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  • So their co-workers can all attend, Amy suggests Ginger and Reggie join her and Bobby Lee in a double wedding ceremony held at the restaurant.

    Weddings at Above the Top have never been a series strong suit and this episode is no exception. It's not particularly humorous nor heartwarming. The opening scene where Dot is "distressing" a pair of jeans with a razor blade is interesting because of how new the fad was at that time. Today, it is merely ordinary.

    It is funny when Amy opens the package containing her Mama's wedding dress and Jan points out that it came from a maternity shop. Amy and Ginger have a nice "I'm-gonna-miss-you" moment.

    The ceremony scene is nothing special, but at least they didn't hold it in the kitchen like they did at Jan and Richie's wedding. Ginger sings a solo before the two couples are wed.