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  • mathias_f26 December 2006
    (Review in English, since Swedish is not allowed)

    I saw this movie with extremely low expectations, and I can sadly inform you that the movie barely lived up to them.

    As much as I loved to see Janne "Loffe" Karlsson on the big screen again, the writers should have realized early in the scriptwriting process that seven people falling into the water, isn't original or funny. The story is very thin and the jokes are used and predictable, the ones that ain't, is just plain boring. I smiled like three times during the entire film.

    The placement of Swedish Findus products is (unintentionally) funny, why not just a big sign saying; "Findus made it happen!".

    Göta Kanal 2 doesn't need to be seen at the cinema or on DVD, just wait for it to air on TV, it wont take too long.
  • OK now, lets see. What was funny in the first movie? I know, people with funny accents, people falling into the water, silly boat crashes and funny comments between the two teams. In this movie they have twisted the accent part to the max, no good. A whole a lot of people are falling into the water for uncertain reasons, no good. Boatcrash, check. Funny comments between the two teams, they tried but failed. Also, there are too may personalities they are following in this movie. This film should be about what is happening on the water, not on land. I am sorry to say that there is too far between the funny parts and the sponsors of the film are exploited to the max. No good. All in all, I give it four out of ten since it has some funny parts.
  • ...for one of the worst Swedish movies ever...forgive me for being dull.

    First of all i haven't seen the first one (i was bored that's my reason for watching the 2nd before the 1st one), well i hope the first one is better than this, it was filled with weird cut scenes and very strange plot changes, For the people that have seen this and think 4/10 is high (belive me so do i), but it made me laugh a few times, because it was so bizarre so bad and i still laugh thinking of the punk that came up with this idea, what's next "Det sjunde inseglet II". Sequels not based on novel or book doesn't turning out great to often, and this is a perfect example of one.

    OK i'm gonna be honest with you: i did laugh a bit, it got a few decent jokes in it and slapstick humor. But don't buy it, rent it. Just let some other idiot do it or download it.

    4/10 This movie will be remembered and the director is probably laughed out already...
  • henrik-372 February 2008
    This must be one of the worst Swedish movies ever made.

    It is embarrassing that such a bad script was allowed to become a movie and shown in cinemas as recently as year 2006.

    I've never seen so many visible sponsored products in one and the same movie. It shouldn't be that obvious.

    I can't understand why so many known actors even thought the idea to even be visible in a movie like this. If I had any respect for some of the known actors in this movie before I saw the movie, it is gone for sure now.

    I've heard that there will be a follow up movie to this one and I can't understand how that is even possible.
  • jetset_200228 January 2007
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is not a movie. This is a bad draft of a bad script directed by a bad director. I seriously considered asking for my money back.

    The movie is bad on so many levels, but as i just saw it and are still upset i have to get a few things of my chest so i can sleep tonight without nightmares.

    . When she shoots the firework, where does the firework go? . Why did the bartender put the Viagra shot back on the counter? . Isn't the canonist supposed to fall into the water? Whats the fun otherwise? - Why the elements of violence? - Why the aggravated upset screaming that are not comic but just bad acting? - Why not making something funny out of härenstanms mud Hitler mustache - the only time i actually smiled in the movie? - Why not delete jokes that are so obviously lame it ruins the flow, like the taking away of the ladder? - Whats up with the two depressing girls with coffee and fishing? - He's not Italian - hes like Turkish! Italians don't wear gold chains and tacky stuff. - When the guy gets real drunk, why have him saying something negative, why not something pathetic to make it FUNNY? - Why, oh why, are people in the movie angry looking 90% of the time? - Why did the cop steal the Ferrari? Is that funny? And why the *** didn't the Italian guy take his bike, that would actually be pretty funny. - What was up with the couple in the sailboat? What was their purpose? - Why did the nerdy guy hook up with the Filmer? We don't like the nerdy guy! We must like him to like them falling in love! - The snuff scene is disgusting and stupid and makes you NOT fall in "movie-love" with the girl. - Why just relying on accents being funny without actually people saying something funny, like when the couple recognizes the limo driver on the paparazzi-shot. - HOW did she get to buy the dog? Did she turn around and go after the car with the dog? - The gay guy with the dog was the only funny character in the movie. - Why choose a director with obviously no sense of humour him self. This is "comedy" according to a child, plus spoiled by negative energy, violence and screaming. - Why a "race", they meet up at every "sluss" anyways? - Why would people watch such a boring docusope, with no elements of voting out people or drama. - Girls Don't whats docusoaps because of sex, they do it because of drama and relationship related stuff - guys like sex. - Even if they had have sex, where was the person to shoot it?

    Yiiiikes! Don't do it, don't see it. Ever.
  • zeo-trope8 December 2006
    The story line was very straight forward and easy to follow and contained a lot of no-brainer comedy to a point where it just got boring. Some of the audience seemed to find it funny but I like more intelligent humor.

    There were several known Swedish actors in the movie and their performance were decent considering the script. Lena Endre was good looking as always.

    I don't remember the original movie so I can't say if it's better or worse.

    If you enjoy movies like Sällskapsresan this movie might be worth taking a look at.
  • This is the follow up to the 1981 classic Göta Kanal or Vem drog ur proppen? I can't believe how stupid this movie was. The script seems to be have been written by a 10 year old. It must be the case cause how many adults laugh their heads of to some minor boat accidents? Not me. I think i smiled once or twice, and that is not good when you watch a comedy is it? To be fair the first one from 1981 wasn't that great either but that one at least had good feel to it. The most annoying thing about this movie is the terrible acting though. I am guessing Lena Endre was paid quite good to appear in this farse. Janne Loffe Carlsson isn't funny anymore either. It's a shame that this one was a big success. Thats the reason why they made an even worse movie than this one. 1 out of 10
  • andreas_dif6 August 2019
    Such a bad script that it make this movie to one of top ten worst swedish movies ever
  • This movie is one exception of the rule that a sequel is worser than the original. Its comedy at its best. This movie is a fast action slapstick comedy where something seems to happened every second. At more than one occasion the entire audience laughed loudly at a joke.

    Its a big advantage to have seen the first movie but its not a requirement.

    Göta kanal 2 also have the advantage of being a parody on the latest decades reality production TV series such as survivor (expediton: Robinson in Swedish) This is a Swedish movie for the Swedish audience. Thus don't see it if you aren't familiar with Sweden and its language. Otherwise: Have fun! Johan
  • elvinlundmark4 March 2021
    This is a very simple an enjoyable movie. Recommend to watch if you just want to forget about the world for a minute and have a laugh.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    To begin with, I loved göta kanal 1, it had a lot of classic jokes including that unlucky guy in the canoe who always seems to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, he is still acting the same guy in the göta kanal 2 movie but in my opinion hes performance is not as funny as it was in the first movie, in fact you don't notice him much at all. A thing that made me think bad about this movie is the choice of boats, in this movie there are only race boats, they sure is speedy but those do not make waves like the big floating mansions used in the first movie, I liked the old ones better and these new boats makes one of the last scenes look ridiculous when the man in the canoe suddenly jumps out of it to evade the "big waves" from those small speedy boats. Truly a minus. You have to accept that we're not living in the same Sweden as in 1974 anymore. This movie also contains a bit more violence than the first one. Although the movie was great all in all. I've just concentrated on some cons that i was disappointed in but the rest of the movie were up to my expectations, so go see it! It's worth the money.