User Reviews (78)

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  • I find the general lack of interest towards this comedy rather disturbing. This message coming all the way from Europe, Bulgaria. The movie is playing in theaters as of this week, and to be honest it is just as hilarious and similarly spirited to other Schneider flicks. I went to see this expecting a few good laughs and that's what you get. The funny moments generally arise from comical situations and actions which lead to a rather expected outcome each time. It is not a sophisticated film, it has no real depth, it is just a feel good, unrealistic comedy, which makes you all warm inside. I apologize for the chaotic and short review, it's just that I find it hard to organize my thoughts in order give this film an adequate presentation. 7 out of 10, doesn't stray too far from all the other Schneider movies, if you've loved his previous work, you'll also enjoy seeing this.
  • I'm amazed this movie doesn't have more comments. It's not the best comedy flick out there, but I've definitely seen worse. All in all I found this movie pretty damn amusing, with some definite laugh out loud moments (like someone unexpectedly talking with their bellybutton) to be had. I would say if you want a feel good comedy with no great expectations this one is a keeper.

    The plot is a bit odd, Rob Schneider plays a corrupt time share salesman who's made millions,gets caught and sent to prison. Naturally his main fear is that he is going to be violently raped over and over during his stay and so enlists a martial arts master (Carradine, who better?) to teach him how to defend himself before he's committed. There is more to the plot of course, but I don't want to give anymore away.

    There really are some good parts played by some surprise actors, some unknowns, and a fair share of MMA fighters, and all in all they all play pretty funny roles. This movie isn't a masterpiece, there's some plot holes, and some of it just plain didn't make sense. But that's beside the point. This is a funny movie and more people should see it.

    Did I mention Rob Schneider totally knows martial arts and kicks ass? Because he does.
  • Considering he's done The Animal and Deuce Bigalow 1 and 2, I wasn't expecting much from Schneider's Big Stan, especially since this is his directorial debut. I did not know much going into the theatre, except what I saw in the trailer.

    Much to my surprise this turned out to be an OK waste of time, but nothing more. It's just another prison comedy, with a small twist. The incarcerated main character has 6 months to prepare for "doin' time".

    It's nice to see Carradine pop up here and there parodying his other kung fu related works, and this time sending an anti-smoking message while consuming a life time supply of cigarettes. All through the movie I kept trying to remember where do I know the actress that plays Rob's wife from. Then it hit me. None other than Jennifer Morrison of House M.D.. She looked hot in this movie, but I feel she should make better choices in the future.

    All in all a decent comedy, a better than expected, but shaky, direction from Schneider. This should be perfect for a weekend afternoon once it comes out on DVD.
  • This film is about a swindler learning to be tough to prepare for gong to prison, and while in prison he creates a series of changes for the better.

    Stan worries about being raped in prison, so he get a Kung Fu master to teach him martial arts to protect himself. In no time, he becomes the king in the prison, with the ability to command all the gangs. The plot is straightforward, simple and easy to digest. Three are many funny jokes and hilarious scenes. There are some gross humour, but they all stop before becoming cheap or disgusting. The best of all is the positive message about tolerance and acceptance. He manages to promote peace and unity in the prison, which is heartwarming and uplifting.

