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  • Now that Roe has been overturned by the activist conservative Supreme Court this episode becomes more pointed. This episode helps to expose the lies and warped motives of the anti choice right wingers who will take their fanatical beliefs to an extreme where they will take a human life to protect an embryo. Nicely exposes their hypocrisy in claiming to protect unborn life but are willing to force their religious beliefs on others and smear good doctors and others and go so far as to murder those same doctors in order to defend those beliefs. While Goren is his usual genius self, this episode is largely seen through Eames.
  • All the previous episodes of 'Law and Order: Criminal Intent' are in my opinion very good to brilliant, such a promising standard for so early on which one doesn't always get with shows, which is a mix of being great from the get go, solid but a little unsettled at first but gets better and doesn't ever take off. There are numerous examples of all three, 'Law and Order: Criminal Intent' fits more in the first category though also got better as it progressed.

    While "The Third Horseman" is an interesting episode and it is not a bad one at all (far from it), by 'Law and Order: Criminal Intent' standards at this point it is a little disappointing and for me it was the weakest of the season in comparison to the previous ten episodes. The previous episodes generally had cases that grabbed me a little more, had more tension (especially "Jones", one of the season's best) and were more balanced.

    "The Third Horseman" had a subject matter that is a difficult one to handle, with abortion being so controversial (personally don't know what my stance on it is as there are people for it, people against it and people who can see it from both sides). It is interestingly done enough and raises some interesting points worth pondering upon, but more subtlety wouldn't have gone amiss and there could have been a more balanced view perhaps of it, rather than making it obvious from the get go what side it's on. Am not sure what the episode's general critical reception is, but with such a controversial subject matter and viewers being on both extremes it wouldn't be surprising if it's a divisive one.

    Regarding the case itself, it intrigues, it is always great to see how the characters work and their methods on solving a case and it isn't too obvious (apart from the identity of the killer, with suspects being too few, the motive though was less guessable), but it could have been tauter and had more tension. The character interaction and chemistry stuck in my mind more.

    In that regard, most noteworthy are the increasing friction between Eames, with the case and subject hitting home with her, and Carver and agreed Goren's appeal to the anti-violence protester. The writing is not perfect but it does provoke though and there are perceptive moments, especially Goren's response when asked about what his feelings are and what he says is very true (it is him at his most honest and perceptive up to this point of the show).

    Vincent D'Onofrio shows why he was a perfect choice for Goren and Robert Stanton is a strong presence as Griscom. For me though this is Kathryn Erbe's episode, she has some of her meatiest material yet and brings both edge and pathos to it.

    Not a perfect episode or a great one, but interesting and worth a view. 7/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Pro-abortion episode of CI about an abortion doctor who gets rifle-shot while in his living room with his daughter, the marksman quite efficient from a major distance. There's a website with the names of doctors and the addresses of their clinics, and a slash appears through the name of the one who was shot..a kill list which is protected by the First Amendment. Besides the belief that murdering doctors saves babies, Denis(Robert Stanton), the shooter, could actually have other reasons for deciding to kill..a past incident in his life in regards to a former pregnant love who got an abortion because she didn't want the life he felt they should have. The abortion issue takes center stage as we see how Eames is stressed about a type of religious fanaticism which motivates acts of violence. Goren has a great scene where he appeals to an anti-violence protester for the whereabouts of Denis, hoping to get an understanding as to his mindset. Interesting friction develops between Eames and Carver over the issue of abortion as well. Eames even asks how Goren feels and he does believe that a life is full of uncertainty, people have options and that abortion should be one of them. It's quite obvious how these writers stand on the issue of abortion, Christian beliefs seemingly held with a bit of contempt..not so much is the belief that life is sacred explored(this is often the underlying issue anti-abortion protesters challenge towards those who decide to perform or have them)as the questioning of using violence for violence. In this episode's case, though, Goren learns that perhaps Denis is targeting certain individuals for the child he was denied, so it does goes beyond just the abortion debate..the idea that Denis substitutes "It's God's will" or "I'm a soldier in God's army" in the place of other ulterior motives, like "wounded pride."
  • I am a real fan of "Law & Order Criminal Intent" but, this episode was. A bit of a Croc... Too many goofs ..!

    When Goren posed as a down & out in the "St Marks' Mission" It was noticeable that the seating positioning of the Homeless, to where the Police were situated changed when Goren produced his badge. Eames was no-where in that Mission kitchen, and the table directly behind 'Griscom' had no-one directly behind him or, no food trays placed there! When Goren suddenly produced his Police badge, and the Police Officers seated to the right-side of Goren revealed themselves to Griscom, there, conveniently, appeared 'Eames'!!!...directly behind 'Dennis Griscom??? Notice the food trays placed in-front of her on the table directly behind him? This was an obvious Goof..!! (As there had been No Food Trays there, nor was she there either beforehand??) It was so noticeable it was ridiculous!... How on earth could you not notice two Police Officers and Food Trays appearing from Nowhere behind Griscoms' back? You can obviously see that there were only Officers to the right side of Goren sat directly on the opposite side, then, to the opposite side of the table behind Griscom..??? It looked ridiculous ! If you have the opportunity to watch this episode, please note this Goof...Blimp..!!

    Another point is: Eames' character can be so irritatingly annoying, as she never seems to have any sympathy or empathy towards the victims..especially Her partnership with Goren is quite like being his assistant. Also, (why does Goren always have to explain himself to her) 'Goren' is a one man show and, his unconventional detective style character, is truelly refreshing...!

    He really does seem to do all the work and investigations. Whilst Eames' character only seems to follow...She lacks humour and emotion..! Her character seems to omit the understanding of human nature and compassion, and never does she console the those whom are hurting or grieving. Goren seems to address her on this issue frequently but he just receives negative responses back from hers. Being a police officer and detective, doesn't mean you should lack empathy (as each case warrants a different response or resolution) Goren appears much more emotional and empathetic! The partnership is a weird one..'Eames' doesn't seem to have the instincts or ability required what so-ever to be a homicide detective. Goren puts her to shame...!!!

    How was this partnership even considered? Also, which casting director thought that Kathrye Erbe (Alex' Eames) was good for this role? Wrong choice!

    I find her to be quite tedious and a pint sized boring actress, devoid of emotion and sincerity...(Unconvinced).!!!

    Where-as "Vincent D'onofrio" Is A Superb Actor and A Great Choice for the character of Bobby "Goren" He really has made this character his own..(Totally Convinced)..Hopefully this series continues... 'Eames' character should soften a little and develop empathy!! Hopefully, she begins to work along side 'Goren' without second guessing his every move and questioning his every word!. She doesn't seem to have any opinions of her own until Goren makes a suggestion. Why this partnership.:( Is she even qualified to deal with the caseloads they both work together on, without Gorens' input..she'd be out of her depth...Tiny and Minùte in comparison... In series 1 ep 13, an undercover fbi agent referred to Eames previous job position as playing an undercover woman of the street, before transferring to The Crime Squad...Even he found it questionable:( Mix-it-up-abit with a better, more convincing actress..!!!