. Acting is just average with a few highlights but not many, the best part is the twist ending and not just because its finally over.
  • phalanges113 October 2008
    This film is absolute trash and proceeds to become even worse towards the, very protracted, end!

    The plot is confused and laboured, the actors have a couldn't care less attitude (maybe they were paid in advance - bad move, or knew they weren't going to get paid), and the sets were featureless, boring and cheap.

    I fell asleep twice and actually decided to not bother with the last 5 minutes as I assumed the actors would have fallen asleep themselves by then. More unrecoverable life time wasted!

    If you must watch it, then take it to the bedroom and forget the sleeping pills for once. But maybe you'll need an antidepressant instead!

    Sometimes it's good if celluloid degrades.
  • collioure_bee25 January 2011
    I sat and watched this film with mouth wide open, shocked that such rubbish could not only be made but then marketed. Not even Theresa Russell saves this film. The acting is so bad, it reminds you of a class assembly at school where most of the kids don't want to be there in front of everyone. The sets look like Prisoner Cell Block H rejects and the dialogue is really toe curling. Pare is truly dreadful, his monotone delivery of the fifties b-movie style detective film talkover is so laughable there is no way the producers were serious (is there?). As for the rest, they just try to outbadact each other. The storyline looks like it was made up as they went along and nobody thought anything was a bad idea. Not one of the characters in this waste of a couple of hours is one bit believable. Don't waste your time, this is an absolutely shocking film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Watched this months ago on Netflix Instant and left a review there.

    Let me say, most of the other reviews are very accurate. This movie was bad writing, bad acting and bad directing. I too, had liked Russell and Pare "back in the old days" and was very hopeful for them. In my Netflix review, I mentioned that I lost interest in the film and proceeded to wash the dishes and make a sandwich, yet still watching the movie from the kitchen. When I did return to the living room, I was very confused as the last 5 minutes of the film unfolded. I even rewound it to make sure I was not missing anything. This film totally crapped out on how to do a "twist" ending. I suspect that the idea sounded good, maybe the script was intriguing, but the budget was so non-existent that sets were really lacking. And yes, I suppose all those "bad sets" were an effort to give the viewer a clue. All it told me was "low budget."

    Anyway, the reason I came here, was because over the weekend I saw a review of Shutter Island, and with what the reviewers were saying, or not saying, lead me to believe that Shutter Island is the same deal, only with a budget 50 to 60 times more! (Actually I have no idea how much Dark World cost, but I HOPE they didn't spend more than 1 million!)

    So, that being said, I kinda thought that if someone reworked the script a bit, got a bigger budget for a better "look" (whether that meant a better scenic designer, or better post coloring, just someone with a vision,) they could remake Dark World into a passable product. Now it sounds like Shutter Island is doing that. Looks like they got the vision right, but the scripting could still be off. Money can't buy everything, but it should in Hollywood!

    PS My 2 star rating is for Russell and Pare.
  • cebelina8 January 2014
    "Is that a gun in your hand or are you just glad to see me?" Seriously?! Dialogue like this makes any solid ground the actors might have to stand on disappear. Along with the poorly sewn together scenes this movie comes off as a run through rehearsal in need of a lot of work. Because we spend much of the time having the characters "tell" us or ask other characters what they are supposed to be doing, thinking and feeling the dialog isn't so much a chance for the actors to act as it is for them to "pretend" their characters. As Al Pacino once said 'don't lie to the camera it will always see it' and because the actors are never really allowed to act they end up having to fake what the dialog and the director can't seem to create - a plausible tale. This might have been a really good story but in the end this piece is a bit too "tacky" to "easy" for any of us to really enjoy. I give the acting two stars. Underneath the wreckage of what the director has done there could be a rather spooky and interesting piece of work. But not even the actors can make this film believable. FAIL.
  • sairamvg3 November 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    The film starts out with a narration of the protagonist explaining certain crimes occurring all over the city and then we get to know that the hero is a cop who is either suspended or has probably retired. I did not have the patience or the interest to verify the above before commenting. If there is a stereotype for narrators to have a deep, sleep-inducing voice then, it is high time to put an end to it. I seriously fell asleep and did not bother to shut the movie down either. Am still trying to figure out what the movie was all about and why there were no outdoor shootings. A third rate TV Serial will have more number of sets compared to this crap of a movie and I still pity the actors and producers involved in this huge bullshit of a movie. It ought to have been produced as a normal TV serial or maybe even as a local theater drama instead of putting it out on the big screen. Total waste of time and money. The movie was supposed to be in production for a long time and it would have been better to have left it that way.With redundant sleep inducing dialogs and sets, this is the worst movie I have come across.
  • I love Michael Pare which is why I watched this. I was so happy to find it was a clever little movie with so many twists which i really enjoy. It is so hard now to find a movie where you are not bored after the first 5 minutes cuz you can guess what is coming next all the way to the end. Loved how the story went and wrapped itself up. I won't tell you the end but it is amazing! I love that someone has a made a movie which challenges me and surprises me at every turn. I think this filmnmaker should get a bigger budget and I would love to know what he (she?) will do with real money. But again maybe having less money is good since they've done a great job. Again don't miss Michael Pare in this gem. He is cool, handsome and yummy like always. When is Hollywood going to discover him all over again? His stardom is long overdue.
  • The 4 lead actors are the reason I stuck around. These were hit commodities back in the 80's that just never really made it to their publicists promises. I'll watch Michael Pare and James Russo in practically anything. Theresa Russell and Steven Bauer are B-list that had a few starring moments back in the day, but yet - here they are. The rest of the cast just weren't in their caliber and could not hold the film. I did enjoy watching it, even though it was poorly written and the cinematography was non existent. Good way to waste some time while recovering from getting 3 teeth (1 was a wisdom tooth) pulled & on zone out meds. I dug the twist at the end. Again, poorly executed, but an interesting take on split personalities and tragedy. As I stated before, this could have been a decent film given better character depth and scene setups.