    Rob Schneider should be commended for making this human and uplifting comedy. Just like his previous films, his characters have hilarious adventures, but in the end there is a touching message that brings out the good side of human nature. "Big Stan" is a warm and funny film. I recommend it.
  • If you don't like any of his previous movies, big chance is that you won't like this one. If you do enjoyed his movies than this one will be even more enjoyable. It seems that Rob Schneider has matured. He tackles serious subjects (prison system) in a fun way. Some of the jokes have been done to death and can be tiresome. But because of Schneider's performance they still are acceptable. Of course you don't have to expect this movie to have any social or political impact. I just want to mention that it is big step up for Schneider in comparison to "The Animal" or "Deuce Bigalow". David Carradine clearly has gotten very old but still can deliver. Especially in this movie. Since he is parodying himself. He is making fun of the character he played in "Kung Fu" but at the same time embracing and honouring the role that brought him fame. Worth watching!
  • The fraudulent real state agent Stan (Rob Schneider) is married with his beloved Mindy (Jennifer Morrison) and has a seven million dollar fortune. When he is arrested for fraud, he is sentenced to three years in prison and his assets are frozen by the justice. However, his crooked lawyer Lew Popper (M. Emmet Walsh) negotiates a six month freedom, and the weak Stan, who is afraid of being raped in prison, hires the specialist in martial arts The Master (David Carradine) to teach him self-defense. Six months later, Big Stan is sent to the Oaksburgh State Penitentiary totally confident in his expertise in martial arts. He challenges the violent leaders of the gangs and defeats them, being respected by the inmates and bringing peace in the patio. However, the dirty Warden Gasque (Scott Wilson) has the intention of transforming the penitentiary in a luxury resort, and uses Big Stan knowledge to improve his project, promising to release him sooner using the corrupt penal system.

    I have been a big fan of Rob Schneider since "Men Behaving Badly" and I am never disappointed with his funny movies. "Big Stan" is no exception, and this tribute to "Prison Break" and "Kung Fu" is another hilarious entertainment of this great comedian. I laughed a lot with his jokes and situations and I really recommend this comedy for those days that the viewer is down or worried with something to relax and relief the tension, or seeking an amusing and light entertainment. My vote is seven.

    Title (Brazil): "Big Stan – Arrebentando na Prisão" ("Big Stan – Blowing Away in the Prison")
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rob Schneider, the one who makes you laugh always, is here & also, this one is his directorial debut. So how well did Schneider made the movie. The movie actually will amaze the audience, Schneider made a great directorial debut with this well entertaining movie. So, once upon a time, there lived a tiny, insecure man named Stan (Schneider) , along with her wife (Jennifer Morison), who learned the only way he could make his enormous ego feel comfortable in his teeny, tiny body was to embarrass, humiliate, and torture others. He thought he was a master of disguise, fooling others into believing he was a big man. So, Stan is being sent to prison for fraud and the prospect terrifies him. As he fears he would be raped by the gay prison-mates. Seeking help from a mysterious martial arts guru known only as The Master (Carradine), Stan transforms himself into a Kung Fu expert, ultimately bringing the warring prison gangs together and establishing peace within its walls. The movie changes its path in the second half & you will feel as if you are into a different movie. But that is not a backdrop of the movie, it actually was the most interesting part. The second half deals with a comic prison story. Rob Schneider made the film very entertaining, as the story is very interesting. He also makes you laugh always. He is superb. Morison was so sweet in the movie & you wish that you had a same kind of a wife. There are loads of funny moments, the practice sessions, the fights & changes in the prison (it is so funny) & lots more. A well made feel good comedy, which would surely entertain you & make you laugh. Hilarious comedy by Schneider. Do watch it.
  • It was refreshing to see Schneider on his own rather than with Sandler and friends. The humour is dark with a few twists and turns. Great movie for a light chuckle after a bad day
  • So, after becoming a gigolo, a teenage girl, an animal and making a lot of copies, Schneider becomes unrapeable. And it works for me.

    One thing will dictate whether you'll like this movie: 1 - Rob Schneider. I like him, but he's made some real turkeys (Animal comes to mind), so I was unsure of what to expect. If you don't like him, you probably won't like this. Probably, but not surely, because this is one of his best movies.

    Here he enlists the help of a good ensemble cast AND David Carradine, who steals every scene he's in, by playing a parody of himself straight-faced. This is essentially a prison comedy movie, and the best one I've seen since "Mean Machine" and "Life".

    This time, instead of becoming a Stapler as his previous movies would indicate, he becomes a martial arts expert in order to cope with life in prison. You know, because he doesn't want to get raped. That's pretty much his only agenda, of course until he gets to know the inmates better and the usual clichés unwhirl.

    The irony in seeing the diminutive actor kicking more ass than Chuck Norris is what makes this movie so entertaining, and in a way, even inspiring (if completely unbelievable). There are several laugh out loud scenes here, including one in which he "bans" rape from prison.

