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  • A little boy has leukemia. His prognosis is that he will live about six months. His parents, desperate for a solution, decide to listen to the idiot medical examiner and push for cryonics. This, of course, is the idea of being frozen and then thawed when a cure is found for that disease. There are so many factors that make this ridiculous, but hope is hope. What about the simple fact that a world of frozen corpses need the frigid temperatures and oversight while wars rage and people get complacent. What about power failures and storms. Then there is the fact that a ten year old boy would need to be killed (frozen) so his body could be stored. The ministers get into it. Jill gets into it. Jimmy speaks his mind and is seen in a negative way And the judge is expected to rule on a solution that has no medical feasibility. It was a good episode for one to think about. By the way, Adam Arkin is a really good lawyer for these cases. I hope he appears more.