User Reviews (3)

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  • pensman10 February 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    Not one of my favorite TV shows. I liked Andy Griffith but there were cast members I just couldn't stand so I seldom watched. However, this episode is very clever. Much of it is told in episodic cuts on a talk show—WBN Hollywood Today-- that is devoting an hour to covering the murder of a TV programming chief. The format is clever with a number of cameos by TV stars who provide snippet interviews on the supposed talk show. One can imagine while the comments are aimed at an imaginary character that the stars had real people in mind. Look for a small role by Aneta Corsaut (Mrs. Ida Stillman ) who played teacher Helen Crump on the old Andy Griffith Show. It may take a while for Ben to find the killer and here we go from the video tape to the super eight film. A nice episode of nostalgia cleverly done. Sorry, no real give-away clues; just watch for fun and memories and see which stars are still working today. (2017)
  • Seems like Access Hollywood was designed to imitate this format - and if you like gossip shows, you should like this episode
  • ThunderKing625 June 2019
    Terrible Episode. I didn't like it.

    So uninteresting. they tried to be creative but it just didn't work for me.