    The only real problem with this film, aside from being deliciously silly and a tad too long, is that is pretty much divided in two extremely different parts, the buildup and the actual prison scenes. But in the end all is well, because laughter is what Schneider wanted, and that's precisely what he got out of me with "Big Stan".

    So, good job, Rob, and try to keep it up.
  • Kung fu comedy with Schneider and Carradine - a cool mix of prison films and all in all just goofy in places this is a fun film to kick back to.

    Full of the sort of humor that Sneider fans will know and love from his other movies, Gigolo and the Animal, this is fast, furious, and fun.

    What is surprising is how good a kung fu pastiche this is - the finding of the Master, the training, the fight sequences are really pretty good kung fu slapstick, we may not be talking Drunken Master here but it certainly isn't pathetic.

    All in all an underrated and entertaining film - with lots of dumb prison jokes, some smart ideas, and Schneider doing his usual comedy with flair.
  • RMFendt29 June 2009
    I hat the 'privilege' of watching this movie as a surprise feature in a local theater, and it was close, so very close to becoming the second movie I ever walked out from. In one word: awful. More appropriate and in five words: "oh please, make it stop". I have no idea what kind of crazy befell movie executives when they decided to bring an old direct-to-video title from the US to German theaters.

    The 'humor' in the flick (for want of a better word) is almost completely based on icky scenes, violence and crude sexual innuendo. Especially because of the latter this movie is not really appropriate for youngsters, which is really rather ironic since immature boys are probably the only audience that would find this insulting excuse of a motion picture even remotely funny. The rest of the world (i.e., grown-ups) will find that crude references to anal rape do not suddenly become funny if you repeat them about three dozen times. The same goes for body liquids and icky-food jokes.

    Apart from that, the whole premise of the film does not work, either. The idea of having a weakling become a prison's chief bully might have looked amusing on paper. It is not, at least with Schneider as the main character. The script is bad, the acting is lousy, and the directing (fittingly also by Schneider) is atrocious. Verdict: avoid at all costs.
  • I've seen many comedy movies in my life, some good and some bad. Some comedy movies involve large quantities of drugs or nudity to support the humor. This movie however shows that with the right amount of goof and whit you can make a most excellent comedy. Big Stan tells the story about a con artist that finds himself a ticket to prison for fraud. This very skinny (please make sure to watch his legs) guy has to survive in prison. Without telling too much about the story involved, this movie makes sure you have a good time. There is a great cast and even the smaller roles are cast with effort. This movie makes you wish every prison out there had their own Big Stan! There aren't many movies this funny and sadly lacking a lot of publicity this movie is a gem among the many lacking comedies.I think a lot of people will find something they like in this movie. Humor is the most difficult thing to transfer across cultures, but this movie has a little something for everyone. From people enjoying easy humor found in stoner comedies to those who love Mr. Bean, this movie uses a great blend of humor.

    This movie will make you laugh beyond a doubt, try it and find your own funny bone.
  • I can say i am Rob Schn....'s fan. I liked this movie, its interesting, doesn't sound or look silly as most of the Adam Sandler's movies does.

    Its quite a entertaining movie and Rob should really come up with more number of movies under his direction. Keeping in mind its his first effort still he did a wonderful job.

    Acting is good by all, good number of laughs.

    Its not an hilarious comedy like hot chick or animal or deuce bigalo but i would say this is good time pass and worth a watch.

    I would recommend you to watch it for Rob Schneider.

    I would give it a sincere 7.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As you can probably guess from the summary i gave i hate this movie with a passion. This is the most disgusting, horrible excuse for a movie i have ever seen. I had the misfortune of wasting $10 of my money as i went to see it at the cinema. So offended was i by the movie i walked out half way though it and i have never walked out of movie until i watched this. The jokes in this movie, if they can be called that are the opposite of funny. The storyline is so utterly ridiculous and absurd, it just gets stupider by the minute. The themes in the movie were so very offensive from the fight scenes in the prison to the main character fearing getting raped in prison. I should have known from the first 5 minutes of the movie it was going to be a crap movie. When he tells the old lady that she should fear getting raped by black men i should have walked out at that moment.

