User Reviews (2)

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  • Fred gets hit with a bowling ball and Barney searches for a doctor.

    One of Season 5's funniest. They end up in the laboratory of mad Dr. Len Frankenstone, a take off on Ben Casey, a current hit doctor show with Vince Edwards. There is also Dr. Zero, a parody of Sam Jaffe's Dr. Zorba. Len switches personalities first of Fred and Dino, later between Fred and Barney. When Wilma and Betty arrive, the husbands get switched with the wives. A pop culture reference to the Beatles is made when Dino is listening to the Beagles, a group of English kids on the radio.
  • rgxdzrybr16 July 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    In only the second episode to have a new voice for Betty much of the episode is spent with the characters having each other's voices!

    An accident at the bowling alley sends Barney and Fred looking for a doctor but the doctor is more into his experiments. What results is constant shifting identities especially when Betty, Wilma and Dino join them along with a more traditional doctor.

    Very funny episode nothing too scary despite the set up . Fred largely takes it in stride which is an interesting contrast compared to his sometimes irritable nature. It's actually the others that find it more disturbing. Part of it is that Fred's accident affected him and his ability to think or talk clearly. The other thing is that the doctor didn't really cure Fred it seems he just snapped out of it. The main problem is how the doctor's experiment affected everyone. It has something of a Halloween vibe to it . The ending has Barney tricking Fred and Fred easily falling for it! It also leads to another search for another doctor after another accident!