- Chevy Chase: You're probably pretty ready for the job... we got one more, kinda psychological test, just a word association, I'll, uh, just throw out a few words, anything that comes to your mind, just throw back at me, ok, just an arbitrary kinda thing, so if I said "dog", you'd say...
- Richard Pryor: Tree.
- Chevy Chase: Tree! Dog...
- Richard Pryor: Tree.
- [Chevy continues through several inoffensive words]
- Chevy Chase: Negro?
- Richard Pryor: Whitey.
- Chevy Chase: Tar baby...
- Richard Pryor: Whadja say?
- Chevy Chase: Tar baby...
- Richard Pryor: Ofay!
- Chevy Chase: Colored?
- Richard Pryor: Redneck!
- Chevy Chase: Jungle bunny!
- Richard Pryor: Peckerwood!
- Chevy Chase: Burrhead!
- Richard Pryor: Cracker!
- Chevy Chase: Spearchucker!
- Richard Pryor: White trash!
- Chevy Chase: Jungle bunny!
- Richard Pryor: Honky!
- Chevy Chase: Spade!
- Richard Pryor: Honky Honky!
- Chevy Chase: NIGGER!
- Richard Pryor: *DEAD* HONKY!
- Chevy Chase: And now, as a service for our viewers, here is Garrett Morris to provide the headlines for the hard of hearing. Today's top story; Generallisimo Francisco Franco is still dead
- Garrett Morris: [shouting] Today's top story: Generallisimo Francisco Franco is still dead.
- Chevy Chase: Ok, you're qualified for this job, how about a starting salary, $5000?
- Richard Pryor: Yo mama!
- Chevy Chase: Um, $7500 a year...
- Richard Pryor: Yo GRAND-mama!
- Chevy Chase: Fifteen thousand dollars a year, Mr. Wilson, you'll be the highest paid janitor in America, just don't, don't hurt me!
- Richard Pryor: Ok. You want me to start now?
- Chevy Chase: Oh, no no no, it's alright, I'll clean all this up. Take a couple weeks off, you look tired!