    I don't want to write anymore about this crap movie. I am so ashamed to have wasted my money on this piece of horse manure called Big Stan. I have absolutely no idea how so many people can find this movie funny. This movie is so typical of the long list of trashy movies that Hollywood is making. If anyone reads this, please heed my advice and avoid this movie like the plague. this movie has single handedly put me off going to the cinema forever, and i will not be watching anymore of Rob Schnider's (aka MR can't act, can't direct, isn't funny) films again as long as i'm alive and breathing.
  • It's a light-hearted prison film that works on so many levels. Rob Schneider is back in a role that we all enjoy seeing him in (I've been a fan for a while and liked him in Judge Dredd).

    Rob Schneider plays a character that, initially, you're not sure whether to like him or hate him, but the fact that the character is a wimp is his redeeming quality.

    I'm sure, as the director, Mr. Schneider played a big part in casting, and his taste in beautiful women sure fared him well on this film. The role of the wife, is played by a beautiful actress that's both witty and cleverly, naive.

    I can honestly say, I was entertained throughout. There were a few scenes that had me laughing out loud. Overall, I was pleasantly surprised.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Having only seen a few of Rob Schneider's movies (mostly supporting roles), I'm not really familiar with his work outside the fact that his characters are ridiculously obnoxious and not at all realistic. In seeing this movie, it occurs to me that like his frequent co-star Adam Sandler, he takes the ridiculous side of life and makes it even more ridiculous. Ridiculously so. this is a type of film that I should be outrageously offended by, but the more offensive it got, the more I laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

    You know that this is going to be a comedy of bad taste that, as a timeshare salesman, he attempts to sell a condo to an old lady and gives her a very graphic view of the type of neighborhood it is and what it will become to her. Her reaction is completely off the mark, but it had me laughing hysterically, and from then on, the more ridiculous it became, the harder I found myself laughing.

    Schneider is sentenced to 3 years in prison and given six months to tie up his affairs, during which time he aligns himself with none other than David Carradine who teaches him how to be tough and how to beat anybody in a fight, even the biggest and toughest of prison inmates. What makes this all the funnier is his obsession with not being raped in prison, going through all sorts of ridiculous training exercises and even putting a tattoo in a precarious place to toughen his reputation when he gets in.

    This is gross-out comedy and in really bad taste, so you have to be really open to that sort of humor otherwise it's going to disgust you. Some of the situations go way too far, as they do in the Sandler comedies, so I found myself looking away in a few eew inspiring moments, but I found myself doing more laughing than eye rolling or eewing. Several amusing cameos or supporting performances by familiar actors (Marcia Wallace, Henry Gibson, Sally Kirkland) pad out the cast. So if you can stomach an over-long comedy that often stretches the line of really poor taste you might enjoy this. There are a few touching moments however, so those little bits of sweetness do show this in a different light.
  • chartes17 August 2022
    It is an Interesting idea and very original. The movie has a great cast. Good timing and great jokes. Really more watchable than lots of movies from the 2020's.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I used to think that "Wanted" was the worst film ever made, but now, after seeing "Big Stan" I know that this is the worst film ever made, and not even the movies of Uwe Boll and Ed Wood reach the lowest pits achieved by this horrible piece of trash. No words can describe how bad it is this film. It was the first movie directed by rob Schneider (Possibly the worst comedian of the entire history of cinema: He never made a single good film, he is not funny at all, he is not likable, and he always play disgusting and unlikeable characters) and the result is dreadful at best. The jokes doesn't work, the performances are terrible, and the story is just ugly and disgusting, without any single redeeming value. "Big Stan" is awful beyond words. Avoid this film like plague. The only reason why I'm giving this abomination one star, it's because I can rate it with negatives. "Big Stan" makes "Manos: The Hands of Fate" look like a masterpiece.

