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  • lee_eisenberg20 November 2022
    If you've grown up in the US, UK or former USSR, you've no doubt learned about the Allies' victory in World War II. But how did it get reported? Eric Simonson's Academy Award-winning documentary "A Note of Triumph: The Golden Age of Norman Corwin" is about a man who reported from the frontlines as the war was ending. I had never heard of Norman Corwin until I saw the documentary, but it helps me understand radio's importance as a means of mass communication back then (TV wasn't yet widespread).

    Another thing that the documentary should remind us: Nazis are the bad guys! Since some famous people call them okay people, it's now more important than ever to emphasize that the Nazis committed unspeakable acts, and anyone who says otherwise needs to get called out.

    Anyway, it's a fine documentary. In addition to some commentary from Corwin* himself, we get commentary from Studs Terkel, Walter Cronkite, Norman Lear and Robert Altman about Corwin's legacy.

    *Corwin was still alive when they made the documentary. He died in 2011.
  • In 1945 SIXTY million people tuned in to hear one radio program, out of a US population then of about 130 million. It was "On a Note of Triumph" by Norman Corwin..the same title as this year's Oscar winner for documentary films. This tribute is well done, including comments from Walter Cronkhite and Robert Altman, among others..and interviews with the 95 year old Corwin who is still teaching.

    I have 2 objections to the film (1) the producers failed to interview Corwin's number one; (2) not enough people will see it and realize that the things Corwin hoped we had learned from WW2 we still have not learned today. Perhaps if enough people see this new tribute, we will learn--at last.
  • I loved the film and felt that the words of Norman Corwin are as meaningful today as they were in the forties and fifties. What an ideal film to make part of a modern history curriculum in both high school and college. It is also a great review of journalism when it was at a higher level-- journalist as essayist. It is a reminder of the 4th estate as a significant player in current events.

    The score accompanying this documentary is very varied and poignant--I found it a great setting for Corwin's persona--I hope it will get some more press. I look forward to the film being more widely available and the soundtrack as a promoted CD for purchase.