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  • It is not easy exploring a difficult subject like pollution in a way that's entertaining or accessible for younger viewers. It is though an important topic to address, it has always been relevant, still is and is something people should be aware of early on in their lives. So, although it didn't entirely succeed, the efforts of a show usually known for its razor sharp wit and wackiness like 'Tiny Toon Adventures' to address it and portray it in its usual style were laudable.

    Here is again a three segment episode (most of the show's episodes were segment structured and often of three), all centered around pollution in some form. First up being "No Deposit, No Return" with Plucky (in superhero form) and Elmyra. Second is "Jungle Bunny" with Buster and Babs. Third and last is "Waste Deep in Wackyland" with Montana Max. On the whole, the episode was a good try and has a lot to recommend (even providing solutions for solving problems) but doesn't quite come off fully.

    The best segment is by far "Jungle Bunny", due to being the closest the episode came to capturing the show's wackiness and classic Looney Tunes' wit. That it comes from two of the show's best characters, Buster and Babs, that are the best at delivering the type of humour 'Tiny Toon Adventures' has. The wraparound story also comes over very well, Babs in her Tinkerbunny form is the perfect character to feature in this story and what is so great about Babs' character is very much obvious here too.

    Didn't think that the other segments were as good. "Waste Deep in Wackyland" is amusing, seeing Gogo Dodo was great and Max has grown on me overtime, though it could have afforded to have been wackier and more imaginative. Didn't really know what to make of "No Deposit, No Return". It has amusing moments and Plucky is great fun, but nothing is hilarious or inspired, Plucky and Elmyra's chemistry doesn't gel (partly because one character is much stronger and much more appealing than the other in personality) and is a little heavy-handed. Something that was the case with some of the episode in general too, the heavy-handedness that is.

    Animation is vibrantly coloured and beautifully rich in detail, not just the backgrounds but also the expressions and reactions of the characters which are wonderfully loony. The music is dynamic and characterful as always and the theme song has always brought a smile to my face. Something that was the case when a child and still is now. A vast majority of the characters are well characterised, with only Elmyra not doing anything for me. All the voice acting is on the money.

    Laudable try on the whole if not a complete success. 6/10
  • coti-0955324 November 2020
    Best Plot!

    Good genuine plot for this episode.

    The sequences are fierce and good.

    Great characters specs included!

    10 / 10 stars.
  • Wow, I'm surprised! This is one of my favorite episodes! Next to Citizen Max, and Fields Of Honey, this made me laugh all the way! My favorite segment was ''Waste Deep in Wackyland'', where Montana Max opened his pollution-free factory and toured around with the news cast. Then, he breaks the fourth wall and tells the kids to not leave any garbage lying around, and winks with his right eye. Then, he makes a cute face expression at the end. Love it so much, and clearly was the best!