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  • "Queen for a Minute" is yet another male chauvinist episode, Laurie's friend Frankie (Tracy Brooks Swope) turned down by the varsity basketball coach (Ken Swofford, previously seen in "Go Directly to Jail") because she's a girl, Laurie deciding to run for homecoming queen on her usual feminist platform. Meanwhile Keith, who never seems to learn, convinces popular Jerry Bishop (Chris Beaumont, a familiar face from THE BRADY BUNCH) to throw his hat in the ring and run for homecoming queen against his own sister. The results are expected and desultory, with newcomer Derrel Maury making only his second television appearance; best remembered for starring in 1976's "Massacre at Central High," he would reunite with Susan Dey in the 1981 thriller "Looker." At the start of a five decade career, Tracy Brooks Swope was the daughter of TV producer/director Herbert B. Swope Jr. And actress Margaret Hayes (she was named for her mother). The featured song is the solid rocker "Money, Money" (composed by Wes Farrell, Bobby Hart, and Danny Janssen), released as the B-side of the tenth and final single, "Looking for a Good Time" (issued Nov 1973), both tracks appearing on the eighth and last LP BULLETIN BOARD (issued Oct 1973).