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  • Warning: Spoilers
    A new boy joins Hedges' class - Panalal Datta - who is only there temporarily until he returns to India. Hedges is unhappy because he feels his class is full enough already.

    Word gets out about the new arrival. At the next meeting of the Teachers & Parents Association, the only parents who turn up are Panalal's.

    5C like Panalal, and are fascinated by his wealth of knowledge on Indian culture.

    The next meeting of the T.P.A. is packed to the rafters, now that Panalal has gone home, and much to Potter's disgust as he has not provided enough refreshment...

    Interesting if underdeveloped culture clash episode. Note the amused reaction of the studio audience when Panalal first appears. Thankfully we are spared one of those head waggling 'goodness, gracious me' stereotypes so beloved of sitcom writers. Its the adults rather than the children who show most disdain for Panalal's presence, which if nothing else, leaves the viewer with a glimmer of hope for the future. One wishes this had been a two-parter, all the same.

    Funniest moment - Mrs.Abbott recounting her medical problems to Hedges in a café, and putting him off his meal!