  • This one was actually one very funny movie indeed....The fact that Bob actually KNOWS KUNGFU helped the believability a whole lot!

    A lot of sexual talk and innuendo without nudity? Yes, apart from Bob's own naked butt, which I personally didn't find offensive :D....

    Story is not the most original, but who cares when it is executed without flaw, the acting, sets and people are actually believable...


    I would see it again and would probably laugh my ass off just as much. As a matter of fact, I think I am actually going to watch it again tonight.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    However, I can't say, I hate this prison comedy directed and produced by Rob Schneider, who also starred in the film. It was more like a mixed bag for me. There were some parts that was honestly quite funny and entertaining. Yet, there were a lot of moments in the film, that wasn't. Written by Josh Lieb, the film tells the story of a real estate con artist named Stan Minton (Rob Schneider) who panics when he learns that he is going to prison for fraud. Fearing that, he might be rape by the other inmates, he trained himself in the martial arts in order to survive, only to find out that it's the people that run the big house that he needs to watch out for. Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to say, I personally didn't find the jokes too offensive, but I did find the film, badly written. First off, the movie does overuse the 'male penetration' joke, way too much, that it become tiresome. Jokes about it, are recycle, throughout the film. It's annoying, how often, they bring it up. Honestly, the movie would had been a lot funnier, if he thought he would had been rape by these ruffians, only to discover, that the other inmates are civilize gentlemen who doesn't such things. It would make this movie stand out from other prison comedies. Something similar in the line of Rob Schneider's performance in 1993's 'Demolition Man'. Kinda like a fish out of water story. Just saying. Anyways, we don't really see, as the movie spent the first half, parodying martial arts movies like 1984's 'Karate Kid'. While, it was cool to see Stan, train with his mentor, the Master (David Carradine) and become a badass. I just disappointed that it goes in a snail pace. It takes forever for Stan to get to the prison. It's clear from the first half that this prison comedy, was really lacking in direction. The second half of the movie is way different from the first half with the evil warden subplot. It's seems like two different movies. Not only does it seem come out of nowhere, but the warden's action is so clichés. Can't we have a prison movie, with a good warden for once!? Because of this, I felt like, I was watching badly made comedy version of 1994's 'Shawshank Redemption' and 1967's 'Cool Hand Luke'. Yet, I do have to say, I like the appearance of actor, Scott Wilson. He's one of the best things about this movie. He's always great in showing seniority. However, his character's plan doesn't make sense. Wouldn't inciting a riot, be jail time!? Did he not think the prison board wouldn't do an investigation on it? Anyways, I found the 'get rich' plan somewhat stupid. Still, I have to say, the supporting cast that make up the inmates, were also very memorable. My favorite has to be, Bob Sapp as Big Raymond and Henry Gibson as Shorts. Even if they playing one-dimensional parody of characters, we seem before. Nevertheless, I really doubt in real life, the enemies of Stan would be friends with him toward the end, after trying to kill him, in the beginning of the film. It seems a little too unrealistic. Still, I did like how unlikeable Stan had a moral character arch in the film. It really did help, make this movie, somewhat watchable, because I really couldn't stand him, in the beginning. Also, it's nice to see Rob Schneider put some effect in learning, some Martial Arts moves and doing most of his own stunts. It's also nice to see David Carradine pop up here and there parodying his other Kung-Fu related works. I just wish, there was more of a reason on why he was helping Stan. His character seem to come, a bit out of nowhere. Other characters like M. Emmett Walsh as Stan's corrupt lawyer, Lew Popper and Jennifer Morrison as Stan's wife, Mindy was equally as fun to be with. Plus, the movie has a cameo of Rob's best friend, Adam Sandler that most people who watch the film, wouldn't probably notice, unless they saw his name on the credits. It's a small Easter egg. Overall: The offensive dark humor, mean-spirit jokes, crude sexual innuendo, racism and lewd language might turn some viewers away, but for me, it was meh. I saw worst in similar plots like 2016's 'Get Hard'. Still, I really can't recommended watching as the movie is highly pointless and stupid. It's no 2002's '25th hours'. Take this review as get out of jail free card and bypass watching this film.
  • kosmasp4 November 2010
    Suffice to say that this is not a big philosophical study of human behaviour. But you knew that the moment Rob Schneider was looking at you (well not you in particular fashion, but in general the guy/woman who is holding the Disc or is looking at the poster). So if you went ahead to watch it or it stirred enough interest to read about it online, this means you are not exactly appalled by the idea of watching a Rob Schneider movie.

