User Reviews (3)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    When there are murders in Los Angeles and the victims are prostitutes with a found client list, Priority Homicide gets the case to solve. The only noticeable brush with opposition in the LAPD is with Captain Taylor with his evil demeanor towards Brenda. Harsh words are exchanged near the onset from Taylor yet Brenda handles it professionally, mostly by ignoring him after he has his say. Brenda has a murder to solve, later developing into two murders, same weapon, same M.O., with few clues to lead her and an unrelenting FBI. Perseverance wins over as Brenda hunts down the serial killer getting an admission of guilt from him, but informing the young man between he and the FBI, she is forced to let him go free. He is soon done in by the hands of his own corrupt family. Brenda responds to Agent Howard, so, the world is short another budding serial killer, when hearing the man was found murdered with his throat slit. Brenda is able to turn over to Agent Howard Chief Pope's friend in place of the slain killer. Stana Katic has a guest role in episode three, four years prior to Castle.

    The story centers on the FBI protecting the killer who they are hoping to use against his family in their heroin operation run by the father. A similar murder is found, same M.O., same weapon, where the second victim was pregnant by the suspect. He in turn has an alibi confirmed by the FBI, but Brenda proves the government is ignoring the suspect's behavior because they want him to testify against his father's organization. Brenda want the two young women's murderers brought to justice, forget about the FBI. After she lets the killer implicate himself, Pope stops her asking, what did you just do? Brenda pulls both pictures of the slain girls from her purse, holding them up for Pope to see. Pope silently eyes the photos, turns, and walks away, while Brenda clutches the pictures, looking forlorn.

    This is an especially good episode, mind that it is only number three, because there is no boundary for Brenda to stop at in finding justice. She was not going to cave until the killer was found in the interview room. I am pro-Brenda, achieving justice for all; definitely worth watching.
  • I will start by saying that justice was done. Since this is only the third of the series I've watched, it woulds seem that she has been granted an awful lot of power, and that her decisions in the real world are a but outside what would really be possible. Here, she goes to the ultimate underdogs, women who are traded by the Russian mob as prostitutes, for their and their hangers ons pleasure. Their deaths are meaningless to them and to the law enforcement that is hoping to make a big splash, going after the bosses. One young man becomes her principle target and while probably getting what he deserves from his own people, it's a but more than we wold probably see in such a closed society.
  • This is the first ep where we see Brenda Leigh chose to be judge, jury, and executioner as well as the ends justify the means. The subject truly makes us the viewer have to make a choice whether we will go along with Brenda Leigh becoming a vigilante.