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  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a typical day at the precinct. The most interesting thing that has happened is that Wojciehowicz has brought in some brownies his girlfriend baked. Only there's something he doesn't know about those brownies...

    What "The Naked Time" did for "Star Trek", this episode does for "Barney Miller," but with laughs. An excellent episode with flat-out drug humor that they could never get away with today. We get to see a whole new side of the detectives, and the cast members get to really really stretch their parts without breaking character. And Fish's last scene is not to be missed!
  • "Hash" is deservedly one of the best remembered episodes, as Wojo brings in a box of brownies baked by his latest girlfriend (she gets turned on by police officers), which has interesting side effects on anyone who eats them. Not knowing they are laced with hashish, all except Barney partake of the goods, and soon enough, people begin acting funny (VERY funny). We have a Polish actor (Walter Janowitz, 5 episodes) dueling sabers with a Polish critic (George Perina), and Michael Tucci ("Grease"), in his first of four appearances, popping in long enough to make an impression, after 'the old guy' Fish belied his years and successfully caught up with his burglar (Fish: "whaddaya think you're playing with, kids?"). Ed Peck appears as Officer Frank Slater, an old friend of Fish from his long ago academy days, when Slater lost the dancing Bernice to our favorite 'tired old cop,' but still seems to have the hots for her (Slater returned once in "The Harris Incident"). Wojo has been ingesting brownies all day, but claims "I don't feel a thing." Fish is saddened by the knowledge: "first time in 20 years I felt really good, and it has to be illegal!" The overbearing Levitt naturally assumes he'll be required to cover things up, to Barney's consternation. Nick has been dunking brownies in his coffee, making them soft and "mooshy mooshy mooshy!" Harris is the first to recognize the symptoms, but insists he's "sharp as a tack!" When Nick starts singing and dancing, Capt. Miller realizes something's wrong (Yemana: "Barney, Barney, Barney, here's your mother from Killarney!"). Nick is escorted home by Harris after asking if anybody's seen his legs: "they're about that long, ten toes, one of 'em's busted!" Barney instructs Harris to "stay home until you feel better" (Harris: "okay Barn, I'll stay, but I ain't never gonna feel no better!").
  • a_schedel21 August 2020
    This episode is so full of great laughs, it's worth re-watching over & over. I've found I missed stuff while giggling through great lines I catch the next time I watch it. This episode should be granted a special Emmy award.
  • Without a doubt one of the best and funniest episodes of the whole series! The personality changes of the detectives who ate the brownies to how Barney deals with them makes for great laughs!
  • This has always been my favorite of all Episodes. It is hilarous from beginning to end and barely gives you time to recover from laughing (first time anyone was happy for a commecial break) before the next zinger.

    It really showcases the acting and comedic talents of all the cast and lets Jack Soo cut loose and act silly. Hal Linden shows you his outstanding comedic timing as the straight man to the crazy antics of the others. His facial expressions and double takes just added extra laughs to the jokes.

    I especially love how each of the detectives character traits were emphasized by the hash. Brilliant job and superb writing that is sadly lacking these days.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Working long, ridiculous hours, especially in the summer months, put enormous pressure on my health when running an ice cream store. The business was abundant and customer flow was never-ending. The register was full but My stamina was gone. I needed a boost to handle the harvest. Around the corner from my establishment was an apartment complex famous for the drugs that are available. I had a huge clientele which was mainly drug dealers and strung-out addicts. One such customer offered me some cocaine and it was love at first sniff. The situation comedy of the mid-1970's Barney Miller focuses on the internal operations of a police station. The majority of the show takes place in the dingy, run-down office shared by New York City detectives. Two jail cells are in the background and the Captain's office is off to the left. The star of the show Police Captain Barney Miller (Hal Linden) is pretty much the proverbial sensible, straight man for the diverse collection of detectives that work under his command. The majority of the shows have a male-dominated cast with women only shown when violated or arrested. In this episode. Oh, did I mention this is a comedy? Anyway, Detective Wojciehowicz or Wojo for short played by Max Gail brings in a shoebox filled with Brownies from his new love interest (not shown), Gloria. The treats are well received and consumed while the b story in the show unfolds. Signs of change unfold as the brownies are laced with hashish and have an effect on each of the detectives who ingested them. The detective with the lowest resistance to the cannabis-laden goodies is our deadpan Asian Detective Nick Yemana played by Jack Soo. The Detective instantaneously breaks into song and the rest is comedic hysteria as I personally broke into laughter. Meanwhile, the senior Detective who always complains of aches and pains Phil Fish (Abe Vigoda) who also munched on the brownies couldn't wait to tell his partners how wonderful he feels for the first time in years only to learn it was the chemically enhanced treats that are in his system. Well-written script by. Tom Reeder and Danny Arnold but the experiential acting abilities of the stellar cast are paramount. Watched this episode many years later and it still has that lasting effect much like the brownies. As for my cocaine problem, I learned there are no quick fixes when it comes to responsibility and hard work. Took months to get off the drug and my business and bank account suffered.