    This means you past test one (unless you are here to read how people smack the movie) and are about to enter the next phase. Like a Karate Kid sort of ... or like a movie say? Of course this is a comedy and strangely enough (for me at least) it was kinda endearing. Through all the faults and wrong choices it took, it had something to it, something silly that was likable. Maybe it is only the fact that Rob Schneider is living the dream of quite a few people here (with a few exceptions to the storyline), especially of his stature, no offense.

    So it is silly, it is filled with many flaws (pacing, jokes that do not hit their marks and quite a few other things), but there is also quite a few things that are nice.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I definitely didn't expect this to be a good comedy...I though this might be like all the other unoriginal, cheap and just plain stupid movies that seem to flood our screens these days. But Big Stan definitely has some classic moments and most of the jokes are timeless...Rob Schneider fans will not be disappointed. The plot is easy going and is not for people who demand sensible twists or credible everyday situations. If I had to describe this movie I would Say it is like the movie 'Felon' being turned into a light 'Scary Movie' version. Having said this 'Big Stan' is not for everyone. It is more aimed at the younger audience or the fans of Rob Scheinder/Adam Sandler .(I am surprised Adam does not appear in this comedy)

    If you just want to laugh this movie is for you!!

  • I love Rob Schneider. He is hilarious, he is pretty cool and he has heart, his movies I mean, and this is one of them. But physically he has also tuned up his muscles to play an unlikely role. It may not be his best but it's his directorial debut and it's something different from his previous movies. This time he has gone kung fu, actually so has the rest of the world of late.

    Stanley (Rob Schneider) is imprisoned for fraud but is given six months of delay before his incarceration begins. During this period, out of fear of being raped in prison, he finds ways to help prepare himself to avoid the harrowing and torturous experience by making himself unrapeable.

    Taking lessons from Master Cho (Simon Rhee, famed for his role in Best of the Best) Stan gets a good thrashing and kicked out when he wanted to handle more than he was able to. And then, out of the darkness, like some martial arts cliché , another master known as The Master (David Carradine of Kung Fu series fame) appears.

    Like many of his other films, there is a heart warming and sweet message that makes the entire movie a wonderful journey. Schneider is rather good in showing off his kung fu skills in the fight scenes, quite a remarkable feat for a man known for his comedic roles. His mom, Pilar, also has a cameo appearance like she does in some of his other movies.

    If you love Rob Schneider you'll love this. How can anyone not love a guy who was an animal, a gigolo, a teenage girl and an inmate who lived to tell about it?
  • It was the worst film of Schneider... yet. The direction (his work), the script, the acting, the whole film. It didn't even have a certain plot.

    I think they decided to go along and just fill the "reel".

    It wasn't even remotely funny.

    Rob, a word of advice, please stick to being a sidekick to Sandler or hire a director for your next effort. I am really angry because not only did I lose my time watching this film but I've also been disappointed by Schneider since I kinda liked his previous films and performances.
  • I guess the movie hasn't gotten enough comments or generated a lot of interest because it hasn't been released in the US. Why, if I'm not mistaken, it was first released in Russia (I don't know why, to test European and Asian markets first, maybe?). Yeah.. It's pretty funny and David Carradine did indeed give a cool scene-stealing performance. I haven't been a big Rob Schneider fan, except for his "You can do it!" appearances in Adam Sandler movies. But this directorial debut might have something more up ahead from Schneider. Not for everyone and definitely has more risqué scenes than other standard Schneider flicks, it's worth checkin' out for some good laughs. BIG STAN may not be a big blockbuster movie but it definitely delivers a lot of fun moments.
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