User Reviews (2)

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  • w3bw18 July 2006
    I have seen several episodes. This is "must see" reality TV. It is awesome! Wonderfully entertaining, sexy and funny. Great production, super casting, excellent camera work and editing. "Survivor" take a back seat.

    I can't wait for this to air so I can TIVO it and watch it over and over. I also learned a lot about how to deal with my own personal life. There are life lessons in this series, and the series should become a regular. I want to see more and more episodes.

    This series is a video textbook on interpersonal relations, dealing with hidden feelings, airing one's grievances. It is Festivus, all year around.

    Kudos to the executive producer for this gift of entertainment that keeps on giving.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It is appalling that, at the time of writing, this program has an average rating of 4.0, since this *really* is "Must-See" Reality TV as the previous reviewer states. So there are two questions: "Why is this must-see?" and "Why is the rating so low?"

    Most of "Reality TV" is, let's admit it, utterly pointless. The various competitions like "The Amazing Race" & co. are just a variation of TV competitions that have existed for decades. And "The Bachelor" & co are just guilty pleasures - I myself admit to have enjoyed both "Flavor of Love" and "Rock of Love" plus their respective spin-offs immensely, because they allowed us, the regular people, to laugh at celebrities and would-be-celebrities expense. To be fair, Brett Michaels actually proved to be pretty decent guy for a rocker.

    The creator of "The X-Effect" is, without a doubt, a twisted genius. The premise of the show is to *entertain* the viewers by offering the participating couples temptation which is likely to *break* relationships. Now if that isn't morally dubious, I don't know what is. But, there is justification for all this and that is what makes this show *possibly* the greatest reality TV show I've ever seen.

    The justification for messing with the participants' relationships is the fact that the participants are offered *chances* to cheat their current partners (O) with their exes (X). If they succumb to temptation, it is their own responsibility to deal with the aftermath. No-one is forcing them. And this offers us great insight into the human soul. Sure, we don't know how many episodes were discarded because the participants *didn't* succumb to temptation even a little, but that does not matter. What matters is that the show makes a clear statement that a *significant enough* amount of people are hypocrites that are subject to make *human* errors in judgment.

    Also, unlike most reality shows, this one offers the possibility of several outcomes:

    1) X1 chooses to stay with O1 and the X2 chooses to stay with O2, and it's a happy ending for all.

    2) As above, but one or both of the Os has seen too much and breaks up with their X. One or both starting couples break up.

    3) As in 1) but the Xs have a one night stand which they are forgiven of by their Os (this has actually happened).

    4) As in 1) but the Xs have a one night stand and the Os decide to have one too. Everyone forgives (this too has actually happened!).

    5) As in 4) but one or both starting couples break up because of the mutual cheating.

    6) X1 chooses to try again with X2 and vice versa. O1 and O2 become dumped.

    7) As above, but O1 and O2 start dating too. Possibly while the Xs are cheating on them.

    8) One X chooses to try again with the other X, who chooses to stay with their O. One of the starting couples breaks up.

    9) As above, but the O in question has seen too much and breaks up with their X. Both starting couples break up.

    10) Use your imagination.

    In any case, the end result exposes what *all* participants *really* are like. The masks come off. Utterly fascinating, thought-provoking and often troubling in the end. Do people who end up succumbing to temptation *really* believe beforehand that they won't? What does this tell us? Is *that* why the rating is so low? Because the voters like to think they wouldn't succumb? A 9/10 food for thought.