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  • markat1196 March 2015
    Warning: Spoilers
    Kids had a profound effect on me, as a disaffected 15 year old.

    There was this sense of 'look what will happen if you don't buck your ideas up!' and so it became compelling educational viewing.

    Much to my relief all the stories portrayed seemed to be considerably more courageous in their dysfunctional angst than I ever was.Reassured I was a mere lightweight young idiot, I became hooked very quickly.

    The whole series seems lost to time now and that's almost a crime because in so many ways the concept was very brave to tackle such a subject, if a little naive in promoting all carers as benevolent, flawed angels.

    If any criticism could be laid it's that there was almost no humor and no lighter moments. The tone and mood remain dark throughout all of the episodes I can recall, so it wasn't a show you could go to bed peacefully after watching.
  • cmedcm26 February 2023
    Yes I remember watching this. A bunch of children repeatedly shouting 'KIDS' up towards the camera for the opening credits. I was around 8yrs old. I think it featured children from various ethnic backgrounds which was one of the reasons we watched it as there wasn't that much representation at the time.

    There was an episode called 'Gavin'. Must have made an impression on me since I suggested the name for my soon to be born brother which my parents accepted.

    Will check on YouTube for episodes particularly the 'Gavin' one. I have vague memories of it (plus the others) so would like to watch them again and step back into my childhood and catch up.
  • The episode Amanda.. I played Amanda who was a girl who was locked away by her parents and mute. I was saved by my brother, played by (the now famous) Adam Godley. I quit acting 2 years later (wasn't for me) but nice memories. And I have it on DVD to enjoy. I was 9 when the show went out. Am now 50!
  • I have vague memories about this series, which I think was set in some type of children's home, but certain things about it have stuck in my mind since I saw it in 1979; There was no music in the title sequence, just children shouting the name of the series. And also, a large group of children shot from above, came together to form the word "Kids". Each episode was named after the particular child that was featured in it. It was shown on Friday nights around 9pm, and featured some quite hard-hitting episodes; If I recall correctly, one youth who was in the "home" liked to start fires. I think James Hazeldine was the bearded boss of the establishment.

    It was certainly something different, and its hard to imagine such a series being made these days. Personally, I preferred to watch the Professionals on a Friday evening, but that's just me.