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  • ACriticalCritic13 November 2020
    This is one of my all time favorite episodes from the whole series. I can't quite explain why though. I guess drunk Ted is fun to watch for starters! I also enjoyed seeing Winnie from The Wonder Years. The mysterious Pineapple. Just a lot of fun.

    This is one of those episodes that randomly have stood out in my memory when I recall this series and will always be a top 5 favorite.
  • bevo-1367814 June 2020
    Warning: Spoilers
    I like the bit where they ate the pineapple at the end
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a very entertaining episode about Ted trying to figure out what he did during the night he was drunk and blacked out. I must say I really liked drunk Ted, he is hilarious.

    And so was trying to understand what he did that night and who is that girl in his bed. I was actually thinking it was Robin from the very start, but unfortunately it wasn't. It was Trudy, performed by Danica McKellar whom we all know from the Wonder Years.

    I think the calls he made to Robin were very great though. Don't know why she worried so much about it, drunk friends let their friends be stupid and don't have talks about it after!.

    And I really want to know where the pineapple came from...
  • Another quality episode of "How I Met Your Mother" as we head towards the middle of the first season.

    Plot In A Paragraph: After sucking down a ton shots at the bar, Ted blacks out. He wakes up the next morning with a sprained ankle, a burned jacket, a phone number written on his arm, a pineapple on his dresser, and an unknown woman face down in his bed. With the help of his friends, They attempts to piece together precisely what happened the night before.

    All the gang are playing their roles well now, and it's obvious that they all genuinely get on too.

    What's also obvious is that Ted (Josh Radnor) still clearly has feeling for Robin (Cobie Smulders) despite dating his ex Natalie for a spell and hooking up with someone called Trudy in this episode, it's obvious who he wants to be with, despite his denials.
  • jamariana23 July 2017
    Drunk Ted sure seems a blast, or a pain in the ass - you decide. Me, personally, I think he seems like a blast, but that's probably because I am very much like Ted when I am drunk... This was a wonderful episode showing how whimsical, passionate, and entertaining Ted is. Various members of the gang take care of Ted and bring him to bed, but like the party-animal he is he sneaks out and gets into more trouble each time. In all fairness, he doesn't actually do anything too crazy or regrettable.

    We've all drunk-texted or dialed people to embarrassing consequences (there's an archive somewhere out there of all my freshman year antics, I'm sure). We've all made mistakes that we only discover upon our awakening sometime in the middle of the next day (or early in the morning, if you're like me and can't sleep hungover). We've all made absolute fools of ourselves in front of a room full of strangers, surely. The episode is really quite funny, at least to me.